Genua spieker

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The importance of microbiology and macrobiology for natural swimming ponds and pools

Genova, 08. Mai 2014 Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

Dr. Jürgen Genova, 08. Mai Dr. Jürgen Spieker, KLS-Gewässerschutz, Neue Große Bergstraße 20, 22767 Hamburg, ++49 40 38 61 44 Folie 60, 1 von 43

Analysis and Assessment of Freshwater Bodies Lakes, Ponds, Reservoirs River Elbe

Public Natural Swimming Ponds Private Natural Swimming Pools Index for the Quality of Natural swimming ponds

Lake Restoration and Management Dr. Jürgen

Sediment Removal in Lakes

Assessments for Administrative Planning Procedures

ú Konzepte

ú Lösungen ú S anierungen im Gewässerschutz Email: Tel.: ++49 40 38 61 44 60 Neue Große Bergstraße 20, D-22767 Genova,Hamburg 08. Mai

Rainwater and Road Runoff Treatment Folie 2 von 43

The story of biology in natural swimming ponds

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

Folie 3 von 43

Questions and Answers 1.




What lives in a natural swimming pond? Beneficial - harmful – or even dangerous creatures? What is the function of animals, algae and bacteria in natural swimming ponds? Where do the organisms occur?

Dr. JĂźrgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Creatures in and around the Water Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

-2 m

Birds: - 0,5 m

Amphibians: 0,05 – 0,1 m

Sorted according to size Mammals: - 1 m

Fishes: 0,01 – 1,0 m

Foto: Klaus-Thorsten Tegge

Zooplankton 0,0005 – 0,001 m

Benthic macroinvertebrates 0,02 – 0,07 m

Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Creatures in and around the Water And even smaller – Filamentous Algea, Phytoplankton and Biofilms Biofilms are accumulations of microorganisms which colonize hard surfaces in aqueous or humid environments1. Costeron, J.W. et al. (1994): Minireview: biofilms, the customized microniche. J. of Bacteriology 176, 2137-2142. EAWAG News 60d/12 2005

Fotos: KLS-Gewässerschutz

photoautotrophic freshwater biofilm pink = blue-green algae blue = green algae

autotrophic (sunlit) biofilm with filamentous algae Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai

green = biofilm matrix Folie 6 von 43

Leptospira Quelle:


Foto: © Oleg Kozlov

Evaluation: - In private natural pools „family dogs“ are not a problem In public natural swimming ponds dogs are not allowed for hygenic reasons -

Rats may transmit diseases (e.g. Leptospirosis via urine) and must be deterred from swimming pool areas -

Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Composition: ducks, geese Evaluation: - waterbirds are prohibited in public natural swimming ponds (hygenic risk, cercariae) - waterbirds should also be deterred in private natural swimming pools as they can introduce germs und cercariae. Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Waterbirds and Cercariae

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Waterbirds and Cercariae 1st host

bird faeces

Adult Trematodes

Trematode eggs Miracidiu m 1st free-living motile larval form

contact with Swimmer Cercari a 2nd free-living

motile larval form

Sporocys ts Cercaria penetrates the skin and dies (Swimmer's itch)

2nd host Dr. JĂźrgen

Abbildung: R. AllgĂśver

Genova, 08. Mai

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Amphibians / Reptiles Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Composition: - salamanders - frogs, toads Functional role: - insect eaters - tadpoles are good consumers of algae Evaluation : - all species of amphibians are protected! Dr. J端rgen Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates (bottom-dwelling invertebrates)

Relevant taxonomic groups: Common name Scientific name Unicellular organisms Protozoa Sponges Porifera Cnidarians (e.g. jellyfish, hydrozoa) Cnidaria Moss animals Bryozoa Flat worms Plathelminthes Nematodes Nematoda Oligochaete worms Oligochaeta Leeches Hirudinea Snails Gastropoda Mussels Bivalvia Crustaceans Crustacea Insects & Insect larvae Insecta

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Sponges, Hydrozoa

Hydrozoan (Hydra spec.)

Sponge (Spongilla lacustris)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Worms, Leeches

Oligochaet (Stylaria lacustris)

Egel (Glossiphonia complanata) Quelle: Peter Oligochaet (Tubifex spec.) Pfeiffer

Plattwurm (Polycelis tenuis)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Snails

Foto: Peter Pfeiffer

Acroloxus lacustris

Lymnaea stagnalis

Dr. J端rgen

Bithynia spec Galba spec.

