2020 annual meeting changes.
Henry County REMC’s
Furballs of Fame pages 19–23
from the editor
Truly embracing MY FIVE SENSES
Does your everyday life get in the way of your “best life?” I know I’m usually taking care of multiple demands, deadlines, appointments, and other responsibilities — you know, that day-to-day stuff — and not focusing on what’s really important. So, to help me realign my priorities, I’ve come up with a personal mission, based on our five senses, to help me reclaim “me.” SEEING: Seeing involves observing and studying, and also having vision. I must stay focused on the things that are truly important, and contribute my time and talent to causes to which I could make a difference. HEARING: Listen to what others are saying — and what they’re not saying. There is more to communication than words. We can all “hear” by observing. No matter what means of “listening” I use, I need be open to what others are communicating. SMELLING: Stop and smell the roses. It’s not only OK to slow down; slowing down is necessary to enjoy life’s journey. I need to take the time to acknowledge milestones, successes and especially the happy times. TOUCHING: Make an effort to touch others’ lives every day. By making a positive impact on others, I can make my little corner of the world a little nicer for all concerned. SPEAKING: Talk is cheap … unless you walk the talk. My words have the power to inspire others — and motivate myself. What we say matters. Don’t say something unless you mean it. I want to learn new things and then share my experiences with others. That’s what using my five senses is all about. And it’s my way to leave a legacy.
EMILY SCHILLING Editor eschilling@indianaec.org
On the menu: December issue: Homemade food for holiday
gift-giving, deadline Oct. 2. January 2021 issue: Recipes featuring oatmeal, deadline Oct. 2. If we publish your recipe on our food pages, we’ll send you a $10 gift card.
Giveaway: Enter to win four tickets to the Mascot Hall of Fame. Visit
indianaconnection.org/talk-to-us/contests. Entry deadline for giveaway: Aug. 31.
Three ways to contact us: To send us recipes, photos, event listings, letters
and entries for gift drawings, please use the forms on our website indianaconnection.org; email info@indianaconnection.org; or send to Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606.
VOLUME 70 • NUMBER 2 ISSN 0745-4651 • USPS 262-340 Published monthly by Indiana Electric Cooperatives Indiana Connection is for and about members of Indiana’s locally-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. It helps consumers use electricity safely and efficiently; understand energy issues; connect with their co-op; and celebrate life in Indiana. Over 280,000 residents and businesses receive the magazine as part of their electric co-op membership. CONTACT US: 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600 Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606 317-487-2220 info@indianaconnection.org IndianaConnection.org INDIANA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES OFFICERS: Walter Hunter President Randy Kleaving Vice President Steve McMichael Secretary/Treasurer John Gasstrom CEO EDITORIAL STAFF: Emily Schilling Editor Richard George Biever Senior Editor Holly Huffman Communication Support Specialist Ellie Schuler Senior Creative Services Specialist Taylor Maranion Creative Services Specialist Stacey Holton Creative Services Manager Mandy Barth Communication Manager ADVERTISING: American MainStreet Publications Cheryl Solomon, local ad representative; 512-441-5200; amp.coop Crosshair Media 502-216-8537; crosshairmedia.net Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication. UNSOLICITED MATERIAL: Indiana Connection does not use unsolicited freelance manuscripts or photographs and assumes no responsibility for the safe‑keeping or return of unsolicited material. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $12 for individuals not subscribing through participating REMCs/RECs. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you receive Indiana Connection through your electric co-op membership, report address changes to your local co-op. POSTAGE: Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Ind., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606. Include key number. No portion of Indiana Connection may be reproduced without permission of the editor.
cover story
05 CO-OP NEWS Energy news and information from your electric cooperative.
10 ENERGY Electric vehicles silently charging into town. 12 COUNTY OF THE MONTH Spotlighting Marshall County.
Barbecue and brews at Lizton’s Rusted Silo. 17 FOOD The Vinegar Vault: A suite of sour recipes. 19 COVER STORY Furballs of Fame: Whiting’s Mascot Hall of Fame celebrates sideline entertainers.
Indiana Connection
24 OUTDOORS Home restoration: What to do with a displaced nest.
29 CALENDAR Find out what’s happening around the state. (Not in all
Drones pose electrical safety issues.
Making your pet photos bark and purr. (Not in all editions)
On the cover Blue, the lovable fuzzy-coated, warm-hearted and hammy mascot of the Indianapolis Colts, basks in the falling confetti and glory of being inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting, Indiana. Blue joined Boomer, the mascot of the Indiana Pacers, and the mascots of the Baltimore Orioles and Montreal Canadiens in the 2020 class of inductees. PHOTO BY THE MASCOT HALL OF FAME
co-op news
beat the peak Change habits to
www.hcremc.com CONTACT US 800-248-8413 Fax: 765-529-1667 OFFICE HOURS 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday STREET ADDRESS 3400 S. State Road 3 New Castle, IN 47362 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box D New Castle, IN 47362 A night deposit box is available 24 hours a day. EMAIL hcremc@hcremc.com SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS To report a power outage, please call 800-248-8413, day or night. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Henry County REMC is to provide reliable, safe and cost-competitive electrical service to enhance the lives of our members and the communities we serve. BILL DUE DATES Bills mailed Sept. 9 are due Sept. 27. Bills mailed Sept. 15 are due Oct. 4. Bills mailed Sept. 30 are due Oct. 18.y.
Know what’s below. Call 811 before you dig!
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ HenryCountyREMC FOLLOW US ON TWITTER www.twitter.com/ HenryCountyREMC
It’s hot outside! As temperatures rise and air conditioners are switched on, looking for ways to improve energy efficiency at home can help you and HCREMC reduce demand, saving energy and money. Making small adjustments in when, where and how you use electricity won’t only help control your energy costs, but it can also help keep temperatures in your home more pleasant on sultry days.
Housework hiatus Avoiding peak energy costs is a good reason to put some chores on hold, at least until power demand dips. Consider some of the jobs one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity can do before you use it: • Wash three loads of laundry • Complete one dryer cycle • Vacuum rugs in two average homes • Iron five shirts • Run three cycles in a loaded dishwasher All of these activities can be done outside of peak demand periods, also known as peak hours.
Love 78 Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system or heat pump can play a huge part in controlling your energy use year-
round, even if family comfort is a top priority.
