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What is GAGE?

GAGE is a software platform and mobile app designed to build a better workforce. There are two primary functions of GAGE.

Employee Recognition

GAGE helps measure performance, develop employees, and improve workplace culture. It does this by measuring 10 soft skills that are crucial to be successful in any role:

U Communication

U Professionalism

U Adaptability

U Integrity

U Compatibility

U Passion & drive

U Responsibility

U Team player

U Resourcefulness

U Leadership

Employees are recognized and performance is measured through Touchpoints and Evaluations. Touchpoints are a quick way to give feedback and insight into performance. Managers can send frequent “High Fives” to their staff to let them know they are doing a good job. They can also send “Nudges” to give their staff insight on how they can improve.

“No one wants to go into a job every day and feel like they don’t matter. This tool gives us another way to tell our employees ‘We need you. We can’t do this without you. So, let me give you a high five to let you know you went above and beyond for that customer. That matters to us, and I want it to matter to you.’”

–Sarah Callaway, owner of Sandy Bottom Bagels

Evaluations are regular check-ins between managers and their staff members. GAGE Evaluations rate performance based on the 10 soft skills mentioned above. Given monthly or quarterly, Evaluations operate as a summary of performance, often guided by the collection of Touchpoints given during an evaluation period.

“For 13 years Wake Up Coffee Co. has been around and we have always wanted to figure out a way to do a consistent evaluation. We have always had a really great culture, open and direct conversations about value and encouragement but we have never been able to have a set evaluation. GAGE has helped create that.”

– Bo Mann, owner of Wake Up Coffee Co.

Universal Employment Score

We live in a world of measurement and metrics. Education is measured with grades, health is measured by temperature, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., and businesses are measured by profit and customer reviews. Employment can now be measured through GAGE. GAGE is the world’s first standardized system that measures a person’s employment performance and accomplishments. It’s designed to reward good work while providing insights for areas of growth. It allows employees to build a lifelong, universal, verified record of career accomplishments, and own their work history that transfers from job to job. For employers, the score gives them the tools to be good leaders and reduce turnover, while empowering their employees in their career journey.

How the Employment Score is Calculated

The GAGE employment score is private and based on three primary categories: job history, job performance and job transitions.

Job History

Work history, verified. The longer an employee works at any one job, the better their score.

Job Performance

Soft skills, quantified. Touchpoints and Evaluations are tallied during each evaluation period and contribute to the employee’s score.

Job Transition

GAGE recognizes that transitioning jobs is part of life and growth. Employees can submit two week notices through the app with templated resignation letters. Proper resignations increase the Employment Score. No more No-Call, No Shows!

Employment Score Rating

The GAGE Employment Score starts at 500. A score of 750 and above is excellent, 501 to 750 is great, 300 to 499 is the growth zone, and 1-300 needs improvement.

Private and Protected

The GAGE score is private. The employee controls who contributes to it and who sees it. The score algorithm tracks patterns. If there is a manager that gives too frequent “High Fives” or “Nudges” the algorithm notices those patterns and adjusts to create balance and protect from misuse. Another form of protection is that all GAGE users can report misuse through the app. If an employee or employer believes they are being portrayed falsely they can choose to send a report to their place of business, GAGE corporate, or both the business and GAGE to investigate the situation. The user can submit the report using their name or anonymously.

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