4 minute read

Fennec Doubles Down On Lice Protection




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Cyclone prides themselves on providing its customers with affordable, quality steel products. Cyclone troughs are a better performing trough especially when compared to poly or concrete. Cyclone steel troughs can be used as both a permanent (like concrete) and temporary (like poly troughs) depending on your needs.

The hot dipped galvanised steel troughs are built tough, while also being significantly more light weight and portable than concrete troughs. This steel design also prevents common issues such as cracking and puncturing which can often occur with conventional troughs. Steel is also a superior thermal conductor compared to both poly and concrete troughs allowing water to cool a lot quicker at the end of the day.

Cyclone troughs also have hot dipped galvanised removable feet, these feet can be attached and removed to suit your needs. If used these feet allow the trough to sit above ground level allowing air to flow around the trough. This airflow allows the water in the trough to stay cooler which is perfect for hot days. When attached these feet can also make installation and levelling easier with less ground preparation requirements. Peg down points in the feet can also assist with anchoring down the trough.

Cyclone troughs also feature a 4.5” bung, this allows for quick and efficient water removal, making cleaning a breeze. The trough also has a steel valve cover, this cover prevents valve damage by livestock while also giving you easy access to adjust the float.

Cyclone troughs are available in a range of sizes to suit your needs. Standard troughs are available in sizes ranging from 2m with 210L capacity to 5m with 535L capacity, and are ideal for sheep. Cyclones supa trough range is larger and deeper and can hold more water or feed, and are ideal for cattle. The supa troughs are available in sizes ranging from 2m with 390L capacity to 5.8M with 1140L capacity. Cyclone troughs are available now, visit your local Cyclone stockist to get a better trough on your farm today!

“This steel design also prevents common issues such as cracking and puncturing which can often occur with conventional troughs. Steel is also a superior thermal conductor compared to both poly and concrete troughs allowing water to cool a lot quicker at the end of the day.”

Head into your nearest Elders branch to explore the range of Cyclone troughs.


Combination worm control has been widely accepted as a worm management tool for sheep producers for some time, but there has not been a combination product for lice control available – until now.

Fennec, Australia’s first dual combination lice treatment, is quick acting and also offers five-weeks of protection against reinfestation.*

Fennec’s combination of two active ingredients – imidacloprid and abamectin – have given producers a new weapon in the war against lice, which costs the industry $120 million a year1 .

Boehringer Ingelheim’s Cattle and Sheep Technical Manager, Dr Gareth Kelly, says the efficacy of these actives in combination within Fennec will resonate with sheep producers looking for a simple and easy to use treatment to control lice and prevent wool cut losses.

“The combination in Fennec offers sheep producers a solution to safeguard their flock from lice. History has shown that sheep lice are highly capable of developing resistance to single active lousicides, so the use of a combination product can decrease the chance of resistance building up, and help preserve the efficacy of current actives for much longer,” he says.

Dr Yan Laurenson, senior research fellow with the School of Environmental and Rural Science at the University of New England, agrees and says using a dual active is “the responsible thing to do”.

Dr Laurenson, whose research areas include parasite drug resistance, says the chances of lice developing resistance to two actives given at the same time is “very, very small”, and less than if rotating between the use of single active products.

“This (the use of a combination lousicide), is a step beyond using a traditional rotation of single actives, which may inadvertently allow resistance to build,” Dr Laurenson says.

“With lice, the goal is complete eradication. Any lice that may be resistant to the first active will be killed by the second active.” Dr Kelly adds that effective lice control is not just an economic consideration for the producer, but also a big issue for the industry, so a product that can do the job effectively while keeping resistance at bay is a big step forward.

If left unchecked, sheep lice infestations can cause reductions in wool cut of up to 1 kilogram per head. They also downgrade wool quality by increasing the amount of wool placed in inferior lines because of un-scourable colour and cotting.2

Fennec is quick acting and long lasting. Sheep are protected from reinfestation for five weeks after application, making it the longest protection knockdown pour-on on the market when applied within 24 hours of shearing.

“While the science behind Fennec is more complex, it is just as simple and easy to use as traditional pour-on’s, and its combination of two active ingredients packs a much bigger punch,” Dr Kelly says.

To find out more about Fennec Pour-On, head to www.fennecpouron.com.au

*Compared to other knockdown lice control products when applied within 24 hours after shearing. 1 Lice in sheep - Victorian Farmers Federation www.vff.org.au > Factsheet_Livestock_LiceinsheepV2 2 http://www.liceboss.com.au/sheep-goats/about-lice.php

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