At 78 F, most people are comfortable outside, so why not indoors? Most people aren’t sensitive enough to notice much of a difference in air temperature whether the thermostat is set at 73 or raised to 78. But the closer your air conditioner or heat pump setting is to the outdoor temperature, the less your unit will run. Each degree of temperature difference represents a percentage of the total cooling load. That means that when temperatures are in the high 80s, you could reduce your cooling demand by 10 to 15% for each degree above 75 F. Fans offer an economical alternative to air conditioning on mild days and they can pitch in for comfort as temperatures climb. The key is evaporative cooling. At lower settings, a little air blowing across a room helps to bring down humidity levels. When used in conjunction with your cooling system, set ceiling fans to blow air downward instead of pulling warmer air upward to get the most value in your cooling zone. Table and ceiling fans will offer more comfort if used to circulate air through areas where you are most active. You’ll get a wind chill effect that will make you feel just a little cooler. Central air conditioning can use as much as one kwh of electricity for each 12-minute cycle of cooling. A ceiling fan can operate for about 13 hours on the same amount of
continued on page 6 AUGUST 2020
co-op news continued from page 5 electricity, while a floor or table fan, depending on size, might run for 10 hours per kwh of power. Turn off fans when you leave a room because they cool people, not space.
Kitchen comfort When it comes to heat and humidity, changing your kitchen activities presents a wellspring of opportunities to reduce your household energy demand throughout the day. Your stove represents the modern hearth, and all the things that make the kitchen a favorite gathering place in winter can help send your electric meter into overdrive from late spring through early fall. According to researchers at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, cooking dinner for a family of four on an electric range releases about 20 ounces of water vapor into the air, and that amount can triple with a gas range. Appliances on your countertops or stashed in your pantry could keep you cooler and use less energy. Microwaves use about 60% as much energy as full-size ovens, and a toaster oven or induction cooker consumes about half as much power. Because they are generally designed to heat food more efficiently in less space, the surface areas available for heating are smaller, reducing waste heat surfaces and keeping kitchens cooler.
Share the space Today it’s common for everyone to retreat to separate spaces, turn on their electronics, adjust their ceiling fans or window unit air conditioners and close their doors to cocoon in their own environments.
Getting control of your energy use to reduce your home’s overall demand can be really challenging when you have to consider the entire home, so bring back family time to beat the peak. LCD televisions generally use 60% as much electricity as comparably sized plasma models. One laptop computer uses about 20% as much power as a desktop computer and monitor. And today’s home assistant devices can play music using about 17% of the energy on a component stereo system. A video game console consumes about 200 watts of power. One system pressed into service for spirited intramural competition between family members in one room uses about a third of the power of three players engaged in online games around the house.
Finish the space with energy-efficient LED fixtures for lighting, a couple sets of headphones and a few rechargeable power boosters for the family’s handheld devices. You’ll have a cool and fun place to spend a few hours with the family.
co-op news
What caused the outage? Have you ever wondered what causes the power to go out? Glance up to the heavens and the answer likely lies above. Nine times out of 10 when those clear blue skies change, electric service is threatened. Here are some of the common causes of power outages.
ANIMALS Animals can cause power to fail when they come into contact with specific parts of the electrical system. Raccoons and squirrels have been known to sneak into substations and trip lines as they scurry across wires. When a critter contacts this equipment, it creates an abnormal current, which can disrupt the flow of power. HCREMC installs guards and barriers to protect sensitive equipment, but sometimes critters find a way in.
ACCIDENTS Vehicles, farm equipment and even drones can take out energized power lines, causing damage to the system and potentially large-scale outages.
OUNCE OF PREVENTION But the deterrent to an outage are the proactive measures HCREMC crews take to prevent one from occurring. Workers in the field perform routine checks of gauges, relays, switches and lines. Vegetation management crews regularly trim growth in our rightsof-way to keep the electrical path clear and safe. If we notice something is not quite right, we investigate it and fix it. Regardless of the cause, HCREMC works around the clock to get your power restored safely and as soon as possible.
WEATHER AND TREES The two combined are our biggest challenge. Mother Nature can be a tough opponent. Wind and severe weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes, and the accumulation of ice and snow can cause tree limbs to fall on power lines, resulting in an outage. High winds can upend trees or break off branches flinging them into the power lines in a matter of seconds. For this reason alone, we ask that members plant their trees away from power lines.
EQUIPMENT FAILURE A small number of outages on the HCREMC system are due to equipment failure that is not easily identified. Over time, the elements take their toll on the electrical infrastructure, contributing to this. Severe weather can cause the inner workings of the equipment to deteriorate faster than expected.
UNPLANNED OUTAGE HOURS BY CAUSE 33% trees 30% public 27% transmission 7% lightning and wind 1% design equipment failure 1% animals 1% unknown
INSULATORS One of our crews spotted functioning insulators north of Mooreland that were damaged and introduced a future point of failure that would be difficult to identify on a dark and stormy night. Mother Nature can be brutal on an electric system.
In the blink of an eye Has your power ever blinked on and off for a few seconds? This is known as a power blink. A power blink occurs when an animal or vegetation such as a tree limb comes into contact with a power line that serves your home. When this happens, protective equipment that acts like a circuit breaker interrupts the flow of power for a split second to reduce the possibility of damage to the electrical system or your home. Many times the problem on the power lines can be isolated, which limits the number of members without electricity. Count to three. If the power comes back on, then our automatic equipment has “reset” and your service should be back. You may notice older digital clocks and other devices blinking, but the rest of the power in your house should be back on. If not, check to make sure the outage is not due to a problem at your residence or business. When reporting an outage to HCREMC, please call 800-248-8413 and provide your name, address, telephone number and account number. AUGUST 2020
co-op news
2020 annual meeting changes
Changes are planned for the 2020 Annual Meeting and Co-op Community Day event in October. Considering the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and how things will continue to evolve over the next few months, the board has decided to hold a virtual meeting on Oct. 9 at 12 noon on Facebook. Following the live broadcast, the videos will be posted on our website for those who were unable to view them live on Facebook. There will not be any bill credits this year, but prize drawings will be conducted for those who RSVP for the event. Members will need to return RSVPs to be eligible for the prizes. Voting this year will be done online or by mail. In 2020, HCREMC board districts open for election are districts 3, 5 and 6. We know this format is very different from what we’ve done in the past. For the health and safety of our members and employees, it is our best option for this year. We will communicate more details in the coming months. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
employee anniversary • Debbie Poor, 11 years
BEHIND ON YOUR ELECTRIC BILL? As you may know, the governor’s emergency declaration, which mandates the temporary suspension of disconnects for non-payment, has been extended until Aug. 14. We fully intend to follow the governor’s emergency declaration, but it is important to note that the disconnect suspension is not a bill waiver. Since the emergency declaration began, we have been closely monitoring the number of accounts that have gone unpaid. In fact, due to last winter’s moratorium, there are accounts that have avoided disconnect and not paid on their outstanding balances since last December. The timing of the emergency declaration has kept these accounts in a protected status as their outstanding account balances continue to rise. We are concerned about our members and their ability to pay enough to catch up their outstanding account balances once the emergency declaration has been lifted.