Genova, 08. Mai

Ansius spec.

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Mussels

Zebramuschel (Dreissena polymorpha)

Flache Teichmuschel (Anodonta anatina)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Crustaceans

Wasserassel (Asellus aquaticus)

Flohkrebs (Gammarus spec.)

Amerikanischer Flusskrebs (Orconectes limosus)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Insects and Insect larvae

Foto: 息entomart

Zuckm端ckenlarve (Chironomidae spec.)

Dr. J端rgen

Zuckm端cke (Chironomidae spec.)

Foto: Peter Pfeiffer

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Insects and Insect larvae

Foto: AndrĂŠ Karwath (Aka)

Foto: Peter Pfeiffer

dragonfly larvae mayfly larvae

Dr. JĂźrgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Insects and Insect larvae Water beetle

Common backswimmer, Water boatman Foto: E. van Herk

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Frequency of occurrence (abundances)

aus: SchĂśnborn, Lehrbuch der Limnologie

Dr. JĂźrgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Benthic macroinvertebrates Role of the benthic macroinvertebrates in the swimming pond The following functional roles of the benthic macroinvertebrates can be deduced: - Sponges, hydrozoans and moss animals clean the water due to their filter feeding and suspension feeding modes. - Flat worms, leeches and some of the insects and insect larvae are ferocious predators that feed on other small animals. - Snails and some of the insect larvae (Chironomids) feed on benthic algae. - Mussels clean the water due to their filter feeding mode. However, zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) should not be introduced as this species reproduces quickly and may block the water pipes.

Evaluation Benthic macroinvertebrates are always present in a swimming pond. The organisms play an important role in the food web and contribute to the stability of the ecosystem. Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Zooplankton Composition of the zooplankton: Zooplankton is a category which includes all floating or weakly swimming animals that are able to remain in the water column, but drift with the water currents as their locomotion is too weak to move independently of the water current. The most frequently occuring groups of zooplankton in the freshwater are: Flagellates Ciliates Rotifers Crustaceans Insect larvae (e.g. mosquito larvae)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Zooplankton Ciliates and Rotifers Ciliate (Genus Halteria)

Kleinkrebs (Daphnia spec.)

Rotifer (Brachionus spec.)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Crustaceans (Copepods, Cladocerans)

Small crustation (Bosmina longirostris)

Small crustation (Copepoden)

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

Small crustation (Daphnia spec.)

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Crustaceans (Copepods, Cladocerans)

from: Lampert und Sommer, LimnoĂśkologie Egg development time of several zooplankton species in relation to water temperature

Small crustation (Copepoden)

Dr. JĂźrgen

Genova, 08. Mai

Small crustation (Bosmina longirostris)

Small crustation (Daphnia spec.)

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Zooplankton Suspension feeders, e.g. Ciliates, Rotifers (feed by creating strong currents of water towards their mouth using rings of cilia; they prefer particle sizes of 0,5-3,0 µm). Ciliates: 0,002 - 0,02 ml/individual*day Foto:KLS

Rotifers: <0,05 ml/individual*day


Filter feeders, e.g. Cladocerans (a feeding-current is passed through a filter-like structure and food particles are retained by the filter, particle size 30-50 µm) Daphnia hyalina longispina: 0,2 - 4,5 ml/ind.*d Foto:KLS

Bosmina longispina: 0,5 – 3,0 ml/ind.*d


Particle catchers, e.g. Copepods, Flagellates (selective catching of particles like bacteria or algae)

Eudiaptomus graciloides: 0,3 - 2,8 ml/ind.*d Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai Foto:KLS



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Zooplankton Functional role in the swimming pond: The majority of zooplankton feed on bacteria and phytoplankton and thus exert a strong feeding pressure on these organisms. Additionally there also exists predatory zooplankton that feed on other zooplankton. Zooplankton contribute substantially to water purification and are included in regulatory guidlines (FLL 2011) as a component of biological water treatment . In swimming ponds zooplankton filtration rates of more than 1 x / day have been observed (i.e. the zooplankton community filters the whole water body more than once a day).

