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A range of label updates has provided further value to the innovative Transform® WG insecticide, from Corteva Agriscience.
Transform® WG was already one of the most versatile insecticides on the Australian market with activity on sapfeeding pests in canola, cereals, cotton, pulses, as well as grapes and some tree crops.
New updates to the label include registration in lucerne and forage brassicas and some positive changes for use in canola and cereals.
Corteva Agriscience Customer Technology Specialist, Chris Brown, said the company was continually conducting research to expand the product’s reach to assist growers in different crops to maximise their yields and profitability.
“Lucerne is an excellent example where we saw an opportunity to trial Transform® WG on mirids and aphids and determine its suitability. Transform WG was already registered for use on aphids and mirids in other broadacre crops so we knew it was effective on these pests.
“It is now registered and will provide lucerne growers with an excellent option to control both pests in their production system. This is particularly relevant as some pests, including Blue-green aphid, have developed resistance to traditional insecticides used.”
Mirids controlled by Transform® WG include Brown mirid, Green mirid and Yellow mirid (Apple dimpling bug) and the aphids controlled include Bluegreen aphid, Pea aphid and Spotted alfalfa aphid.
Mr Brown said Transform® WG is a unique Mode of Action (MOA) Group 4C (sulfoximine) mode of action making it ideal for the control of pests such as Blue-green aphid which has documented resistance to organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroids. Transform also has excellent user, crop and environmental safety features.
“Importantly it is soft on beneficial insects so is an ideal option to utilise as part of an IPM program with minimal impact on predatory mites, spiders and other insects.”
There is a 21 day grazing or cutting withholding period after application so it will generally not affect planned hay cutting operations through the summer period.
Forage brassicas have also been added to the Transform® WG label for the control of aphids.
Mr Brown said Transform® WG could now be used as a standalone or in conjunction with Success® Neo.
“Success® Neo controls a wide range of chewing pests in forage brassicas including Diamondback moth,” he said.
“By utilising Transform® WG and Success® Neo in the one application, growers can control key sucking and chewing pests with aphids and Diamondback moth which are both prone to developing resistance from traditional chemistries.
“This combination, when used according to the label, is also IPM friendly so will leave beneficial insects in the crop to continue to work for the grower.”
He said the other updates to the Transform® WG label involved a widening of application timings in a variety of winter crops.
“In canola, the withholding period (WHP) has changed from full flowering to 14 days prior to harvest. The later application window gives growers an effective residual option to control cabbage and turnip aphids during pod fill to help maximise yields and quality.
“The majority of cereal crops have also seen an increased application window.”
Mr Brown said these changes allowed growers to utilise Transform® WG later in the season and the variable rates also meant higher infestations could be successfully controlled.
“It is an excellent opportunity to control the pests and have residual activity to keep them at bay towards the end of the season.”
Transform® WG is registered on a wide range of aphids including Russian wheat aphid.
“Russian wheat aphid is another pest showing resistance to traditional chemistries, Transform® WG provides growers with an excellent resistance management option.”
“Corteva Agriscience continues to develop and release new chemistries and evaluate existing products to assist Australian farmers meet their yield and profitability goals.”
This article was written by Elders supplier Corteva for Seasons magazine.