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Serve Your Community On The Dubois Rec Board Of Directors
Want to make a difference in your community? Consider running for a seat on the board of directors of Dubois REC.
At the 2023 annual meeting on April 11, members will be electing directors to represent Districts 3, 4 and 6. The incumbent directors running for election are Mark Montgomery (District 3), David Rudolph (District 4) and Steven Speedy (District 6).
Incumbent board members must file a written notice of their intent to seek re-election at least 60 days before the annual meeting.
Any Dubois REC member who lives in District 3, 4 or 6 and meets the qualifications outlined in the Dubois REC bylaws can also run in the election by completing a petition signed by 20 other members, at least 60 days before the annual meeting. If you feel you are qualified and interested in serving your cooperative, pick up a petition from the Dubois REC office and begin collecting signatures. The completed petition must be submitted before 4 p.m. on Feb. 10.
More details about the election process can be found in the Dubois REC bylaws, which we encourage our members to review. A complete publication of the Dubois REC bylaws is posted on the co-op’s website, www.duboisrec.com.