Simulations – A way of Elearning /blog/simulations-a-way-of -elearning/ Subhatul Marjan “If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. But if you let me experience, I will learn.� T he market f or E-learning is ever growing and there are clear indications that it would continue to grow tremendously in the f uture. T he concept of E-learning has revolutionized the whole system of education and training. With ever increasing demand of innovation in the f ield of content development and authoring tools to make the learning more interactive, ef f ective and productive. T he integration of simulation in E-learning has taken a major leap. When we talk about simulation in E-learning content development, we emphasize on the content and training modules with engagement and interactive approach towards the whole process of E-learning. Where the learners are given ample opportunities to participate at all the diverse levels of learning with more participation and f reedom to experience the training on a wider and ef f ective level. T he major challenge f aced by the content developers is to devise and design the E-learning content to have maximum possibilities f or hands on experimentation, where the learners get chance to maximize their learning by practically doing things and deriving conclusions. T he most critical contribution in the process of learning is of f ered through our senses. And the f our critical stages f orming the learning web are watching, thinking, f eeling and doing. Among these senses the most important is learning while doing things on our own and that adds subtlety to the whole process of learning. In earlier E-learning course development the idea of interactivity was not given ample importance or sometimes this crucial aspect has been completely ignored but now with changing scenario and latest technological advancement the need f or more extensive and exhaustive authoring tools are in demand. Putting up challenges to content experts or developers to have more intensive and interactive courseware. T he simulations in E-learning bring the learners close to the real lif e situations. Where they relate to their past experiences and that helps them get the f inal outcome or the conclusion. T hus simulation in E-learning opens a horizon of doing and learning, in turn the training where the students are involved directly with their learning, keeps them motivated and involved as they play a decisive role in learning itself , instead of just being guided. Simulations can be categorized depending on the level of complexity of f ered through instructions (Source: William Horton, 2000), they are as f ollows: 1.One shot Simulations: As the name says it all, these simulations are utilized f or the courses of f ered f or one time learning. T he sof tware and process training utilizes this type of simulation f or the execution of courseware or training. T he learners are given ample opportunity to learn while doing. And they are also provided with option of correcting mistakes and then moving f orward through the ladder of learning and experimenting. T his gives the learners ample space to do and redo in case of mistakes and the f reedom and the ownership plays critical role in the process of training. 2.Simulations through examples: Under this category the simulations are provided in terms of situations. In turn creating enthusiasm to intervene and to determine and conclude the f ollowing relevant steps to take up the course to the next level. Every little step is crucial and critical f or the f inal outcome. And the learners get the option of trying many times to get the required outcome. Which keeps them motivated and involved throughout the learning process. T his type of simulation gives the learners an opportunity to think logically and derive conclusion cognitively.
In this scenario learners listen, read or view about a situation, of ten describing the conf lict between individuals. At every level the learners are of f ered with some choices to give them clue as to how to proceed. All the dif f erent choices pave the way f or dif f erent outcomes and results. T he outcomes would not be categorized into right and wrong but clear cut guidelines are of f ered to the learners to decide which route they want to f ollow and how they need to reach the conclusion. T he real lif e examples help them to reach the conclusion in a more decisive way. 3. Microworlds: In this scenario the learners are of f ered a virtual representation of the real environment. In this f orm of Simulation which is known as Microwords, the learners get an opportunity to physically interact with all the elements and learn f rom their experience. T he other striking discipline emerging is the Gamif ication, which uses game thinking. T he sof tware integrated with social psychology helps to develop programs that eventually enhance business prospects throughout the organization and almost all the industries. Simulations or business war games are used as powerf ul tools to aid decision making, improved strategic planning and f oster enhanced team building and collaboration. T hese tools can be utilised over a wider range of f ields such as strategic development, education,psychology and academic areas. We at swif t Elearning are at par with the current trends in the f ield of E-learning content development integrated with simulations. We have a team of highly skilled experts to develop Elearning content with simulations and Gamif ication.