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Public service plan for urbanisations
It is the intention of the Partido Popular to work to eliminate the differences between residents of our municipality, and it is our objective that the Manilva Council assumes the responsibility to maintain and preserve all the public residential areas outside of urban centres if we are elected to govern the local council following the elections on 28th May, 2023.
In the Partido Popular we do not want there to be first and second class citizens in the same municipality, those who pay their taxes have the right to have their streets cleaned and problems that arise in their environment resolved. For this reason, the PP Manilva is committed to a programme of the council assuming the responsibility for the management of these streets, pay for electricity and water in public green areas, pave its roads and repair its pavements, when the PP governs the municipality .

First Phase
Collaboration Plan between the Town Council, residents and developers.

PP Manilva will allocate a special fund only for urbanisations. We will require developers to execute and complete the promised common areas.

Second Phase
We will propose to the developments the establishment of the most appropriate legal status allowed by the Law.

During this period the Town Council will begin to assume the expenses of utilities in common areas.
Last Phase
The Town Council will assume all the costs of utilities, maintenance of roads and pavements, the maintenance of gardens and infrastructure.
Creating an animal friendly Manilva
Inthe Partido Popular we know that pets make our world better, so we want to contribute to make a better world for them too. Many homeless cats and dogs find themselves in shelters, which house them and attend to their needs while they wait for responsible adoption.

The PP accepts its political responsibility, and we will launch projects aimed at achieving Animal Welfare by promoting an "Animal Health Regulation", which, after discussions with the various associations, develops the necessary basic veterinary clinical assistance for sick and injured stray pets, as well as preventive vaccinations in reception centres.
The Manilva PP candidate for mayor, José Manuel Fernández, has made it clear that "the new Animal Health Regulations, which we will implement, will bring together the social demands that other parties have never wanted to listen to and will improve, among other things, the organisation of the feline colonies and dogs in the streets”.

José Manuel Fernández has also stated that "the regulatory framework on which we are working with the various organisations and specialists incorporates new sensitivities towards the animal world and will regulate such important aspects as dog parks, shelters and service dogs, in addition to other things".
According to Fernández, the document prepared by the Partido Popular of Manilva includes "the rights and obligations required by a society aware of respect and the objective of zero sacrifice, giving associations the necessary motivation to develop activities that result in the protection, defence and carrying out awareness campaigns and adoption programmes”.

Weare working hard to move forward the a "Day Centre" that provides a healthy our elderly, with a pleasant and familiar environment people which encourages good mental health.
The idea is taking shape so that, once we're can be put in front of various higher administrations assessment. Here in the Partido Popular we a social resource for the elderly, which at the supports their families.

The type of specialised service that our project deliver is that of a day centre under the overview social services, and that will have: