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Australian farmers face the constant challenge of managing stress events that impact their crop.

Stress events can include:


> Soil conditions

> Lack of or too much moisture

> Excessive heat

> Cold and frost

> Varied temperatures

> Weed and pest management

These conditions can trigger changes in the balance of plant hormones, which can irreversibly reduce the quality of yields. It is vital to minimise the effects of stress to achieve the best possible outcome for your crops. The correct nutrition program can support crops to keep growing throughout stress events. Stoller’s plant nutrition solutions can help to reduce the impacts of stress in your crop. Stoller’s stress program is suitable for all types of crops and when applied can assist the plant to overcome the stress event and ensure vegetative and root growth continues.


happens when plants are stressed?

When plants are stressed, they generate an excess hormone called ethylene, which regulates hormone functions for growth throughout the plant. Ethylene is essential for cells to function but when cells are under stress, the oversupply of ethylene can cause premature cell death and plant damage. Stoller Australia’s stress products are specifically designed to help crops recover from stress and protect against the harmful effects of excess ethylene. The program assists the essential restoration of nutrient status and normal plant growth.

Stoller’s Stress Program can help:

> Crops emerge quicker

> Improve early plant growth

> Enhance root development

> Increase nutrient uptake

> Improve stress tolerance

> Maintain normal vegetative growth

Stoller’s Stress Program incorporates three products used in two steps. The first step is a foliar application of Bio-Forge & WL Zinc Chelate. This restores healthy growth and nourishes the plant immediately after the stress event. This is followed by a foliar application of Foli-Zyme to feed new root growth and tissue development. The plant is given direct access to the nutrients applied through the leaf surface, which rectifies traditional nutrient tie up in specific soils. This is especially helpful for solanaceous vegetables, such as potatoes and tomatoes, as they come into the emergence and growth stage. It’s vital to maintain the genetic potential of plants, improve growth, and increase yield.

Tree crops and vines:

The increase in Bio-Forge usage throughout the viticulture and tree crop industry has been something of a revelation. Most notably has been Bio-Forge’s effect on frost recovery in vines, allowing for new shoot growth and reduced yield damage. Stoller’s Technical team have collected data from various sites displaying positive results with the application of Bio-Forge, in conjunction with WL Zinc Chelate & Foli-Zyme. We have seen many Australian farmers utilise this program over the past 25 years with substantial plant recovery during harsh conditions.

As a seed treatment: Bio-Forge can also be used to aid in seedling establishment. When crops are under pressure from compacted soils, insect attack, and weed competition, the ability to help young crops to establish is critical for any farming enterprise. When a seed treatment is combined with a full Stoller Nutrient Solution Program nutritional vigor increases and additional tiller density is shown in broadacre crops. With farmers using the grain and graze model in high rainfall zones, this early tillering has allowed them to carry higher stock numbers before locking the paddock up for hay or grain. Liquid nutrition promotes healthy root growth, fast and healthy top growth, and uniformity in crops.

The Takeaway:

Australian weather conditions mean having to deal with higher stress loads in the growing season. Many farmers are utilizing Stoller’s Stress Program in response to damage, but this comes with its shortfalls. If farmers are not prepared for upcoming stress events, then their potential crop loss can be substantial. Stoller Australia is addressing the time challenges that all farmers face by recommending the incorporation of BioForge, Foli-Zyme, and WL Zinc Chelate as part of their crop maintenance program. Being proactive rather than reactive is an added insurance for farmers’ crops.

Stoller Australia’s Technical Team have conducted an extensive number of trials using Bio-Forge and Stoller’s Stress Program on a variety of crops. Bio-Forge, especially when used as part of our Stress Program, has demonstrated again and again the improvement that it can have on yield across a variety of crops.

Stoller Australia’s objective is to assist farmers across the country to get the most out of their crop’s genetic potential, despite any crop challenges they may face.

For more information about Stoller’s Programs and Solutions visit our website or FREECALL 1800 337 845.

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