Dubois REC - January 2025 Indiana Connection

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Indiana Unclaimed Property reunites

Hoosiers with abandoned cash and valuables

Pages 20-25

from the editor

Happy New Year!

It’s officially 2025, a new year full of new possibilities. Did you stay up until midnight to see the ball drop? My friends and I used to ring in the new year at fancy parties in downtown Indianapolis. Now, we celebrate in our sweatpants. (My favorite way to celebrate almost anything.) I suppose that’s what happens as you get older.

Many people use the turning over of the calendar to reset and think about how they can better themselves. That’s where New Year’s resolutions come in.

When I think of resolutions, I think of the typical ones — losing weight, starting a workout routine, eating less junk food or fast food. Many people’s resolutions are health-related, and keeping your health in mind is always good. Financial resolutions are also popular, such as putting away a little money every month, not eating out for lunch every day, or not buying a coffee every morning. Some people strive to give back more throughout the year.

I’m not really a resolution person. If I have a goal I want to meet, I don’t need to wait for a specific day to get started. However, I can see the merit in why the beginning of January can inspire change. Day one of the new year can be an excellent time to start day one of a new routine. Resolutions are notoriously hard to keep. Most people go into them with the best intentions and forget about them by March. I’ve heard it takes 21 days to form a new habit or lose an old one. Here’s hoping by the time you read this, you’re on your way to successfully fulfilling a resolution that benefits you for the better — whatever that may be.

On the menu: April: Submit your favorite single-serve dessert recipes, deadline Feb. 3. If we publish your recipe on our food pages, we’ll send you a $10 gift card.

Giveaway: Enter to win a winter emergency car kit. Visit indianaconnection.org/talk-to-us/contests or send your contact information to the address below. The deadline to enter is Jan. 31.

Three ways to contact us: To send us recipes, photos, letters and entries for gift drawings, please use the forms on our website indianaconnection.org; email info@indianaconnection.org; or send to Indiana Connection, 11805 Pennsylvania Street, Carmel, IN 46032.

VOLUME 74 • NUMBER 7 ISSN 0745-4651 • USPS 262-340

Published monthly by Indiana Electric Cooperatives

Indiana Connection is for and about members of Indiana’s locally-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. It helps consumers use electricity safely and efficiently; understand energy issues; connect with their co-op; and celebrate life in Indiana. Over 311,000 residents and businesses receive the magazine as part of their electric co-op membership. The average printed and mailed cost per issue is 54 cents.

CONTACT US: 11805 Pennsylvania Street Carmel, IN 46032


info@indianaconnection.org IndianaConnection.org


Dr. Richard Leeper Vice President

Jamey Marcum Secretary/Treasurer

John Cassady CEO


Britt Davis Editor

Holly Huffman Communication Support Specialist

Lauren Carman Communication Manager

Kiley Lipps Graphic Designer

Ashley Curry Production and Design Coordinator

Amber Knight Creative Manager

Mandy Barth Vice President of Communication


American MainStreet Publications

Cheryl Solomon, local ad representative; 512-441-5200; amp.coop

Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication.


Indiana Connection does not use unsolicited freelance manuscripts or photographs and assumes no responsibility for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited material.


$12 for individuals not subscribing through participating REMCs/RECs.


If you receive Indiana Connection through your electric co-op membership, report address changes to your local co-op.


Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana, and at additional mailing offices.


Send change of address to: Indiana Connection, 11805 Pennsylvania Street, Carmel, IN 46032. Include key number.

No portion of Indiana Connection may be reproduced without permission of the editor.



Howard Park hosts fun winter events for the whole family (NOT IN ALL EDITIONS)

Forced bulbs allow for spring flowers without fall planting

Indiana’s Unclaimed Property, run by the attorney general’s office, distributes more than $1 million weekly to lucky Hoosiers. Learn more about the program’s origins and how to check if money awaits you in this month’s feature



Office: 812-482-5454

Billing Dept.: 812-482-1664

Operations Dept.: 812-482-1188

After Hours: 812-482-5455

Fax: 812-482-7015


Joe Henson


7 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday-Friday

7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for Line Dept.

STREET ADDRESS 1400 Energy Drive Jasper, IN 47546


P.O. Box 610 Jasper, IN 47547-0610


To report service interruptions, call: 812-482-5454 (during regular hours) or 812-482-5455 (after hours) day or night. Please have your account number ready when reporting outages.


Brad Knies, President

Richard A. Wendholt, Vice President Randall L. Stemle, Secretary-Treasurer

Mark Montgomery

Andy Schwenk

Steve Speedy

David Rudolph


Craig Adams Manager of Finance

Matt Brames Manager of Engineering

Greg Dilger

Engineering Project Manager

Ruth Hopf

Billing Supervisor

Patrick Lichlyter Manager of Operations


Budget billing


Pay by phone 24/7 Drive-thru window

Night depository

Medical account watch

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Balancing electricity SUPPLY & DEMAND

We’re all connected to the electric grid, so ensuring the right amount of electricity for all involves a complex process of forecasting energy demand, planning for capacity and securing enough supply to meet Americans’ needs.


First, electricity must be generated at a power plant using either traditional sources, such as coal, natural gas or nuclear energy, or from renewable sources, such as solar, wind or hydropower. At Dubois REC, we work closely with Hoosier Energy, our local wholesale power partner, to secure enough electricity for our communities, using a diverse mix of energy sources to generate the power we deliver to your home or business. By maintaining a diverse energy mix — coal, natural gas and renewables — Dubois REC has options to ensure reliable power at a competitive cost.

On a larger scale, across the country, electricity supply and demand are managed through a market that includes long-term planning agreements, where electricity is bought and sold just like other common goods and services. Because Dubois REC works with our wholesale power partner, which is also a cooperative, we are able to pool resources and expertise to deliver affordable power to our local communities.

Electricity supply changes throughout the day because demand fluctuates based on consumers’ needs. For example, Dubois REC knows that we need to ensure more electricity in the mornings when you’re starting your day, and in the evenings when you’re cooking dinner, running appliances and watching TV. Demand also increases when weather patterns change, and hit high or low temperatures.


Across the country, other electric utilities are managing the same task of balancing supply and demand, which

is why we have a larger network of key players in place to ensure enough power is delivered across the grid.

