Henry County REMC — May 2021 Indiana Connection

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Are you ready to purchase an electric vehicle?

Henry County REMC’s




pages 20–24

MAY 2021

from the editor

Coffee Break Coffee has never been my beverage of choice. Although I’ve always adored how it smells, its characteristic bitterness assaults my taste buds. But since I’ve recently discovered caramel frappes — which I’ve decided are my personal “gateway” into the wonderful world of coffee — I’m starting to understand the appeal of an occasional cup of joe. Being a late-blooming newbie to coffee drinking, I decided to do some research into where my coffee journey should take me next. That’s when I discovered some coffee trends that have me seriously rethinking whether I should adopt this habit. Have you heard: the world’s most expensive coffee — called kopi luwak — is made from animal feces? A catlike animal called a civet will eat coffee beans and partially digest them. When those beans go through (and ultimately out) the civet’s digestive system, the enzymes alter the structure of the beans’ protein, reducing some of the acid and thus making a smoother drink. It may taste better, but it sure doesn’t sound appetizing! But that’s not all: there’s coffee made from the coffee beans that rhesus monkeys chew and then spit out. In this case, the saliva alters the enzymes. Meanwhile, a coffee made from beans that have been partially chewed by bats is favored by some coffee aficionados. Coffee-like beverages can also be made from acorns, peanuts, mushrooms, dandelions, figs, and grains like barley and rye. Considering the aforementioned coffee varieties which animals have helped produce, perhaps an acorn “coffee” might be worth a try. Or maybe I should just play it safe and stick with my flavored frappes!

EMILY SCHILLING Editor eschilling@indianaec.org

On the menu: August issue: Peppers, deadline June 1.

September issue: Chicken, deadline June 1. If we publish your recipe on our food pages, we’ll send you a $10 gift card.

Giveaway: Two prize packages are available to win this month. The Speedway Chamber of Commerce is providing gift cards ($60 total value) to two restaurants showcased on pages 18-19. Meanwhile, the Noble County Convention and Visitors Bureau is offering a gift package spotlighting area businesses and attractions ($100 value). For details and to enter, visit indianaconnection.org/talk-to-us/contests. Entry deadline for giveaway: May 31.

Three ways to contact us: To send us recipes, photos, event listings, letters

and entries for gift drawings, please use the forms on our website indianaconnection.org; email info@indianaconnection.org; or send to Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606.

VOLUME 70 • NUMBER 11 ISSN 0745-4651 • USPS 262-340 Published monthly by Indiana Electric Cooperatives Indiana Connection is for and about members of Indiana’s locally-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. It helps consumers use electricity safely and efficiently; understand energy issues; connect with their co-op; and celebrate life in Indiana. Over 304,000 residents and businesses receive the magazine as part of their electric co-op membership. CONTACT US: 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600 Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606 317-487-2220 info@indianaconnection.org IndianaConnection.org INDIANA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES OFFICERS: Walter Hunter President Randy Kleaving Vice President Steve McMichael Secretary/Treasurer John Gasstrom CEO EDITORIAL STAFF: Emily Schilling Editor Richard George Biever Senior Editor Holly Huffman Communication Support Specialist Ellie Schuler Senior Creative Services Specialist Taylor Maranion Creative Services Specialist Lauren Carman Communication Coordinator Stacey Holton Director of Creative Services Mandy Barth Vice President of Communication ADVERTISING: American MainStreet Publications Cheryl Solomon, local ad representative; 512-441-5200; amp.coop Crosshair Media 502-216-8537; crosshairmedia.net Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication. UNSOLICITED MATERIAL: Indiana Connection does not use unsolicited freelance manuscripts or photographs and assumes no responsibility for the safe‑keeping or return of unsolicited material. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $12 for individuals not subscribing through participating REMCs/RECs. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you receive Indiana Connection through your electric co-op membership, report address changes to your local co-op. POSTAGE: Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Ind., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606. Include key number. No portion of Indiana Connection may be reproduced without permission of the editor.

MAY 2021







03 FROM THE EDITOR 05 CO-OP NEWS Energy news and information from your electric cooperative. 10 ENERGY Surge protectors: What you need to know to keep your gear protected.


14 COUNTY OF THE MONTH Spotlighting Noble County. 15 INDIANA EATS


cover story 20 COVER STORY The wonder of wandering: Life off the highway.

Speedway’s ‘downtown’


offers plenty of good eats.

26 BACKYARD Bees, butterflies like turtlehead flowers. (Not in all editions)

18 FOOD Kabob recipes are all a’skewered.



Indiana Connection


27 OUTDOORS Turkey buzzard’s vicious cousin.


28 H OOSIER ENERGY/ WABASH VALLEY NEWS 29 SAFETY Electrical hazards can exist in the office, too. 30 PROFILE History of electric co-ops traced through life of original member.

On the cover Phil Anderson spreads his well-worn Indiana county road atlas on the hood of his SUV. The atlas is the one he used for almost 40 years to chart and keep track of his quest to visit every named city, town and crossroad community — 2,230 in all — in the state. PHOTO BY TAYLOR MARANION


MAY 2021

co-op news

Right-of-way management improves service www.hcremc.com CONTACT US 800-248-8413 Fax: 765-529-1667 OFFICE HOURS 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday STREET ADDRESS 3400 S. State Road 3 New Castle, IN 47362 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box D New Castle, IN 47362 A night deposit box is available 24 hours a day. EMAIL hcremc@hcremc.com SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS To report a power outage, please call 800-248-8413, day or night. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Henry County REMC is to provide reliable, safe and cost-competitive electrical service to enhance the lives of our members and the communities we serve. BILL DUE DATES Bills mailed May 10 are due May 26. Bills mailed May 14 are due June 3. Bills mailed May 28 are due June 17.y.

Know what’s below. Call 811 before you dig!

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ HenryCountyREMC FOLLOW US ON TWITTER www.twitter.com/ HenryCountyREMC

One of the things I love best about our community is the natural beauty that surrounds us. We are fortunate to have so many trees that offer beauty, shade and a habitat for all sorts of birds and other wildlife. Your REMC strives to balance maintaining beautiful surroundings and ensuring a reliable power supply by keeping power lines clear in rights-of-way (ROW). While we recognize and appreciate the beauty of trees, there are three main benefits to tree trimming in ROW areas. However, before touching on the main reasons, let me explain what a right-ofway is and how it may impact you. A rightof-way is the land we use to construct, maintain, replace or repair underground and overhead power lines. Rights-of-way enable the co-op to provide clearance from trees and other obstructions that could hinder the power line installation, maintenance or operation. HCREMC must be able to maintain the power lines above, below and beside the ROW. The overall goal of our vegetation management program is to provide reliable power to our members while maintaining the beauty of our community. Proactive ROW management benefits coop members in three tangible ways.

