Elena Nicastro _ portfolio

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milano torino

portfolio reggio emilia


elena nicastro matera



Elena Nicastro

architect registered to the national architectural association in Ferrara, Italy adress 1 | Bergen op Zoomstraat, Eindhoven, NL adress 2 | Via XX settembre 75 , 44121 Ferrara, Italy nationality | Italian date of birth | 05/10/1981 handy NL | +31 60 43429840 handy IT | +39 339 2148001

nicastroelena@gmail.com www.issuu.com/elena.nicastro

Work Experiences 02/2013 - actual position FREELANCE ARCHITECT - Italy / Netherlands I am presently working on projects and competitions that range from Landscape Design to Urban Planning and Architectural renovation, focused on sustainability issues. 02/2011 - 01/2013 LAND Milano - Italy Landscape Architecture Nature Development Prof. Arch. Andreas Kipar, Dott.Agr. Giovanni Sala  I worked as a project architect and tender office manager on different architectural and landscape projects. Ranging from the outline design to the final design, I have experience with both private costumers and public tenders

Given that architecture is a such complex issue made up of different aspects that have to be known and combined, I work on projects that range from urban and landscape design, architectural design, building details and energy performances. I believe that facing different project scales is the right way to avoid a repetitive and flat approach, accept new challenges, perceive peculiar aspects of each site, and suggest interesting solutions to the clients. I am now looking for the opportunity to deal with new projects and to undertake a new important challenge for my professional experience. I am eager to improve my design and management skills, with a flexible, open and enthusiastic approach.

and competitions, dealing with administrative tasks. I developed feasibility studies for renewable energies for both architecture and landscape. I collaborated with the site engineer team by following construction projects, building permits, commencement notices and landscape authorization permits. I have experience in quality system ISO 9001. 03/2011 Architectural professional licence 04/2007 - 07/2007 IPPUC _ Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba - Brasil - urban planning. I developed “os planos das Regionais� following the guidelines of the general town plan of Curitiba.

Education and Training

Other experiences

04/2010 - 04/2011



Master RSP sustainable architecture, 100/100 cum laude

Artistic High School graduation qualification

Europan 13 _ in progress

Research Study Program _ professional training

- ITSG “Blaise Pascal”, Reggio Emilia (1998/2001)

Open competition

IED - European Institute of Design _ Turin, Italy

- Art high school “C.Levi” _ Architecture, Matera

Coordinator: Arch. Mario Cucinella



with schoolarship for merit

Open international ideas competition

Environmental strategies for architecture, concept and

“Toftegårds Plads Syd”, Copenhagen

outline design for both new buildings and renovation projects, LEED, feasibility studies for renewable energies,


energy analysis (ecotect, radiance, design builder).

mother tongue: Italian other languages:

09/2002 - 19/06/2009 Master’s degree in architecture, 110/110 cum laude Ferrara university, Italy

english |B2 (reading), B2 (writing), B2 (verbal) portugues | B1 (reading), A2 (writing), B1 (verbal) french |A2 (reading), A2 (writing), A2 (verbal)

Complete 5 years Master Course +1 year of Thesis project.

project for a new central square in Copenhagen 06/2005 Workshop “ Playmoville, giocare con tutto” IDII (Interaction Design Institute of Ivrea), Italy 09/2001 - 09/2002 First year of the “Modern Literature” University course Ferrara University, Italy

Thesis project: “Copenhagen, hybridization strategies. Reinterpreting the boundary between space and place.” Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Nicola Marzot masterplan and architecture project for a new sustainable mixed-use district, focused on hybridation concept.

PC Skills Windows and Mac operating systems included Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point). Good profincency in:

01/2007 - 07/2007 South America “Interscambio” program _ Curitiba (Brasil) PUCPR _ Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná Six exams in portugues about history of brasilian architecture,


sociological aspects.




Autodesk AutoCAD (2d and 3d), Autodesk Revit Building (certified). Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe


InDesign, SketchUp.

travelling, literature, history of art, architecture and

Beginner in:

landscape, graphic design and communication.