As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, HCREMC is owned by its consumers. Through this business model, each consumer shares in the operational costs. Our goal is to safely deliver quality service at cost. Your REMC has limited reserves to sustain high levels of unpaid bills. That’s why it’s so important that every consumer has a plan in place to pay his or her energy bill. If you’re unable to pay your bill on time and in full, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. We don’t want to disconnect anyone’s electric service. But we also want to do right for those who are paying their bills on time and in full. We’re here to provide a helping hand, so please be proactive if you’re struggling financially. There are community resources we can connect you with that may be able to help, like EAP, a federally funded program that helps households meet their immediate home energy needs. You can also reach out to us to discuss payment arrangement options.
Sound of Movement:
Electric vehicles silently charging into town
In an (almost) noiseless charge into your town, electric vehicles (EVs) are no longer just a dream. They have arrived! The technology for electric vehicles has developed significantly over the last decade – particularly in the last several years – to the point that they are comparable to gas-powered vehicles. Several reasons to consider an EV include: EVs are terrific lowmaintenance options for commuters. For EVs, gasoline is not needed to power a motor, which means less wear and tear. There’s also no need for an oil change at 3,000 or 5,000 miles – or ever! Fewer brake pad changes are needed with regenerative braking options available in some vehicles. EVs
can run longer with less money out of your pocket for maintenance. Battery ranges are improving – and more public chargers are on the way. Technology in EVs is vastly improving. CNBC reported in May 2019 that many second generation models routinely have batteries with a 200mile range, and the Tesla Model S has up to a 370-mile range. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that there are now more than 20,000 electric vehicle chargers across the U.S. Companies such as EVgo and Electrify America are committed to installing more nationwide. Trucks – and more – soon will arrive. In the
last few years, electric truck maker Rivian received financial backing from Ford and Amazon. The Verge reported that Rivian is planning to debut its R1T pickup and R1S SUV in 2021 after the pandemic delayed the launch. More automobile manufacturers also have plans to develop different types of EVs. Charging your car with electricity costs less than gas – and you’re buying local! According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s eGallon calculator, electric vehicles cost about half the price of gasoline vehicles to refuel. Also, when you recharge your vehicle with electricity at home, you are paying for energy provided by your local electric
cooperative – which helps keep your dollars in your community! As electric vehicles become more prevalent, there is a lot to learn. Fortunately, your local co-op is here to help. Your local electric cooperative can help answer your questions and provide other advice that can help you determine if an electric vehicle would be a good choice for you.
Steve Hite
Energy Advisor Hendricks Power Cooperative
county feature
Marshall County The first American settlers in Marshall County arrived a year before the county’s formation in 1836. They came from primarily New England Puritan descent. Thus, Plymouth — after Plymouth, Massachusetts — was the name selected for the county seat. But two locations just south of Plymouth form notable chapters of the county’s history. On the south side of a chain of natural lakes, remnants of the last ice age, is a monument to Chief Menominee and his band of Potawatomi Indians. The monument commemorates the starting point of the largest forced relocation of Native Americans from within the state of Indiana just two years after Marshall County formed. Though the Potawatomi had ceded their lands to the federal government under a series of treaties beginning in 1818, Chief Menominee and his band at Twin Lakes (which is Cook and Myers lakes) refused to leave. After a final August 1838 deadline passed, an armed Indiana militia was authorized to escort the group from the Twin Lakes area and Indiana. Beginning Sept. 4, 1838, some 859 members of the Potawatomi nation were marched to reservation lands in what is now eastern Kansas. By the end of the 660-mile journey on Nov. 4, 1838, more than 40 people
The “R. H. Ledbetter” rests anchored at Culver Academies on Lake Maxinkuckee. The flagship of the Culver Summer Naval School, the 65-foot, threemasted ship is the largest fully rigged square-rigged vessel on fresh water in the world and is listed in the Tall Ships America registry. It has 15 sails and requires 21 students to sail it.
died, most of them children. The forced relocation became known as the “Trail of Death.” A little farther to the south is Lake Maxinkuckee, the second largest natural lake within Indiana. The lake’s northern shoreline is home to the Culver Academies. Culver Academies is a college preparatory boarding school composed of three entities: Culver Military Academy for boys, Culver Girls Academy, and the Culver Summer Schools and Camps. Culver Military Academy was founded in 1894 by Henry Harrison Culver. The Girls Academy opened in 1971. Many political and business leaders graduated from a Culver Academies school. The 1,800-acre Culver campus is also home to the Black Horse Troop: the largest remaining mounted cavalry unit in the United States. The Troop has ridden in 13 Presidential Inaugural Parades starting with President Woodrow Wilson’s in 1913 through President George W. Bush’s in 2001. The school’s three-masted ship, docked on the school’s lakefront, is sailed as part of training as well. Both the campus, with its oldschool red brick buildings and tall
y t n u o C acts F FOUNDED: 1836 NAMED FOR: James Marshall, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who died in 1835 POPULATION: 46,248 (2018 estimate) COUNTY SEAT: Plymouth
ship, and the adjoining lakefront town of Culver, radiate a kind of New England coastal vibe. Coincidentally appropriate for a county whose seat is named after one of the most famous New England “rocks” in American history, the lake’s name, Maxinkuckee, is derived from the Potawatomi word Mog-sin-ke-ki, which means “big stone country.”
Marketplace Our Marketplace offers maximum exposure for your business or organization at a minimal cost. Don’t miss this opportunity to reach over a half million consumers at an affordable rate! Please contact Cheryl Solomon, 847-749-4875 or cheryl@amp.coop, for small business advertising opportunities in Indiana Connection.
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WE LIVE IT — YOU’LL LOVE IT Visit Switzerland County, Indiana Great Outdoors, Small Town Feel History, Shopping, Cuisine Award-Winning Local Wines Campgrounds and Boat Launches switzcotourism.com AUGUST 2020
Cardinal distraction The following letter was addressed to our longtime outdoors columnist, Jack Spaulding. Dear Mr. Spaulding, I read your May article in Indiana Connection with great interest. I have been having the same experience as the one you cite in your last paragraph, except that it is a female cardinal who keeps making the attacks. She started about the time the coronavirus restrictions began and I have to admit she has been a welcome distraction. I was even inspired to write a poem about it. I notice you refer lightly to Poe’s raven in your title and first paragraph, which I also did in my poem.