In most cases, the amount of electricity generated and how much is sent to specific areas are coordinated and monitored by regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs). In other areas, individual electric utilities perform these tasks. RTOs, ISOs and electric utilities act as air traffic controllers for the electric grid. They forecast when you, your neighbors and communities across a large region will need more power. These organizations take measured steps to ensure there’s enough supply to meet demand.


As the energy sector undergoes rapid change, it’s important for all consumers to understand the basics of electricity supply and demand. Electricity use in the U.S. is expected to rise to record highs this year and next, with the demand for electricity expected to at least double by 2050. At the same time, energy policies are pushing the early retirement of alwaysavailable generation sources, which will undoubtedly compromise reliable electricity.

Dubois REC remains committed to providing affordable, reliable energy to the members we serve. That’s why we are preparing now for increased demand and other challenges that could compromise our local electric supply. Managing the balancing act of electricity supply and demand is a complex job, which is why we have a network of utilities, power plant operators and energy traffic managers in place to direct the electricity we need and keep the electric grid balanced.

JOE HENSON CEO and General Manager

Rate schedule

Service charge



Three-phase $47

Energy charge

The first 500 kWh at $.10522 /kWh

The next 2,500 kWh at $.09772/kWh

All remaining kWh at $.09462/kWh

Power cost tracker

All rate classes

All kWh at $0.005/kWh

Security light

If you have a security light, add:

175-watt mercury vapor

100-watt sodium vapor

100-watt metal halide




70-watt LED ..................................... $7.50/month

Electric bills due by the 20th of each month.

Members who pay by the 15th, or pay their bill by auto draft, will be entered in the monthly drawing for a $50 bill credit.

Visit duboisrec.com for easy ways to pay your electric bill online.

The easiest way to win a

$50 bill credit


It’s easy to enter our monthly $50 drawing! All Dubois REC members who pay their bill by the 15th of the month, using any payment option, will be automatically entered in the $50 monthly drawing. Members who pay by ACH/bank draft and recurring payments are also automatically included in the drawing. (Delinquent payments are not eligible.)

The winner will be notified, and their name will be published here.



Operation Round Up FAQ

What is Operation Round Up®?

It’s an ongoing charitable fundraising program to benefit worthwhile community projects.

Dubois REC customers who round up their electric bill to an even dollar amount donate those funds.

How does the program work?

Each month, members who wish to participate will allow Dubois Rural Electric Cooperative to automatically round up electric bills to the next even dollar amount. For example, if your bill is $68.51, your bill will be rounded up to $69, meaning that month’s contribution is 49 cents. If your bill is

$68.90, your bill will be rounded up to $69, contributing 10 cents.

The extra cents will be put into the Dubois Rural Electric Community Fund, Inc. The cost to you will be 99 cents or less per month and will average about $6 a year per member.

Individually it doesn’t sound like much, but collectively it adds up in a hurry.

What are some possible uses for the fund?

Examples of grants would be to fire department equipment, EMS, youth and school groups, youth camps, fundraisers for an individual’s medical

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Operation Round Up Program

needs, foundation, senior citizen groups and other various community programs and projects.

How can I participate?

You can call 812-482-5454 and request to enroll in this unique program.

Operation Round Up® Small Change, BIG IMPACT!

Dubois REC is pleased to announce that the most recent round of Operation Round Up grants included $14,500, which was awarded to six local organizations.

Celestine Park, Inc received a $4,000 grant for a new playground.

Dubois County 4-H Council received $2,500 for new gutters on the 4-H horse barn.

Young Women Lead received a $1,500 grant to fund its 13th annual conference.

Operation Mind, Body and Soul Corp. received $2,500 to purchase recording equipment.

Matrix Lifeline of Dubois County, Inc. (DBA Trotter House Lifeline Family Center) received $2,000 to fund the purchase of diapers, wipes, car seats, and strollers.

Lincoln Hills Community Church received $2,000 to purchase a Zoll AED defibrillator.

We appreciate the generosity of the Dubois REC members who allow us to round up their electric bill a few cents each month to support this important program.

The next meeting of trustees to review grant applications will be held on March 10. The deadline to submit an application for a grant is 4 p.m. on Feb. 28.


If you are part of a nonprofit group, volunteer fire department, youth program, food pantry or similar organization, please consider applying for a grant.

Go to duboisrec.com, and look under the “Community” tab for Operation Round Up information and a downloadable application.

Hannah Bieker of Celestine Park (center) accepts a grant from Operation Round Up Trustees, Stacy Weisman and Jeremy Hopf.
Luke Hoffman of Dubois County 4-H (center) accepts a grant from Hopf and Weisman.
Sherrie Bell of Lincoln Hills Community Church accepts a grant from Weisman.
Marissa Emmert (center) of Matrix Lifeline of Dubois County DBA Trotter House, accepts a grant from Weisman and Hopf.
Weisman and Hopf (center) present a grant to Chris and Janelle Taylor of Operation Mind, Body and Soul.
Savonna Carrie of Young Women Lead (center) accepts a grant from Weisman and Hopf.

Get involved!


Want to make a difference in your community? Consider running for a seat on the board of directors of Dubois REC.

On April 8, at the 2025 Annual Meeting, members will be electing directors to represent Districts 2 and 7. The incumbent directors running for election are District 2 (Randall Stemle) and District 7 (Richard Wendholt). Incumbent board members must file a written notice of their intent to seek re-election at least 60 days before the Annual Meeting.

Any Dubois REC member who lives in District 2 or 7 and meets the qualifications outlined in the Dubois REC bylaws can also run in

the election by completing a petition signed by 20 other members, at least 60 days before the Annual Meeting. If you feel you are qualified and are interested in serving your cooperative, pick up a petition from the Dubois REC office and begin collecting signatures. The completed petition must be submitted to Dubois REC after 7 a.m. Dec. 29, 2024, and before 4 p.m. on Feb. 7, 2025.

More details about the election process can be found in the Dubois REC bylaws, which we encourage our members to review. A complete publication of the Dubois REC bylaws is posted on the co-op’s website, duboisrec.com

Calendars and almanacs

We have two great publications to help you kick off the new year!

While supplies last, members are invited to stop by the Dubois REC office to pick up a free copy of the 2025 Farmer’s Almanac and 2025 Cooperative Calendar of Student Art. Feel free to use our drive-thru for an easy way to pick up these free publications.

The calendar is illustrated by students across the state of Indiana.

