2 minute read

Etiquette Tips from Polished Peyton


by Jennifer Daniel

Back to School Basics

It’s the month of August that always sneaks up on me each year. Where did the summer go? How is school starting in just a few weeks? I’m far from being a perfect parent and always remind myself that every single move I make is seen by the ones that matter most. Children learn by watching and observing. Their best teachers? Well, it’s all of us. Parents and grandparents, teachers and neighbors, friends and family. They watch and learn from us. Kind of a frightening thought, right? But it is also such a blessing. This is our chance to pass on wonderful lessons to the next generation.

Whether you are about to send your child off to Pre-Kindergarten or drop your oldest off on your favorite college campus, here are a few back to school tips:


Young children will need you to keep in contact with the teacher and school. Make sure you are checking school emails and schedules. Respond appropriately to school communication in a timely manner. Teach your high school and college students to do this for themselves. Send them off to college prepared to speak with professors face to face and via email. The ability to maintain eye contact, be thankful and respectful, show up when required, offer to help another student, and be on time are all valuable qualities to instill in young people.

Respect for Others

Young children will show up at school and meet so many new friends. They have met your friends over the years and your friend’s children, but these will be new faces. These kids might look and/or dress differently, eat a different lunch, or arrive to school in a different way. Talk with children about this to help them understand that we’re all different and that’s okay. When children learn this at a young age, it minimizes bullying when they are older.

Rules for Recess

The playground is the best part of the day for most children. Remind your children of the basic rules of play: take turns, play fair, encourage others to join in the game, be a good sport.

Monday Manners Meal

Commit to eating as a family once or twice a week this school year. In my home, we do this on Monday, and this year I’ll have a pre-kindergarten student and a middle school student. They could not be on more different levels and it’s not easy, but it benefits them so much. Have someone set the table. Keep the dinner simple, easy to eat. Use the first five minutes to review 2-3 table manners, then enjoy dinner. Don’t spend the entire dinner correcting them. Just enjoy the meal and time together. Do this each week. Reinforcing these tips weekly helps these manners sink in. And they will, I promise. Continue this tradition when older children are home from college

Hope all of our students, parents, and teachers have a great year!

Jennifer Daniel is a graduate of The Protocol School of Washington and she may be reached at Jennifer@polishedpeyton.com or visit her website at polishedpeyton.com.

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