I discovered by Googling that this behavior is also a characteristic of
robins. There are plenty of robins around here, but none of them has ever
How do you get into the “spirit”
attacked my windows. In fact, this female cardinal is the only one to do so
of the Halloween season? You
in the 10 years I have lived in this house. If she conforms to the same rules
have until Aug. 17 to let us
as the male cardinal at your old country house, I guess I have a couple
know and possibly be featured
more months of it to look forward to.
in Indiana Connection’s October
Thanks for your many interesting nature articles in Indiana Connection.
issue. Five random readers will
I find it interesting that this cardinal is a female since these attacks are supposed to be a characteristic of male cardinals. Occasionally she is accompanied by a male, but he usually does nothing but feed her a seed. Once I saw him make a couple perfunctory attacks, but nothing since.
Kristine J. Anderson, Tipmont REMC member, Tippecanoe County
Looking for kids who are making a difference Indiana’s electric cooperatives, along with Indiana Connection, are accepting applications for the Youth Power and Hope Awards. This awards program honors fifth through eighth graders who are leaders in their communities. Five winners will receive $500 and be featured in an upcoming issue of Indiana Connection. Interested students must submit an application, examples of how they have been involved in their local communities, and a reference letter from a trusted adult by Friday, Oct. 2. Visit indianaconnection.org/?p=230 for an application and to learn about past award recipients. Contact us at info@IndianaConnection.org or 317-487-2220 if you have any questions.
also be “treated” to a $50 prize. Tell us about your favorite DIY Halloween costumes and how you made them. What are your decorating tips and recipes for family favorite treats? Do you have trick-or-treat memories you’d be willing to share? We’d love to hear from you. There are three ways to contact us: our website (www.indianaconnection. org); through email (info@ indianaconnection.org); or mail (Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240).
What’s the difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing? When it comes to cleaning, not all jobs are created equal. When you’ve got a big mess in the kitchen –– do you clean, disinfect or sanitize? These terms are often used interchangeably, but believe it or not, each are different. Cleaning dirt or food from a surface, for example, doesn’t necessarily kill germs and bacteria that can cause us to become sick. That’s why it’s important to know the difference between disinfecting and sanitizing. The CDC offers the following guidance: Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects. Disinfecting works by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection. Hospitals, for example, disinfect areas that have come into contact with bodily fluids, and parents typically disinfect areas where a baby’s diaper is changed. Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards or requirements. This process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces or objects to lower the risk of spreading infection. Most people sanitize kitchen surfaces that come into contact with food. Pay close attention to hazard warnings and directions on product labels. Cleaning products and disinfectants often call for the use of gloves or eye protection. For example, gloves should always be worn to protect your hands when working with bleach solutions. Visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus for more information on how to protect yourself and your family.
New cook stoves mean cleaner air
This simple vented cooking stove is bringing cleaner indoor air and better health to this San Jacinto, Guatemala, woman and her family. During its 2019 mission trip to San Jacinto, Project Indiana made an agreement with the village and its electric utility that every home the Hoosiers wired for electricity would have a vented cooking stove installed. Though the stoves still burn the area’s abundant wood, a ventilation pipe carries the smoke outside, ensuring clearer air in the kitchen and living quarters of the small huts. Studies have shown that vented stoves will reduce the frequency of respiratory infections in children. Now that a few San Jacinto families are beginning to install these life-changing stoves, those at Project Indiana are hoping others will follow suit. To learn more about Project Indiana and how you can support developing global communities, visit ProjectIndiana.org.
Indiana eats
Barbecue and brews OPEN PIT SECRET TO RUSTED SILO’S SMOKY MEATS Finding your favorite
Disney Company in Paris
and Orlando. A native
barbecue ribs may be is
of Florida, Ecker is not
zucchini and
as easy as heading to the
only a master of upscale
tomatoes, cole
rustically decorated shack
cuisine, he’s perfected
slaw, potato
by the railroad tracks in
old-fashioned Southern
salad and ranch
Lizton, Indiana. Rusted
barbecue as well.
beans round out
heading to college through
the “sides” offerings.
the Rusted Silo Fund.
Silo Southern BBQ and Brew House, a converted package liquor store located off I74, boasts a rotating smoker filled with hickory and cherry wood that transforms meats like ribs, brisket, chicken, pork and sausage into mouthwatering barbecue masterpieces.
Although the open pit
Save room for dessert
center stage at Rusted
too. The peach cobbler,
Silo, don’t overlook the
banana pudding, and
side dishes at this rustic
bourbon pecan pie all
farm-to-table restaurant.
get rave reviews. And,
The mac-n-beer cheese
consider ordering from the
puts a unique spin on
massive selection of craft
this classic dish with
beers to cool down from
three cheeses, a splash
the summer’s heat.
of beer and a sprinkling
Rusted Silo’s owner and
of Goldfish crackers. The
pitmaster, Rob Ecker,
stone-ground yellow corn
worked over 25 years
grits get a sharp cheddar
as a chef for The Walt
cheese flavor boost.
Since the restaurant
smoked meats take the
ensures its employees are fully compensated for their work, patrons’ tips are earmarked for philanthropic causes through the fund. So, not only can you get your fix of tasty barbecue and brew when visit Rusted Silo, you
Ecker is a strong
can support a local eatery
community advocate and
and help others, too.
he supports those in need as well as local students
411 N. State St. Lizton, IN 46149-9226 317-994-6145 rustedsilobrewhouse.com
NORMAL HOURS: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday
The Vinegar
food MEXICAN PICKLED CARROTS Suetta Tingler, Corydon, Indiana 2 lbs. large carrots, scraped and sliced into ¼-inch thick rounds 1 T. canola oil 5 cloves garlic, peeled and diced 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar 8 black peppercorns 1 t. salt 10 whole bay leaves 1 ½ cups water 6 oz. pickled jalapenos Heat oil in a large saucepan. Saute the garlic until a light golden color. Add carrots and saute for 2-3 minutes. Carefully add vinegar, peppercorns, salt and bay leaves; bring to a simmer for 5 minutes. Add water and
jalapenos to carrots; simmer for 10 minutes.
Darlene Baty, Springport, Indiana
Allow to completely cool before transferring carrot mixture and liquid into a covered container. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Store the carrot mixture in the liquid. Do not eat bay leaves. Remove before serving with a slotted spoon. Cook’s note: These are great for adding color and summer crunch to meals or can be served as an appetizer with a bite of zing.
