Custom made training for the employees development

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Custom made training for the employee’s development /blog/custom-made-training-f or-the-employees-development Subhatul Marjan

Is cust om made t raining emerging as an ef f ect ive t ool f or t he employee’s development ? In today’s time of stiff competition in business and services to be offered. It looks extremely important to keep the employees updated and equipped with the current trends to deal with the challenges more effectively. To keep them abreast with the current trends and challenges it becomes imperative that the employees are provided with custom made training which should be crisp and effective as to help them to contribute to the company in a more productive and varied ways. The custom made training modules for employees will help the growth of the company and the professional growth of the employees too. At this time when value added services bring about tremendous results. Custom made training for employees is a great way to attract customers delight and satisfaction and in turns helping the business grow leaps and bounds. An intricate planning to design and implement the training with detailed understanding of the business and the areas of concern will make the custom made training very effective and fruitful. The online custom made modules for the employees would create a vast impact on the employees training altogether. The two greatest benefits of custom made training would be time saving and cost effectiveness of the training modules. As these custom made modules will have the flexibility to utiliz e the material or training for development of the employees irrespective of the strength or the number of employees and the number of times the modules would be utiliz ed. The other important advantage would be to add content depending upon the requirement and making the training modules more effective at different point in times as well depending upon the changes brought in terms of the vision and mission of the company. Web based custom made online training has many advantages as it can give the employees the flexibility to learn at individuals pace and convenience of time as well. The other very important aspect is the availability of the training content suitable for employees working for different shifts and time z one as they can access the material whenever and whatever is convenient to them. The uniformity in the material also brings about the process of standardiz ation as every employee goes through the same training module. The effectiveness and utility of the custom made modules should be seen in certain perspectives as to make it

more learners cantered and workable. The important dimensions which have to be mentioned are as follows: Is the modules are easy to use Is the training appropriate to engage the employees on a wider level Is the content or module has been designed keeping in mind the rules and regulations of the company or in short mission and vision of the company The proper and relevant utiliz ation of the visual content Are the computers available have the capability to utiliz e the online content fully Is the bandwidth available for the multiple user And to conclude, the future looks very bright for custom made online training and the development of employees. The online custom made training modules will definitely see better and wider response in the days to come. We at Swift elearning are equipped to provide world class online custom made modules for different requirements and specifications. We have been catering to the needs of the clients on national and international levels and have been receiving positive and encouraging response.

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