5 minute read
EZRA ADAMSKI LifestyleEditor
Aries (March 21 - April 19): The prospect of not only a new year, but of HOROSCOPES a new decade excites you. Be aware that this shift awakens pressures in areas of your personal life and long-term goals. Opportunities for leadership, particularly in positions of power, will open up to you. If you’re not careful, a pathway will be replaced with a barrier. You’ve always been one to leap before you look; this year, ask yourself why you’re leaping.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): You’re not one to shy away from indulgence and glamour, but where does selfcare become gluttony? Sometimes self-healing is more than dropping a bath bomb into a steamy tub. You’ll be faced with a harsh, yet necessary, reality check early in the year. Take this new decade as a chance to tear down the old houses of lazy, greedy habits and replace them with ones focused on health, growth, and a renewed spirit.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): This year is one for the assessment of your belongings. What material items bring you genuine happiness, and which are there out of a fear of emptiness? Making money and enjoying the products you exchange for it are in a larger focus. Balancing what matters most right now isn’t necessarily a philosophical issue; rather, it’s one of whether or not you absolutely need the shiny, alluring commodities that surround you. Temptation lies in unexpected places.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): You find comfort in routine. This year is the year to ask yourself if this is nothing more than a love of stability, or a way to avoid the potential discomfort that change may bring. If you allow yourself to become unaware and out of touch, you’ll be stuck in a self-made rut. Inspect the ways you conduct yourself, interact with others, and maintain your inner spaces. A fork in the road is approaching. Follow the path you see first
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Your tendency to lean towards the mundane, even in the interest of effectiveness and prudency, will only hold you back in the new year. Building from the ground up, focus on your areas of creativity and artistic expression. Art holds value, and finding outlets for it will echo in all arenas of life. You’ve never been one for sentimentality; remember, then, that art doesn’t have to be for anyone but yourself.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Your drive, cleverness, and natural ambition often get you what you want. This year, whether at the beginning or the end, will force you to confront a sizeable challenge or adversary. You’ll find that you must break something down in order to rebuild it. How you deal with this will determine much more than the next few months. Turning to bitterness in the face of such uncertainty is the easiest way out, but you’ve never taken such simple routes to success. Don’t let it start now. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): You may have found yourself reliant on others for comfort, reassurance, and, above all, a sense of belonging. Your personality is multifaceted, and the various expressions of it are prone to flickering in and out of the spotlight. This doesn’t make you false, but it does bring up a pressing question: Are you letting the right people see the right parts of your spirit? Are you saving the right energy for the proper times? Your time and presence is precious; save your charisma for these sacred places.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): This upcoming decade will bring fantastic revitalization to all areas of personal interest. Years past may have felt more difficult than rewarding, more isolating than fruitful, and more deeply hurtful than anything you could have imagined. Through these challenges, you’ve certainly found your voice, and you’re starting to get an idea of how to use it to your advantage. Joy can be found everywhere, in any circumstane, and you, above all else, know that. Now it’s just a matter of finding it.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): The past year contained an event so significant that you all but withdrew from all but the most trusted people in your life. This work in your private, personal sector of being will continue in the upcoming decade. How and why you choose to continue to heal will determine your relationships with family and your own internal dialogue. Follow your gut and disregard your heart. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): You find that you only share your deepest fears, secrets, and uncertainties with a select group of people. This is in the interest of self-preservation...or is it? This new year invites you to examine your one-on-one relationships and exactly where you stand in your social circles. Naivety is a curse in times like these. Trust is not always a two-way trade. You are, more often than you think, your own greatest ally.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): This year, above all, is one for making new connections in new ways. You may have found yourself stuck in certain cycles that aren’t fulfilling your basic needs. Now, possibly more than ever before, is the time to closely examine and consider your current worldview and personal beliefs. You’re not one to easily let go of such things, and you’re usually not eager to sacrifice your own time and comfort for the sake of others. It’s time to decide what you truly value and if what - or who - you keep in your personal life.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Too often, you’ve been an idle character in your own story. Sitting back and letting life play out works in times of peace and stability, and, as you’ll soon find, those may not be prominent for much longer. It’s time to consider what you truly want. No matter how outlandish it may sound, even to yourself, it isn’t out of reach. Connections can lead to new goals and the fulfillment of old ones. Now is the time to do something you’ve only ever dreamed of. There is honor in the attempt.
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