8 minute read
without altering the basic message. 30. Two stable solutions exist if the parameters are (){ = 0.2, bl = 0.5, e = 0.2, and i11 = 0.5. 31. Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1997) also include terms involving Yt and Rt-I on the right-hand side of (38). They are omitted here only to keep the example as simple and transparent as possible. 32. Note that with the values f3 = .99, (){ = .3, bl = -1 used by Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1997), this last expression equals 1 + [1.96 + 1.99]/0.3 = 14.2, precisely as reported in their Table 4 for this special case. 33. The example cited is one in which the model is not linear, so the MSV concept has to be extended and the generality of Section VI cannot be claimed.
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When someone expressed amazement to me that Tiger Woods was able to hit an eight iron 175 yards, I replied that I had seen Bob Flood hit an eight iron that far, or almost that far, many times. Unfortunately, on some of these occasions Bob's target was only 140 yards away.
His work in economics, however, has always been right on target, and it is a great pleasure for me to participate in this conference honoring him. This occasion has also brought back many, many fond memories of my days at the University of Virginia where both Bob and Ben McCallum were my colleagues and friends.
The general subject addressed by Ben McCallum's paper has been of interest to me since about 1964 when I was a graduate student at M.I.T. This general subject is the dual instability of dynamic economic models in which there is more than one way to hold wealth. The specific class of linear rational expectations models addressed by Ben may be viewed as one very important example.
First I want to list points about which I believe Ben and I are in complete agreement.
• Ben's problem is very important.
• His Minimal State Variable Criterion provides an elegant and computationally efficient algorithm for finding the solution to linear rational expectations models. As a bonus,
Ben has convincingly argued that his approach is economically useful for other reasons as well.
• Taylor's Minimum Variance Criterion seems economically flawed.
Potential Agreements
My second list covers points about which I believe Ben and I could be in complete agreement, especially if he has become more mellow with age.
• The general problem arises in both discrete time and continuous time formulations.
Discrete time is the obvious choice for empirical applications, but the fundamental problem arises in continuous time formulations as well.
• Ben states clearly that his procedure is only for linear models. While this is true, he gives away too much. The standard approach to studying the dynamics of a nonlinear system is to first linearize it around the dynamic rest point. Provided the relevant Jacobian matrix is nonsingular (and there are no purely imaginary characteristic roots), the resulting linear system will correctly describe the nonlinear behavior in a neighborhood of the rest point. Thus, Ben's Minimum State Variable Criterion is quite relevant for studying the local behavior of nonlinear models. Often one can find some additional argument to show that the local behavior obtains globally as well.
• The general problem has nothing to do with uncertainty. In rational expectations models, once expectations are taken we are left with a set of deterministic (nonstochastic) dynamic equations. Ben's Minimum State Variable Criterion is applied to these deterministic equations and the stochastic solution follows. In perfect foresight models, we simply have a set of deterministic equations to begin with to which Ben's Minimum
State Variable Criterion can be applied.
• It is economically interesting to build and analyze descriptive economic models. This is an important point; with sufficient optimizing behavior on the part of economic agents, generally (though not always) the stable path will be the only admissible solution, and in this way the dual instability problem "is solved." However, these optimizing models are of dubious value for the type of macroeconomic policy questions that Ben and others are interested in studying.
Brief History of the General Dual Instability Property
The general problem is very old. Perhaps the first references are Solow (1959) and Jorgenson (1960). The fact that the same problem arose in models with neoclassical production functions was demonstrated by Hahn (1966). It was also known early on that optimizing behavior would pick out the stable path. One classic example is Samuelson's (1959) Turnpike Theorem.
The identical dual instability problem then surfaced in monetary growth models, with numerous contributions by Frank Hahn, Karl Shell, M. Sidrauski, T. Sargent, N. Wallace, D. Foley, J. Stiglitz, W. Brock, and many others.
It was once conjectured that all of these descriptive models could be reduced in an "as if" manner to an optimizing model, and that this would provide a way to determine the correct stable solution. But this conjecture was proved false by Burmeister and others (1973). We showed that a growth model with n capital goods could have a convergent manifold of dimension (n + 1). This means that one can take as given the n capital stocks (state variables) and anyone of the capital good prices (costate variables) and then uniquely determine the remaining (n - 1) prices such that the system will converge to its unique dynamic rest point. This is inconSistent with optimizing behavior.
Professional attention soon shifted to new rational expectations models, displacing the monetary growth models of the late 1960's and early 1970's. Now at last we had genuine stochastic models. And essentially the identical dual instability (saddlepoint) property