1 minute read


Elena Cucchi

I believe that to have a strong argument that supports my choices in life and academic environment, it is important to always scrutinize and analyse my journey, starting from the overview of the background. Mine began with the decision to enrol in the BA of Architectural Technology and Construction Management at KEA. With this course I found myself learning about construction technologies and materials proprieties which inspired me and mutated my interest from a very design-oriented approach to a more investigative way of thinking. Analysing the anatomy of the building allowed me to develop a more critical attitude in the choice of certain building systems and materials over others, constantly stimulating the thirst for research and knowledge gain. Parallel to the love for my studies I have always had an extreme sensitivity towards our planet and the humankind, which could be clearly sensed in my engagement with multiple volunteer projects of different natures from marine conservation to human rights and equality.


The understanding of the importance of my position as an Architectural Technologist, made me realize how big of an impact our actions and choices have on the society and the environment, as well as how important it is to engage with our habitat embracing the process of learning to cooperate with it implementing the science of new technologies and rediscovering the power of basic functional systems.

“We love the organic forms of earthen architecture and the idea of living freely and in concert with nature – growing our food, reducing our need for systems, rising and setting with the sun – these are noble, sustainable, and mindful ways to live”. (Prinz, 2015).

With this one quote that I love, I think Rachel Prinz is summarizing with very simple words the idea of rediscovering the simplicity of living. The evolution of the humankind and technologies has in my opinion distracted us from what our basic needs truly are. The same way we, as individuals, decide between a vacation or a travel, we can also choose if we want to live our lives as tourists or as travellers. I choose to embrace mine as a journey of absorption from the global community and contribution to the local one.

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