Scholarship Giving Circle

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We Can”

• Welcome & Introductions

• What is a Giving Circle?

• Why do a Giving Circle?

• Annual Timeline

• Mock Scholarship Giving Circle

• How do we get it going!

• Q & A

A giving circle is a collective philanthropic program that brings a group of people with shared values together to collectively discuss and decide where to make a pooled gift. Giving circles support with their dollars, but also build awareness, volunteer, become board members and more. Usually, a giving circle involves a “membership” which comes with an incentive, like a vote.

We may not be wealthy as individuals, but together we hold great wealth!

Giving circles bring people together to focus on community needs. Giving Circles also give a group of people a common cause and a louder voice.

A giving circle is an easy way for a person to give A LITTLE, which allows the organization to give out A LOT. A giving circle is easier than fundraising, planning events, having bake sales, or finding sponsors.

• $40 or more = an annual membership

• EDC High Schools included: EDHS, GSHS, ORHS, PHS, STHS, UMHS

• Scholarship application will be open to Seniors from Nov. 1- Feb. 1

• We will give a minimum of one $1,000 scholarship to each of the high schools

• Collect Giving Circle “memberships” ($40 or more constitutes a membership) from May - February 1.

• Nov. 1: Open Application up to Students (DUE Feb. 1)...application will be on along with 200+ other local applications.

• First week of February: tally up total to donate back to each scholarship; allow membership to vote on type and number of scholarships. SAMPLE BALLOT

• Feb-March: Have scholarship committees read apps & meet and choose scholarship recipient(s).

• March 30: Announce recipients to the membership and send info to respective schools for scholarship nights.

• April/May: Present scholarships at scholarship nights.

• May - February 1: collect “memberships” for the next graduating class.

Total Collected: $10,000 (minimum donation $40; average donation is $80

50 members vote to give one $10,000 scholarship…renewable ($2500 per year

MOCK Scholarship Giving Circle EXAMPLE South Tahoe High GIVING CIRCLE Scholarship

Kathy Haven:

Sign up with $40 OR MORE to be part of the next EDCF Scholarship Giving Circle::

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