FREE Student Art Calendars and Farmers’ Almanacs

Do you depend on life-support equipment?


If you rely on life sustaining equipment, such as respirators or dialysis machines, please let us know.

It is particularly important for us to be aware of these situations when the need for electrical power is especially crucial. We can keep you advised of extended or planned outages if we are aware of these special situations. However, this is not a guarantee of uninterrupted service! Despite our best efforts, an interruption in electric service may be caused by auto accidents, storms, wildlife, or other unpredictable circumstances. Therefore, our members who rely on life sustaining equipment should also obtain emergency backup systems, such as batteries or generators.

If you rely on a life support system, please take a few moments right now and send us a copy of your doctor’s or home health care provider’s statement that you require this support. Tell us what type of equipment you have as well as the type of emergency backup equipment in use. Be sure to include your phone number so we can contact you should the need arise.

If you notified us in the past and no longer have the equipment in use, please let us know. In a major storm, we would not want to provide a priority to that service when others may require it for a life threatening situation.


On this enchanting 9-day cruise from Charleston to Amelia Island, experience the charm and hospitality of the South. In the comfort of our modern fleet, travel to some of the most beautiful historic cities in America. The fascinating sites you visit, the warm people you meet, and the delectable cuisine you taste, come together for an unforgettable journey. Small Ship Cruising Done



Few people ponder the electricity powering their coffeemaker as they pour that first morning cup. For those at your local electric co-op, it’s nearly all they think about.

Meeting the demand for electricity is complex and has grown more challenging as policy, technology, and weather create new possibilities and peril. Fortunately, your local electric cooperative partners with its wholesale power provider — its generation and transmission cooperative — to ensure needs can be met all day, every day. Hoosier Energy serves distribution co-ops in the southern half of Indiana, and Wabash Valley Power Alliance serves co-ops in the northern half of the state.

Electricity demand constantly changes — at various times during the day and even throughout the year. Less electricity is consumed overnight while people sleep, for instance, compared to afternoons when families return home after

school and work and turn on televisions, stoves, and other appliances. Energy demand is higher in the summer and winter, when air conditioning and heating are frequently used, compared to the milder fall and spring months.

Electricity is generated by a variety of resources, underscoring the need to plan appropriately. Power plants such as coal, natural gas, and some hydroelectric dams are dispatchable power plants that generate electricity year-round. Resources such as solar energy and wind turbines are intermittent resources; they depend on external factors that cannot be controlled, such as sunlight or wind, to generate power.

Intermittent resources are a good supplement to the energy grid but require careful planning. During Indiana winters, solar panels do not produce nearly as much electricity as on clear summer days, while wind turbines generate more electricity in the winter than in summer.

That’s where dispatchable plants are invaluable; they can be brought online to increase or decrease power generation to meet fluctuating demand. Electricity generators develop a portfolio with diverse resources to ensure that demand can be met 365 days a year. Electric distribution co-ops and generation and transmission cooperatives collaborate to ensure that they have the energy needed to power the communities they serve throughout their day — every day.

Home of “Turtle Town, USA,” Whitley County has the highest number on Indiana license plates, 92, because it’s last alphabetically in Indiana’s counties list. Whitley County also has six landmarks on the National Register of Historic Places, including the former home of Thomas R. Marshall, the 28th U.S. vice president.

Whitley County COUNTY FACTS


Churubusco, Indiana, hosts a four-day festival each year to honor Oscar the Turtle, also known as the “Beast of Busco.” In 1948, residents claimed to have spotted a snapping turtle at Fulks Lake, describing it as having a shell as large as a dining table and a head the size of a child’s. Publications like the “Indianapolis Star” and “Life Magazine” came to cover the story, and nearly 400 cars an hour would drive by the lake to catch a glimpse of Oscar. However, Oscar was never captured or seen again, and Fulks Lake was eventually drained. The Turtle Days Festival at Churubusco Community Park celebrates this folklore with turtle races, baby crawling contests, carnival snacks, a parade, fireworks, and more.


Whitley County celebrates its residents each year with the Old Settlers’ Days Festival. The first gathering was held at Loon Lake in 1904, where attendees registered to create a permanent record of the community’s pioneers. Today, the festival honors the county’s oldest registered resident, longest continuous resident, and youngest resident. Their names are added to a plaque displayed at the Whitley County Historical Museum. The festival’s organizing committee, the Old Settlers’ Association, has donated more than $750,000 to the community through grants supporting local non-profits.


In 1949, Jerome Krider, the president of the Turtle Days Festival and Churubusco Little League, recognized a need for a permanent space for community gatherings and Boy Scout activities. Joe Luckey, the president of Churubusco State Bank, donated two acres of land for a new park. By 1951, a log cabin-style community building was built. Krider also helped construct the park’s basketball courts and baseball diamonds that are actively used today. The Churubusco Community Park now spans more than 60 acres and includes flower gardens, a splash pad, soccer fields, and more.



Col. William Whitley, who fought in the Northwest Indian War and the War of 1812


COUNTY SEAT: Columbia City


Columbia City
Nicole Thomas is a freelance writer from Indianapolis.
Photo courtesy of the Old Settlers’ Days Committee
Photo courtesy of the Town of Churubusco
Photo courtesy of the Town of Churubusco



The art contest for the 2026 Cooperative Calendar of Student Art has begun. Submissions for the contest should be mailed to the Indiana Connection office by Feb 28

for the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest are

Connection by Friday, Feb. 28

A first-place winner will be selected for each grade, K-12, and will receive $200. The winning artwork will illustrate the cover and the 12 months inside. One “Best of Show” will be selected from the first-place winners and will win an extra $100. Additional artists from each grade will be selected for honorable mention awards and will receive $75 and have their works printed in a special section of the calendar.

The contest is open to Indiana public, private, or home-schooled kindergarten through 12th-grade students during the 2024-25 school year. A complete set of rules and required entry forms are available at indianaconnection.org/for-youth/art-contest

Have a great photo of your pets?

Enter our contest!

Do you have a cute or funny photo of your pets? Enter our photo contest. Submit a photo for the chance to be featured in the April issue of Indiana Connection. Our staff will pick their favorite photo, and the winner will receive an Amazon gift card.

Send a large, high-resolution photo at least 1 MB in file size to Editor Britt Davis at bdavis@indianaec.org by Feb. 18

Our Marketplace offers maximum exposure for your business or organization at a minimal cost.

