California Community College Presentation

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California Community College

Cristi Ellingford,

Why Attend Community College? Lower cost Many CCC have Promise programs and free tuition Close to home Vocational interest General Education Major preparation Unsure of major

Why Attend Community College?

Local service area Local admission Dorms Dorm locations Strengthen your academic profile Sports and campus life

116 Community Colleges in California

1. CCC Apply Application to all California Community Colleges 2. Complete Fafsa or Dream Act 3. Complete Orientation 4. Meet with a Counselor a. Plan first quarter/semester b. Plan 2 year schedule c. Identify transfer school, if appropriate

Degree Types


California community colleges offer:

AA (often called 2 year degree) Select few offer BA/BS Baccalaureate Degree Program

Provide a transfer pathway to a University

General Education and Major Preparation

60 semester or 90 quarter units to complete AA and upper division tansfer General education: math, English, arts and humanities, social science, physical and biological science Major preparation: Assist- transfer guide Transfer as an upper division student, ready to star junior level coursework

CSU - ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer)

Students who meet the CSU’s minimum eligibility requirements are guaranteed priority admission to a CSU campus, though not necessarily to a particular campus or major

With an ADT you will be able to earn two degrees — your associate’s degree and your bachelor’s degree — with only 120 units if you transfer into a program at the CSU that’s similar to the one in which you earned your associate’s at a California Community College

Some CSU campuses have established this program for first-time students who are interested in and able to complete a bachelor's degree in four years

Only certain majors at each campus are eligible for this program. Not all students who indicate interest will be able to participate ADT- CSU

UC- TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)

Only students transferring directly from a California community college (CCC) are considered for a TAG


UC Davis

A CCC transfer student is one who has completed at least 30 semester (45 quarter) UC-transferable units at one or more California community colleges. The last college the student attended in a regular session (fall/spring or fall/winter/spring) before admission to a UC campus must be a California community college

Irvine Merced Riverside Santa Barbara Santa Cruz


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