MA Graphic Design Unit 1.1.3 Part 2

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Output Eleanor Maclure Design Literacy Unit 1.1.3 Supporting Material 2

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Mount Logan, Rocky Mountains, Canada – Perspective View

Working with Colour

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Mount McKinley, Alaska, USA Perspective View

Working with Colour

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Mount McKinley, Alaska, USA View from Above

Working with Colour

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Rocky Mountains, USA

Working with Colour

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Owyhee, Idaho

Working with Colour

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Falls, Texas

Working with Colour

Development of Output

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Proposal for Outcome

Poster Series – Most Dynamic Patterns

1. Triangle, Falls County, Texas

2. Triangle, Erie, New York

3. Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Content Content to be included on the Posters: Map Title of the map Place Name County State Zip Code Time Zone (+/- GMT) Degrees Latitude (°) Degrees Longitude (°) Height Above Sea Level in Metres (m) Type of DEM used (10m/30m) Scale or Scale Bar North Point Paragraph explaining the map and the data used to generate it

Triangle, Falls County, Texas Triangle Populated Place Zip Code 76632 County Falls State Texas (TX) Latitude (° N) 31’ 16” 53.64 Longitude (° E) -96’ 59” 23.98 Elevation (m) 108.134 Time Zone GMT -6 Scale 1:24 000 DEM Type 1/3 arc-second

Triangle, Erie, New York Triangle Populated Place Zip Code 14220 County Erie State New York (NY) Latitude (° N) 42’ 51” 13.54 Longitude (° E) -78’ 49” 42.07 Elevation (m) 178.238 Time Zone GMT -5 Scale 1:24 000 DEM Type 1/3 arc-second

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Triangle Populated Place Zip Code 53205 County Milwaukee State Wisconsin (WI) Latitude (° N) 43’ 03” 17.73 Longitude (° E) -87’ 56” 02.73 Elevation (m) 206.596 Time Zone GMT -6 Scale 1:24 000 DEM Type 1 arc-second

Text for the Poster to Explain the Map: This map represents an aerial view of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin showing the terrain as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The data for the USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 30m or every 1 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Colours Fluorescent and Bright Colours Brightness by height above sea level. Eg Brightest colour – fluorescent yellow is used for the place with the highest elevation. Complimented by a metallic silver to enhance contrast. Non process colours achieved by screenprinting posters. Place

Height Above Sea Level (m)


Pantone Swatch

7 Triangle Owyhee Idaho

1563.374 m

Fluorescent Yellow

803 C

9 Triangle Broome New York

325.834 m

Fluorescent Orange

804 C

4 Triangle Lincoln North Carolina

250.975 m

Fluorescent Green

802 C

3 Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

206.596 m

Fluorescent Pink

805 C

2 Triangle Buffalo New York

178.238 m

Fluorescent Red

1 Triangle Falls Texas

108.134 m


10 Triangle Bryan Texas

100.297 m


8 Triangle Durham North Carolina

81.119 m


809 C

6 Triangle Prince William Virginia

30.184 m


808 C

5 Triangle Goulding Florida

18.386 m


807 C

801 C

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles


Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Black Boton

Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles


Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Braggadocio

Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles

Chainsaw Geometric


Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles

Geist KNT


Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles


Abc defghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Pacmania

Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Display Typefaces for Poster Titles


Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Adaptations to Black Boton

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Typeface Comparisons

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Bu ffalo N ew York Triangle Milwau kee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Titles of Posters

Triangle Falls Texas Triangle Buffalo New York Triangle Milwaukee Wisconsin Triangle Lincoln North Carolina Triangle Goulding Florida Triangle Prince William Virginia Triangle Ow yhee Idaho Triangle Durham North Carolina Triangle Broome New York Triangle Bryan Texas Titles of Posters in Adapted Typeface

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Initial Ideas for Posters

Poster Iterations

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Initial Ideas for Posters

Poster Iterations

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Development of Layout for Posters

Poster Iterations

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Development of Layout for Posters

Poster Iterations

Design Literacy

Poster Iterations

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Introducing Colour and Additional Information

Triangle Falls Texas

Triangle Zip Code County State

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX)

Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone

31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7

Ustisl incilla facing ex eu faccum zzriure tat nim quate molor iustis enismod modiat. Esequisit incilit at la feugiam, quis augueril enim volorer iriurem esed mod dolorper sequis amcommo lutat. Em augiam nostrud duismolobor sisi. volummo lobortie faciduisi

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.


The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Reversing Out Map and Colours

Poster Iterations

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Iterations

Further Refinement of Layout

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.


The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique




Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Iterations

Refinement of Colourways and Combinations

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.


The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique



Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -7 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) showing the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas and the surrounding area by USGS quad. The original data was acquired online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique

The elevational data was acquired as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s STS 99 mission on February 11th 2000, which lastest 11 days.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Iterations

Application of Layout to Other Posters


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -6 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.


