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Creatures of Tacoma
from Issue 30
Barred Owl, Strix varia Point Defiance Park, 2020
Barred owls are often perched in the lower and middle branches of large trees. They range from 16 to 23 inches tall with a 38 to 45 inch wingspan. Although they are native to Washington they can also be found in Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia and parts of California. They can be very territorial so if you see one make sure you give them their space (this photo is zoomed in). They are truly amazing creatures (1).
Purple Shore Crab, Hemigrapsus nudus

Titlow Beach March, 15th, 2023
Although this crab is purple, shore crabs come in many different shapes and sizes and change as they grow. This one was found under a rock near the shoreline but they can also be found under water. Shore crabs have gills that only have to stay moist for them to be able to breath on land. If you flip over a rock to see one make sure to put the rock back (2).
Orange Sea Cucumber, Cucumaria miniata
Titlow Beach ,February 2023
Although you cannot see the whole thing, this is a glimpse of the orange sea cucumber, 1 of 8 species important to the puget sound. They can be found in ranging depths but also in tide pools and on rocks just like this one. They range in size and color but can get up to 20 cm. A weird fact about these guys is when threatened they throw up their guts and regrow them later (3).

Nuttall’s Cottontail (rabbit), Sylvilagus nuttallii

My mom, Whidbey Island, August 2022
If you have ever been to Whidbey Island you will see these wild rabbits everywhere you go. It is believed that a long time ago some domestic bunnies escaped and bred with the wild bunnies and that is why they do not look exactly like the Nuttall Cottontail rabbit. They range in size due to their unknown origins. They are very cute nonetheless (5) (6).

Kelp Crab, Pugettia Producta

Titlow Beach
This little guy was pulled from his home of dense kelp near the shore by a seagull looking for lunch; that is why we got the chance to get a photo. They are found in kelp beds all over the sound in ranging depths. Careful not to step on one (4)!
Giant Green Anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica

Otter Rock Oregon, August 2022
These are vibrant anemones found in tide pools or in caves. The sunnier the habitat, the more vibrant the color. They are only about 7-14 inches long despite their name. They live solitary lives but will also cluster in small groups just like these ones. They can “walk” slowly to change location and eat small fish, bits of marine plants and more (7).
Star fish, “Sea Stars”, Asteroidea Point Whitehorn in Birch Bay, 2022

There are many different species of starfish but these are Ochre starfish. They range in colors and usually have 5 arms and get up to 36 cm in diameter. They like to cluster together on rocks or underwater (8).

Abby Steward and I found this salamander under a broken log in Point defiance. Sitting right on top of some moss, he allowed us to hold him for a while.

“Western red-backed salamanders are a terrestrial species inhabiting forested stands of all ages. They are commonly associated with rocky areas and the edges of streams and seeps, but they are not limited to these habitats. They shelter under rocks, forest litter, sword ferns and downed woody debris…They are known from several islands in the southern and central Puget Sound including Bainbridge Island, Harstine Island and Hope Island and have also been found on Long Island in Willapa Bay” (9).
These Beautiful birds are only about 0.10.2 oz in weight and 10 cm in length. This one in particular has a mate and lives on the University of Puget sound with a nest near Oppenheimer Cafe! It hardly leaves the nest (10).