WIN Energy REMC — February 2018 Electric Consumer

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s m a e r D

Youth Programs

Applications for Youth Tour, Touchstone Energy Camp and REMC scholarships are due Feb. 16!

from the editor

The urge to purge

VOLUME 67 • NUMBER 8 ISSN 0745-4651 • USPS 262-340 Published monthly by:

It’s amazing what you can accumulate when you’ve spent a career in one building for one employer. Although during my work day I’m usually buried under piles of files and paper, and lists of things left to do, I must admit I didn’t realize what I had stored in my office and environs. But last month was the designated “purge month” for the employees of Indiana Electric Cooperatives, publisher of Electric Consumer. We are moving to a new headquarters in June. And, as those of you who’ve moved before (or done some serious decluttering) know, sometimes what’s in back of the drawers or on top of the cabinets can surprise you. For instance, among my discoveries from my 34 years in the same location: •  Several decades worth of props used in food photos: including four ears of Indian corn, a wicker cornucopia and craft store autumn leaves which were used often in the 1990s.

ELECTRIC CONSUMER is for and about members of Indiana’s locally-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. It helps consumers: use electricity safely and efficiently; understand energy issues; connect with their co-op; and celebrate life in Indiana. Over 251,000 residents and businesses receive the magazine as part of their electric co-op membership. OUR ADDRESS 720 N. High School Road Indianapolis, IN 46214

•  In the same box as the photo props was a lone candy cane. Lesson learned: candy canes still in their plastic wrappers just may stand the test of time!

TELEPHONE 317-487-2220 or 800‑340‑7362

•  Dozens of three-ring binders scavenged throughout the years when others were discarding them. I thought I could use them someday. Someday never came.


•  White felt fashioned into makeshift beards used when staff members dressed as the seven dwarves one Halloween. Also two pairs of wire frame glasses suitable for use with Santa and Mrs. Claus costumes. •  Enough coffee mugs adorned with corporate logos of REMCs and vendors, and miscellaneous tea bags to keep the office staff caffienated for a month — that is, if 5-year-old tea bags are still OK to use. Amidst the clutter, I’ve found old photos, yellowed past issues, and file folders filled with letters from readers through the years. Who’d have thought that my numerous trips to the dumpster could also lead me down memory lane?

WEBSITE INDIANA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES OFFICERS Gary Gerlach President Walter Hunter Vice President Randy Kleaving Secretary/Treasurer Tom VanParis Chief Executive Officer EDITORIAL STAFF Emily Schilling Editor Richard George Biever Senior Editor Holly Huffman Member Relations/ Advertising Manager Ellie Schuler Communications Specialist ADVERTISING American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181;

EMILY SCHILLING Editor On the menu: May — High Carb recipes (to “fuel up” for the Indy

500!); deadline Feb. 19. June — Strawberry recipes; deadline Feb. 19. If we publish your recipe on our food page, we’ll send you a $10 Target gift card.

Reader Submissions page: May — Photos from the Indy

500; deadline Feb. 19. June — Photos of ugly bridesmaid dresses; deadline Feb. 19.

Free brunch: Winner of the free brunch for two at Tippecanoe Place

Restaurant from January was Jennifer Loving, a Marshall County REMC consumer. Stay tuned for more giveaways in future issues.

Three ways to contact us: To send us recipes, photos, event listings, letters and

entries for gift drawings, please use the forms on our website; email; or send to Electric Consumer, PO Box 24517, Indianapolis, IN 46224.

Crosshair Media, 502-216-8537; Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication. UNSOLICITED MATERIAL: Electric Consumer does not use unsolicited freelance manuscripts or photographs and assumes no responsibility for the safe‑keeping or return of unsolicited material. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $12 for individuals not subscribing through participating REMCs/RECs. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Readers who receive Electric Consumer through their electric co-op membership should report address changes to their local co-op. POSTAGE: Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Ind., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Electric Consumer, P.O. Box 24517, Indianapolis, IN 46224. Include key number. No portion of Electric Consumer may be reproduced without permission of the editor.







product picks 03 FROM THE EDITOR 05 CO-OP NEWS What’s happening at your local electric cooperative. 10 ENERGY 12 INSIGHTS 14 PRODUCT PICKS Major appliances keep getting smarter — to save you money and time.


16 INDIANA EATS Let the good times roll. 17 FOOD The Chinese New Year and South Korean Olympics offer “Asian inspiration.” 19 COVER STORY Hoosier speed-skating siblings — competing on a national level — share Olympic dreams.

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cover story






28 OUTDOORS Indiana’s nesting YouTube’d barn owls have an encore. 29 SAFETY Are you ready to safely ride out a winter storm? 30 BACKYARD

33 READER SUBMISSIONS When readers share images of wildlife. 34 PROFILE Justin Vining is an artist whose life journey has taken him down different paths (not in all editions).

On the Cover Quinn Derheimer, #10, might only be 9 years old, but he dreams of being an Olympic speed

Find us on Pinterest

skater someday. The IndySpeed skater from

Follow us on Instagram

Chicago earlier this season.

Indianapolis is shown racing in suburban




co-op news

Plugging into safety CONTACT US Toll Free:  800-882-5140 Local: 812-882-5140 Fax: 812-886-0306 AUTOMATED EXPRESS SERVICES For outages and payments, call:  888-456-9876 OFFICE HOURS 7:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. local time Monday-Friday VINCENNES OFFICE 3981 S. U.S. Highway 41 Vincennes, IN 47591 PRINCETON OFFICE 1314 W. 100 N. Princeton, IN 47670 SULLIVAN OFFICE 2044 W. State Road 154 Sullivan, IN 47882 UNDERGROUND LINE LOCATING Please call 811 at least two business days before you plan to dig. OFFICE CLOSINGS New Year’s: Jan. 1 and 2; Good Friday: March 30; Memorial Day: May 28; Independence Day: July 4; Labor Day: Sept. 3; Veterans Day: Nov. 12; Thanksgiving: Nov. 22 and 23; Christmas: Dec. 24 and 25; 2019 New Year’s: Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. METER READING DATES Cycle 1: Feb. 2; Cycle 2: Feb. 7; Cycle 3: Feb. 16; Cycle 4: Feb. 25; Cycle 5: March 1; Cycle 6: March 1. FEBRUARY TREE TRIMMING LOCATIONS Tree trimming crews will be in the following areas this month: • Knox County — Busseron Township Washington Township Palmyra Township Steen Township Vigo Township Vincennes Township Widner Township Specific locations can be found at      Like us on Facebook

WIN Energy REMC has always been dedicated to providing safe, reliable, and affordable electric service to you, our member-owners. The lengths we go to keep you, your family, and our employees safe are never taken lightly. This month, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the importance of safety. We all depend on electricity to power our lives, but accidents can happen when electricity is improperly used. WIN Energy REMC’s concern for safety extends beyond our employees. We care deeply about the safety of our members, and we encourage you to plug into safety. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, thousands of people in the U.S. are critically injured or electrocuted as a result of electrical fires and accidents at their homes. Here are some things for you to consider about electrical safety: •  If you are in an accident with a utility pole, stay in the car. Power lines may have broken loose from their anchors and fallen onto your vehicle, making it electrically charged. If you step out of the car, you will become the electricity’s path to the ground and could be electrocuted. Tell others in your car to stay put. If you come upon an accident involving power lines, do not approach the accident scene. If you see others approaching, warn them to stay away.

vehicle until a utility professional has told you it is safe to do so. •  If your planned projects include digging, like planting a tree or bringing in a backhoe for trench work, call 8-1-1 before you dig! Underground utilities, such as buried gas, water, and electric lines, can be a shovel thrust away from turning a project into a disaster. To find out where buried utility lines run on your property, call to have them marked days prior to digging. •  Using electricity properly is key to your safety. Be careful not to overload electrical outlets in your home. Many electrical fires can be traced to overheated circuits. Be mindful of warning signs of an electrical problem, such as outlets and switches that are warm or make crackling, sizzling, or buzzing noises. Only use extension cords on a temporary basis, and never use them with space heaters or air conditioners.