Safety We care about our members and put their safety and that of our lineworkers above all else. Overgrown vegetation and trees pose a risk to power lines. For example, if trees are touching power lines in our members’ yards, they can pose grave danger to families. If children can access those trees, they can potentially climb into a danger zone.

Electricity can arc, or jump, from a power line to a nearby conductor like a tree. A proactive approach diminishes the chances of fallen branches or trees during severe weather events that make it more complicated and dangerous for lineworkers to restore power.

Reliability Of course, one of the biggest benefits of an effective ROW management program is reliability. Strategic tree trimming and removal reduces the frequency of downed lines causing power outages. Generally speaking, healthy trees don’t fall on power lines, and clear lines don’t cause problems. Proactive trimming and pruning keeps lines clear to promote reliability. Although we are proactive in these efforts, nothing prepared us for the Emerald Ash Borer that claimed millions of ash trees throughout Indiana over the last five years. We have worked diligently to remove damaged ash trees. In Indiana alone, there are more than 147 million ash trees and about 25,000 or so in or near utility rightsof-way.

Affordability As you know, HCREMC is a not-for-profit cooperative, and that means we strive to keep our costs in check to keep our rates affordable. This extends to our approach to ROW management. If trees grow too close to power lines, the potential for expensive repairs also increases. Effective ROW management efforts keep costs down for everyone. Through ROW management, we are better able to keep the power lines clear, prepare for future weather events and secure the reliability of the grid. Be sure to plant new trees far enough away from power lines.



co-op news

feedback WE WANT YOUR

MEMORIAL DAY The HCREMC office will be closed on Monday, May 31, in honor of Memorial Day.

National survey on the ‘cooperative difference’ launching soon

Being a member-consumer of an electric cooperative gives you the unique opportunity to let your voice be heard and share your story. Our member-consumers, also known as our member-owners, are at the core of everything we do. It is important to us to continue to build our relationship with you, OUR MEMBER, and provide you with the cooperative difference you expect. With this effort in mind, HCREMC — in coordination with Cooperative Insights and Touchstone Energy — plans to initiate a market research study now through June 4. This study will help us to better understand how different generations and segments of electric cooperative members view your electric provider. In addition, we look to better understand how we can better communicate the value of cooperative membership. If you are contacted, we hope you will participate in the survey. If you have questions, please contact us at 800-248-8413 or email hcremc@hcremc.com. NOTE: Please be aware that we will NOT ask for any personal identification information during the survey.


MAY 2021

2021 UNPLANNED OUTAGE HOURS BY CAUSE 49% Duke Transmission 19% trees 15% weather 10% public 7% unknown

Taking nominations

co-op news

Did you know? Your electric cooperative, HCREMC, is not-for-profit and owned by those it serves. The entire HCREMC service territory

If you have been looking for a way to

consumers who support the candidacy

is divided into nine districts, where

become more involved in your electric

in the same district they are running

each district is represented by a

cooperative, this is your chance.


director. The director is elected by

Directors set policy and guide the

the member-consumers living in that

future direction of the cooperative.

district and represents them when making important decisions for the electric cooperative. Each year, three HCREMC board

Petitions for election and other board information will be available online

Qualified members of HCREMC, who

(hcremc.com) on May 17. Completed

live in the districts up for election, may

petitions and biographical information

seek election by filing a petition with

must be returned to the REMC no later

30 signatures of HCREMC member-

than July 30.

seats are open for election. Open seats for 2021 include:

DISTRICT 1 District 1 consists of Fall Creek Township in Henry County; Salem


Township in Delaware County; and Union and Adams townships in Madison County.

DISTRICT 4 District 4 consists of Stony Creek, Prairie and Jefferson townships in Henry County; Union Township in Randolph County; and Monroe and Perry townships in Delaware County.

DISTRICT 9 District 9 consists of Dudley Township in Henry County; Fairview, Harrison and Posey townships in Fayette County; and Jackson and Washington townships in Wayne County. Beginning May 17, HCREMC will accept nominations for candidates to run in the 2021 director election within the three districts listed above. Nomination deadline is July 30.

MAY 2021


co-op news

FREE Energy Efficiency Kit for School Supplies We are accepting school supply donations this May and June. Items collected will be dispersed among area schools for the upcoming school year. Let's all pitch in and help kids in need to succeed. Members are encouraged to drop off school supply donations to the REMC office between 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, now through June 30. In return, participating HCREMC members will receive an energy efficiency kit including LEDs.


what the cooperative principles mean to you THE SEVEN COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLES ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE COOPERATIVE SPIRIT AND ARE WHAT MAKES BELONGING TO A COOPERATIVE SO UNIQUE. • Voluntary and Open Membership • Democratic Member Control • Members’ Economic Participation • Autonomy and Independence

Donations need to be unopened and unused. Thank you in advance for your help!

• Education, Training and Information

Suggested list:

• Concern for Community

• Backpacks (one bag) • Packs of #2 pencils (two boxes) • Glue sticks (two packs) • Crayola crayons (two boxes, 24 ct.) • Fiskar scissors (two pairs) • Rulers (two items, inches and centimeters) • Colored pencils (two boxes) • Plastic school box (two boxes) • Folders with pockets and prongs (five folders) • Wide rule spiral notebook (two notebooks) • Washable marker (two boxes, 10 ct.) • Erasers (three items, rectangular) • Black & blue pens (two packs) • Pencil top erasers (two packages) • Wide ruled filler paper (four items) • Index cards (two packs) • Highlighters (two packs)


MAY 2021

• Cooperation Among Cooperatives

visit action.IndianaEC.org



What you need to know to keep your gear protected Those dusty black

TV, Blu-ray player,

it is a surge protector.