2 cups water 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 ½ t. Worcestershire sauce 1 T. sugar ½ t. black pepper 1 cup melted butter 1 ½ t. garlic (optional) Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan and warm before using. Keep warm on the end of the grill while applying to chicken. Be sure chicken is warm on the grill before you baste the first time. Baste the chicken every time you turn it over.
WILTED LETTUCE Shirley A. Todd, Columbus, Indiana Chopped lettuce 5 strips bacon ½ cup sugar ½ t. salt ½ cup vinegar Small white onion, very thinly sliced, or sliced green onions (optional)
Chop lettuce and set aside. Brown bacon; drain on paper towel. Crumble bacon and set aside. Remove skillet from heat. To the skillet (containing bacon fat), add sugar, salt and vinegar. Return skillet to heat and stir mixture until it is boiling rapidly. Immediately pour over chopped lettuce. Stir and toss. Add crumbled bacon. Serve at once. (If desired, top with onion before pouring dressing over lettuce.)
of fame
“You can never have enough confetti!” said Reggy Funfurhuggin, the purple party dude and official spokescharacter of the National Mascot Hall of Fame in Whiting. And with that, fanfare blew and confetti flew as the Hall welcomed the class of 2020 — its four newest furry, fleece and foam-faced members. Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the Mascot Hall of Fame is the world’s only interactive shrine dedicated to the lovable zany characters of professional and collegiate sports. These anthropomorphic critters and blobs, nut- and baseball-headed humanoids, and colorful creative amalgams not only entertain fans with their sideline shenanigans, but they also bring warmfuzzy feelings to folks in quieter places not always in the glare of stadium lights. What makes these previously unsung costumed characters so special that they now have their own Cooperstown and Canton? The answer can be found in places like hospitals, schools and nursing homes where they’re often at their best. “To me, it’s real simple,” said Al Spajer, the Hall of Fame’s director of community engagement. “It’s the attention that they pay, generally and specifically, to people. “They’re entertainers,” he said. “They’re wonderfully conditioned athletes. They can just CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Boomer, the blue panther mascot of the Indiana Pacers NBA team, proudly shows off his Mascot Hall of Fame ring he received with his induction in June. PHO TO PRO VI DED BY THE I NDI ANA PACERS
Two Indiana mascots inducted into Hall of Fame BOOMER Boomer, the Pacers Panther, has become one of the most popular mascots in all of sports. His amazing cat-like athletic abilities and comedic antics have won over fans and drawn laughs from even the opponents and referees.
Boomer became the Indiana Pacers mascot in the fall of 1991 and the current performer has been Boomer since 1997. He performs at every Pacers home game and makes more than 300 community appearances each year. His school convocations across Indiana focus on varying topics such as anti-bullying, health and fitness promotion, anti-drug messages, and proper studying techniques. “We’ve always known Boomer’s one of the best mascots,” said Jamie Russell, Pacers associate of game operations. “Since it’s the fans voting on this, it really makes it extra special to know how much they love and appreciate Boomer.”
do all sorts of physical activity. But it’s the way they treat their fans. It’s just incomparable. They are able to capture hearts and minds and imaginations.” This year’s Mascot Hall of Fame class, the second since the facility opened its doors the day after Christmas in 2018, included its first Hoosiers. The mascots from both of Indiana’s major-league professional franchises made the grade: Blue, the hammy swivel-hipped horse of the Indianapolis Colts, and Boomer, the acrobatic panther of the Indiana Pacers. Inducted alongside Blue and Boomer were the Oriole Bird, of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team, and Youppi!,
Blue is the official mascot of the Indianapolis Colts. He’s now in his 14th season providing gameday entertainment, skits, and sideline antics for Colts fans.
the first international mascot who represents the Montreal
Blue travels the state making P H OTO C OU R TE SY O F THE IN D IA N A P OLI S CO LTS over 300 appearances a year. Blue performs more than 100 school shows each year, visiting more than 55,000 students across the state.
together was just fantastic. They’re both such great
In 2018, Blue introduced a new show, “Choose Love.” The show is geared toward middle school and high school students where Blue takes off his mask, encourages students to stop hiding behind their own masks, embrace themselves and treat others with love and respect.
Canadiens of hockey. Youppi! originally represented the Montreal Expos baseball team which relocated in 2005. “We’ve always known Boomer’s one of the best mascots,” said Jamie Russell, Pacers associate of game operations. “And Boomer and Blue getting recognized ambassadors for our city, our state, and our franchises.” “Blue and Boomer are worthy additions, but that’s not something that gets manufactured,” Spajer emphasized. “You got to win the vote.” To be eligible for the Mascot Hall of Fame, the character must have existed for a minimum of 10 years. It must also impact both its sport and community, inspire its fans, and consistently give memorable and groundbreaking performances. This year’s inductees emerged from an
original slate of 19 nominees selected
The museum worked with Calumet
and vetted from the pantheon of
College of St. Joseph in Whiting and
performing characters last October. To
Trine University in Angola to develop
earn induction, they faced two rounds
lesson plans and
of public online voting. Almost 127,000
exhibits based on
votes were cast from 41,000 ZIP
codes and 57 countries to narrow the
number to 10 and then to four.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, the Mascot Hall of Fame has been closed to the public since mid-March. The planned live June induction celebration was held online. Spajer said the Hall hopes to reopen later this year, depending, of course, on the pandemic recovery.
engineering, arts, math) educational principles. The museum’s goal is to educate, spark creativity, promote fun and engage in the community — while
On the outside, the Mascot Hall of
honoring the mascots and their trade.
Fame Interactive Children’s Museum
The mascots’ mascot — Reggy Funfurhuggin, lower left — and a crew of team mascots are permanent fixtures greeting visitors at the Mascot Hall of Fame.
Every inch of the 25,000-square-foot
looks like a giant funhouse: Reggy —
building pays homage to the creatures
the mascot’s mascot, with his giant
that, for a lot of fans, are the faces of
purplish visage, googly eyes and
the professional and college sports
out things like how much force is
inflatable dancing tubes of golden
teams they follow. Exhibits for the
needed to jump off a mini tramp
locks — looks down Whiting’s main
“Mascot University” include:
and dunk a basketball from the
street. But, as its full name implies, it is also a storehouse for learning.
• Fureshman Orientation, an introductory film hosted by Reggy,
“This is a place where there’s a lot
the mascot of the Mascot Hall of
of overt fun, but a ton of subliminal
Fame (and about the only talking
education,” noted Spajer. “Everywhere
mascot around), that tells the story
you go, there is a master plan as to
of mascots.
what the facility is trying to do. There’s
• Department of Phuzzical
geography. There’s nutrition. There’s
Education, an interactive play area
exercise. There’s acting. There’s
that includes the chance to virtually
building. There’s mathematics.”
shoot a T-shirt cannon.
