Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Crisis; Lessons for Research, Policy and Practice - 2014

Page 107

Chapter 11

Youth and Entrepreneurship in Culture, Fashion and Tourism: Business Development Possibilities in Times of Crisis Jaime Gil-Lafuente, Diana Pérez-Bustamante, and Jaime Amaro-Soteras

Abstract Entrepreneurship is vital and business opportunities available to the young should be borne in mind by institutions, enterprises and other decisionmakers. In an era of new technologies and innovation, young people are particularly well-prepared and many of the new businesses that emerge in today’s knowledge society reflect this important situation, maybe more significant, if we remember the current crisis that we are experiencing. Our cultural and creative industry has great economic potential and is one of the most dynamic in Europe. It therefore makes sense to explore alternatives for the formation of enterprises in this area. Likewise, a key factor is what public and private institutions can do to offer incentives to young people’s initiatives in the fields of cultural and creative activities, fashion and tourism and eliminate the barriers they encounter when attempting to start up and develop these enterprises smoothly.



The objective of this chapter is to analyse promotional policies and possible entrepreneurial activities available to young people in the fields of culture, fashion and tourism. Our starting point was a White Paper on Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Spain published by ESADE, a nonprofit university institution, which notes, for example, that “young Spaniards do not feel adequately prepared or educated to

J. Gil-Lafuente (*) Barcelona University, Barcelona, Spain e-mail: j.gillafuente@gmail.com D. Pérez-Bustamante • J. Amaro-Soteras Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Rey Juan Carlos University, Paseo de los Artilleros, s/n, Madrid 28032, Spain e-mail: diana.perezbustamante@urjc.es; jaime.amaro@gmail.com K. Rüdiger et al. (eds.), Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Research, Policy and Practice, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02384-7_11, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014


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Articles inside


pages 177-186

Further Insights into the Innovating Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

pages 167-176

and Customer Loyalty in Spanish Financial Institutions

pages 127-138

R&D Activities? An Analysis of Spanish Companies

pages 159-166

16 Profi le of Young Entrepreneurs in Spain in Times of Recession

pages 149-158

from Self-Employed Accountants in Germany Robert Rieg

pages 117-126

of Crisis: Some Relevant Factors in the Case of Family Firms

pages 107-116

Successful Projects in this Current Crisis Period

pages 139-148

Business Development Possibilities in Times of Crisis

pages 97-106

An Empirical Study Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso and Amaia Maseda

pages 77-84

and Crisis: “How Small and Mid- Sized Enterprises React”

pages 85-96

in the Service Provider María-Ángeles Revilla-Camacho, Francisco-José Cossío-Silva, and Manuela Vega-Vázquez

pages 69-76

The Case of Spain Lidia García-Zambrano, Arturo Rodríguez-Castellanos, and Jose Domingo García-Merino

pages 59-68

and Sport Sectors Alicia Blanco-González, Francisco Díez-Martín, Ana Cruz-Suarez, and Alberto Prado-Román

pages 49-58

Economic Crisis Marta Peris-Ortiz, Francisco de Borja Trujillo-Ruiz, and Jose Luis Hervás-Oliver

pages 41-48

Innovation in B-to-B Markets Through Co-creation

pages 31-40

Orientation of Spanish Exporting SMEs in Time of Crisis

pages 21-30

A Conceptual Approach to the Dilemma of R&D Integration

pages 18-20

In Times of Economic Crisis: Innovation With, or Without

page 17

Entrepreneurship and Credit Rationing: How to Screen

pages 15-16

Entrepreneurial Risk Without Return? Empirical Evidence

page 13

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation in a Context

page 12

Youth Entrepreneurship and Crisis in the Health, Beauty

page 6

Business Start-ups and Innovation: The Effect of the 2008

page 5

The Role of Social Capital in Family Firms to Explain

page 9

Proactive Management of Core Competencies, Innovation and Business Performance in a Period of Crisis:

page 7

Seeking a Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Periods of Economic Recession for SMEs and Entrepreneurs: The Role of Value Co-creation and Customer Trust

page 8

Innovation Through Total Quality Management Elements

page 14
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