Please contact Cheryl Solomon, 847-749-4875 or cheryl@amp.coop, for other small business advertising opportunities in Indiana Connection.

Indiana eats

InAkron, Indiana, a cozy spot has quickly become a local favorite — Jonesy’s Junction. What started as a humble food venture in a tent in 2010 grew into a food trailer, and by 2016, owner Tim Jones opened the doors to his very own restaurant. Since then, Jonesy’s Junction has been serving up homestyle comfort food that keeps Akron residents coming back for more.

Jonesy’s Junction prides itself on offering high-quality ingredients. Their meats are never frozen, and the produce is always fresh. Jones, the mastermind behind it all, has built a loyal customer base by sticking to his roots and serving dishes that are both simple and satisfying.

Jonesy’s Junction’s menu is a tribute to classic American comfort food with a few standouts that have become specialties. The burgers are a crowd favorite, offering generous portions of perfectly seasoned, juicy beef topped with fresh fixings. Another standout is their hand-breaded pork tenderloin, which has earned rave reviews for its crisp exterior and tender, flavorful


Jonesy’s Junction offers fresh, high-quality comfort food to loyal customers

meat. Both dishes are made from scratch with attention to detail, making them feel like they were pulled from your family recipe book.

This winter, Jonesy’s is serving up comfort classics like pulled pork sandwiches, cheesy broccoli soup, Sloppy Joes, biscuits and gravy, patty melts, beef brisket, and mac and cheese.

But it’s not just the savory dishes that make Jonesy’s Junction special. Jonesy’s desserts are another reason to stop by. Their pies — freshly baked and filled with seasonal fruits — are the perfect ending to any meal. For a nostalgic treat, try their soft-serve ice cream, or choose a sundae featuring Jonesy’s hard-packed flavors for something a bit richer.

What began as a small operation has blossomed into a beloved neighborhood spot where comfort food reigns supreme. Jonesy’s Junction isn’t just a place to grab a bite; it reflects Jones’ passion for providing excellent comfort food to the Akron community.

For those craving a taste of homemade goodness, Jonesy’s Junction delivers — no frills, just great food served with a side of warmth and hospitality. Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty meal, a sweet treat, or just a place to relax, Jonesy’s Junction hits the spot.

Stephanie Bernaba is a freelancer with national reach who thrives on topics like food and entertainment.


have the best tenderloin ever. Their prices are reasonable, and it's in a small town with that hometown feeling. Great food, great people. The owner is a down to earth, good person who loves animals.”

— Tammy J., Indiana Connection reader
Tim Jones, owner of Jonesy’s Junction

Takes 10 Years Off Your Face in as Little as 10 Minutes

Women are raving about the life-changing effects of this powerful formula.

There’s no denying that people — mostly women — are on a mission to discover the best way to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles permanently. The $14 billion dollars spent on aesthetic procedures in 2021 alone is a clear indication of that fact.

But now science appears to be offering a simpler solution. It’s a special delivery technology adapted for skincare that gets superior results.

Known as advanced liposome technology, this powerful distribution system ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most, providing your skin with maximum anti-aging benefits.

New Age-Defying ‘Dermal Filler’ Cream in High Demand

Al Sears, MD, of Palm Beach, Florida, recently released an anti-aging cream that adapts this breakthrough medical technology into the realm of skincare, and he’s struggling to keep up with consumer demand.

Dr. Sears is South Florida’s leading anti-aging pioneer. He has authored over 500 reports, scientific papers, and books on anti-aging. A frequent lecturer at global anti-aging conferences, Dr. Sears spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz, along with special guest, Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people were in attendance as Dr. Sears discussed his latest anti-aging breakthroughs.

This powerful cream, known as Restore, keeps selling out faster than it’s produced — and people are raving about the effect it’s having on their skin.

“Within a few minutes of applying the cream, it visibly plumps out the under-eye area and my cheeks

as well as those annoying lines that deepen as we age between the nose and lips. It also felt like it was tightening and smoothing my skin at the same time. I definitely feel I look younger whenever I use it,” said Amy B., of Montville, New Jersey.

“The lines around my mouth and eyes are filled in and my skin is tightened. I love having younger-looking skin, so I will continue using Restore” raves Cathy C., of Florida.

The best part is that this cream has no adverse side effects, doesn’t require a doctor’s visit or prescription, and is 100% natural.

“Advanced liposome technology ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most.”

Powerful Delivery System Ensures Nutrients Penetrate Deep into Your Skin

The dermis is the underlying layer of skin that supplies nourishment and oxygen, and removes waste. In other words, it’s responsible for keeping your outer layer of skin healthy. Liposome technology is designed to support and nourish this deeper layer of skin by delivering nutrients directly to it.

“All of Restore’s powerful ingredients are encapsulated in a liposome shell — an organic container that carries the beautifying agents deep into the skin cells,” explained Dr. Sears.

“Restore’s liposome shell is composed of phosphatidylcholine or PC for short. While cell membranes repel water, they absorb PC because they’re actually made of it. As a result, Restore is delivered deep into

the cell for maximum firming and volume.”

When you apply liposome cream to your face, the liposomes in the skin cream work their way inside your skin, fuse with the skin cell membranes and then release their contents directly to the cells. Regular skin creams don’t have this capability.

A Formula Designed to

Take Years off Your Face in Minutes

Once it’s penetrated the deeper layer of skin, Restore releases a unique blend of botanicals, vitamins and essential oils that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, gives skin a more even tone, and moisturizes the interior layers of your dermal cells, firming and plumping your skin.

Restore’s first skin-enhancing agent is Madonna lily leaf stem cell extract. It helps produce an eventoned complexion. In a clinical study reported in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, participants treated with this extract for 28 days showed improvements in skin luminance and tone around the eyes.

Restore is also loaded with vitamin C, which British researchers have found reduces both wrinkles and dryness. “In Restore we use magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a more stable form of vitamin C

that doesn’t break down in liquid as does ordinary C,” explains Dr. Sears. “That means the antioxidant molecules stay intact within your skin cells where they can prevent damage from dangerous free radicals.”

This powerful formula also features guarana seed extract, coenzyme Q10, and avocado oil. Japanese researchers have also found that coenzyme Q10 supports production of the thin membrane that separates layers of your skin, and French studies have shown that avocado oil improves skin cell metabolism and enhances skin thickness.