Fact: Spend what you

boxes stuffed behind

streaming device like a

This number indicates

find reasonable but be

entertainment centers

Roku or Apple TV, and a

how much energy the

sure you have a unit that

that connect all of

stereo receiver. The cost

device can absorb before

is UL 1449 rated. This is a

our devices can be

of this equipment could

failing. If still uncertain,

test standard conducted

misleading. While some

be a big number.

search the model

by Underwriters

number online to verify

Laboratories for this type

its capabilities.

of electric equipment. If

value of being aware of

Myth: My equipment is

you want to then review

the level of protection

protected because I turn

specific details, look for

you have.

it off.

devices with the most

energy the other is just a

Myth: These devices are

Fact: This is a good first

convenient way to plug

basically all the same

step, but it needs to be

in a lot of devices.

if they have an on/off

followed by unplugging


devices from the wall

Fact: Not true. One way

to be protected from

of these devices are surge protectors, others are simply power strips. While one can help protect your equipment during a surge in

Why is this important to know? Take a moment to calculate the cost of everything you have powered in your entertainment center:


MAY 2021

Add a spring storm and you can begin to see the

to determine if you have a surge protector is to


events such as a direct lightning strike.

see if a joules rating is

Myth: For the best

listed on the back of

protection you have

the device. If it has this,

to spend hundreds of dollars.

by Zach Motsinger Member Services Technician Orange County REMC



CLARIFICATIONS Our April cover story featured a sidebar “Can I Recycle That?” on page 23. A number of readers from around the state have pointed out information in the article about what can and cannot be recycled and how recycled items should be prepared is inconsistent with their local recycling centers. As with any general article in a statewide or national publication, please always check first with your local sources to learn more about their requirements and guidelines. Our March issue featured an article titled “What Happens When a Pole Goes Down” which did not fully address all the steps needed to replace a broken utility pole. When a new hole must be dug, lineworkers on the scene must make an emergency locate call to Indiana 811 to ensure there are no buried utility lines on the site. It can take several hours before someone from Indiana 811 arrives and inspects the area to ensure the hole for the new pole can safely be drilled.

As we approach the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, Indiana Connection wants to hear your stories about this fateful day and see your photos. What were you doing when you heard about the planes crashing into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? Do you have a personal connection to the events that happened that day? How did Sept. 11 change your life? We will publish some of your stories and photos in our September issue. If we publish your story or photo, we’ll send you a check for $50. We’ll also send $50 to a randomly selected reader who sends us their recollections. The deadline to share your stories and photos is July 6. Send them to us at www.indianaconnection.org or mail us at Indiana Connection, Sept. 11 Stories and Photos, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Marketplace Our Marketplace offers maximum exposure for your business or organization at a minimal cost. A limited number of display ads (such as the one

Auction & Flea Market

SHIPSHEWANA FLEA MARKET OPEN MAY 4 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 29 Midwest’s Largest Flea Market Every Tuesday & Wednesday

Don’t miss this opportunity to reach over 900,000 readers at an affordable rate!

Every Wednesday, Year-Round

Please contact Cheryl Solomon,


847-749-4875 or cheryl@amp. coop, for other small business advertising opportunities in Indiana Connection. MAY 2021

e s t. 1 9 2 2

to to the right) is available each month.


ipshewan Sh


Technically, even if the old pole is being pulled out and a new pole is being placed in the same hole, the old hole needs to be augered out and, thus, an emergency locate is required. This call to Indiana 811 may add some time to the job but will help ensure the pole restoration is done safely and without potential damage to buried utility lines.


8 am – 4 pm; Rain or Shine Weekly Antique Auction

ILLUMINATED ATOMIC CLOCK Atomic clocks are completely self-setting and accurate to the second


Shown much smaller than actual size of about 14" diameter. Requires 1 AA and 4 D batteries, not included.

Over a foot in diameter!

“Classic Bel Air”

At the intersection of speed, precision and style, the best times are made by a clock that’s second to none, available only from The Bradford Exchange. Cool whitewall and speedometer imagery sets the stage for the sexy ‘57 Bel Air beauty, flaunting a golden logo at 6 o’clock. But the clock’s real muscle is its technology: because it is in sync via radio waves with the official source of U.S. time in Fort Collins, Colorado, it is completely self-setting and accurate to within a second. You never need to adjust or correct the time, even for Daylight Savings. And when darkness falls, a built-in sensor cues hidden LED lights to automatically illuminate the glass-encased face. The sleek, 14-inch diameter chromed housing is crafted of weather-resistant metal, ideal for indoor or outdoor living. Peak demand is expected, so don’t fall behind. Make it yours now in three payments of $44.99, the first due before shipment, totaling $135*, backed by our 365-day money-back guarantee. Send no money now—order today!

General Motors Trademarks used under license to The Bradford Group. A fine adult collectible. Not intended for children.


©2020 BGE 01-32515-001 BIS


The Bradford Exchange

9345 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-1393 YES. Please reserve the Classic Bel Air Outdoor Illuminated Atomic Clock for me as described in this announcement. Limit: one per order. Mrs. Mr. Ms.

Please Respond Promptly

Name (Please Print Clearly)

Address City State Email (optional)


*Plus a total of $19.99 shipping and service; 01-32515-001-E59111 see bradfordexchange.com. Limited-edition presentation restricted to 295 crafting days. Please allow 4-8 weeks after initial payment for shipment. Sales subject to product availability and order acceptance.

Gene Stratton-Porter’s Cabin at Wildflower Woods

county feature

Noble County Noble County is situated in northeastern Indiana’s “lake country.” And two lakes — or rather, a series of nine connecting lakes and one other — are especially significant in the county’s culture and its attractions. The Chain O’Lakes State Park, in south central Noble County, is a series of serene kettle lakes — created by the melting glacier that covered much of Indiana some 13,00014,000 years ago. The park includes 212 surface acres of water. The lakes are interconnected by narrow wooded channels and can be enjoyed with boats powered by paddles or electric motors. Amenities at the park include overnight family cabins, a campground, beach, and picnic shelters, along with rentals for canoes, paddleboats, kayaks and rowboats. There are also 23 miles of forested trails to hike. In north central Noble County is Sylvan Lake. The untouched natural beauty of the area near Rome City lured famed Hoosier writer, naturalist and nature photographer Gene Stratton-Porter to the county in 1912. She made the move as the Limberlost wetland near her home downstate in Geneva was being destroyed for commercial purposes. With the wealth she had attained from her writing career inspired by Limberlost that had begun a decade earlier, Stratton-Porter purchased property overlooking Sylvan Lake and made plans for a new home. The vast, undeveloped forest provided a rich source of material for her nature studies, writings


