Bulb Prices in Later Centuries
Eighteenth-Century Tulip Prices Though a few prices are available from the years immediately after the collapse, a gap of about seventy years arises in detailed tulip price data. While price data disappeared, at least the names of the important tulips from the speculation remained current thirty-two years after the collapse. Van der Groen (1669) mentions the important tulips that a fashionable garden might hold. Among them were Vroege Bleyenberger, Parragon Grebber, Gheel and Roote van Leyden, Admirael van Enchuysen, Brabanson, Senecours, Admirael de Man, Coorenaerts, Jan Gerritz, Gouda, Saeyblom, Switsers, Parragon Liefkens, and Semper Augustus. High tulip prices are available only for much later periods, and these are an order of magnitude lower than those quoted during the speculation. Van Damme (1976) reproduces numerous announcements of bulb sales and auctions printed in such periodicals as the