Where To Get Restore

To secure the hot, new Restore formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-6825732 TODAY. “It’s not available in retail stores yet,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship directly to the customer.” Dr. Sears feels so strongly about Restore, all orders are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days from purchase date, and I’ll send you all your money back.”

Call NOW at 1-800-682-5732 to secure your supply of Restore. Use Promo Code ICRS125 when you call. Lines are frequently busy, but all calls will be answered!

Revolutionary Formula Reduces the Appearance of Wrinkles in Minutes



Each season brings new opportunities and new weather concerns for Hoosiers. A winter day in Indiana can bring heavy snow, freezing rain, ice storms, and strong winds. These forms of winter weather can create electrical hazards.

“It’s important for Hoosiers to make sure they’re taking steps to be safe around electricity all year long, regardless of the weather outside,” said Jon Elkins, vice president of safety, training and compliance at Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “During winter, when snow and ice accumulation on power lines may cause them to snap or lead to poles breaking, people need to be particularly mindful of the dangers of live power lines.”


Here are some things to keep in mind with power lines and winter weather:

• Be sure to stay at least 35 feet away from a downed line . That’s about the length of three cars.

• Don’t touch the power line or anything in contact with it.

• Call 911 and tell others nearby to stay away.

• You should consider all downed lines live and dangerous. You or others could suffer serious injury or death.


It’s helpful to have winter storm safety kits for your home and on the go. You never know when you might be stuck at home for days, possibly some of that time without power, or get stranded on the roadway.

For your at-home kit, you will want at least two weeks of supplies, including:

• Bottled water

• Non-perishable food

• Emergency blankets

• First aid kit/medicine

• Flashlights

• Battery-operated or hand-crank radio

• Extra batteries

• Toiletries

For your vehicle, consider preparing a go-kit with at least three days of supplies to get you through the winter with these items:

• Blankets

• Warm clothes

• Jumper cables

• Bottled water

• Non-perishable food

• Sand or kitty litter to help with tire traction

• Critical backup batteries

• Chargers for your devices


During a winter storm, you may find yourself without power at home. If so, try to keep warm air in and cool air out by not opening doors to unused rooms and only opening doors to the outdoors if absolutely necessary.

Another thing to keep in mind with an extended outage is food safety. If the refrigerator reaches temperatures above 40 F, foods can become unsafe. You can help keep foods colder longer by leaving the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible.

Photo courtesy of Orange County REMC

peanut butter Creamy, dreamy

Embrace your sweet tooth with these decadent peanut butter desserts


Patricia Piekarski, Harvey, Illinois

1½ cups crushed graham crackers

1 ⁄ 3 cup dark brown sugar

3 Tbsp melted butter

16 oz. of cream cheese (two packages), room temperature

¼ cup granulated sugar

2 tsp vanilla

1 cup peanut butter

½ cup heavy cream

2 eggs

2 ⁄ 3 cup chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 300 F. Line two muffin tins with 16 paper liners. In a bowl, combine the graham crackers with the brown sugar and butter. Press into the cupcake liners. Combine cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla in a bowl and beat well on medium speed. Add the peanut butter and heavy cream and beat until fully mixed. Add eggs and mix until combined. Spoon the cheesecake mixture on top of the crusts. Sprinkle with chocolate chips. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Cool completely in the refrigerator.


Doris Ann Kahlert, Berne, Indiana ½ cup buttermilk


2 sticks margarine

1 cup water

1 cup peanut butter

2 cups granulated sugar

½ tsp salt

2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

2 eggs


1 stick margarine

½ cup peanut butter

½ cup buttermilk

2 2 ⁄ 3 cups powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Add the margarine, water, and peanut butter to a pan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Shut off the heat and add the sugar, salt, buttermilk, flour, baking soda, vanilla, and eggs. Mix well and pour into a greased and floured sheet cake pan. Bake at 350 F for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

To make the frosting, put margarine, peanut butter, and buttermilk in a pan and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Shut off the heat and add powdered sugar and vanilla, mixing well. Then, turn the heat on low until the sugar is well incorporated. Frost the cake while the cake and frosting are still warm.


Martha Wiser-Partin, Corydon, Indiana

1 lb. confectioner’s sugar

1 ⁄ 3 cup of instant nonfat dry milk

¼ cup butter

1 ⁄ 3 cup crunchy peanut butter

½ cup light corn syrup

1 Tbsp water

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup miniature marshmallows

Optional: ½ cup chopped peanuts or pecans

Sift together sugar and milk. Set aside. Melt the butter and peanut butter in a 2-quart double boiler over boiling water. Stir in corn syrup, water, and vanilla into the melted peanut butter mixture, then add marshmallows. Stir until marshmallows are melted. Remove from heat and blend in sifted sugar and milk. If desired, add chopped peanuts or pecans. Pour into a greased 8- or 9-inch square pan. Cool in the refrigerator or a cool area and cut into squares. Makes 1¾ pounds.


Indiana Unclaimed Property reunites

Hoosiers with abandoned cash and valuables

You’ve heard the old saying: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” But when the state says it has unclaimed property in your name, you can take that to the bank — literally.

One of eight divisions within the Indiana attorney general’s office, the unclaimed property unit distributes more than $1 million weekly to lucky Hoosiers, which might sound like a waste of tax dollars. But in fact, it’s the recipients’ money to begin with, and like the finder of a lost dog, the state is simply helping to reunite it with its rightful owners.

It’s just that with 5.1 million unclaimed property accounts worth a total of $914 million, the job of owner locating is considerably more complicated than responding to a “lost dog” poster. Happily, it’s easier than ever to track down

abandoned cash and valuables bearing your name, thanks to the unclaimed property division’s searchable website, indianaunclaimed.gov.

But first things first: What exactly is unclaimed property, and are your odds of finding lost money any better than, say, winning the lottery?

As the attorney general’s office explained, “Any financial asset with no activity by its owner for an extended period is considered unclaimed property. This includes unclaimed wages or commissions, savings and checking accounts, stock dividends, insurance proceeds; underlying shares, customer deposits or overpayments, certificates of deposit, credit balances, refunds, money orders, and safe deposit box contents.”

Your chances of finding unclaimed property in your name are an estimated 1 in 7 — slightly better than the 1 in 292 million possibility of winning the Powerball jackpot. Plus, you can’t go broke trying your luck in the unclaimed property giveaway since it costs nothing to search online.