Autodesk Ecotect analysis, Radiance, Design Builder,

I studied and trained as a professional classical dancer

Cinema 4d, Autodesk 3Dstudio Max, Corel Draw.

for many years.


Ponta Grossa BR


urban design



Europan 13 Tofteg책rds Plads


PE- BR Poetto


Copenhagen Thesis

Alli 2 Or



landscape Italcementi



Serra Rifusa

M thesis

M office M house

LAR Santo Stefano

M school Sassari-Olbia



Landscape Poetto Waterfront - Cagliari _ 3rd prize

Sassari Olbia Highway - Italy

PE - It - construction project

Competitive tender for final and construction project

Competitive tender for outline design

Construction and detailed design lab - house project

Clients: Ventura Spa, Sestante Spa, Giovetti Spa

Clients: Alpina Spa, Provera e Carrasi Spa

Ferrara University, Italy

SS38 Valtellina Highway - Italy _ under construction Mitigation and compensation project Clients: Creval Bank - Consorzio “Vivi le Valli” New Biomass Power Plants _ under construction Feasibility study for renewable energies / final design Client: Italcementi Spa Waterfront - Rimini Building permit / project financing Clients: Rimini & Rimini Spa, Residence del Mare Spa Urbanization Works - Via Schievano, Milano Landscape authorization permit / building permit Clients: B.S.Immobiliare 5 Srl - Vincedo Srl Oil Well “Alli 2 Or” - Basilicata, Italy Mitigation and compensation project / detailed design Client: ENI - AECOM Footbridge - Milano Landscape authorization permit / building permit Client: Giovanni Villa Srl (Gigante Srl) Information and comunication project - Gorla, Milano Informative panels Client: Gorla municipality, Milano LET - Landscape Expo Tour - EXPO 2015 final design of cycle circiuts for territorial development Clients: AIM, Municipalities in EXPO Area Pedestrian Bridges - EXPO 2015 - Naviglio Grande, Milano Landscape authorization permit Clients: MM Spa, Lombardiniventidue, Buro Happold

LAP 3 - architectural design lab

Architecture Santo Stefano - Montescaglioso, Italy _ in progress Historical House renovation Freelance activity Serra Rifusa - Matera, Italy _ in progress Rural House project Freelance activity Copenhagen, hybridization strategies Master’s Degree Thesis - new mix use district

Mix use building in Berlin Ferrara University, Italy LAP 2 - architectural design lab House and primary school in Faenza, Italy Ferrara University, Italy LAR - Renovation design lab Historical renovation Casa Minerbi, Ferrara Ferrara University, Italy

Ferrara University, Italy

Urban Design

M thesis - Eco MIx use building

Europan 13 _ in progress

Post Master Thesis - mix use building and energy demands

Open competition

IED Torino, Italy

Freelance activity

M school - IED factory of ideas


School and renovation worshop

Planos regionais de Curitiba

IED Torino, Italy

Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano, Curitiba

M office - Catching the wind in Manaus

Ponta Grossa, BR

office workshop

Plano Diretor de Ponta Grossa

IED Torino, Italy

PUCPR - Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba

M house - Ulaanbataar...the nomad city...

Toftegårds Plads Syd, Copenhagen

house workshop

Open ideas competition

IED Torino, Italy

Frrelance activity

PE - Br - construction project

LAU - Urban renovation lab

Construction and detailed design lab - mix use building

Urban design in Ferrara

PUCPR - Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba

Ferrara University, Italy

LANDSCAPE PROJECTS 2009 / Master’s degree in Architecture Ferrara University 2010/2011 Postmaster in Sustainable Architecture IED - European Institute of Design - Turin 2011/2013 LAND Milano Srl

WORKS POETTO WATERFRONT - CAGLIARI _ 3rd prize competitive tender for final and construction project Building firms: Ventura Spa, Sestante Spa, Giovetti Spa SS38 VALTELLINA HIGHWAY- ITALY

mitigation and compensation project

outline - final - construction project Creval Bank - Consorzio ‘Vivi le Valli’