• Science of Silliness which points
3-point line — as Boomer does; just how hot does it gets under those furry faces; or just what is that fur even actually made of. • Mascot Studies that includes a map locating where the mascots come from and a chance to learn about mascots through history. • The Department of Furry Arts where visitors can design their own mascot, perform as a mascot, and Build-A-Mascot with a Build-ABear brand workshop.
Enter to win four tickets! Learn more on page 3.
That a world-class national shrine to mascot silliness should be located in the small hard-working city of Whiting (population about 5,000) in Indiana’s industrial northwest corner in the shadow of Chicago is not as improbable as it may sound. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 AUGUST 2020
IF YOU GO... The Mascot Hall of Fame is located just across the railroad tracks from Whiting’s Lakefront Park on the Lake
To know Whiting, the folks there say, is to appreciate a sense of whimsy. After all, Whiting’s biggest event each year (when there’s no pandemic) is the Pierogi Fest. It attracts over
Michigan shoreline. The
300,000 people over the
HoF has been closed during
course of a July weekend.
the pandemic. Check its
All for a Polish dumpling.
website for latest details on
“It is a parody on parades
reopening dates and times.
1851 Front St., Whiting, IN 46394
and festivals. We poke fun at our Eastern European heritage,” Mayor Joseph Stahura, now in his fifth term, told the Indianapolis
Star when the mascot shrine opened.
instead of motorcycles. Old ladies
“We have a lawnmower brigade
Al Spajer, who goes by “Grandpa Mascot” at the Hall, stands with some of the giant inflated balloons featuring the likeness of inductees hanging from the rafters. PHO TO BY RI CHARD G . BI EVER
dress up in house coats, twirling
David Raymond, the original Phillie
plungers and rolling pins. Mascots just
Phanatic mascot, channeled the
fit smack in the middle of that theme.”
tongue-in-cheek outrage to a new
Tues-Wed, Fri-Sat: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
And a little farther up the western Lake
Thurs: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m Sun: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Mascot HOF is closed on Mondays and the following days: New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
Michigan shoreline from Whiting is Milwaukee where the whole notion of a Mascot Hall of Fame had its birth. It was July of 2003. During the usual “Sausage Race” at a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game, in which four people dressed as a variety of 7-foottall sausages dash around the field, a Pittsburgh Pirate leaned over the dugout railing with a bat and playfully
ADMISSION: Adults and children: $12
clubbed the Italian sausage named Guido on the back of the head as they ran by. The whack was well above
Children under 2: Free
the head of the young woman inside
Teachers and seniors (over 65): $10
the costume and didn’t hurt her, but it
Active military: Free Free parking!
was hard enough to make her lose her
Raymond founded the Mascot Hall of Fame, a virtual shrine that lived online. From 2005-2008, 16 mascots were inducted. But he always dreamed of putting it into brick and mortar. When Stahura became mayor in 2004, he brought a vision for expanding Whiting’s tourism beyond pierogis and its popular summertime beach. Over 9.5 million people live within just about an hour’s drive of Whiting. He was looking for a year-round attraction for a plot of city land just across the railroad tracks from Whiting’s lakeshore park. In 2013, he came upon Raymond’s online Hall of Fame.
balance. Guido fell, taking down the
Feasibility studies and an economic
racing Hot Dog beside him, as well.
analysis later, a $14 million tax-
The incident became a rallying cry for “mascot rights.”
awareness for their craft. In 2005,
increment financing package was approved by the Whiting
Redevelopment Commission. A non-
Spajer, who now makes his home as
gone over and over protocols and
profit entity to operate as the mascot
a Kankakee Valley REMC consumer
practices. “Whatever group comes
museum was created. Construction
in Valparaiso, said folks who know him
through here, not only do I want them
began in 2016. The official grand
best say he’s finally found his calling.
to FEEL safe, I want them to BE safe.”
Kidding aside, he noted, “The HR
But even cleaning up after mascots
person is always looking for the
can provide a chuckle. “When we
organization to improve, to be
took the pause for coronavirus, we
innovative, and to do what’s right.
did a very extensive deep cleaning,”
When I look at mascots, I’m like, ‘Yep,
he said. “As soon as we started, we
they check all those boxes. And they
got a leaf blower in here, and we
certainly know how to treat people.’
were marshaling confetti. There was
opening and ceremonial ribbon cutting was held April 6, 2019.
Spajer had just retired from a 40-year career directing human resources at a steel company in the region when he was asked to be the museum’s
a heckuva lot more than we thought
executive director in the early stages
“For seven years, I’ve had the
of its planning. His community and
privilege to follow those guys and girls
charity work, most notably with the
around and see what they do,” Spajer
Lake Area United Way, made him
added. “I’m behind them, so I’m
well known among area civic leaders.
looking at the kids. I see their eyes, or
He stepped back into the role as the
I’m looking at the family … and how
Mascot fans eagerly await the
executive director this spring. But
special they feel. I’m not looking at
museum’s reopening; everyone could
Spajer prefers to be called “Grandpa
the mascot; I’m looking at the person
sure use some mascoting right about
who’s looking at the mascot. That’s
now. And when that happens, let the
fun return — and that confetti fly.
the softer, sillier side of sports might
And from his background in the
seem a like departure for a native
steel industry, Spajer is also super
Richard G. Biever is senior editor of Indiana Connection.
Chicago Southsider who spent his
safety minded. So when it comes to
life working in the steel industry and
reopening the hands-on museum after
watching and playing hockey. But
COVID-19, he said museum staff has
Heading up a museum dedicated to
we’d ever find. It was everywhere. In the rafters. In all the nooks and crannies. Confetti is a staple of the mascot trade.”
Mascots gather with David Raymond, left, the original Phillie Phanatic who started the Mascot Hall of Fame, and Whiting Mayor Joe Stahura, at a 2019 fundraiser. PHO TO PRO VI DED BY THE M ASCO T HALL O F FAM E
Visit indianaconnection.org for a list of the 24 members of the Mascot Hall of Fame. AUGUST 2020
A slightly forlorn tone tinged my wife’s voice when she said, “There is something in the garage I want to show you.” As I walked into the garage, I saw, lying on one of my work tables, a wide light maple branch holding a small woven bird’s nest containing three tiny ivory colored eggs. The nest was larger than a hummingbird’s and about 2 ½ inches across. The eggs were a little larger than the size of a cooked Northern bean. “I was trimming the low branches in the side yard where we mow, and I didn’t see the nest until it floated to the ground,” she said. The broad light tree branch covered with leaves made for a natural parachute, and the nest came to rest on the ground with no damage to it or to the eggs inside. “What are we going to do?” she asked.