The highest claim paid this year was a whopping $750,000 — the state won’t identify the recipient — and even an average claim amounts to $1,018. But in the interest of managing expectations, it’s useful to remember that threefourths of all accounts contain $100 or less.

And some low-end claims aren’t worth the cost of mailing the check, such as the 50 cents awaiting a citizen of Pendleton, Indiana.

Still, whether it’s $20 or $50 or “over $100” — as the state’s online search engine describes any sum above the century mark — it’s never a bad day when you learn that you’re entitled to money you didn’t even know you were owed. An Indianapolis woman discovered as much when the search engine matched her name to a $248 check from an insurance company that she couldn’t even remember doing business with.

Keep in mind that not all unclaimed property comes with a dollar sign. Abandoned safe deposit boxes surround all manner of colorful cargo, including jewelry, rare coins, and collectibles, not to mention the occasional personal item — sometimes too personal.

Through the years, the state has taken possession of such items as false teeth, locks of hair, steamy love letters, and even ladies’ undergarments.

On a historic note, forgotten safe deposit boxes in Indiana have held Civil War discharge papers and a lapel pin from Lincoln’s inaugural ball. And in 1985, the state received some of the ultimate unclaimed property — the neverreturned contents of safe deposit boxes from 15 Indiana banks that failed during the Depression.

All tangible items of value that remain unspoken for are auctioned off, with one exception: the state does not sell military medals.


If searching for abandoned cash sounds like an exciting new endeavor, you might be surprised to hear that unclaimed property is neither new nor unique. According to the attorney general’s office, every state maintains a central location where people and businesses can search for long-lost assets. Indiana got in the game in 1967 when lawmakers passed a bipartisan bill giving the state the authority to collect abandoned property from banks, insurance companies, utilities, and other businesses. Though their actions would make thousands of residents a bit richer, their motives were not entirely altruistic.

The chief priority was to replenish Indiana’s Common School Fund for public school construction, which had run out of cash.

continued on page 22

continued from page 21

Although the state attempted to notify the rightful owners by running legal advertisements in newspapers across Indiana, no one seriously believed that most of the money would ever be returned. Proponents of the bill predicted it would generate millions of dollars, and sure enough, Indiana Attorney General John J. Dillon reported in 1968 that the state had collected $3.3 million worth of unclaimed assets and expected to have $2.8 million left over for the school fund.

tangible property started going on the online auction block on eBay.


After receiving a claim form, she completed it and sent it back, but her trek through a tangle of red tape was only beginning.

Whether it’s $20 or $50 or “over $100”, it’s never a bad day when you learn that you’re entitled to money you didn’t even know you were owed.
“ “

Legal ads served as the first notifications for owners of unclaimed property, but evolving technology has given the state more ways of connecting Hoosiers with their lost money. In 1988, an unclaimed property exhibit at the Indiana State Fair featured a computer that offered free searches for fair-goers. In 1994, the database went online, though in a primitive form.

More recently, the unclaimed property website has offered not only searches but also the ability to stake claims with the click of a mouse. And in 2021,

Perhaps the most famous unclaimed property owner in Indiana history was also the most persevering. It started in 1973 when a Fort Wayne girl’s long-inactive school savings account at Lincoln National Bank wound up with the unclaimed property division in Indianapolis. An inquiry by the girl’s mother, Ivadine Long, brought her a claim form, but it seems she never returned it. A year later, the same bank forwarded another dormant school savings account, also bearing the name of Ivadine’s daughter, Shelley Lee.

That’s right: The two savings accounts, totaling $247.06, belonged to future “Cheers” star Shelley Long.

But she wasn’t famous for anything in 1975 when she decided to contact the attorney general’s office about recovering her lost money. Then living in Evanston, Illinois, she signed her name “Shelley Long Solomon,” having wed for the first time four years earlier.

The state repeatedly moved the goal posts, first demanding a marriage certificate because her last name had changed and then, after receiving such proof in 1977, insisting it now needed a passbook with a guaranteed signature, a bank card, or an affidavit from a third party connecting her to the property, and photocopies of both notary public commissions.

It would be another seven years before the unclaimed property division heard from the Fort Wayne native again. By that time, Shelley Long was an Emmy Award-winning actress with a return address of Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, and her letter was the talk of the Statehouse. She found a more sympathetic ear from division director Calvin Kuhn, who approved her request after she submitted a notarized claim form. A $247.06 check payable to Shelley Lee Long was sent on Oct. 3, 1984 — six days after the start of the third “Cheers” season.

continued on page 24


Of the 5.1 million unclaimed property accounts in Indiana, none has a more mysterious owner than Sejdo Ustavdic. In 1989, before the state stopped publishing the exact value of accounts exceeding $100, he ranked No. 1 on the most-owed owner list with an abandoned bank account of $38,320.08.

Today, Sejdo Ustavdic has 129 accounts containing savings bonds valued at “over $100” apiece. Simple math tells us they’re worth at least $13,000 and perhaps more – especially if they contain any of the $38,000 from 35 years ago. Then again, these accounts weren’t reported until 2016.

Whatever the origin, it’s a lot of money to leave behind. So who was Sejdo Ustavdic, and why hasn’t he, or his heirs, come to collect the thousands of dollars he’s entitled to?

Unclaimed property records say only that Ustavdic once lived at a couple of addresses in Gary. You have to look farther, across two continents and an ocean, to uncover the surprising — and surprisingly poignant — story of his life. Although all such research runs the risk of confusing identically named individuals, the records uncovered in this case seem to point to the same person.

A search on Ancestry.com returns two documents, including the 1958 naturalization record of a Sejdo Ustavdic, who was born in 1910, lived in Gary, and took his oath of citizenship at the U.S. District Court in Hammond.

The second document, a yellowed ship’s passenger list, notes that on August 21, 1951, a 41-year-old single man named Sejdo Ustavdic — born “about 1910” — journeyed from Bremerhaven, Germany, to New Orleans on the U.S.S. General Taylor.

But this was no routine voyage. The document came from the Arolsen Archives, known as “the largest archive on the victims of Nazi persecution,” and the ship was carrying

war refugees to freedom. As the National WWII Museum website explained, “After World War II, 1.2 million Eastern European displaced persons remained in Germany and refused to return home.” Many feared living in nations now trapped behind the Iron Curtain of Soviet influence.