NEW BIOMASS POWER PLANTS feasibility study for renewable energies / final project Italcementi S.p.a. WATERFRONT - RIMINI building permit / project financing Rimini &Rimini S.p.a. / Residence del Mare S.p.a. URBANIZATION WORKS - VIA SCHIEVANO, MILANO landscape authorization permit / building permit Building firms: B.S.Immobiliare 5 Srl - Vincedo Srl OIL WELL ‘ALLI 2 OR’ - BASILICATA - ITALY

mitigation and compensation project construction project ENI - AECOM


compensation project

landscape authorization permit / building permit Giovanni Villa Srl (Gigante Srl)

INFORMATION AND COMUNICATION PROJECT GORLA, MILANO informative panels Gorla municipality, Milano LET - Landscape Expo Tour - EXPO 2015 final design of cycle circuits for territorial development AIM, Municipalities in EXPO area PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES - EXPO 2015 NAVIGLIO GRANDE - MILANO landscape authorization permit MM spa, Lombardiniventidue, Buro Happold SASSARI-OLBIA HIGHWAY - ITALY

mitigation and compensation project

competitive tender for outline design Alpina Spa, Provera e Carrasi Spa

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

Poetto Waterfront | Cagliari Waterfront renovation project | 3rd prize competitive tender for final and construction project Building firms: Ventura Spa, Sestante Spa, Giovetti Spa Co-Project Architect

The Poetto beach is crucially important for the inhabitants of Cagliari. Located between the Saltmine and the Molentargius pond, it is famous to be the main beach and the biggest natural park of the city. This very suggestive landscape is now undefined. The aim of the project is not only the creation of a nice pedestrian waterfront, but also the reconnection of the seafront with the history of the place too. By introducing the idea of “landscape gradient�, all materials (pavement matters, botanical choices and furniture details) are chosen in order to emphasize the strong identity of the PLACE POETTO. The pavements (from the stone-city to the sand-city) are made using local marble in different granulometry; botanical choices go from the dune species to the pond species, using native species only; the furniture are made of iron and wood,

historically used for the saltmine manufactures. Strong importance, for the dialectic of recognition, has the Corten ribbon that hosts peculiar sentences of different writers, old names of the places, and define diverse space configurations.

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

SS38 | Valtellina Mitigation and compensation project outline design, final and construction project Creval Bank, Consorzio ‘Vivi le Valli’ Project Architect

The relation between landscape and infrastructure has always been a complex issue, especially if a new highway is built in a suggestive landscape as the Valtellina vineyard valley. The ANAS (national agency for infrastructure) presented, within the construction project of the SS38, an ill-conceived landscape project, which was rejected by the Ministry of Environment. An association of local managers, who were interested to propose a new compensation and mitigation project for the SS38, has commissioned our project. The Ministry of Environment has accepted this project as a good alternative, and it is now under construction. The original project was thought to be only a green barrier increasing the fragmentation of the area, without considering the current condition of the valley.

We proposed a new approach defining a new strong relation with the context by combining existing agricultural fields, new reforestations and mitigation necessities. This cross approach achieves differentiation of the perception, safeguard of local identity and compatibility with pre-existences, defining an integrated system. The project is defined by following three main concepts: Promotion, Nature and Energy. A strong cultural promotion is obtained through the direct participation of the inhabitants to the project, by creating a recognizable symbol that identifies the Valtellina valley and its sustainable development. This symbol comes from the traditional vineyard system called “Ritocchino”. Concerning the safeguard of the local ecosystem we proposed the preservation and implementation of permanent pastures and traditional valley wood. Some small lakes were proposed with constructed wetland system. In-between spaces inside the main junctions were treated as new biomass power plants with a sustainable and communicative purpose. Biomass systems and botanical species were studied in order to obtain different landscape effects and periodicity in cutback.