Following these safety tips can help prevent a fire or injuries. As the CEO of WIN Energy REMC, I believe it is my duty and responsibility to raise awareness about the importance of electrical safety. I have mentioned just a few safety considerations, but there are many more. Please visit www. for more. Remember to always contact us if you see a downed power line or any other type of dangerous electrical situation. Take a moment to “plug into safety.”

Call 911 to notify emergency personnel


and utility services. Do not leave your



co-op news

Years of service

WIN Energy REMC employees honored Eight WIN Energy REMC employees were honored for their years of service to the cooperative at the WIN Energy REMC

Brooks retires

employee Christmas party in December.

Mike Brooks retired from the

Together, these eight employees have a

cooperative Jan. 29 after 38 years

combined 70 years

of service.

of service to the cooperative.


Brooks began his employment on April 30, 1979, with Sullivan




REMC as a journeyman lineman and








continued as a lineman in the Sullivan district at the formation of WIN Energy REMC in 1997. In 2012, he became the Sullivan service line specialist and retired in the same position. Brooks resides in Sullivan with his wife, Cherri. He has two children, Rob and Katie; seven grandsons;


and two granddaughters. In his retirement, he is looking forward to spending more time with his grandkids and having more time to travel.



Apprentice line specialist joins co-op family Neil Kimbrel joined WIN Energy on Jan. 3 as a first year apprentice line specialist in the Princeton district. Kimbrel is a graduate of the Southeast Lineman Training Center. He was



previously employed at Unilever in Sikeston, Missouri. WIN Energy REMC is excited to welcome Neil; his wife, Tosha; and daughters, Kylie and Averiana, to the co-op family.

co-op news

Save the Date!

April 7, 2018

WIN Energy REMC Annual Meeting 1:30 p.m. ET Vincennes Lincoln High School Ader Auditorium



Insulate your pipes for energy savings

Consider insulating your hot water pipes. Doing so can reduce heat loss, allow you to lower the temperature setting of your water heater and save an additional 3 to 4 percent per year on water heating. — ENERGY.GOV



youth programs

ations! c li p p a ll a r o ef e closing dat

Feb. 16 is th

apply HOW TO

S C HOLA RS H IP P RO GRA M Visit to download an application and learn more. Applications are due by Feb. 16.

T OUC H S T ON E E N E RGY C A MP For more information about attending camp this summer and to download an application, visit:

SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS •  The parents or legal guardians of the applicant must be members of WIN Energy REMC.

FEB 16

•  Applicant must be a 2018 graduating senior and have maintained a cumulative grade point average of a C or higher. •  Applicant must provide a current high school transcript. •  Applicant must submit application and transcript to WIN Energy REMC no later than Feb. 16. •  Recipient must be eligible to enroll as a full time student in the fall of 2018. Proof of enrollment must be presented to WIN Energy REMC. •  Full or part-time employees of WIN Energy REMC or a spouse, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew of an employee or board director of WIN Energy REMC are ineligible to apply.




JUNE 6-9


JUNE 7-14 and

A fun, powerful, and unique camp

What are you doing this summer?

click on the “News and Events”

experience designed for students

Your electric co-op wants to send

tab then “Youth Programs” tab.

entering seventh

you on a weeklong, all-inclusive

grade in 2018.

trip of a lifetime

Horseback riding,

to Washington,

canoeing, zip


lining, trying out


Ready to pack your bags?

archery, swimming,


Download an application at

learning about

legislators, friends, and

electrical safety, and

history. Must be

click on the “News and Events”

bucket truck rides!

a junior to apply.

tab then “Youth Programs” tab.

Applications are due

Applications are

by Feb. 16.

due by Feb. 16.


Applications are due by Feb. 16.





Get smart What to consider when buying a thermostat

Today, many thermostats offer great new technologies and can do things thermostats of the past simply could not do. That said, it’s certainly worth asking if

If your electric co-op has a demand response program that offers discounts for using less power during peak energy use hours, a smart thermostat can provide additional savings on your monthly power bill.

these new thermostats can save enough

The move to smart technology is a

money to justify the extra cost.

significant investment. Units can cost up

Let’s start by looking at the three main options for thermostats: manual, programmable and smart.

to $400, although one manufacturer has a new model for about $170. It’s also important to note not all homes have the proper wiring in place to accommodate

The main benefits of a manual thermostat

smart thermostats, so you may need

are that it’s simple to operate and there

to hire a professional to handle the

are no batteries to wear out and replace.


You just have to remember to raise and lower the temperature setting in the morning and evening, and whenever you leave the house. The second option is the programmable thermostat. Typically, this type of thermostat allows settings for four different periods each day. Some models can even handle a different schedule for each day of the week. You control the settings so they will suit your climate, schedule and temperature preferences.


by Pat Keegan and Brad Thiessen

Are newer, more expensive thermostats worth the extra cost? How much a thermostat can save depends on how much you spend on heating and cooling your house. You can estimate your heating and cooling expenses by examining your electric bills (and other utility bills) related to heating your home. Compare the bills for winter and summer to those for spring and fall. Most of the difference is likely due to heating and cooling. If

Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely through a smart phone or tablet.

The third option is a smart, or “learning”

that amount is more than $900 per year,

thermostat. A smart thermostat connects

which is the national average, you have

to your home’s Wi-Fi network. After

bills that much, even if you program it

a better chance of a good return on your

installation, you input the basics of your

correctly or if it learns your behavior.


schedule and temperature. Over time, as you change the settings, it learns your schedule and adjusts to minimize energy use. Smart thermostats can also detect when no one is home. You can also control it remotely by using an app on your smartphone or tablet.



As you make your decision, don’t forget

The second factor that will determine

to look to your electric co-op’s website for

how much you can save is how you are

advice, ratings and maybe even rebates.

operating your old thermostat. If you are conscientious about adjusting the temperature to save energy when you’re leaving the house or going to bed, the new thermostat may not reduce your

PAT KEEGAN and BRAD THIESSEN of Collaborative Efficiency write for the member publications of America’s Electric Cooperatives. For more information on heat pumps, please visit:

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ould fireflies light up in space?” is a reasonable kind of question only second graders studying the wondrous little bioluminescent beetles might be curious enough to ask. To find out, students in Maggie Samudio’s class at Cumberland Elementary in West Lafayette posed the question to Purdue University’s astronautics professor Steven Collicott. To answer it as an educational exercise, he teamed students at Purdue’s School of Aeronautics and Astronautics with the second graders to create ZGGE: ZeroGravity Glow Experiment. The automated experiment would determine if the reaction between the two chemicals that occurs in the bellies of fireflies to create their light would do the same artificially in the belly of a space capsule in the weightlessness of space. On Dec. 12, 2017, over two years and a suborbital flight 200,000 miles above Earth later, the question was answered aboard a Blue Origin launch. When the capsule reached weightlessness, the rocket’s computer triggered the experiment to begin. A miniature video camera recorded as the plunger of a syringe filled with one of the chemicals used by fireflies was injected into the other. And the answer, we now know, is — “YES!” Fireflies could light up in space.