A “displaced persons statistical card” from the same archives reveals even more about Ustavdic’s life. He was born in Austria-Hungary, which became Yugoslavia after World War I, and he spoke Croatian (thus, his first name would have rhymed with “Play-Doh”). He was an unskilled laborer who had worked as a farmhand, fruit picker, and shoemaker.

How he became a displaced person is not written. It’s possible that he lost family members in the war or was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, even though his religion is listed as “Mosl” — a likely abbreviation for Moslem, the archaic term for Muslim.

Regardless, what the statistical card tells us is sad enough: He entered Austria in September 1945 — the month World War II ended — and lived in a refugee facility known as Camp Wegscheid. The Jewish organization ORT said Wegscheid was “seriously overcrowded and did not have anywhere near enough living space. There were also problems with inadequate food supplies and quality.” Yet Ustavdic apparently spent all or part of six years there before finally getting permission to come to America.

What happened to him after his 1958 naturalization ceremony is untold. Did he find work in Gary’s steel mills and stash away most of what he earned, only to die before he could spend it? Did he leave behind only distant relatives in Europe?

The answers remain elusive. But if it means anything, there’s a vacation rental on the Croatian island of Korcula featuring kitchenettes, a private entrance, and balcony views of the Adriatic Sea. Its name is Apartments Ustavdic.

continued from page 22


How does an unclaimed property search work?

Following the previously provided link to the Indiana Unclaimed website, you will see a gold rectangle containing the words “Claim yours” on the right side of the screen. Clicking on that rectangle takes you to a different screen with the heading “Search for unclaimed property” and a form with five blank spaces.

There is no need to fill in every blank — one keyword or number in the first space (“Last or business name”) is enough to get the search engine running. But unless you have an uncommon surname or business name, you should add a first name or zip code; otherwise, you will be dealing with a parade of page numbers at the bottom of the screen. For instance, “Smith,” “Jones,” and other common names span 50 pages with 20 claims per page, whereas “Superman” returns just a single claim.

Your search needn’t end with your own name. If you want to help a good cause but are too lean in the green to contribute, you can arrange a “non-donation” of sorts. Just plug in a name or term representing a church, organization, or interest,

browse the claims for any groups you support, and contact your favorites with news of their unforeseen bounty. For example, searching for “church” begets Morningside Church of Evansville and “over $100” for the collection plate. The words “animal shelter” fetch Rushville Animal Shelter and the $50 it’s due, whereas “band” strikes up a list of eight and possibly 11 modest claims meant for the Frankton (High School) Band Boosters.

Naturally, you can try to give your friends and family a little wallet widening by running their names through the search engine and looking for any reflections.

Maybe you’ll even enjoy the process. With an index of claims and property

owners ranging from “AAA AAA” to “ZZZ Legal,” Indiana’s online lostand-found department offers infinite possibilities to explore.

But if the Hoosier State’s unclaimed universe ever leaves you longing for new horizons, you can always take it to the next level.

For those with out-of-state connections, whether business or personal, MissingMoney.com — the official unclaimed property website of the National Association of State Treasurers — boasts multiple-state searches, $3 billion in paid claims over the past year, and an average claim value twice as high as Indiana’s.

What better place to seek claim and fortune?



Amount of claims paid through November


Average claim amount through November $1,018.21

Largest amount paid through November

The unclaimed property shown in this illustration represents data from 2010-2020.

The state’s database contains 25 years’ worth of unclaimed property.


Number of claims paid through November 61,962

Number of properties over $100 1,274,838

Property amount for active claims


Property count for active claims 180,226

Total amount received through November


Total funds unclaimed


Total number of active claims 67,569

Total number of properties 5,205,384


Dollar Value

$97,114,773.16 (10.8%)

Number of Properties

1,015,366 (11.2%)


Dollar Value

$19,862,164.09 (2.2%)

Number of Properties

232,620 (2.6%)


Dollar Value

$24,109,668.12 (2.7%)

Number of Properties 315,105 (3.5%)


Dollar Value

$35,261,710.25 (3.9%)

Number of Properties 418,719 (4.6%)


Dollar Value

$60,393,398.63 (6.7%)

Number of Properties

726,936 (8%)


Dollar Value

$54,407,179.60 (6%)

Number of Properties 683,394 (7.6%)


Dollar Value

$343,756,639.53 (38%)

Number of Properties

3,576,624 (39.6%)


Dollar Value

$50,130,723.97 (5.6%)

Number of Properties

695,981 (7.7%)


Dollar Value

$218,095,888.78 (24.2%)

Number of Properties 1,366,136 (15.1%)






Court deposits




Mineral interest


Other property


Safe deposit










Cassidy Skinner’s entry for the Indiana Electric Cooperative 2025 Calendar of Student Art Contest, ‘Flower Girl”, impressed the judges with the detailing and lifelike quality of the scratchboard picture of her Great Dane, Dottie.

Skinner is an 18-year-old senior at Whitko High School in South Whitley, Indiana. Along with

Skinner awarded for her lifelike animal creations submitted for the 2025 Calendar of Student Art Contest

winning Best of Show and first place in the 11th-grade category, she also won the 11th-grade honorable mention for her picture of an owl perched on a branch.

Skinner has had many interests over the years, such as softball and archery, but art has been a constant. “Art is something I have been passionate about for a long time,” she said. “I started as a kid, as many artists do. I enjoy it.”

Skinner works on a project during art class at Whitko High School.

She started out drawing a lot of anime (a style of Japanese film and television characters), “I have about 100 very bad sketchbooks of little kiddie drawings,” she said. She still enjoys drawing anime and is working on a comic in her free time, “I have a few chapters done. It’s fun to work on my anime digitally.”

Her Best of Show-winning art started as a class assignment in Daniel Malicki’s art class. “That wasn’t the intended drawing for the contest. My owl was supposed to be my main submission. But I thought, ‘Why not turn them both in?’”

“The inspiration is a photo of Dottie when she was 6 or 7 months old. The flowers around her neck are flowers that would bloom in November. I really liked doing scratchboard. I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it because, to be honest, it’s a lot of work. Creating the scratchboard took significantly longer than anything else I made, even the owl. I had to take it home every night, but I thought it turned out well.”

Malicki encouraged her to submit it along with her owl piece, which won honorable mention for her grade.