recover old agricultural fields

infrastructure and landscape from land-scar to a new integrated system

work on identity and perception

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

Rimini waterfront | Italy Waterfront renovation project building permit | project financing

RIMINI & RIMINI Spa, Residence del Mare Spa Team Architect

The area interested by the project financing is the first step of the redevelopment of the Ex Colonia Murri (an historical building on the waterfront) and more generally the redefinition of the fuitive and environmental system of the Rimini seafront. Starting from the analysis of the landscape assesment, the project aim to assign a new identity to the building complex retrained. At the same time the transformation defines a model of intervention that harmonizes the new waterfront with the old city. A strong element is represented by the dune system, that creates a careful design of the landscape and open spaces, improving the environmental quality of the site by allowing a high degree of integration between architecture and nature. The project has been divided into parts and is now in the construction phase.

waterfront esplanade from undefined areas to integrated public spaces

Cercis siliquastrum

Ginko biloba

Pinus pinea

Tamarix gallica



Myrtus communis

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

Via Schievano - Milano | Italy Urbanization works landscape authorization permit | building permit B.S.Immobiliare 5Srl - Vincedo Srl Team Architect

The project location is close to the traditional canal system of Milan and it lies along one of the green rays of the city. The site will be converted from industrial area to a new mix use district with almost 5.000 mq of public spaces. The aim is to define high quality spaces with an accurate landscape design balancing old infrastructure problems and new needs. This project has been developed from outline to final and detailed design for the building permit and is now in line for the construction phase.

different streets - different solutions

towards the central green square

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

Footbridge - Milano | Italy Compensation project landscape authorization permit | building permit Giovanni Villa Srl (Gigante Srl) Team Architect

This footbridge and the connected cycle lane is the compensation project for the construction of a new commercial center. The project area is partially inside a comunal natural park and these pedestrian infrastructures will be available for the park users. The project of the bridge is conditioned by the general prescription of the Park authority. The project has been appoved by the Municipality and the Park authority and will be constructed.

Pedestrial connection and integration inside the Parco Nord of Milano

WORKS | LAND Milano srl

New Biomass power plants | Italy Biomass eneergy and landscape development feasibility study and final design for 10 sites ITALCEMENTI Spa Project Architect

Italcementi Spa committed a feasibility study for the realization of new biomass power plants in ten different areas in Italy, which are abandoned or used for agricultural purposes. Three different scenarios were analysed in order to choose the more efficient one for each site. Every scenario is focused on reach one of the “Europe 20-20-20” goals. Every scenario could be realized by appling different plantation strategies. The definition of these five strategies had a crucial importance to set energy parameters such as the thermal or electrical energy produced, TEP obtained and saved CO2 equivalent, combining everything with all the different kind of “feed in tariff” for each production. This study led to define 10 different projects to a final design level and one to the construction level.

1 Idea

CO2 reduction from duty to chance

3 Scenarios

5 Strategies

10 Sites

Different solutions has been defined for each site, considering climate, soil and water consumption aspects.

Terreni Sociali Valcava (BG)

Cementeria di Rezzato (BS) annuali

Cava Ciliverghe (BS)


Cava di Santa Giustina (BS)

Ex cava di Monte Fiorin (PD)

M.R.F. 5 anni

Cava Le Vigne San Cristoforo (AQ)


10 anni



Torre Spagnola (MT)

Cava Le Serre (CS) arb. legno

Cava Stamiota (CS)

Cava Bivio Regina (CS)

boschi boschi

arb. legno


10 anni

M.R.F. 5 anni




Ex. Matera | first realized project

This project has been realized in its first part, as a pilot project, to verify the feasibility of biomass plants in hot climate.