Blue Origin is an aerospace firm launching commercial payloads and preparing for human spaceflight. Purdue has flown experiments with Blue Origin before. The 12-minute flights blast off from its launch facility in western Texas. Along with ZGGE, the December flight included 11 other commercial, research and education experiments. The weightless environment lasted about three minutes. Interest in fireflies at Cumberland took off in 2014 when a student wondered why Indiana had no state insect, and her class began lobbying the Indiana General Assembly to make it Say’s Firefly (a variety discovered by naturalist Thomas Say in New Harmony in 1826). Their efforts were featured in the June 2016 Electric Consumer. Undeterred by defeats at the Statehouse, the students continued their efforts. This legislative session, they received the backing of Gov. Eric Holcomb who even noted his support for their cause in his State of the State address Jan. 9. While the students’ fireflies in space question has been resolved with a flight to the edges of the Earth and back, their question as to why there’s no state insect remains up in the air. To revisit our 2016 story and find links to more info, go to:


The Purdue/Cumberland Elementary firefly experiment blasted off Dec. 12, 2017, aboard a Blue Origin rocket and capsule. This photo was of a Blue Origin launch in 2016.

Trump task force: Broadband vital to rural America President Donald Trump signed two

nation,” said Jim Matheson, CEO of

utilities in addition to enhanced federal

executive orders to facilitate rural

the National Rural Electric Cooperative

coordination to help bring broadband to

broadband at the American Farm Bureau

Association. “This task force report

rural communities.

conference in Nashville Jan. 8.

rightfully identifies a number of key areas

During the conference, the report of a task force Trump convened was unveiled.

and nearly all depend on expanded access to high-speed internet.”

One of the executive orders signed by Trump requires the Department of the Interior to ease access to towers and other infrastructure the department

The report emphasized

The task force met with farmers and

manages. The second calls for

access to broadband.

local communities to determine the

departments and agencies to reduce

greatest barriers to rural prosperity. The

barriers to capital investment and

group also recommended expediting

government resources to enable rural

infrastructure modernization for rural

broadband projects.

“The success of rural America is critical to the well-being of our entire


that are essential to economic growth,




win $200

You could

ENTER YOUR BEST ARTWORK Fill the pages of the 2019 calendar!



Indiana public, private or home-schooled students in kindergarten through 12th grade during the 2017-18 school year are eligible to enter the contest.

A first-place artist will be selected for each grade, K-12, and will receive $200. The artwork of each grade level winner will also illustrate the cover and each month of the calendar. Up to nine additional artists will earn honorable mention awards and receive $50. Their artwork will appear in a special section of the calendar. An “artist of the year� will be selected from among the first place winners and receive an additional $100. Judges will also select merit award winners who will receive certificates.

DETAILS AND DEADLINE A complete set of rules and required entry forms are available at Entry deadline is March 23, 2018.

Questions? Contact Electric Consumer 317.487.2220 or



product picks

Move up to the



majors Major League Baseball’s spring training begins later this month (and not a moment too soon for


those tired of this cold winter). It seems every season, players use new technology to enhance their skills. Same is true with major appliances. They get smarter each year to do more than ever before.

2 1


KEEP YOUR COOL Frozen fridge gawkers! They stand there, door open, cold air escaping, deciding on the perfect snack. Retrain them with an LG InstaView Door-inDoor refrigerator. They just knock twice on the glass panel to see what’s inside without opening a door. $4,500. 800-243-0000;














Need just an item washed but don’t have a full load? With the LG Sidekick, you can do tiny loads without feeling wasteful. The Sidekick operates as its own mini-washer and serves as a base for a full-size LG frontloader. $657.

Dishwashers are big time savers — but not if you have to wash off every speck of food before you load the dishes. With 140 jets, the GE Monogram Dishwasher delivers a deep clean and has a third rack just for silverware. $2,000.

Get dinner in a flash with a Panasonic Countertop Oven & Indoor Grill with Induction Technology. This oven grills, broils, bakes, toasts and cooks one-pan meals using doubleinfrared and induction technology. $399.

Every cook has been there — one dish cooks at 350 F; another at 425. You can serve both dishes hot out of the oven with the Samsung Flex Duo Range, a single oven that turns into a double oven when you need one. $2,777.

You’re in the middle of shopping and can’t remember if you’re out of milk. The Samsung Family Hub refrigerator lets you peek inside wherever you are. This fridge also lets you coordinate schedules, make lists and play music. $3,332 and up.






Indiana eats

Ragin’ for Cajun ‘Laissez les bon temps rouler’ at Zydeco’s! If you’re ready to embrace your inner

something more exotic? Sink your

Cajun and celebrate Mardi Gras (Feb.

tastebuds into Zydeco’s gator on a stick.

13) this month with some mouthwatering food, we have just the spot for you.

The restaurant also holds crawfish boils from late spring through early

Zydeco’s Cajun Actual in Mooresville,

summer. To satisfy your sweet tooth,

Indiana, just a short drive south of

you can enjoy its famous rum sauce with

Indianapolis, has been serving up

bread pudding, bourbon pecan pie and

authentic, world-famous southern

chocolate cake.

Louisiana cuisine for its customers in a Mardi Gras-style atmosphere for years. The restaurant has been featured on Food Network, CNN, Fox News and more. On the menu, prepared by its Louisiana native executive chef, is traditional regional fare such as jambalaya, gumbo, and red beans and rice. Looking for

After your visit, if you’re willing to try some recipes at home, be sure to purchase the Zydeco’s Cajun Actual Cookbook (visit its website for ordering details). So “Let the good times roll” and make a stop at Zydeco’s Cajun Actual for a taste of Louisiana right here in the Hoosier state.

Zydeco’s Cajun Actual 11 E Main St.

Mooresville, Indiana

317-834-3900 Hours: Wed-Thu, 5 to 9 p.m. Fri, 5 to 10 p.m. Sat, 4 to 10 p.m. PHO TO CO URTESY O F ZYDECO ’ S CAJ UN AUTHE NTI C





Pad Thai 8 oz. broad rice stick noodles 2 t. oil 2 large eggs, beaten 1 clove garlic, minced 4 T. Thai or Vietnamese fish sauce 3 T. sugar 3 T. fresh lime juice 2 T. ketchup 1 T. Thai red chili paste 8 oz. large shrimp, peeled, deveined and sliced lengthwise or 10 oz. extra firm tofu, cubed 1 cup bean sprouts 1 lime, cut into 8 wedges ½ cup chopped cilantro 4 T. roasted and salted peanuts, chopped 4 T. chopped green onions Soak noodles in warm water for 20 minutes. Heat 1 T. oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add eggs. Cook slowly until the eggs form a pancake. Cool and cut into thin strips. Put garlic, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, ketchup and chili paste in a blender. Pulse until smooth. Heat wok or skillet over high heat. Add 1 t. oil. Add shrimp or tofu and sprouts. Sauté for 3 minutes. Add drained noodles and eggs. Add sauce. Toss to coat evenly. Cook for 4 minutes until the noodles are tender. Divide into 4 portions. Garnish with lime, cilantro, peanuts and scallions.

Cook’s notes: Noodles, fish sauce and chili paste can be found in the Asian food section of grocery stores or online. Chopped beef, pork or chicken could be used instead of shrimp or tofu.




Ginger Chicken by Patricia Piekarski, Harvey, Illinois 3 T. dry sherry

In a small bowl, stir together sherry,

2 T. soy sauce

soy sauce, bean sauce (if desired),

2 T. hot bean sauce (optional)

water and cornstarch. Set aside.

