Dd m2 journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Wenzhao Sa

(848005) Joel Collins + Studio 19

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

3 different types of fabrication techniques have been discussed, which aresubtractive, additive and formative. They are different process to create 3D models. The formative is about shaping heat-softend materials materials in to a mold. It could be done by electro-, chemically, or mechanically reductive process. However, this type of fabrication is restricted to the volume, axis. The additive fabrication is to add materials layer by layer, with the use of machines like 3D printer. The benifite of this type is only materials required and more efficient with less waste of time and materials. The formative fabrication utilises mechanical force,heat or steam to shape the material into the expected forms. The potential of Computer Controlled Fabrication with parametric modelling is that Computer numerical control machinery with parametric modelling allows the fabrication of complex design directly from the computer software, which shows a new possibilites in fabrictation. It provides a faster production and easier way to make changes.


Week Three

Surface Creation

The process starts with setting up a 150*150*150mm bounding box to porduce 2 surfaces inside the tube. The edge of the box is used as parameter. The deconstruct brep step is conducting in GH to obtain the edge List item & Divide curve are then used to adjust and get the surface as we want.


Week Four

Panels & Waffle

The patterns of my design are both 3D, the theme is about the solid and transparency the triangular shapes combined with the differnet orientation arranged are solid area which no lights and air can come through.

The waffle structure is designed to support 2 surfaces, my structure is designed with the thinking to create both a very sloping side and one flat to show a contrast between the 2 surfaces. And they are formed according to the changes of the pattern and surfaces.

The other side was made from the Weaverbird pcture frame, which created beautiful hollow pattern on a normally pyramid. Many transparent parts are created within this more flat surface. It allows the intercations between the inside and outside space.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

My unrolled pattern are all very little pieces which is hard to fold when I make all the patterns together, next time I will try to join muptiple surfaces together to make it much easire to fold and assemble.


Week Five

The process starts with subdividing the tube(150*150*150mm)into 9 smaller tube, which as the primary parameter. Point attractor was supplied to manipulate the grid and create variable shapes with different sizes. The grid centroid is use to maintain the cosistency of the shape transform.


Week Five


The points attractor distribution method was used to create both the grid manipulation and the shape tranforms. The diagram shows the final model with its best section, which is able to show the most interesting space chosen to demonstrate the differnece between variable shaped space and the interractions between these spaces. The platonic solid is the basic geometric shape in this structual design, where there is no very clear defined edges due to this shape. It create openings, allowing the lights to come through the interior volume. The void created also have an elegant and simple and fluent geometric shapes and edges.


Week Six

Task 01

Task 01 Matrix After making the iterations of those 4 surfaces, the second is chosen because it looks quite simple and smooth, predicted be easy to supply the variable patterns. And for the pattern, the last pair was chosen as it creates an intersting contrast between the solid and transparency.


Week Six Task 02

Task 02 Matrix The grid is manipulated with 4 point attractors and it create a zig-zag style inside the volume. The shape is transformed using the Random scale,which enables the pattern vary from small to large through the grids


Week Six

Final Isometric Views





Appendix Process












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