I said, “We’re going to put it back.” I cut a few lengths of stout twine, and we headed back to the side yard where Chris remembered lopping off the limb. Pulling the severed limb down, Chris held it while I tightly lashed the limb containing the nest and eggs to the top of it. Then, we eased it back into position. The reconfiguring put the nest on about the same level and only about two feet back from its original location. The next day, I carefully walked into the side yard, and I saw two very small, sparrow-like birds leaving the canopy from the vicinity of the relocated nest. It seems they have accepted the relocation of the nest. Backing off and giving them their space, I have curtailed my curiosity to give the birds a chance to get used to their newly relocated housing.
Wildlife is much more tolerant of human intervention than many think. If you find a young bird out of its nest, simply pick it up and put it back. The parents will pay no attention to the human scent on its young and will continue to care for it. ‘til next time,
JACK SPAULDING is a syndicated state outdoors writer and a member of RushShelby Energy. Readers can email him directly at jackspaulding@ hughes.net. Jack’s first book, “The Best of Spaulding Outdoors,” a compilation of his favorite articles over 30 years is now available as a Kindle download or as a 250-page paperback from Amazon.com.
POSE ELECTRICAL SAFETY ISSUES The use of drones has increased rapidly in the past several years. Coming in various sizes ranging from hummingbird to bald eagle, these remote-controlled aircraft are being used in a vast number of ways by government, industries, commercial enterprises and hobbyists. Electric utilities have come to rely on drones to help inspect power lines, including during storm restoration work when it might be difficult to access certain areas. While drones have not yet filled the skies, as many predict they one day will, Indiana’s electric cooperatives remind both hobbyists and commercial users to be aware of dangers when operating the little aerial devices near power
with electricity, drones still present
number. If you still are unable to
safety concerns their pilots need to
contact the utility, call 911 and
ask for assistance. Depending
Some things drone operators, both commercial and recreational, should keep in mind include:
equipment. Power lines can interfere with the radio signals to your drone causing it to veer off course or crash. This can pose danger to any people below or damage your drone or the power lines. • Should your drone get caught in power lines or crash into a utility pole or substation, never attempt to retrieve it yourself. Attempting to free the drone by
electrocuted. Call your electric
Cooperatives. “While drones are not tethered to you with a string like a kite that can fall across overhead power lines and put you in direct contact
substations and other electrical
“Some of the same things we
Gasstrom, CEO of Indiana Electric
or damage to the electrical
away from power lines, electrical
entering a substation is not only
carry over to drones, too,” said John
it could cause a power outage
• Keep drones at least 100-150 feet
lines and electrical equipment. learned about flying kites as kids
on where your drone has landed,
criminal trespassing, you can be cooperative for assistance. • If you are in an unfamiliar area or don’t know the name of the utility, most poles and all substations are marked with the utility’s name and
CONSIDERING PURCHASING A DRONE AND BECOMING A RECREATIONAL PILOT? Here are some quick tips and facts from the Federal Aviation Administration: • Fly only for recreational purposes. • Keep your unmanned aircraft within your visual line-of-sight or within the visual line-of-sight of an observer who is co-located and in direct communication with you. • Do not fly above 400 feet above the ground. • Never fly near airports. • Do not fly in controlled airspace without an FAA authorization. For full details of becoming a drone pilot, visit faa.gov/uas.
may have an emergency phone AUGUST 2020
Nothing garners attention
on social media these days like cute critter photos. The photos you make and share of your dog or cat can be just as memorable as the photos you see in magazines or on Instagram. But rarely do they just “happen.” Here are some tips to keep in mind to make your “snap shots” of Fido and Fluffy bark and purr like the planned professional shots we see.
Use natural or available light
sleep on your head. So,
at it. Don’t pause to
when shooting photos of
examine what you’ve shot,
If possible, use natural light.
them, don’t act as if they
or you’ll miss the next for
suddenly have “dog germs!”
sure. Try different views
or the mange.
and compositions. Worry
Natural light, especially in the morning or late afternoon, is soft light that can fill their eyes and define their furry head against their body. If you cannot go outside, try shooting images in the light coming through the glass of a storm door or window.
Focus on the eyes
Shoot them like you like them
The eyes are the most
If you’re like most indoor
important thing in any type of portrait photography. As they say, “The eyes are the window of the soul.” That includes those of pets. Keep those eyes crystal clear and razor sharp. And while you’re focusing on your pet’s eyes, try to get it to focus its attention on something that turns its eyes slightly your way. Focus, then snap your fingers or hold out a toy, then shoot the image before it moves its body.
pet owners, you probably constantly snuggle with them watching TV. You let them lick your face or
Get in close, just as you would when shooting photos of children. Get down on their eye level. Sit on the floor or lay on your belly if you have to.
Keep on shooting Keep your cell phone handy because sometimes the first shot is the only shot you’ll get in capturing a fleeting moment of frisky furry joy. But, after that first shot, if the pet’s still cooperative, keep working
about the results later. The number of digital photos you can shoot is limited only by the few seconds you take later on to delete shots you don’t like. So, if your pet is in a pose you love, check the light, the focus, the framing, move in close and keep shooting until you feel you have captured the decisive moment … or until your pet gets bored and starts grooming itself or sticks its nose into your lens wondering what the heck you’re doing.
product recalls
Path light kits recalled for shock hazard
This recall involves Hampton Bay, Patriot Lighting and Paradise light kits sold with Sterno Home LED power supplies. The Sterno Home LED power supply is defective; it has a plug blade that can remain in the AC outlet when the LED power supply is pulled from the outlet, posing a risk of electric shock to the user. The light kits were sold at Home Depot and other hardware stores nationwide and online from March 2017 through May 2020 for between $50 and $100.
Call 888-867-6095; or go online at www.sternohome.com/recalls or www.sternohome.com and click on RECALL NOTICE in the top left corner or for more information.
As a service to our readers and to promote electrical safety, here are some recent recall notices provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Visit www.cpsc.gov/en/recalls for full details of these recalls and for notices of many more.