MAY 2021

and photography. The yearround, two-story, 14-room cedar-log cabin she designed was completed in 1914. Her home became known Cabin in Wildflower Woods. In addition, she helped preserve endangered plants in the area by gathering seeds and sowing them in her gardens. In 1919, Stratton-Porter relocated to California where she continued to write and founded a movie studio. Eight of her novels were eventually produced as motion pictures. She died in Los Angeles in 1924, at the age of 61, from injuries she suffered in a traffic accident. In 1940, the Gene Stratton-Porter Association purchased Wildflower Woods from Stratton-Porter’s daughter who was the sole heir of her estate. In 1946, the association donated 13 acres of property to the State of Indiana, including the cabin, its formal gardens, orchard, and a pond. The present-day Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site of 148 acres of fields, woods and formal gardens, includes 20 acres that were part of her original estate. In May 1999, Stratton-Porter’s descendants returned her remains and those of her only daughter to Wildflower Woods for burial near the cabin.

y t n u o C acts F



NAMED FOR: Noah Noble, governor of Indiana at the time POPULATION: 47,532 (2018 estimate) COUNTY SEAT: Albion INDIANA COUNTY NUMBER: 57 To learn more about the Gene StrattonPorter State Historic Site, call 260-8543790, or visit www.indianamuseum.org/ historic-sites/gene-stratton-porter. To learn more about the Chain O’Lakes State Park, call 260-636-2654 or visit www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2987.htm.

The cabin and grounds are open to the public from April through December. The grounds are open daily from dawn until dusk; guided tours of the first floor of the home are available for a small admission charge. Furnishings in the home are arranged and maintained to reflect Stratton-Porter’s lifestyle. Much of the furniture and personal collections, including her library, are preserved at the home.

Indiana eats

Down on

MAIN STREET Speedway’s ‘downtown’ offers plenty of good eats

Speedway, Indiana, may most famously be known as the home of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. But race fans shouldn’t overlook the town’s six-block long downtown area just walking distance from the south end of the track for a taste of small-town charm and a comparatively large selection of podium-caliber restaurants to satisfy a variety of tastes. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

MAY 2021





1182 Main St.



1002 N. Main St.


www.bigwoodsrestaurants.com/ speedway


Signature Pulled Pork atop a sandwich, pizza or nachos



Charcuterie Tour: a selection of locally cured meats; local cheeses, preserves and honey comb; bread and butter pickles; almonds; dried fruits, mustard, Kalamata olives and toasted baguette





Pulled Pork Nachos from Big Woods

Larry’s Haystack: a “knife and fork” sandwich with two sausage patties, two scrambled eggs, American cheese, hash browns, and grilled onions on sourdough toast covered in sausage gravy








Tavern-Style Pizzas


Garlic Knuckles from Brozinni Pizzeria

1067 Main St. www.brozinni.net


New York-Style Pizza Garlic Knuckles


MAY 2021

Tavern-Style Pizzas from Daredevil Brewing

Indiana eats

Reuben Sandwich from Dawson’s on Main



1464 Main St.

1552 Main St.









Reuben Sandwich Crab Cake Dinner






DON’T MISS: The tacos — especially the Al Pastor


Sample several of the smoked meats by ordering a platter. Be sure to try the Beef Brisket and the Wings.

Irish Meatloaf Fish and Chips

After “fueling up” at one of downtown Speedway’s eateries, check out the nearby Indianapolis Motor Speedway, home of the Greatest Spectacle in Racing.

MAY 2021


food SHRIMP KABOBS Amy Stoll, Montgomery, Indiana

1 cup Italian dressing 2 lbs. jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 large onions 16 fresh mushrooms 2 green peppers 16 cherry tomatoes In a large resealable bag combine ½ cup Italian dressing and shrimp. Cut each onion into 8 wedges. In another bag combine veggies and remaining Italian dressing. Seal bags; turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, turning occasionally. Drain and discard marinade. On 8 skewers, thread the shrimp and veggies. Grill the kabobs on medium heat, turning on each side until the shrimp turns pink.


1 fresh pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into bite size pieces or use 1 (20 oz.) can pineapple chunks, drained

1 beaten egg ¼ cup breadcrumbs 2 T. cilantro or parsley Dash of red pepper 2 cloves garlic ¼ t. salt 1 lb. lean ground beef ¼ cup finely chopped peanuts

1¼ cups bottled sweet and sour sauce Toothpicks

Patricia Piekarski, Harvey, Illinois

In bowl, combine egg, breadcrumbs, cilantro or parsley, red pepper, garlic and salt. Add ground beef and peanuts; mix well. Shape into 36 meatballs. Place meatballs in shallow pan. Bake in a 350 F oven about 20 minutes. Drain.


MAY 2021

Thread a pineapple chunk and a meatball on each toothpick. Return to baking pan. Repeat with remaining meatballs and pineapple. Brush with some sweet and sour sauce. Bake 5-8 minutes. Meanwhile, heat remaining sauce. Brush over meatballs before serving. To make ahead: Prepare meatballs as above. Cook and cool. Cover and chill up to two days. Continue as above with fruit.




a’skewered BAR BELL KABOBS American Dairy Association Bananas Whole fresh strawberries, washed Green grapes, washed Bite-sized cubes of Colby cheese 1 (8 oz.) carton strawberry flavor low-fat yogurt

Peel banana; cut into thick slices. Cut green stem and leaves off of strawberry tops. For each kabob, put the following on a thin wooden skewer in this order: strawberry, banana slice, cheese, two grapes, cheese, banana slice, strawberry. Stir yogurt in carton. Dip kabob in yogurt as you eat it. (Make as many kabobs as you’d like.)


½ t. cinnamon ½ t. nutmeg

Marilles Mauer, Greensburg, Indiana

¼ t. ground cloves

2 lbs. sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1½ inch chunks 1½ T. olive oil

½ t. red pepper flakes

1 lb. bacon ¾ cup brown sugar ¼ cup granulated sugar

¼ t. cayenne pepper Preheat oven to 375 F. Place cut sweet potatoes in a bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to combine. Set aside. Do not separate bacon. Cut bacon into fourths. In a small bowl, combine sugars and spices. Pour spice and sugar mixture onto

a large, rimmed baking sheet. On each metal skewer, slide a chunk of sweet potato, then one slice of bacon. Repeat until the skewer is full but don’t push too tight together. Roll each skewer in the spiced sugar mixture. (You may need to press it onto the potatoes and bacon.) Bake about 30 minutes until potatoes are tender and bacon is done. FO O D PREPARED BY I NDI ANA CO NNECTI O N STA FF PHO TO S BY TAYLO R M ARAN I O N

MAY 2021




wonder of


The McAllister Covered Bridge in Parke County was built in 1914. PHO TO S P RO V I DE D BY PH I L ANDE RS O N

By Richard G. Biever

“What’s the difference between wonder and wander?” pondered Phil Anderson rhetorically. It begins with a subtle — yet internally rapturous — “oooh” and “aaah.” “It’s just a letter,” he said. “Wonder and wander go hand-in-hand. Why do you wander? It’s because you wonder. Curiosity … wonder: It’s what makes you get off the highway.”