1 T. water 1 t. cornstarch 2 T. cooking oil 1 T. grated ginger root 1 cup sliced carrots

Pork Spring Rolls by Heidi Stamets, Monroeville

high heat. Add 1 T. of oil. (Add remaining oil as necessary during cooking.)

3½ cups sliced bok choy or

Stir-fry ginger and carrots for

chopped Chinese cabbage

2 minutes.

2 cups pea pods or 1 (6-oz.)

Add bok choy or cabbage, pea pods

package frozen pea pods,

and onions. Stir-fry for 3 minutes.

¼ cup hoisin sauce


¼ cup soy sauce

3 green onions, sliced

2 T. Asian hot sauce

2 medium chicken breasts,

¼ cup water

boned, skinned and cut in bite-

3 minutes.

1 (16-oz.) bag coleslaw mix

size pieces

Add soy sauce mixture and

½ cup chopped cilantro

1 cup hot cooked rice

vegetables. Cook until hot.

½ cup sliced green onions 1 T. vegetable oil 1 lb. ground pork 3 T. grated fresh ginger 9-12 (9-in.) rice paper wrappers Combine hoisin, soy sauce, hot sauce and water in small bowl. Heat oil in large skillet and add pork and 1/3 cup hoisin mixture. Cook until pork is no longer pink. Turn off heat. Stir in ginger, coleslaw, cilantro and green onions. Cover pan until ready to fill spring rolls. Spread clean, damp kitchen towel on counter. Soak 2–4 wraps in bowl of warm water until just pliable, about 10 seconds. Arrange ½ cup of filling on each wrapper. Fold in sides and roll up tightly. Repeat with remaining wrappers and filling. Plate spring rolls in a single layer. They will stick together if stacked. Serve with remaining hoisin mixture as a dipping sauce.

Editor’s notes: You may need extra rice paper wrappers. We suggest soaking wrappers one at a time. If soaked too long, wrappers are unusable. When folding the spring rolls, fold top, then one side, then bottom and finally roll into a cigar shape.


Preheat a wok or large skillet over


Remove vegetables from wok. Add chicken to wok. Stir-fry


cover story


s m a e Dr

Brooke and Quinn Derheimer, speedskating siblings from Indianapolis, are honing their skills today for a shot at the Winter Olympics sometime in the future. PHO TO BY RI CHARD G . BI E V E R

A PREVIEW of the OLYMPICS … in 2026? This pair of skating siblings hopes so.


thletes from around the world will compete for gold at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeo-

ngchang, South Korea, this month. Two Indianapolis youngsters are also training for Olympic gold — even though their quest for their goal is not in the immediate future. Brooke Derheimer, 10, recently qualified for the 2018 Short Track Age Group Nationals in March — the only kid from Indiana to do so. Her younger brother, Quinn, 9, hopes to qualify this month. Cindi Hart, head coach of the IndySpeed Sports Club, is impressed with both skaters’ skills. “They’ve got the desire, talent and family backing. They have the potential to go as far as they want to go. My job is to keep them safe, focused and improving.” Their speed skating journeys started when Brooke first put on a pair of figure PLEASE TURN TO THE NEXT PAGE FEBRUARY 2018


Before taking to the ice for practice, IndySpeed teammate Duree Brown shows Brooke a warm-up technique using a “turn belt.” Pulling against the belt simulates the g-forces of the tight turns at speed on the ice and works the muscles used.

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE skates at the age of 3. When her parents, Jon and Ann Derheimer, adopted her from Vietnam, she was underdeveloped.

People act like (hockey)

They put her in group figure skating

is a football game. For

lessons with hopes of strengthening

speed skating, you don’t

her legs and improving her balance. It worked. They just didn’t realize she’d like it so much. Ann could tell Brooke loved skating

have to worry about people getting in your

after she competed for the first time.

way or people hurting

“I was so worried because she was so

you. You just get to do

little, and she was competing on the full ice. But she got off the ice, and she was beaming. It was then that I was like ‘oh my, she’s kind of hooked.’” Quinn, who is also adopted, tagged along to Brooke’s practices and loved watching the older hockey players working out. He tried hockey, but his


Quinn Derheimer

parents quickly realized it wasn’t for

he complained about the other skaters

Becoming ‘Mighty Quinn’

bumping into him, Ann said.

Quinn’s transition into speed skating

him. Though he enjoyed skating fast and doing drills, when he got off the ice,

“People act like (hockey) is a football

happened by chance during a public ses-

game,” Quinn said. “For speed skating,

sion at Perry Park Ice Rink on Indianap-

you don’t have to worry about people

olis’ south side. While practicing in his

getting in your way or people hurting

hockey skates, Quinn followed a couple

you. You just get to do laps.”

skating laps in speed skates and tried to mimic their moves. The couple — future



Brooke appears to bristle at instructions from her IndySpeed Coach Cindi Hart at the start of another series of drills. PHO TO S BY RI CHARD G . BI E V E R

coach Cindi Hart and her husband, Ken — quickly noticed him and brought him a pair of speed skates to try. “The next thing we knew, he was keeping up with us,” Cindi said. “He’s this little phenom with all this potential and talent.” Three months later, he competed in his first competition — the Land of Lincoln invitational — and won every heat in his meets. He was 5, competing against 6-, 7- and 8-year-olds. A competitor’s parent soon nicknamed him “Mighty Quinn,” a reference to a 1989 movie and song from the 1960s. At later competitions, competitors’ families quickly began recognizing him. “I remember standing by the glass, and I could hear two or three different parents talk about ‘that little guy from Indiana.’ I was just beaming,” Ann said. Like her brother, Brooke tried speed skating, too, and loved it right away. She continues to figure skate and switches back and forth between the two sports. “When I first got on speed skates, it was a little hard,” Brooke said. “But now that I’ve gotten a little better and know how to center myself better, it gets a little easier each time we learn something new.”

Quinn, left, and Brooke break away from a start line during timed repeat drills around the ice during a weekend practice in Fishers.

added. “So, there’s something we can

currently in the same age group, they

group national qualifying time in her

help each other with. …. You get a benefit

sometimes race in the same heat in

favorite event — the 500 meters. While

out of that because he can do things I


her current lap time is 13 seconds, she

can’t, and I can do things he can’t.”

Last fall, Brooke reached her age

wants to cut it down to 11 seconds by will be held in Saratoga Springs, New

Competing against each other

York. “I’m going to keep doing off-ice:

For the siblings, competitions always

working on stairs, pushing harder on the

require out-of-state travel. They load up

ice and building my legs up so I can get a

on protein for breakfast at a hotel and eat

March to place well at nationals, which

bigger push,” she said. In speed skating, she specializes

snacks in between races. A competition often includes three events, but six races

in quick starts, whereas Quinn prefers

— a semi-final and final round for each

longer distances.

event. The first and second place finish-

“I have a big gas tank,” Quinn said.

ers in a semi-final and the third fastest

“When people start to get tired in the last

skater overall qualify for the final round.

lap, I don’t. I can just get around them.”