“For the owl piece, before working on the contest submission, I had been working on Christmas presents

involving birds for my grandparents and the rest of my family. I had been painting them very colorfully in gouache, which is my favorite medium. I thought, ‘Well, I’m already painting an owl. I should try my hand at drawing one.’ I had a previous assignment with a moth, so I kind of merged the ideas. I also tied in November items like snow and falling leaves.”

The contest judges were so impressed with both of Skinner’s pieces that it was hard to decide which would be the overall winner.

After high school, Skinner plans to attend college and get an art education degree. She is considering Manchester University in Indiana or Siena Heights University in Michigan.

The 2025 Cooperative Calendar of Student Art is available at participating electric cooperatives around Indiana and by mail through Indiana Connection. The contest to illustrate the 2026 calendar has begun. Entries are due Feb. 28. For details on how to order a calendar and the 2026 contest, please visit IndianaConnection.org .

Skinner's 11th-grade honorable mention winner
Skinner’s Best of Show and 11th-grade category winner



The Hoosier Energy Apprenticeship Training & Safety (HEATS) program recently added 36 new graduates during a ceremony at French Lick Resort. The HEATS program began in 1975 and has grown from a simple training tool for cooperative employees into a way to develop a wide range of skills across the industry.

The 2024 graduating class featured 15 lineman graduates, 12 MSR (member service representative) graduates, and nine substation graduates. Nine Hoosier Energy member cooperatives were represented in the lineman graduating class. Lineman graduates were:

• Courtney Metzger, Ethan Smith, and Jerry Smith of Bartholomew County REMC

• Wyatt Binkley of Clark County REMC

• Tyler Schnell, Kory Voelkel, and Andrew Weidenbenner of Dubois REC

• Bobby Frasur of Henry County REMC

• Jared Bartlett of Hoosier Energy

• Derek Davis of Jackson County REMC (academic award winner)

• Jennifer Fugate and Sam Wood of JCREMC

• Chris Pile of RushShelby Energy

• Noah Williams of Whitewater Valley REMC

• Alex Kitchin of WIN Energy REMC

The MSR graduates featured Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative for the first time. While linemen keep their safety training focused in Illinois, the MSR class provided an opportunity for Wayne-White to take advantage of HEATS. Graduates were:

• Dara Belangee

• Wes Clark

• Matt Garner

• Caitlin Glisson

• Denice Kinney

• Misty Kitley

• Kandras Kunkel

• Alyssa Parrott

• Kim Rodgers

• Derick Trout

• Landon Vaughan

• Lisa Vaughan

The substation graduates, all from Hoosier Energy, were:

• Jeff Carter

• Todd Chenoweth

• Lance Ellett

• Ryan Foster

• Cody Morgan (academic award winner)

• Cameron Thomson

• Scott Smith

• Greg Welsh

• Jimmy John Yeryar

Earlier this fall, there were also 17 graduates of Advanced Climbing School as part of the HEATS program. Those were:

• Robby Allen and Broden Goodman of South Central Indiana REMC

• Zane Anderson, Zackory Moorman, and Jacob Wente of UDWI REMC

• Gage Back and Luke Sullenbarger of RushShelby Energy

• Andrew Cross of Whitewater Valley REMC

• Robert Garza and Bryce Gentry of Clark County REMC

• Ben Harlemert, Mitchel Meyer, and Morgan Sutton of Southeastern Indiana REMC

• Caleb Miller of Daviess-Martin County REMC

• Max Rickelman of Southern Indiana Power

• Ethan Smith of Bartholomew County REMC

• Josh Smith of WIN Energy REMC

Graduates of the HEATS Climbing School pose for a picture together at the Franklin Training Center.

Dubois REC hosts ‘Tour of Opportunity’

On Oct. 9, approximately 500 local high school freshmen from the four Dubois County school corporations embarked on a day-long “Tour of Opportunity” to visit local businesses and learn about potential careers within the county.

Dubois REC provided our facility to the Builders Association of Dubois County to showcase various careers within the construction and trades fields. The students spoke to professionals in several different trades including plumbing, electrical, framing and masonry. They also spent time with a lending officer from a local bank, as well as a professional designer who shared information on various careers in architecture and interior design.


Students! APPLY NOW for these great summer opportunities

Sixth-grade students can apply to attend Camp Kilowatt on June 4-7.

High-school juniors can apply for an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., on the 2025 Youth Tour from June 15-22.

Early bloomers

Forced bulbs allow for spring flowers without fall planting

When I worked at a large independent garden center in Indianapolis, customers sometimes came in this time of year wanting to buy spring bulbs to plant. Staffers would have to tell them that the spring bulbs they saw blooming now were planted in fall.

Not all is lost, however. Fortunately, garden centers and home improvement stores usually have tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and other spring bulbs that have been forced into bloom in pots for the season. Think of these as annuals, enjoying them for the season and then tossing them.

Forced bulbs have been subjected to cold and light requirements that tease them into blooming at just the right time. This process usually occurs at wholesalers, who then ship the plants to retailers.

These are perfect for potting up in containers or popping them in the ground (if the soil is not frozen).

Transplanting the spring bulbs into containers is a great way for apartment and condo dwellers to bring a bit of the season to a balcony or patio.

Add pansies, violas, or ranunculus to pots, or push the seasonal envelope with lettuce, kale, chard, or other spring edibles. To mimic a garden, plant individual pots with the same plant, such as one for tulips and one for daffodils. Group these on a deck, patio, or entryway for a spring garden.

When buying forced bulbs, look for those with tight flowers. They should last the longest. Although you can put the bulbs outside, you can also use them as tabletop decorations indoors.

You can plant the forced bulbs in the ground with the hope they will bloom next spring, but there are no guarantees. That’s because forced bulbs spend a lot of their energy in the process.

If you want to transfer them to the ground, try these steps:

Allow the leaves to turn yellow or brown and fall flat. This is called ripening, and it allows nutrients to flow through the leaves to the underground bulb for next year’s flowers. Remove ripened leaves.

Consider planting the forced bulbs among spring-blooming perennials or shrubs. Even if the bulbs fail, you will still have seasonal beauty.

Dig a hole. The planting depth should be about three times deeper than the bulb’s height. If the bulb is 2 inches tall, plant it 6 inches deep.

Make sure to water well

If they sprout and bloom next spring, go ahead and claim your green thumb.

Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp blogs at hoosiergardener.com, where you can sign up for her free, awardwinning monthly newsletters.

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