Evaluation: Zooplankton always occur in a natural swimming pond. Filter feeding zooplankton remove phytoplankton and bacteria from the water. Zooplankton (and Phytoplankton) are also present in natural swimming ponds in which the entire water volume is pumped through the water treatment areas several times a day. The importance of zooplankton increases with decreasing intensity of the water treatment. Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Phytoplankton and filamentous algae

Phytoplankton composition: green algae (Chlorophyta), diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), golden-brown algae (Chrysophyceae),

biflagellate group of algae (Cryptophyceae), blue-green algae (cyanobacteria): these are not algae but bacteria and are only functionally (photo-syntheses, primary production) counted among phytoplankton.

Filamentous algae composition: green algae The most important genera are: Oedogonium, Cladophora, Mougeotia and Spirogyra

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Phytoplankton and filamentous algae Microscopic image of algae fixed with Lugol's solution

blue-green algae (Micorcystis viridis)

green algae (Cladophora spec.) Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

green algae (Pediastrum duplex) Folie 31 von 43

Phytoplankton and filamentous algae

Accumulation of filamentous algae in a swimming pond Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Phytoplankton and filamentous algae

Functional role in the swimming pond:

The category phytoplankton includes mainly free-floating algae. Algae are regarded as a functional community of autotrophic organisms. Using the energy from the sunlight they build up biomass from inorganic carbon compounds (carbon dioxide, hydrogen carbonate) and nutrients (macro- und micronutrients) through the process of photosyntheses. During this process oxygen is released. 6 CO2 + 12 H2O (+ light + nutrients) Âť C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O Phytoplankton live in the water column whereas filamentous algae grow on hard surfaces. There are, however, numerous transitions between these two algal communities.

Evaluation: Phytoplankton should be present in a swimming pond, but it should not develope high biomasses (reduction of water transparency). Blue-green algae should not be dominant. Filamentous algae are a natural component of a swimming pond, but like the phyto-plankton they should not occur in high biomasses. Dr. JĂźrgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Biofilm Biofilms are composed of bacteria, algae, amoebae, ciliates, fungi photo: Dr. Ralf Wagner

EAWAG News 60d/12 2005

photo: KLS-Gew채sserschutz Dr. J체rgen

photo: Dr. Ralf Wagner Genova, 08. Mai

Wimperntier (Ciliate of the genus Halteria) photo: KLS-Gew채sserschutz Folie 34 von 43

Biofilm Structure of biofilms Biofilms are accumulations of microorganisms which colonize hard surfaces in aqueous or humid environments.

EAWAG News 60d/12 2005

Biofilm plays an important role for the function of the filter systems. Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Biofilm The composition of biofilms can adjust to changes in water temperature. These changes occur continuously and not abrupt.

Biofilms are important for the function of all filtersystems in swimming ponds and natural pools Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Biofilm Retention of phosphorus compounds through biofilm in filters. Data from the database „DANA“ The content of total phosphorus in the clean water after filter passage is largely independend from phosphorus input and temperature.

Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Nutrients (Phophorus)

Dr. J端rgen

In natural lakes phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for biomass production Genova, 08. Mai

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Nutrients (Phophorus) According to current knowledge phosphorus can be regarded as the limiting nutrient in swimming ponds and natural pools.

from: Wikipedia, Minimumgesetz

Liebig's law of the minimum (Liebig, 1840).

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Where do the organisms occur?

Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

Foto: Peter Pfeiffer

Even in more technically designed swimming ponds a large number of resident fauna can be found. Their quantity depends on the operating mode and the productivity (intensity of plant production) of the swimming pond system.

Foto: E. van Herk

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Where do the organisms occur?

Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

Swimming ponds with a more natural design contain morphological structures which offer a suitable habitat to a large number of different groups and species of animals.

Foto: Peter Pfeiffer

The aquatic fauna has an important influence on the water quality, but in turn depends strongly on the productivity of the system. Mass developments of single species indicate a Genova, 08. Mai disturbance within

Foto: E. van Herk

Dr. J端rgen

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Foto: Thorsten Stegmann

A large variety of animals, algae and bacteria occur in natural swimming ponds and pools üBenthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton contribute the highest number of animal species and individuals in a natural swimming pond ü These animals are often too small and inconspicuous to be consciously noticed ü The whole biological community fulfills important tasks in natural swimming ponds, e.g. filtration, consumption of benthic algae üBiofilm plays an important role for the function of the filter systems. ü

Dr. Jürgen

Genova, 08. Mai

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Source of all fotos and figures, if not labelled otherwise: KLS, Hamburg

Dr. J端rgen

Genova, 08. Mai

Folie 43 von 43

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