Off the highway, but on the back roads, is where Anderson has spent much of his life. At 61, the Carmel resident may be the only person to ever visit every Indiana city, town, hamlet, burg and wide spot in the road — all 2,230 of them. Over the past 40 years, he made it his goal … then a mission … to underline each visited “place” shown in his atlas of Indiana counties until every named place in all 92 counties was underlined. His traveling was completed in November 2016 — as he and his wife, Beth, who often accompanied him on his journeys,


MAY 2021

visited the last unmarked place, Friendship in Ripley County. Anderson now hopes to connect all the information, history, geography and culture he gleaned in his journeys into various media that others will find interesting and useful. He hopes to inspire others to pursue the wonder of wandering in their own ways. He’s already begun a website that brings his blog together with others’ travels. He’s also slowly been assembling a book, probably still a few years from publication. While he’s not sure what it will be, he knows what it won’t be. It’s not going to be merely a travelogue — notes and thoughts about starting at point 0 and traveling to point 2,230. That’s not how he traveled. Anderson’s wandering was done through hundreds, if not thousands, of visits and day trips first conducted as an FFA officer, then as a salesman into rural Indiana, and then as planned out weekend excursions with Beth. One thing it will be is a memoir of his travels with her. Beth Anderson indulged him in his wandering and served as navigator on many trips. An accomplished

Phil Anderson with his wife, Beth, on one of their wanderings; and with their kids, Rachel, right, and Jessamyn in a photo from New Harmony, their favorite place in Indiana, in 1998. Their daughters are now 31 and 28.

writer and corporate communicator, she helped plan and document the journeys. After first being diagnosed with skin cancer in early 2019, Beth died at age 59 in August 2019 from a rare complication from the medical treatment she was receiving. Her illness and passing detoured the project. But now Anderson is finding joy in revisiting the memories they shared of their journeys. “She always enjoyed getting out there,” he said. “She was a wonderful wandering partner. She would be the one who would say just as soon as we got out of town, ‘Surely we’re not gonna stay on the highway.’ And, so, the book and website, everything is called ‘Life Off the Highway.’”

BEGINNINGS Back in the 1980s, before states began offering a myriad of personal and specialty license plates, Indiana’s standard plate bore the word “WANDER” in red letters at the top and “INDIANA” in white across a spring green bar at the bottom. At the time, the state’s tourism campaign was “Wander Indiana.” The plate was ridiculed by many Hoosiers. The red letters stood out much more than the white, making people wonder if Hoosiers were from the state of Wander. Anderson said he always liked the plate. Being in a state of Wander, or wonder, is a good thing, he reasoned. Its arrival on bumpers came just as he began rolling his odometer with many wandering miles as an agricultural supplies salesman after graduating from Purdue University. Anderson grew up on a farm near Frankfort. His parents always encouraged his curiosity, giving him a book on Indiana place names that sparked his interest in Indiana

The state license plate from 1985-87 carried the state’s tourism slogan at the time, “Wander Indiana.” It was in this time frame when Anderson began his wandering (and wondering) all about Indiana.

geography. Sunday afternoons often included a long drive with his dad under the pretense of looking at crops. The drives meandered around, never backtracking. “He taught me to drive one way to a destination and then another route on the return trip.” Anderson’s first real taste of wandering the state came when he served as an Indiana FFA officer in 1979-80 while at Purdue. During the year, he and six fellow officers traveled over 100,000 miles visiting local school chapters, media outlets, agribusinesses, and program partners throughout Indiana. “The way we did that, I refer to now as ‘looping.’” He’d plan his routes to visit several chapters on each trip, creating a loop from start to finish, not retracing his path. Also in college, he had a job with a seed company covering several counties in western Indiana. “I’m driving all over putting up plots, field signs, delivering soybeans. And I mean, this is rural. I didn’t deliver that stuff in town.” After college, he took a job as a fertilizer salesman in southeastern Indiana and learned that roads are not always flat or straight as they were in Frankfort or in western Indiana. To help him make his sales visits, his boss suggested he purchase a county-by-

county road atlas to help him find the back-road connections between clients. This became his early “GPS” revealing every paved and unpaved road in every county. Some of the roads, he would discover, seemed to have existed only on the map; they weren’t there when he tried to drive them. As he traveled his territory, he would drive through small towns and hamlets. He also began collecting books and old maps that told of Indiana’s place names, history, and natural spaces. He started to visit many of the dots in the atlas wondering which spots might be interesting. “I’m looking at this map. And I’ve got customers that are here … and over here,” he noted with his finger. “So, I would make it a point: Take that road. Go there. See what’s out there.”

JOURNEYS With his tattered atlas as the official guide, he had started marking all the places where he had been. By the mid-1990s, he realized just how many places he’d been to and how many more were left. That’s when he decided he should just explore them all. “So that became a mission,” he said.



CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 “We’d go through and mark and mark and mark and mark. I have spreadsheets. I knew what I’d been to, what I hadn’t been to,” Anderson explained. “In the beginning, it was just doing sales work and ‘I wonder what that town is? I don’t know. I’ll go through it.’ So, it was accidental for 15-18-20 years. And then all of a sudden, I decided to go crazy.” Despite changing careers over the decades, he never veered far from rural and small town Indiana. He would serve as chief staff officer for four non-profits in agriculture and rural community development and finally as a private consultant — helping organizations and communities “connect the dots” strategically in their thinking. All of these experiences continued taking him off the highways. Beth also began traveling with him on a number of weekend trips. They’d stay at bed and breakfasts, visit antique shops and crisscross the counties. “I’ve seen beautiful valleys, stark prairies, and rivers, hills, and streams,” he blogged about his journeys. “I

As Phil Anderson visited places shown in his Indiana county road atlas, he began underlining them. It then became a mission to visit and underline them all.


