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nexT sTeps

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noT a conclusion

There are a few nexT sTeps for The proJecT. i wanT To define more whaT i wanT To do, which kind of workshops i wanT To implemenT and how i will make people feel parT of The communiTy. These are poinT i have ThouGhT of and sTaTed on The puBlicaTion, BuT i will like To GeT inTo more deTail To Be aBle To provide a Good proposal ThaT works accordinG To people in possilpark. i will like To develop a 5 year - 10 year - 15 year plan in which The improvemenT of The menTal healTh has Been BeTTer Than in The lasT years. i wanT To make a connecTion wiTh possilpark ’ s healTh cenTre, where people wiTh menTal healTh proBlems like anxieTy, sTress, depression... can Be prescriBed To Blue or Green Therapy.

finally, i will like To implemenT The 15-minuTe ciTy urBan planninG uTopia. ciTes are planninG To have all They need wiThin a few minuTes walkinG. iT is a ciTy wiTh no cars required To Go shoppinG, To The docTor, Gym...


i will Take actionnow and i aim is To make The resulTs lasT.


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