Eleonora Valle Architecture Portfolio 2019

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Eleonora Valle Architecture portfolio 2019

About me ELEONORA VALLE 27.06.1994 Milan ITALY | Via A. Martignoni 14, Milan 20124 eleonora.valle@fastwebnet.it Inst. elevll fb eleonoravalle +39 3460213122

Education April 2019 October 2016

February 2019 February 2017

Sept 2017 July 2018

July 2016 October 2013

October 2016

June 2016 March 2016 May 2015

June 2013 September 2008 July 2012 September 2011

Master’s degree of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, 110 L Milan | English courses, Thesis: Sulla fragilità potenziale. La via del Graveglia in tre progetti. Supervisor: Cino Zucchi Advisor: Stefano Tropea and Marco Voltini ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica) program, developing FlexHab project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm5YcO-6lV0&feature=youtu.be Milan | Master’s parallel international programme by PoliMi and PoliTo Exchange Program UAL (Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa) Lisboa | Postgraduated courses, Architectural Design professor : Francisco Aires Mateus Bachelor of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, 110 L Milan | Architectural Design professors: Franco Tagliabue, Stefano Boeri, Angelo Bianco, M. Pilar Vettori, Irené Scalbert Workshop Disaster City, DAAD programme: TU Berlin - PoliMi - Uni Cam Ascoli Piceno | Emergency resilience and reconstraction after earthquakes catastrophes: Arquata del Tronto Workshop Revit BIM, PoliDigiSkills Milan | Revit course: from design to layout of an architectural project Workshop Taccuini di Viaggio tra Italia e Spagna Valencia | The architectural urban (live) drawing in the context of Spain. Professor: Silvie Durvenoy Artistic High School, Istituto Sacro Cuore Milan | Diploma 100/100 Exchange Program St. Joan of Arc London High School London | Academic year abroad, Cambridge English Exam CAE: Advanced

Skills Italian English Portuguese French

Native Excellent (IELTS C1) Good (B2) Basic

AutoCAD, Suite Adobe (Ps, Ai, Id, Pr), Rhinoceros, Sketchup, Cinema 4D, Revit BIM, Microsoft Office, QGis. iOS, Windows

Strong visualization skills. Drawing, painting and modelling, always experimenting new materials and techniques for art representation and project communication (wood, MDF, cardboard, gypsum, concrete, foam,laser). Good attitude towards teamworks and project management. I used to play in a theatre company. Also passionate in photography and postproduction.

Work May 2018 February 2018 March 2017

November 2016 October 2016

on going February 2016 October 2015 October 2015 September 2015

December 2016 May 2016

Awards May 2018 August 2017

May 2015

Intership at aspa Arquitectos, Rua do Salitre 175 Lisbon | Apartments restoration, residential buildings executive projects and studio exhibition with maquette production Collaboration with ifdesign studio Milan | Design and production of models for Cino Zucchi firm in the project “Sette Broli” Milan Yards Exhibition “Ampelio Tettamanti e Milano, paesaggi umani”, Palazzo Morando. Focus Bovisa Context Milan | Research, design and drawings for the contemporary context of Bovisa, Professor: Daniele Villa Assistant at the courses “Design Studio I” by Emanuele Tanzi and “Progettazione e rappresentazione urbanistica” by Daniele Villa Milan | University assistant: organization and support of lessons and students’ revisions Internship at Studio3 architetti associati, via San Vittore 16 Milan | Design assistance, Graphic design, in collaboration with Studio Chipperfield Temporary employee at Valeria Belle Stampe, art gallery, via San Cecilia 2 Milan | Creation of layout systems for photos and prints

1st Prize YAC Competition - Art Prison Santa Caterina Favignana | Project done with my team Simposio (award and publication) Finalist project at the Architectural Competition and Exhibition Demanio Marittimo KM-278 Ancona | Demanio Marittimo KM-278 contest with title “ Habitable Community” 3rd Prize International Competition - Berlin over the wall Berlin | Start for talents contest, prize and publication of the project “Bonjour Bonheur”