To win overall, points are combined from

“Quinn needs to work on starts, and I need to work on endurance,” Brooke

“When I practice with my brother, it’s all fun and games. But when it comes to competition, we both want to win,” Brooke said. “It pushes me harder because I know he could beat me, and I don’t want him to.” While their family tries to do five or six invitationals per season, this March will be their first time competing in a national speed skating competition. “I’m excited and nervous mostly,” Quinn said. “I’m excited to win, but I’m nervous that I’ll fall.” But has he ever fallen in

each final event. Because Quinn and Brooke are



CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE competition? Once, but he bounced up so quickly he stayed in first, his mom said. Competition time is tough on the Derheimer parents. Jon said he’s a nervous wreck when his kids compete: “I Quinn tunes out distractions as he prepares himself mentally for his upcoming race at the 2017 Park Ridge Open speed skating competition in Park Ridge, Illinois. P H OTO B Y MA R IN A S A MOV SK Y PH OTOGR A P H Y

can’t sit. I have to pace.” “It’s really hard when they’re both on the ice and in the same heat,” Ann added. “We’re just yelling ‘Go Derheimers’ or ‘IndySpeed.’” To prepare for competitions, the siblings practice 3.5 hours on ice and 6 hours off ice per week. They have even attended clinics with Olympians at the Pettit National Ice Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The center, which features

Skating away in Indiana

Know someone with his or her own Olympic dreams? Here’s a list of skating clubs around the state offering lessons for figure skating, hockey and speed skating.

FIGURE SKATING: •  Ice Skating Club of Indianapolis Carmel •  Indiana/World Skating Academy Figure Skating Club Carmel IWSAFigureSkatingClub •  Lincoln Center Skate Club Columbus •  Greater Evansville Figure Skating Club Evansville •  Fishers Figure Skating Club Fishers



•  Fort Wayne Ice Skating Club Fort Wayne •  Sycamore Ice Skating Club Indianapolis •  Winter Club of Indianapolis Indianapolis •  Irish Figure Skating Club South Bend

HOCKEY: •  Indianapolis Youth Hockey Association Carmel •  Columbus Youth Hockey Columbus •  Evansville Youth Hockey Evansville

•  Fort Wayne Amateur Hockey Association Fort Wayne •  Junior Fuel Hockey Indianapolis and Fishers, Indiana •  South Stars High School Hockey Club Indianapolis •  Irish Youth Hockey League South Bend

SPEED SKATING: •  Crossroads Speedskating Columbus •  IndySpeed Sports Club Fishers

Watching the

When Quinn’s not skating, he’s like the

Winter Games

Tasmanian devil, P HO TO BY RI CHARD G . BI E V E R

whirling and twirling all over the place. But he has this focus and commitment. When he’s on the ice, he’s so mature. It’s like laser focus.

Coach Cindi Hart a 400-meter oval long track — one of only two in the country, hosted the 2018 Olympic Long Track Trials in early January. At this center’s clinics, speed skaters of all levels train on the ice for 4 hours and off the ice for 6 hours with a 30-minute lunch break each day. “After that, your legs burn. You feel like you can’t walk,” Brooke said.

Quinn shows off a pin coach Ken Hart presented to all the IndySpeed skaters before a practice. The pin combines the logos of the U.S. Speedskating team and the 2018 Winter Olympics.

term, though, both siblings have Olympic dreams. “I want to go to the Olympics and

•  102 gold medals •  2,800 athletes •  85+ national Olympic committees


The Olympics will air on NBC

“Well, maybe not the next Apollo

networks. Viewers can stream

Ohno,” Quinn second-guessed himself. “I

events live and on-demand on

could be faster.” and the

“I want to be the first person to win the Olympics in both figure skating and speed skating,” Brooke added. Hart said the siblings have the trifecta for success in speed skating — natural talent, focus and desire, and fantastic parents to support them no matter what. “When Quinn’s not skating, he’s

Managing schedules for work, school

“But he has this focus and commitment.

and their kids’ activities can be a chal-

When he’s on the ice, he’s so mature. It’s

lenge, but to Jon and Ann, it’s worth it.

like laser focus.”

twirling all over the place,” Hart said.

Hart said both Brooke and Quinn

can get where they need to be,” Jon said.

listen to instruction and apply it to

“I try to put them in a circumstance

their skating well, which is especially

where they will succeed. If they do

important for their age. “A coach’s dream is to be able to tell

self-motivated and will keep pushing

someone what to do to get better and

themselves out there in practice so they

then actually see them do it,” she said.

can learn more and do well.”

“That’s a great skill to have.

Their coach, Cindi Hart, helps her


referring to the eight-time Olympic

like the Tasmanian devil, whirling and

succeed, then that takes over. They’re

•  Pyeongchang, South Korea Feb. 9-25


be the next Apollo Ohno,” Quinn said,

Worth the scheduling challenges

“We do what we have to do, so they


“It really is an honor for me to be

NBC Sports app.

HOOSIER GOEPPER GOES FOR GOLD: When watching the Olympics, keep your eyes peeled for freestyle skier Nick Goepper. The 23-yearold native of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, won bronze in 2014 and will be going for gold this time.

OTHER TEAM USA ATHLETES TO WATCH: •  Mikaela Shiffrin, alpine skiing •  Elana Meyers Taylor, bobsled •  John Shuster, curling •  Nathan Chen, figure skating •  Gus Kenworthy, freestyle skiing •  Brianna Decker, hockey •  J.R. Celski, short track speed skating

skaters create short-term, achievable

able to help facilitate speed skating in

goals. For Quinn, that includes quicker,

Indianapolis and to facilitate Brooke and

“twitchier” starts while Brooke plans to

Quinn’s future potential,” Hart said. “It’s

reduce her lap time and strengthen her

an honor just to get to watch them grow.”

•  Chloe Kim, snowboarding

legs to improve her endurance. Long-



•  Sarah Hendrickson, ski jumping




Under the radar

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS TEAM WORKS BEHIND THE SCENES FOR YOU by Brian Christenberry Though Indiana’s electric cooperatives will not have any landmark legislation in play during the short 2018 Indiana General Assembly session now underway, co-ops will continue working to put legislative building blocks in place to bring highspeed broadband to the unserved areas of Indiana.

to apply to telecoms installing new

deployment, attracting

engaged in strategic initiatives that

Encouraging broadband business and workers to our state and

Time is of the essence during the

keeping your energy

non-budget session which comes

bills low is all the

around every other year. The 2018 session must adjourn by March 14

publicity we could

which leaves little room for filler and

ask for this General


Assembly session.

The general consensus among observers this time of year is that about 80 percent of all bills filed in 2018 will not become law. So,

5g technology, the Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Municipal Power Agency and IEC are working together to try to correct this overreach. Over the past 18 months, IEC has have focused on quality of life, readying a 21st century workforce and reaching out to a younger generation of consumers. We are excited Gov. Eric Holcomb has announced 2018 legislative initiative items that mirror our objectives. The governor’s 2018 agenda will focus on developing a more technologically savvy workforce to fill current openings and attract emerging tech business to our state. As you follow the news over the next

associations and special interests like

their engaged consumers, we have

two months, you probably won’t see

Indiana Electric Cooperatives need to

won those battles.

IEC stealing the headlines away from

make every moment count.

This session, co-ops will continue

For the past several sessions,

working on broadband legislation in

IEC has been engaging in some

anticipation for the time federal and

controversial and difficult debates

state governments invest as much

on issues that affect its members —

in digital infrastructure as they did in

Indiana’s 38 electric cooperatives

20th century roads and bridges.

— and the safe, reliable and affordable electricity they provide to their consumers. IEC has asked lawmakers to protect co-op service territory, tweak the rules under which cooperatives operate and how broadband can be brought to unserved areas. To the credit of Indiana’s electric cooperatives and



issues like Sunday sales of alcohol, constitutional carrying of firearms, medicinal use of marijuana or electoral redistricting reform. Flying under the radar and not asking for too much leading up to a campaign season is exactly where Indiana’s electric co-ops

During this session, IEC will fight

need to be this year. Encouraging

to also correct a measure passed

broadband deployment, attracting

last year that allows a local unit of

business and workers to our state and

government to force all electric utility

keeping your energy bills low is all the

providers to bury new and repaired

publicity we could ask for this General

power lines. This mandate will lead

Assemby session.

to a cost increase that will be felt by consumers. Originally intended

BRIAN CHRISTENBERRY is state government relations manager for Indiana Electric Cooperatives.