MAY 2021

have visited parks, antique stores, wineries, stayed at local inns, eaten at restaurants, seen historic buildings and markers, and so much more.” He became fascinated by the state’s varied topography and history and how county roads connected to them. In the flatlands, the roads generally run true eastwest, north-south. In the south-central Hoosier uplands where the glaciers stopped and along the Ohio River, roads seem to have no visual rhyme or reason, following the crazy contours of the land. Then in Knox and Clark counties, Indiana’s two oldest counties, the roads are gridded on a diagonal following French geographical survey methods. On one trip, he found an old map showing all the railroads. It answered his wondering why some towns in the middle of nowhere seemed aligned with others on a straight line or arc. It’s because they had been on a “line.” “Oh, that’s why those towns are there … that’s where the railroads went.” He also began learning not to trust his map when it came to some places. “I’ve learned that some of them just don’t exist. They’re on the map. They’re in the atlas, but they don’t exist. So I have pictures of Martin [in northwest Vanderburgh County]. You can see where the railroad went across the road, but there’s nothing there. And we went up to finish Porter County. We had eight places left. We found four.”

Traveling off the highways certainly made his journeys longer, often doubling and tripling the drive time. And coming up empty trying to find a destination no longer there might make some folks scratch their heads and scoff about the waste of time and gas. But here’s the thing, Anderson underscored: “The journey is more important than the destination.” That’s especially true when the destination turned out to no longer exist. In the journey to one spot, he would pass through a half dozen others. In a little town or crossroad, he’d get to wondering about an old substantial three-story structure, still standing but obviously long deserted. He’d figure out what it was by reading the cryptic placement of screws left behind that once held the letters on the building’s facade. Or he’ll wonder about the series of old ornamental concrete posts, standing like sentries, along county roads. Things he’d see, or couldn’t find, would spark more questions than he had when he had

left home. “I’m curious: What makes it a place; and then what makes it stop being a place?” When Beth was able to join him, the destination became even less significant. “In many cases, they’re just dots on the map, but my memories are so much more. It was about the journey. In that journey, we learned about us.” And, he said, sometimes, out in the rural places, they discovered much more than what was ever shown on any map. “We were very active in our church. But my mother, especially, had taught me that God is in everything around us. So, I could feel in touch with God sometimes better on a back road than in the church pew. “There are times when we were out there, we’d find a sunset. You come over a crest and go, ‘Wow! This is what God’s creation’s about … amazing feelings of being in God’s presence. And if I find it now, then I find that moment with Beth.”

FRIENDSHIP On Nov. 19, 2016, Phil and Beth reached the final destination: Friendship. The unincorporated town, famous for its national muzzle loading competitions, sits at the hub of a junction of five counties: Ripley, Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland and Jefferson. It’s in the area where he began his first job and bought the atlas, but he had never gone there. In mid-2015, he had 133 places to go spread over 31 counties. That’s when they decided to meticulously plan out the final road trips. They were intentional in choosing Friendship as the last stop. “Southeastern Indiana is where Indiana began,” he said. “What a good place to finish.”

Phil and Beth celebrate arriving at the last destination in his quest to visit all 2,230 cities, towns and crossroad communities in his Indiana county atlas on Nov. 19, 2016. Beth surprised him with the sign.


simple steps to become a


As they drove into Friendship that evening, Beth turned to Phil and asked, “How do you feel? This has been a long time — 37 years — and you’re done. How do you feel about that?” Thinking for a second and with a bit of relief, he said, “I don’t have to go back to any place I don’t want to go.” She then pulled out two signs he didn’t know she made and had with her. One said, “You made it!” with “#2,230” and the date. She took a picture of him holding the sign. “That’s not the one I like,” he said. The other sign said, “We did it!” That’s the one he loves. “Did she go to all those places with me? No, but if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have gotten to all. That was powerful. That was her attention to detail, pulling that out.”


Phil Anderson knows a thing or two about wandering. In 2016, he completed his goal of visiting all of Indiana’s 2,230 cities, towns, villages, and wide spots in the roads. It all began with curiosity as he’d travel around rural Indiana for his job. He’d wonder what was down “that” county road or over that next hill. That wondering led to wandering … which led to more wondering … and then more wandering … and so on. Here are his “Rules of Wandering”: • Head off in the general direction of your destination. If you wonder what’s down that other road … take it. • See something interesting? Try to find out what it is and its story. • Stop and read every historic marker. • Stay off interstates and highways. There’s a car wash for gravel roads. • Eat, shop, and stay locally. • Learn to use a real map or atlas (cell service is spotty).

While he’s connected dots of how topography, natural resources, history and culture all interconnect to those place names on the map, no “big picture” of Indiana emerged from his

• Get out of the car and take pictures.


For more, visit Anderson’s website: LifeOffTheHighway.com.

• Experience sunrises and sunsets. • Enjoy the drive, ride, or walk.

MAY 2021


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 wanderings. The lines, he explained, kept getting smudged behind him. “When you think about connecting the dots, is it a complete picture? No, because it continues to evolve. “In the time that I traveled, that 37-year- now 40-year-window, there have been high schools that have disappeared and appeared. There have been railroads that have disappeared, and rails-to-trails have emerged. Towns have disappeared, and others have emerged. In 1980, Fishers had 2,000 people; today, it’s over 99,000. Meanwhile, Gary was 151,000, and now it’s 80,000. Manufacturing comes and goes. GM left places; Toyota showed up; Honda showed up. So, it’s never a complete picture.” But a fuller life for himself emerged from his wanderings. His insatiable curiosity about little things most people see and take for granted were stirred and answered, and he has beautiful memories of long hours spent alone with Beth. He recalled just the two of them navigating countless gravel and dirt roads and talking. He recalled specific picnic lunches: one at a park in Redkey; the other while sitting on their cooler inside the Medora covered bridge. A summer cloudburst had them seek shelter beneath its cover. They ate, talked and listened to the rainfall. “While I longed to do it, she loved that wandering spirit. She found it in her,” he said. “We were better because we traveled together. When you’re out there wandering around, it gives you a chance to talk. So, when we would do our bed and breakfasts, that was our chance away from the kids. We’d leave them with a relative. We’d go overnight wandering and picnicking. All those things that we got to do that was just us.