WORKS | LAND Milano srl WORKS _ LAND Milano srl

Comunication project | Gorla, MI Informative panels - ecological grid and sustainability design and comunication project Gorla Municipality (Milan) Project Architect

Gorla Municipality has been working on the renovation and definition of an important green grid for years. Inside this big project, which starts from the compensation founding due to the presence of a big dumb, we worked on different green areas and connections. The last part of the project was the explanation of the importance of this ecological grid, to the inhabitants and to the children. This communication project has been used also in the schools and during outside activities.

ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS 2009 / Master’s degree in Architecture Ferrara University 2010/2011 Postmaster in Sustainable Architecture IED - European Institute of Design - Turin 2012/2013 Works




COPENHAGEN, HYBRIDIZATION STRATEGIES master’s thesis project | Copenhagen

ECO -MIX - USE BUILDING final workshop feasibility study on energy building demand

SANTO STEFANO final workshop feasibility study on energy building demand

LAR|RENOVATION DESIGN LAB Casa Minerbi | Ferrara LAP 3|ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LAB mix use building | Berlin LAP 2| urban planning | Curitiba PE-IT| urban planning | Curitiba PE-BR| urban planning | Curitiba

IED FACTORY OF IDEAS renovation workshop thermal analisys, LEED certification CATCHING THE WIND IN MANAUS office workshop light analisys, water consumption ULAANBATAAR... THE NOMAD CITY... house workshop solar and shadows analysis


Copenhagen, Hybridization strategies. reinterpreting the boundary between space and place Master’s Degree _ Thesis project Supervisor: Prof. Dott. Nicola Marzot with _ Sabrina Boccia

The Welfare State implementation during the 60s, led to an extreme specialization of the infrastructure networks. A clear division between vehicular streets and pedestrian or cycle routes has been defined. This is why the residential city is nowadays divided from the industrial one. The renovation of this kind of district is very challenging. The old infrastructure system, thought to be the optimal solution for a well-organized city, is now one of the main problems to be solved. Working with a segregated area, closed between three axes, the project aims to overcome this specialization concept with hybridization strategies at different scales, rethinking the

Working on the ‘land use’

Grid Hybridization from the ex “big retail activities area” to a new “mix-use block”

Working on the HYBRID concept






relationship between work places and dwellings. The Hybrid research goes with monumental and egocentric buildings, which are thought to have a strong impact inside the city. This project works with the idea of a new mix use district, by modifying the classical residential block and maintaining human dimensions. Redefying the hierarchy of the external spaces helps in the integration of the different functions. Different kind of dwellings are located and connected with different public activities in order to optimized connections and flows. The hybridization is realized by changing the traditional horizontal layers following the proximity concept.


ECO - MIX - USE Building Final Workshop energy feasibility study The mix-use approach could be sustainable at the large-scale analysis, by reducing the land consumption and improving the public transportation grid. The main idea of this project is to figure out if a mix-use building could be a zero-energy building, working on the “functional program” (usually defined only by economical laws) in order to reduce the real energy demand. The energy occupation index is defined by assuming to build new mono-functional blocks that consume what is produced on site. Among the energy consumption of different functions there are strong differences. For a mix-use building this index is usually quite low, but the real “project functional program” can be defined by balancing consumption and production, in order to reach a reduction of the energy demand. In this way the project program covers both the energetically and social aspects and improves the general quality of life.



the importance of common spaces in a mix-use building

Energy Efficiency approach consumption...


energy consumption by function (obtained by the sum of heating, cooling, appliances, hot water and gas consumption)

energy occupation index


IED Factory of Ideas Renovation Workshop thermal analisys, LEED credits with _ Marco Dell’Agli

An old car factory in Turin will become the new IED School. Starting from the concept of “reuse and production” the project was thought as a new factory of ideas and creativity. The lecture halls and the laboratories are located in different areas, each one characterized as a different thermal zone. This allows obtaining both a significant reduction in the electrical consumption for heating and cooling and an interesting variety of spaces inside the school. The entire project has been verified by following LEED U.S. Certification criteria.