HELPS PROTECT THE FUTURE OF INDIANA’S ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES As a member-owner of an Indiana electric cooperative, you are among 1.3 million Hoosiers who can claim ownership in a not-for-profit, consumer-controlled utility that provides electricity at cost.







calendar NORTHWEST


THE OLD GOLDS, Delphi (Carroll), Delphi Opera House. The band hails from Lafayette and features Americana and country rock. 7:30 pm. Tickets, $10-$25. 765-564-4300.


WINTER ECOLOGY FAMILY OVERNIGHT, Chesterton (Porter), Dunes Learning Center. Discover the magic of winter with snowshoeing, a night hike, campfire, games, nature crafts and more. Registration $105 per person or $350 full cabin with four participants — includes meals. 219-395-9555.


HARPETH RISING, Delphi (Carroll), Delphi Opera House. Back by popular demand, the band presents three classically trained musicians playing folk, Newgrass, rock and classical music. 7:30 pm. Tickets, $25-$40. 765-5644300.



CHOCOLATE CELEBRATION, Kokomo (Howard). Kokomo First Church of the Nazarene. Enjoy a large variety of chocolate treats. 11 am - 2 pm. No admission charge. 765-453-7611. chocolate+celebration/2


FORD 64TH ANNUAL INDIANAPOLIS BOAT SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW, Indianapolis (Marion), Indiana State Fairgrounds. Over 700,000 square feet of the outdoors, indoors. Admission and parking charge. 877-892-1723.


MAPLE SYRUP PANCAKE BREAKFAST, Terre Haute (Vigo), Fowler Park. Annual pancake and sausage breakfast features fresh locally made syrup. 7 am - 1 pm. Amber Slaughterbeck, 812-462-3392.



OLD POST BLUEGRASS JAM, Vincennes (Knox), Vincennes University Jefferson Student Union. An entire day of bluegrass music. 10 am - 5 pm. No admission charge. 800-886-0400.


BILL ENGVALL, Evansville (Vanderburgh), Victory Theatre. Grammynominated comedian performs. Two shows: 5 pm and 8 pm. Tickets, $36-$56. 812-422-1515.




JUSTIN ROBERTS AND THE NOT READY FOR NAPTIME PLAYERS, Jasper (Dubois), Jasper Arts Center. Two-time Grammy nominee performs with his band. For tickets, call 812-482-3070



SHIPSHEWANA PAJAMA SALE, Shipshewana (LaGrange), townwide. Enjoy the fun of shopping in your pajamas, just like shopping from home. No admission charge. 866-631-9675.


DANCE KALEIDOSCOPE, Portland (Jay), Arts Place. See Indiana’s premier contemporary dance company. Tickets, $10-$20. 866-539-9911/260-726-4809.


45TH ANNUAL PANCAKE AND WHOLE HOG SAUSAGE EVENT, Peru (Miami), Miami County 4-H Fairgrounds. Sponsored by Miami County 4-H Council. 7 am - 7 pm. Tickets: Adults — $5 advance, $7 door. Kids (age 4-11) $3. Age 3 and under, free. 765-472-1921.



GEOLOGY OF THE FALLS OF THE OHIO, Clarksville (Clark), Falls of the Ohio State Park. An overview of the geology of the Falls of the Ohio. 2-4 pm. Free with regular park admission. 812-280-9970.


FOOD AND GROWERS ASSOCIATION WINTER CONFERENCE, Batesville (Ripley), Batesville Intermediate School. Speakers and educational presentations. Open to the public. 9 am - 3 pm. Admission charge. 812-9343010. contact@foodandgrowers. org.


CHOCOLATE LOVER’S WEEKEND, Corydon (Harrison), Turtle Run Winery. Sample complimentary chocolates with wine. Noon - 6 pm. Also held Feb. 17-18. 812-952-2650.

This calendar is published as a service to readers and the communities electric cooperatives serve. Electric Consumer publishes events free of charge as space allows, giving preference to free community festival and events in and around areas served by subscribing REMCs/RECs. While Electric Consumer strives for accuracy, please note that events, dates and time may change without notice. Electric Consumer advises using contact phone numbers or internet sites to check times and dates of events before making plans. To add events to Calendar, please use the “Submit and Event” form under the “Talk to Us” or “Calendar” buttons at; or mail your info to: Calendar, Electric Consumer, P.O. Box 24517, Indianapolis, IN 46224. Please submit info two months before the date of the event.




Raised in a barn

A barn owl emerges from its nest inside a pole barn in southern Indiana in this screen shot of an Indiana DNR YouTube video.

Indiana’s YouTube barn owls double up B Y JACK S PAU L D IN G


hey are at it again … more baby

two to three, so having three survive is

public interest in birds and raise aware-

owls! The Indiana barn owl pair —

normal, according to Allisyn Gillet, DNR

ness about efforts to support barn owls.

“reality TV” YouTube stars viewed

Division of Fish & Wildlife nongame bird

on a live nest cam — are putting on a second act of parenthood. They are raising


DNR’s Wildlife Diversity Program has been placing nest boxes for barn owls

“The survival of the chicks will depend on

since 1984. The nest boxes, like the one

food availability over the next few weeks,”

the webcam owls use, give owls a safe

Gillet said. “There must be enough prey

place to raise their young. More informa-

The existence of a bonus round of chicks

to feed both adults and chicks in order to

tion is at

late last year is good news for barn owls

have a successful second nest.”

a second brood of chicks unusually late into the nesting season.

because they are an endangered species in Indiana. In 2015, only 10 barn owl nests were reported statewide. The mother owl laid the second clutch of eggs in late September, which is just within the standard barn owl breeding season from March to October. But this nesting season was the first time the pair laid eggs for the second time while being viewed on the nest cam. Five chicks hatched from the second clutch about a month later. On Dec. 5, Indiana Department of Natural Resources nongame bird biologists inspected the chicks while placing identification bands on their legs.

The pair successfully laid six eggs in

anytime at

March 2017, and raised and fledged the


six chicks in late spring.

animal species, including many rare and

DNR-built nest box inside a metal pole

endangered animals, supported by the

barn in southern Indiana every year

DNR’s Wildlife Diversity Program. The di-

since 2009, the DNR noted on its You-

versity program depends on donations to

Tube channel.

the DNR Nongame Fund. You can donate

Barn owls have a distinct heart-shaped

For updates on Indiana’s nongame

brown feathers.

wildlife, subscribe to an email list at bit.