MAY 2021

Phil Anderson looks over Jackson County in his tattered county road atlas. Inset photo: The Monte Cassino Shrine is a small chapel on a hill above the Saint Meinrad Archabbey and is part of the renowned monastery in Spencer County. The shrine, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, is surrounded by trees and panoramic views of the Anderson (coincidentally) Valley.

“That’s all I want is for people to find what they like and go enjoy it.” Anderson said his journeys haven’t stopped since Beth’s passing. He is now sometimes joined by their two adult daughters and their husbands or other relatives. They will meet him at various places because he’s still taking his time taking the back roads and avoids the interstates. “So, I still wander, but it’s different. I went to places just to see what it was like [without her]. I learned something since she’s been gone: It didn’t matter where I was as long as we were together — which now puts wandering in a different frame.”

As he connected the 2,230 dots on the map, Anderson drew a bigger picture of Indiana. But more than that he drew a stronger connection to his wife. “You learn things about each other. It was time invested in each other,” he said. “And that’s why we wandered.”

Richard G. Biever is senior editor of Indiana Connection.

Solar storage battery poses fire hazard

product recalls

LG Energy Solution Michigan has recalled its RESU 10H (Type-R) Lithium-Ion Residential Energy Storage System. The storage battery, installed as part of a home energy solar panel system, can overheat, posing a risk of fire and emission of harmful smoke. The recalled battery allows owners to capture and store energy from the solar panels. The battery is wall mounted and measures 29.30 by 35.70 by 8.10 inches. Each weighs roughly 220 pounds. The LG Chem logo is located on the top left side of the front panel. The serial number of the recalled product begins with R15563P3SSEG and is located behind the access door of the RESU 10H (Type-R) home battery. The systems were sold by various distributors of solar energy storage systems nationwide from January 2017 through March 2019 for about $8,000. Consumers with a recalled battery should immediately contact LG Energy Solution Michigan to schedule a free replacement. LG Energy Solution Michigan, its distributors and its installers also are attempting to contact all owners directly to arrange for modifications to the recalled batteries to reduce the risk of overheating until they can be replaced with new batteries. Call LG Energy Solution Michigan at 866-263-0301; or go online at www.lgessbattery.com/us and click on “Battery Recall: Free Replacement Campaign” for more information. As a service to our readers and to promote electrical safety, here is a recent recall notice provided by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Visit www.cpsc.gov/en/recalls for full details of this recall and for notices of many more. MAY 2021


co-op news

it’s all about the


Top 3

responsibilities in a day: • Processing accounts payables • Processing capital credits • Member relations

What type of experience do you feel is necessary for your position? Being flexibility and having good people skills are two very important qualities to have in this position. Going back and forth between two departments can be challenging. You must be ready and available to face whatever the day brings. It helps to be able to work with a variety of personalities. Getting along with my co-workers and our member-consumers is very important to me.

Why did you decide to work for a cooperative? I have been a member-consumer of HCREMC for many years. They have always provided great service. I had seen and read about the strides they had taken in making our community a better place. I wanted to be a part of it. When a position became available, I


MAY 2021

Leah Nicholson Accounts Payable/Receivable Assistant and Part-Time CSR HCREMC

was eager to apply. You can only imagine my excitement when I was selected for the position. I am truly grateful for the opportunity.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job? People! My co-workers are wonderful. I also enjoy helping and interacting with our memberconsumers.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Juggling a variety of tasks can be tricky. The most challenging part of my job is remembering where to be and when.

What is your favorite thing about working for an electric cooperative? HCREMC is family-oriented and focuses on our memberconsumers. In addition, electricity is just fascinating!

INTERESTED IN AN ELECTRIC CO-OP CAREER? Visit WePowerIndiana.org to learn about available careers or tell us about yourself.


Turkey buzzard’s



hen traveling through Shelby

gang up — and prey on living animals.

black vultures because they are

County recently, I came across

This includes calves, piglets, lambs,

smart enough to know they will not be

two large birds dining on roadkill just off

and newborn goats. They sometimes

harmed by bright lights, noises, shining

of a county road. At first, I thought they

attack vulnerable, ill or birthing cows.

objects and so on. Displaying an effigy

were common turkey buzzards. But as

They can be a nightmare for livestock

or something appearing to be a dead

I got closer, I realized they weren’t and


vulture may be effective.

quickly identified them.

Livestock owners’ only recourse is to

If black vultures are presenting a threat

They were black and appeared to have

house their livestock where they are

to livestock or pets, I would suggest

less of a protruding tail than a buzzard

protected from the black vultures.

contacting your local DNR biologist or

According to the Cornell Lab, it’s

conservation officer for advice on the

and were more plump in stature; rather than being bald and having flesh colored heads, their heads were feathered and black.

not just farm livestock in danger.


Household pets may be at risk, too.

till next time,

Wayne Long, the Jefferson County

They were black vultures. In the past, I

extension agent for the University of

have encountered them along the Ohio

Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food

River, but it appears their range into

and Environment, said small pets like

central Indiana might be expanding.

cats and dogs may be at risk of attack

The black vulture, Coragyps atratus,

just by nature of being small animals.

also known as the American black vulture, is a bird in the New World vulture family whose range extends from the northeastern United States to Peru, central Chile and Uruguay in South America. They are native to the entire state of Indiana. Like their cousin the turkey buzzard, black vultures predominately feed on carrion. But this is where their common trait ends. Unlike their non-aggressive cousin, black vultures are known to

Harming the birds is out of the question since legally, black vultures are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. It is illegal to harm, harass, or kill black vultures without a permit. Scaring off black vultures is not an easy job. Black vultures are highly sociable with humans and they are very intelligent. Many of the typical abatement techniques to scare off


JACK SPAULDING is a syndicated state outdoors writer and a member of RushShelby Energy. Readers can contact the author by writing to this publication, or by e-mail to jackspaulding@ hughes.net. Spaulding’s books, “The Best Of Spaulding Outdoors” and “The Coon Hunter And The Kid,” are available from Amazon. com as paperbacks or Kindle downloads.

unwanted birds do not work with MAY 2021


Hoosier Energy news


beetle battle Progress made to manage rights-of-way affected by Emerald Ash Borer

Twice every year, Jared Murphy

wood-boring beetle native to Asia


climbs into a helicopter to patrol miles

first surfaced in Michigan in 2002.

ways so

and miles of transmission rights-of-

Two years later, it had moved into

I looked

way that crisscross southern Indiana

Indiana and has continued a steady

into this

and southeastern Illinois.

destructive march throughout 30


states since, killing millions of ash


trees in its wake.