The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -6 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 14220 Erie New York (NY) 42’ 51” 13.54 -78’ 49” 42.07 178.238 GMT -5 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Erie, New York as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.


The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -6 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 14220 Erie New York (NY) 42’ 51” 13.54 -78’ 49” 42.07 178.238 GMT -5 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Erie, New York as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude.

The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.


This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 14220 Erie New York (NY) 42’ 51” 13.54 -78’ 49” 42.07 178.238 GMT -5 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Erie, New York as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Iterations

Application of Layout to Other Posters


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 53205 Milwaukee Wisconsin (WI) 43’ 03” 17.73 -87’ 56” 02.73 206.596 GMT -6 1:24 000 1 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 53205 Milwaukee Wisconsin (WI) 43’ 03” 17.73 -87’ 56” 02.73 206.596 GMT -6 1:24 000 1 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 53205 Milwaukee Wisconsin (WI) 43’ 03” 17.73 -87’ 56” 02.73 206.596 GMT -6 1:24 000 1 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Final Output

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Final Proposals

Final Poster Proposal – Triangle, Falls County, Texas


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -6 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Falls County, Texas as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Final Proposals

Final Poster Proposal – Triangle, Erie, New York


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 14220 Erie New York (NY) 42’ 51” 13.54 -78’ 49” 42.07 178.238 GMT -5 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Erie, New York as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Poster Final Proposals

Final Poster Proposal – Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 53205 Milwaukee Wisconsin (WI) 43’ 03” 17.73 -87’ 56” 02.73 206.596 GMT -6 1:24 000 1 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of the terrain of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The for the data USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000.

Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arc-second = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Poster Final Proposals

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Final Proposals as Positives for Screenprinting


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 76632 Falls Texas (TX) 31’ 16” 53.64 -96’ 59” 23.98 108.134 GMT -6 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of Triangle, Falls County, Texas, showing the terrain as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The data for the USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arcsecond = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 14220 Erie New York (NY) 42’ 51” 13.54 -78’ 49” 42.07 178.238 GMT -5 1:24 000 1/3 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of Triangle, Erie, New York, showing the terrain as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The data for the USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 10m or every 1/3 arc-second. 1 arcsecond = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.


Triangle Zip Code County State Latitude (° N) Longitude (° E) Elevation (m) Time Zone Scale DEM Type

Populated Place 53205 Milwaukee Wisconsin (WI) 43’ 03” 17.73 -87’ 56” 02.73 206.596 GMT -6 1:24 000 1 arc-second

This map represents an aerial view of Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin showing the terrain as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). The data used to generate it was accessed online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (STDS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). USGS DEM data files are used to represent cartographic information in a raster format. Elevations are in metres (m) based relative to the local mean sea level in Hawaii and Puerto Rico and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). This is based on the sea level datum of 1929 and was established for vertical control surveying in the USA by the General Adjustment of 1929.

The area covered in this map is defined as a USGS topographical quadrangle, from the 1:24 000 series, a scale virtually unique to the USA. It covers an area 7.5 x 7.5 minutes which equates to between 49 and 71 square miles, dependant on latitude. The data for the USGS was captured as part of NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This was the main objective for the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s 11 day STS 99 mission in February 2000. The elevation measurements to create the 3D terrain data were taken every 30m or every 1 arc-second. 1 arcsecond = 1/60 of 1 arc-minute or 1/1296000 of a circle. At sea level this equates to approximately 30m with 1 arc-minute being a nautical mile or approximately 1.86km.

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Falls County, Texas

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Falls County, Texas

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Falls County, Texas

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Falls County, Texas

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Erie, New York

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Erie, New York

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Erie, New York

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Erie, New York

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Experiments with Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Experiments with Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Experiments with Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Triangle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Experiments with Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output

Further Experiments with Process and Colour

Printed Posters


Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Bibliography Books FAWCETT-TANG, R. (ed), (2005). Mapping: An illustrated guide to graphical navigational systems. Hove : Rotovision HARMON, K. (ed), (2004). You Are Here: Personal geographies and other maps of the imagination. New York : Princeton Architectural Press Klanten, R. et al (eds), (2008). Data Flow. Berlin : Gestalten Klanten, R. et al (eds), (2010). Data Flow 2. Berlin : Gestalten NOBLE, I. & BESTLEY, R. (2005). Visual Research: An introduction to research methodologies in graphic design. Lausanne : AVA Publishing VAN SUSTEREN, A., (2005). Metropolitan World Atlas. Rotterdam : 010 Publishers

Websites Lace Making String Patterns Mountains

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Bibliography Contours TIN Data Sketch Up Triangles in the USA Google Earth Conversions

Design Literacy

Unit 1.1.3 Output


Bibliography Mapping Typefaces

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