They were once common in the Midwest, living in hollow trees and wooden barns, and hunting for meadow voles in hayfields, idle grain fields, pastures and other grasslands. But many wooden barns are being torn down, and few modern farms offer the land a barn owl needs for hunting.




face, dark eyes and white to golden-

much smaller. The healthy chicks will age number of chicks fledged per nest is

The barn owl is one of more than 750

A barn owl pair has been living in the

Three chicks were healthy, but two were likely survive until fledging. The aver-

The barn owl webcam can be viewed

The goal of the webcam is to promote

ly/2j9hY0O. JACK SPAULDING is a state outdoors writer and a consumer of RushShelby Energy living along the Flatrock River in Moscow. Readers with questions or comments can write to him in care of Electric Consumer or email jackspaulding@hughes. net.




ith the hustle and bustle of

combustibles. Keep them at least 3 feet

use, always unplug and safely store the

the holidays ending, we’ll

away from anything that could possibly


do just about anything to

burn, like curtains, beds or a rug. In

make things easier on ourselves. The

accordance with fire safety, install smoke

convenience of electric space heaters

alarms on every floor of your home and

are great, but don’t forget about all of

outside all sleeping areas. Already have

the safety precautions you may have

smoke alarms? Great! Be sure to test


them once a month to be sure they’re

“Heating equipment is the second

working properly.

leading cause of home fires in the United

Remember, an electric space heater

States,” said Tom VanParis, CEO of

is a temporary option when looking

Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “We want

for supplemental heat. Many

to remind members that safety should

homeowners may use this

always be a top consideration when

option to heat specific rooms

using electric space heaters.”

while they sleep, but this

When bringing your electric space heater out for the winter, here are a few quick reminders that could ensure those in your home stay safe:

unattended, it

Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

could overheat

or plug any other devices into the same outlet. That could start a fire. While there is no risk for carbon monoxide poisoning with an electric space heater, it holds many other safety hazards if not used properly. One mistake homeowners make when using space heaters is placing them near


off your electric If you leave it

outlet. Never use an extension cord

significant fire and electric shock

is important to turn

by a testing laboratory, such as

• Plug space heaters directly into a wall

family have a better chance of avoiding

or going to sleep, it

space heater.

each use.

By following these tips, you and your

you’re leaving a room

label showing that it is recognized

plugs or loose connections before

your home with an electric space heater.

is unsafe. Whenever

• Check that your space heater has a

• Inspect heaters for cracked or broken

Don’t let your guard down if you heat

or fall. As well, a child could play too close to it and get hurt. Place space heaters out of high traffic areas and doorways where they may be tripping hazards. And when not in

F E B R U A R Y 2 018



consider a gift of potted flowers by B. Rosie Lerner

cooler at night, if possible. Water thoroughly when the top layer of soil begins


othing conveys your warm Valentine’s Day feelings like cut flowers, particularly roses.

But their elegant beauty fades fast. So if you’re looking for something that will last a little longer — like your love — there are several potted plants that fit the bill.

to feel dry to the touch. An azalea in bloom is sure to drive away the winter blahs. Plants are available in a wide range of colors, including white, pink, salmon, crimson, magenta, orange and even bi-colored forms. Potted florist’s azaleas usually bear large blossoms,

Cyclamen is made for the occasion with

up to 3 inches across. Although flo-

its heart-shaped leaves adorned by deli-

rist’s azaleas are not hardy outdoors in

cate flowers of white, or shades of pink,

Indiana, they can be placed outdoors in

red or lavender. The flowers have a strik-

summer. Water thoroughly when the top

ing form, likened to butterflies, birds in

of the soil is just beginning to dry. Place-

flight and even falling stars, depending

ment in a sunny east or west window is

on who is doing the looking. And if the

ideal for indoors, and like cyclamen, cool

plants weren’t already attractive enough,

temperatures are a must.

the leaves are finely detailed with silvery or light green markings.

Calceolaria, also known as pocketbook plant, bears unusual, pouch-like flowers

Cyclamen are most often stocked in

that inspire its common name. Flower

large, showy sizes, but miniature cycla-

color ranges from red to maroon and

men are also available. Look under the

from bronze to yellow, and the texture

leaves and choose plants with the largest

appears soft and rich, like velvet.

numbers of flower buds. To enjoy their beauty well into spring, provide cyclamen with bright light and cool temperatures – about 65 degrees F during the day and even

Plants don’t have to be flowering to be a good valentine messenger. “String of hearts,” or Ceropegia, is a trailing vine plant that, as you might guess from its name, has heart-shaped leaves borne on long, thread-like stems. The thick succulent leaves are dark green with whitish veins for contrast. A sunny window is best for Ceropegia, but it will tolerate lower light intensity. Allow the top soil to dry slightly between waterings. Whatever your choice, make sure the sales clerk wraps your plant for protection from the cold. Keep the car warm, and make the florist your last stop before going home. CYCLAM EN PHO TO BY I STO CK/ G ETTY I M AG ES PLUS




How do you get Christmas cactus to bloom? Oscar Seewer, Floyd Knobs, Indiana


A little extra care will help bring your Christmas cactus back to full bloom next year. Although a Christmas cactus can adapt to low light, it will produce more abundant blooms if you know how to manipulate the light they receive. For now, keep your plants in a sunny, indoor location away from drafts, heat vents, fireplaces, and other sources of hot air. Water them thoroughly when the top half of the soil in the pot feels dry to the touch. You can move Christmas cactus plants outdoors in summer, but keep them in shady or semi-shady locations. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves. When it’s time to bring the plants back inside in the fall, help the plants slowly adjust to life Indoors by gradually increasing the number of hours they spend indoors each day. Christmas cactus plants bloom when you give them long, uninterrupted dark periods. Begin the dark treatments about mid-October to have plants in full bloom by the holidays. Christmas cactus plants will also bloom if they are subjected to cool temperatures of about 50-55 F at night. Start these cool treatments by early November to have plants ready for the holidays. For more information about caring for and reblooming holiday cactus, visit yardandgarden/christmas-cactus-faqs B. ROSIE LERNER is the Purdue Extension consumer horticulturist and is a consumer of Tipmont REMC. Questions about gardening issues may be sent to “Ask Rosie,” Electric Consumer, P.O. Box 24517, Indianapolis, IN 46224; or use our “Talk to Us” form online at


For your Valentine ...

Ask Rosie

product recalls

Ceiling fans may be hazardous Two ceiling fan makers have issued recalls because parts of their fans can drop off, posing hazards. Hunter has recalled “Contempo” ceiling fans, models 59176 and 59174. The installation instructions incorrectly tell consumers how to install the light globe. Consumers should check to ensure that the light globe is installed correctly by turning it clockwise until it stops and is resting firmly in place. The fans were sold at Costco stores nationwide and online from January 2016-August 2017 for about $130. The other recall is for Monte Carlo “Cyclone” fans. The brackets connecting the fan’s five rotating blades to the fixture can break. The fans are finished in Roman Bronze, model number 5CY60RB, or white, 5CY60WH, and sold at lighting stores nationwide from January 2016-September 2017 for $500-$550. For the Hunter fan, call 866-326-2003; or go to For the Monte Carlo, call 888-475-1136; or go to As a service to our readers and to promote electrical safety, here are some recent recall notices provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Visit for full details of these recalls and for notices of many more.


other recalls of note:

Camo pj sets fail to meet flammability standards Certain sets of children’s animal-camo sleepwear sold exclusively at Bass Pro Shops have been recalled by Wohali Outdoors for failing to meet flammability standards for children’s sleepwear, posing a risk of burn injuries to children. The 100 percent polyester sets include a matching printed long-sleeve shirt and pants and a coordinating solid color robe with matching printed lapels and cuffs. The sets include a “BASS PRO SHOPS” label. The sets were sold from October 2016-August 2017 for about $25. No incidents or injuries have been reported, but consumers should stop using the sets and contact Wohali for a full refund in the form of a Bass Pro gift card. Styles include pink “Deer Camo,” brown “Deer Camo,” “Pretty Pony,” “Woodland Critters,” “Holiday Critters,” “Holiday Moose,” “Wolf,” and “Bear.”