As vegetation management coordinator, Murphy is looking for

I had

Emerald Ash Borer

dead trees, overgrown brush or any

Hoosier Energy took swift action, and

other vegetation growth threatening

today, the light at the end of the tunnel

to interfere with power lines along

to mitigate damage from the tiny

Hoosier Energy’s nearly 1,700-mile

beetle can be seen. During the past

Carried by a helicopter,

transmission network.

five years, the ways to combat the

the four-foot saw is lowered into the

beetle have evolved and the process

tree canopy to cut affected trees. Up

in place today begins with technology.

to 200 trees can be cut in a day.

potentially cause an outage or worse,

With more than 147 million ash trees

What the saw leaves behind is a trunk

a fire, is a big part of the vegetation

in Indiana and about 25,000 or so in

that is short enough that if it did fall,

management program at Hoosier

or near utility rights-of-ways, Murphy

it would not affect utility equipment.


knew the speed of removing affected

When the trunk remains, there are

trees needed to increase.

habitat benefits as well.

trees were threatening power lines

“I called everyone I knew to find out

“The remaining tree trunks can be

on the grid. The largest majority were

what they were doing. Some had

used by wildlife that require dead or

ash. It was clear that the Emerald

success with large four-foot aerial

hollow trees for shelter,” Murphy said.

Ash Borer had hit the area. This

saws to cut vegetation away from

Targeting dangerous trees before the dead hulks topple into power lines and

In 2016, about 900 clusters of dead


MAY 2021

learned,” said Murphy.


Electrical hazards


Most office environments are considered low-risk in terms of electrical hazards. But that doesn’t mean you should take safety for granted. Just because you’re not working on a factory floor with highvoltage equipment or are operating large machinery outdoors near power lines, don’t assume electrical hazards can’t be present. “Just as at home, you need to keep your nose in the wind and eyes open,” said John Gasstrom, CEO of Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “A business setting should be up to code. But we all know mistakes happen, or shortcuts, unfortunately, get taken. No matter where you work, take account of your surroundings. Report things that make you go ‘hmmmm.’ Don’t assume maintenance or management must already know about an issue you see and that everything must be OK.”

Hazards and peculiar things office workers should keep watch for include:

so either plug equipment elsewhere

• Electrical cables that are frayed,

The office may need to have a

loose or have exposed wires. • Outlets that are worn and won’t hold plugs snugly. • Electrical equipment that gives off a strange odor. • Overheating equipment (those not heated by normal operation). Beware of discolored plastic casings on the equipment or discolored outlet covers. • Overloaded outlets or extension cords. • Equipment that is not working properly. Any faulty equipment, wiring, plugs, etc., should be removed from use immediately and reported to your supervisor or whomever is in charge. Outlets should not be overloaded,

or tell your supervisor, who should minimize the need for overloading them. licensed electrician install additional outlets and circuits to reduce overloading or the need to rely heavily on extension cords.

To minimize hazards: • Switch off and unplug appliances when they are not in use and before cleaning. • Turn off all appliances at the end of the day. • Do not force a plug into an outlet if it does not fit. • Do not run electrical cords through high-traffic areas, under carpets or across doorways. • Make sure the electrical load is not too much for any circuit, even when using a surge protector.

MAY 2021



Rural White County students benefited greatly when electricity came to their schoolhouse.

From coal oil to fiber


History of electric cooperatives traced through the life of an original member Leona Wright doesn’t remember the

consumer-owned cooperative organized.

exact day electricity came to her family’s

Wright, who was born in October 1925,

White County farm, but she remembers

attended the meeting with her dad,

the results: “It sure was nice to get

Frank McCall. She was just 13 at the

away from the coal oil lamps to do my

time. “It was just a calm meeting but


with a lot of chatter,” she recalled. “Everybody was excited. It was quite a

Now 95, Wright was just a teenager

momentous decision.”

when her local REMC turned the lights on in the waning days of the Great Depression. She recalls going with her dad to the store to purchase light

Leona Wright with Randy W. Price, CEO of Carroll White REMC

By the time White County REMC energized its first build of lines in spring of 1940, 38 REMCs were already

fixtures. “There was one in the bedroom

meeting season” working with COVID

energized across Indiana. By 1942,

that you had to pull. And then there

precautions. The annual meeting, the

the original 43 REMCs serving rural

was one in the living room that had four

staple gathering of the membership of

Indiana were in place. One of those

different lights. You turned it on at the

electric cooperatives since they first lit

original REMCs included White County’s

light itself. It was very, very limited, but it

upon the countryside 85 years ago, has

neighboring Carroll County REMC. The

was light.”

evolved, as well, to the new challenges.

two neighboring REMCs consolidated as

Fast forward to today, the waning days

Wright not only remembers what it was

(we hope) of the COVID pandemic. Just

like to finally get electricity from her

like Wright in the Great Depression,

REMC, she remembers that original

today’s teenagers are living through

organizational meeting that became the

Who knows what teenagers today will

some unprecedented times. Trying to

“annual” meeting. “I don't remember

recall from these days in 80 years, or

do homework today or e-learning at

where we gathered,” she said, “but the

what 80 years from now will even look

home without high-speed fiber is akin

whole community gathered to vote on

like. But in less than the lifetime of folks

to folks in those days working by coal

whether or not to have the cooperative.

like Leona Wright, electric co-ops played

oil lamp. And, as with every business

We were all excited about the idea of

a major role in taking homework from the

in direct contact with the public,

having lights.”

light of coal oil lamps to helping bring the

Indiana’s electric cooperatives have had some adjustment, too, especially as they go through their second “annual


MAY 2021

That meeting in White County may have been June 22, 1939, when the

Carroll White REMC in 2012. Today, with other consolidations, 38 electric co-ops now serve the state.

entire world to students’ fingertips with high-speed fiber.

Hitting a fiber optic or other utility line can result in:




Fiber optic lines, which may only be a few inches below the surface, connect many rural communities with internet and emergency services. Permanent utility markers roughly indicate where utility lines are located, but are never precise indicators of where buried lines are located in an area. Don’t assume you know where underground lines are located. Know what's below by submitting a FREE locate request at Indiana811.org.

Follow us for damage prevention news and tips. @IN811

Indiana 811



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