Thermal analisys

LEED Certification Report


Cactching the wind in Manaus Office Workshop light analisys, water consumption Due to the peculiar location, temperatures in Manuas are always over the comfort area. The need to live with only one season characterized the traditional long houses, Malocas, which are thought to be light, opened and lifted from the ground. The site features can define the new building. The project is changed, step-by-step, by the strong vegetation and the winds, increasing the permeability of the original block. Due to the latitude the sun is very high and the amount of direct light inside the building is very low. This is why the facade is studied to optimize the natural light by including light shelves in order to bring the light in, in a most comfortable way.

summer 80째

analysis of the 2nd floor

winter 66째

Light analisys | Ecotect

the facade is made with different wood stripes in order to spread the natural light inside the building

Glare analisys | Radiance


LAR | Renovation design lab Casa Minerbi _ Ferrara Prof. Arch. Mario Lolli Ghetti

with _ Claudia Escalona, Sabrina Boccia

After the renovation project of Arch. Piero Bottoni, during the 1953, this old house was abandoned for many years. The aim of this renovation project is to solve connections problems by reorganizing the spaces and giving them a new identity. The goal was also to insert harmoniously a new function in old spaces.

history and new functions


Dwelling | 8.9.

LAP3 | Architectural design lab Mix - use building in Berlin Prof. Arch. Antonello Stella with _ Filippo Patrese

In this project renovation and technology are strictly joined. In order to connect different functions inside one building we decided to work on the facades defining different materials. The ETFE film can be used to obtain interesting effect and good inside air quality. The housing levels are treated with wood, glass and EFTE, playing with old and new materials.

Office |

Leisure | 1.2.3.





LAP 2 New district in Faenza Prof. Arch. Paolo Rava with _ Filippo Patrese

During this Project Lab we developed a new district in Faenza with housing compart and a primary school. The terraced houses has been thought to be well oriented and sustainable both for distribution and materials. The primary school is project to have an open but protected area under the classrooms level.

House project

Primary school project


PE - IT Detailded design lab - Housing project Prof. Arch. Vittorio Anselmi with _ Irene Toselli

This terraced house project has been thought to be flexible, adaptable and neutral in order to be easily customized. The rigid structure can be extended with small volumes that can host different functions and every client can decide where implement his own house.

Detailed plans

Facade study


PE - BR Detailded design Lab - Corporative building PUCPR _ Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná This project is a business and corporative buliding “Sede para impresa de ingenharia ambiental” in Curitiba. The aim was to developed a detailde design focusing on the building structure and the public spaces such as the bar in the ground floor and auditorium in the upper floor. All the building has been thought following sustainable criteria.

Bar details

Auditorium details

URBAN DESIGN PROJECTS 2009 / Master’s degree in Architecture Ferrara University 2010/2011 Postmaster in Sustainable Architecture IED - European Institute of Design - Turin 2012/2013 Works



LAU| DESIGN LAB Casa Minerbi | Ferrara

EUROPAN 13 final workshop


IPPUC renovation workshop

DESIGN LAB Casa Minerbi | Ferrara


LAU | Urban renovation design lab New district in Ferrara Prof. Arch. Carlo Nepi One way to redefine a new identity is to integrate rural landscape into the city development. The idea is to create new ecosystems that are generated by the surrounding landscapes and define different housing typologies. The public spaces are attracted by the system of the main street.

Public space system

ecosystem features

Public space system

Public space system

Public space system

Public space system


PUCPR _ Pontificia Universidade Cat贸lica do Paran谩 Plano Diretor de Ponta Grossa Planejamento Urbano | Design Lab Ponta Grossa has 273.616 inhabitants and a real need of a new general town plan. The perceptive analysis was very important in order to define the problems and the potentiality of the city. The old railway track is the element that can generate a general renovation and create a new identity for the whole city.


IPPUC - Instituto de pesquisa e planejamento urbano di Curitiba Planos das regionais de Curitiba Urban planning Every region, inside the Curitiba city has its own urban plan following the guidelines of the general town plan. All the future developments are discussed with the population and the social parts.

july 2013

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