Call Wohali at 833-282-0442 or email


Honda black flags generator for carburetor problem Honda has recalled portable generators because the carburetors can leak gasoline, posing fire and burn hazards. This recall involves certain ranges of serial numbers of EB2800i and EG2800i models sold at Honda Power Equipment dealers and Home Depot stores nationwide from September 2016-November 2017 for about $1,150. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled generators and contact a local authorized Honda Power Equipment service dealer to schedule a free inspection and repair.



Call 888-888-3139 or go to


Fiber optic Christmas trees a fire hazard Melville Direct has recalled two Bits and Pieces Fiber Optic Christmas Trees. The AC power adapter can overheat, posing a fire hazard. The branches have fiber optic light strands that change color. The 18-inch tall tree item number is 43560; the 31-inch tall tree item number is 43559. The item numbers can be found on the UPC barcode label on the box. The trees were sold by Bits and Pieces mail order catalog and online from October-December 2017 for about $50. Call 866-503-6395 or go to



Hoosier Energy news

Winter waterfowl hunting dates set for Turtle Creek Reservoir Winter is here and the hunting schedule

The 1,550-acre reservoir serves as the

has been set for Turtle Creek Reservoir

source of water for Hoosier Energy’s

located in Sullivan County.

Merom Generating Station.

Preference for sites will be given to

The reservoir is owned by Hoosier Energy

parties of two and three with remaining

and is open for use by the public.

blinds available for individual hunters.

Prior to using the facility, please review the

Turtle Creek Reservoir will be closed for fishing during waterfowl hunting periods that coincide with dates set by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Hunting is scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from one half-hour before sunrise until noon. The reservoir will reopen for fishing at 6 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 12. Fishing will then be allowed for the entire reservoir.



rules and time of use posted at the guard shack.

M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N To view the hunting regulations and 20172018 calendar, visit initiatives.

reader submissions

Mary Blair, a Harrison REMC consumer from Corydon, introduces us to “Looney Cooney.” He was born along with two siblings high in a pignut hickory tree in the family’s backyard. Looney was the runt of the litter, and the siblings soon left him behind. In the daytime, Blair said they would find him sleeping in his favorite safe spot, inside the aligned holes of two concrete blocks.



A walk in the woods at any time of year always feels more rewarding when we’re able to capture a glimpse of wildlife in their own habitat. Readers shared images of woodland creatures both large and tiny this month. Don’t forget: For May, we hope you’ll share favorite photos from the Indianapolis 500 by Feb. 19. (Please see the bottom of page 3 for details.)

Patricia Daugherty didn’t spot this spider, above, right at her shoulder level on a trail at McCormick Creek State Park. But her husband did, and they came away with this photo instead of a scare! On a visit to Turkey Run State Park, the Daughertys, Daviess-Martin County REMC consumers from Loogootee, also spotted this little bugger, below, gazing at them as they headed down toward the steps of a suspension bridge.

Tipmont REMC consumer Bob Shockey was investigating a repeated “honking” animal noise his wife, Diane, was hearing and found this fawn partially submerged and shivering in the creek that borders their property. “Since the bank there is almost 5 feet high, steep and muddy, I knew the fawn couldn’t get out,” he wrote. He put on elbow-length rubber gloves (to try to keep from transferring his human scent), donned his creek boots, picked the docile fawn up and carried her to an open grassy plateau near where he thought she slid in. He said after snapping the photo, he found her gone about two hours later ... “hopefully reunited with the herd.”



Justin Vining profile

Life’s journey takes artist back to his roots

Vining approaches his art with zeal and

ceremony no less. Last summer, he

passion — as well as a keen business

completed a 20-by-40-foot mural which

sense. A plein air painter at heart who

is on display at Clowes Memorial Hall at

enjoys rendering landscapes of Indiana’s

Butler University. “I chase down opportu-

heartland, he noted “I do what I want

nities. I’m a little proactive,” he admitted.

illowy trees with their


artistically. I’m fortunate that people

Those opportunities not only bring him

branches blowing in the

want it.

renown; they challenge and excite him.

breeze are a common theme

“I look at my career as a long-term in-

Opportunities like these lead ultimate-

running through artist Justin Vining’s

vestment,” the 36-year-old said. “I want

ly to sales. Currently, Vining has been

work. A windswept tree even appears in

to build it slow and steady.”

prolifically painting, from 6 a.m. each

his logo (above).

Along the way, his work has been show-

In a way, it mimics the unpredictable

cased in some high profile venues which

twists and turns and forays back to his

have given him what he calls “notches in

roots that his life has swayed.

his credibility belt.”

Vining grew up on a farm in Kosciusko

Several of his paintings have been

REMC country in the tiny northern Indi-

featured in the HGTV home renovation

ana town of Etna Green. He then pursued

program, “Good Bones.” His artwork has

an art education degree from Purdue

been on display at former

University and taught art classes for three

WNBA player Tamika

years at Maple Ridge Elementary School

Catchings’ Indianapolis

in Pendleton, Indiana.

restaurant, Tea’s Me

He left art education to pursue a law

Cafe, and his friendship

degree at Valparaiso University. To

with Catchings led to

help finance his education, he painted

him being the first artist

brightly hued landscapes and sold his

to paint at Bankers Life

works while in law school. By the time he

Fieldhouse, during

graduated, he’d sold over 400 paintings

Catchings’ jersey

and discovered that, yes, it was possible


to pay the bills while working in front of a canvas instead of in a courtroom. Though he is a licensed attorney, for the past seven years Vining has made a living as a full-time artist. He couldn’t be happier.

TO SEE VININGS’ WORK: •  Solo exhibition: March 2, 6-10 p.m. Harrison Center for the Arts,   Main Gallery 1505 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis (If you go, tell Justin you read about the exhibition in Electric Consumer.) •  Online at



day until midnight, for a March 2 solo exhibit at the Harrison Center for the Arts in downtown Indianapolis. Vining’s studio is located in the center as well. His work has also twice been featured in the annual Hoosier Salon exhibition. Vining addressed the winners of the 2018 Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest during a reception and exhibition at the Indiana State Museum last summer. A proponent of art education, Vining said, “Art teachers should cultivate a generation of art appreciators. A stronger art community is good for everyone.”


Drug Companies Fear Release of the New AloeCure Big Pharma stands to lose billions as doctors’ recommend drug-free “health cocktail” that adjusts and corrects your body’s health conditions. by David Waxman Seattle Washington:

Drug company execs are nervous. That’s because the greatest health advance in decades has hit the streets. And analysts expect it to put a huge crimp in “Big Pharma” profits. So what’s all the fuss about? It’s about a new ingredient that’s changing the lives of people who use it. Some call it “the greatest discovery since penicillin”! The name of the product is the AloeCure. It’s not a drug. It’s something completely different. And the product is available to anyone who wants it, at a reasonable price. But demands may force future prices to rise. TOP DOC WARNS: DIGESTION DRUGS CAN CRIPPLE YOU! Company spokesperson, Dr. Liza Leal; a leading integrative health specialist recommends AloeCure before she decides to prescribe any digestion drug. Especially after the FDA’s stern warning about long-term use of drugs classified as proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec®, Nexium®, and Prevacid®. In a nutshell, the FDA statement warned people should avoid taking these digestion drugs for longer than three 14-day treatment periods because there is an increased risk of bone fractures. Many people take them daily and for decades. Dr. Leal should know. Many patients come to her with bone and joint complaints and she does everything she can to help them. One way for digestion sufferers to help avoid possible risk of tragic joint and bone problems caused by overuse of digestion drugs is to take the AloeCure. Analysts expect the AloeCure to put a huge crimp in “Big Pharma” profits.

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