Hoosier Energy news
GRANT FUNDING helps small businesses during pandemic Partnership with CoBank program doubles matching grants Just days before closing the One Southern Indiana office for the COVID-19 pandemic, President and CEO Wendy Dant Chesser had two challenges facing the economic development and Chamber of Commerce organization — how to not only sustain, but also help the
Stacy Tunnell, Betty Lenfert, Julie Young and Stefanie Griffith of Strandz Salon and Threadz Boutique in New Albany have received funds from the One Southern Indiana Cares program that Hoosier Energy recently contributed to.
that One Southern Indiana had
agencies receiving grants were
created the small business relief fund
selected because of being economic
and had received 145 applications
development and community-
Board and team members quickly
for $421,000 in funding. So, the
based organizations with strong
created the One Southern Indiana
committee submitted a request to
reputations in Hoosier Energy’s
Cares program and raised enough
CoBank to match Hoosier Energy’s
service area.
funding in its first of three initiatives
$2,500 grant, with preference
to grant $419,000 in loans to 44
being made to Clark County REMC
small businesses in Floyd and Clark
members if possible.
1,068 business members that would be scared and hurting financially.
counties. One of those donors was Hoosier Energy, partnering with CoBank’s Sharing Success to give $5,000 to the COVID-19 Small
Dant Chesser is grateful for Hoosier Energy and all the businesses, organizations and individuals that
This was one of five Hoosier Energy
have contributed to their three
grants, three which were matched by
different initiatives.
In total, One Southern Indiana has
Business Emergency Forgivable Loan
Being able to partner with CoBank
given or loaned $1.157 million to 123
meant that the Hoosier Energy
small businesses. “We’ve persevered,
grant had a broader impact for
and luckily, we’ve had a very
small businesses, organizations
generous community.”
The Hoosier Energy Corporate Contributions Committee learned
and cooperative members. The
Due to the ever-changing coronavirus situation, please note that the events below may not occur at their originally scheduled times. Be sure to reach out to the event contacts below to ensure that the programs you are interested in are still taking place.
1516 29 Sept.
YELLOWSTONE TRAIL FEST, Hamlet (Starke), Starke County Fairgrounds. Special guests: Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Lookalike contest, magic, repurposed metal sculpture contest, Dr. Bones, kids’ water activities, baby contest, parade, vendors, music. Free. 547-8060500. YellowStoneTrailFest.com INDIANA BACON FESTIVAL, Delphi (Carroll), downtown square. Live music, local foods, craft beer and wine, Backyard BBQ cook-off, family fun zone and bacon eating and hog calling. Admission charge. 3-11 p.m. 765-564-6757. indianabaconfestival.com ROCK ‘N’ RAIL MUSIC & STREET FESTIVAL, Griffith (Lake), downtown on Broad Street. Live music, food vendors, arts and crafts, and children’s activity zone. Free. 219-924-7500. griffith.in.gov
GAS BOOM DAYS, Redkey (Jay), downtown. Antiques, vendors, live bands, petting zoo, cake walk, cornhole tournament, games, parade, shops and more. Free. 260-729-7040. VisitRedkey.com/ gas-boom-days GRABILL COUNTRY FAIR, Grabill (Allen), downtown. Handmade crafts, food vendors, monster truck rides, nightly entertainment. Saturday morning parade, children’s games and contests. Free. 260-627-5227. grabillcountryfair.com
WABASH VALLEY COIN AND CURRENCY SHOW, Terre Haute (Vigo), Wabash Valley Fairgrounds. Buy, sell and trade coins and currency. Free. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 812-533-0783. membam17@gmail.com
SULPHUR SPRINGS COMMUNITY DAYS AND MUD BOG, Sulphur Springs (Henry), downtown. Car show, vendors, musical entertainment, bingo. Mud Bog Saturday night with $5 admission charge. Trucks and ATVs eligible. Rules to enter on Facebook page. 765-524-4669. fb.com/ sulphurcommunitydays
2223 Sept.
CAVE WEEKEND, Mitchell (Lawrence), Spring Mill State Park. Explore caves and learn about the history and ideas tied to them. Unless otherwise noted, programs are at the Lakeview Activity Center. https://www.in.gov/ dnr/parklake/2968.htm ARCHAEOLOGY DAY, Jasper (Dubois), Dubois County Museum. Activities related to Archaeology Month in Indiana. Admission charge. 812482-7733. https://duboiscountymuseum.org/
This calendar is published as a service to readers and the communities electric cooperatives serve. Indiana Connection publishes events free of charge as space allows, giving preference to free community festival and events in and around areas served by subscribing REMCs/RECs. While Indiana Connection strives for accuracy, please note that events, dates and time may change without notice. Indiana Connection advises using contact phone numbers or internet sites to check times and dates of events before making plans.
MADISON RIBBERFEST BBQ & BLUES, Madison (Jefferson), Riverfront. This scaleddown festival includes BBQ competitions, music and more. Admission charge. 800-559-2956. madisonribberfest.com
LANESVILLE HERITAGE WEEKEND, Lanesville (Harrison), Heritage Park. Queen/Princess pageant. fiddlers’ log-sawing and horseshoe pitchin’ contests. Antique farm equipment with demonstrations, steam engines, hit ‘n’ miss engines, sawmill and crafts demonstrations, tractor pull. Free. 812-952-2027. lanesvilleheritageweekend.com
To add events to Calendar, please use the “Submit and Event” form under the “Talk to Us” or “Calendar” buttons at indianaconnection.org; or mail your info to: Calendar, Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Please submit info two months before the date of the event. AUGUST 2020
career profile
Serving Top 3
responsibilities in a day: •
Providing resources. Making sure my team has all available resources and knowledge needed to provide our members with what they need
Problem solving. We face many challenges in our department, such as billing issues, new software challenges, creating new and disconnecting accounts, and meter management.
Special projects.
What education and training were needed for your position and/or make you most successful in your position? I have a bachelor’s degree in business management and earned other skills throughout my career by attending trainings such as Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ Leadership Edge program. Anytime we can receive training it is important; I feel we all have room to learn something new. Why did you decide to work for a cooperative? I did not know anything about the cooperative when I decided to apply. At that time, REMC was my home electric provider. Little did I know that HCREMC would be the last job of my career.
Melissa True Manager of Customer Service and Billing HCREMC What part of your job is most fulfilling?
What are your professional goals at the cooperative?
Helping the members understand their bill and analyzing usage changes to identify high energy usage in the home. That is what we are here for. It is wonderful to help.
My goal is to provide my team with the resources they need to help our members make their cooperative experience the best possible. It is also my goal to always be available to help our members when they need it most. We want our members to understand we care, and we are here for them. That is the cooperative difference.
What part of your job is most challenging? Having to disconnect accounts is the hardest part of my job. We want to work with members the best we can, but sometimes it does require us to disconnect their service.
INTERESTED IN AN ELECTRIC CO-OP CAREER? Visit WePowerIndiana.org to learn about available careers or tell us about yourself.