Sulla fragilitĂ potenziale

Project I

Master Thesis C. Zucchi, S. Tropea, M. Voltini April 2019 Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy With Francesca Venini

Stories of increasingly fragile territory in Italy’s hinterlands have become central to contemporary debate. The thesis work focuses on the critical and synthetic reading of a specific area in Liguria, in the Levante hinterland. It considers fragility as a potential for future development through three “site specific� projects, characterized by the relationship of the soil to the element of water. The first point at low altitude on the banks of the Graveglia torrent, with a park+greenhouse; the second at intermediate altitude in the village of Zerli, with a new oil-mill (view); and finally the third on the crest of Mount Chiappozzo, which is identified as a weather monitoring point and Belvedere. Agriculture and environmental management are seen as tools for maintenance and regeneration of the hinterland. By connecting to a pre-existing system of dry stone walls and topographic trends, the mill redesigns the boundary of a hairpin bend through a wall and the insertion of a light metal structure, with sloping piched roof to collect water and light.

Left page: territorial framework with the three Moments

Cardboard maquettes Momento I, Park and greenhouse Momento II, Oil mill Momento III, Stop and Monitoring

Left page botton unrolled elevation. The different patterns indicates different types of metallic surfaces.

Left page center Oil mill and preexistence plan. The pre-ex.has a double floor,the oil mill a -1 floor on the east side.

Cardboard and metal maquettes of the oil mill, 1:200.

Left page Pre-existence section detail 1:33. Roof addition, light and independen metal internal structure and new interior skin.

View of the pre-existence hall and shop, with the new skylight

Left page: territorial framework Momento I masterplan

Momento I, greenhouse internal view

ResidĂŞncia em Almirante Reis

Project II

Design studio V F. Aires Mateus II sem 2018 Lisbon, Portugal Individual project

Uma residência em Almirante Reis proposes an original way of living taking advantage of the steep topography, the preexisting paths and “escadas” and the incredible view on a “layered” city. In fact a sequence of stone walls is newly connecting Rua dos Lagares and the Igreja da Graça, as well as the park. A new relationship between public path and private spaces is generated: it is a very common and traditional situation to be found in city like Lisbon or Porto, in which every upper corner shows a different visual approach on private houses. Up to every stair there is a terraces that acts as the house entrance, the private garden and the public transversal path, a ‘miradouro’ on the park and the city. There are three main typologies of housing: two mainly for students/ workers, with individual rooms or mini/duplex and connom areas,facing a courtyard behind the walls. The last one more for families, developed in the plastered volumes attached to the context.

Left page from below Section AA’ with context background Section BB’through extruded volumes Section CC’ through stairs

Masterplan,project in Rua dos Lugares, underneath the Igreja da Graça

View from the private garden. Walls made with with Lioz traditional stone.

Right page General axonometry of te plot in relation with the church and the pre-existance buildings on the right.

Public bar and services Housing tipology 3

Housing tipology 1

Housing tipology 3 Housing tipology 2

Housing tipology 1 Housing tipology 3

Housing tipology 2

Housing tipology 1

Public library and labs

Library ground floor plan and Housing typology 1,3 plans, with diagramatic schemes

Right page Concrete maquette 1:50 of the middle part (Housing typology 1,3)

An hostel in Porta Genova

Project III

Design studio IV Cino Zucchi, S.Tropea, M.Cassani, P.Sturla II sem 2016-2017 Milan, Italy with B. Cappuccilli and C. Fignon

The project call for an hostel, with gym, swimming-pool and restaurant, a multiporpose space and a public outdoor space, to give back an identity to the abandoned Porta Genova yard. From an urban point of view, the complex is structured in two poles, the multipurpose space close to the station and the hostel in the opposite corner, accentuating the alongated morphology of the site, leaving a greater accessible square with integrated green. The hostel-tower, which stands out as an obelisk in the horizon, has a variable section with different floors’ hights according to the bedroom typologies and the services. The simple rectangular plan bends on one side to better integrate the street and the entrance. The pillar structure and slabs are external and draw the facades, using trilateration to set the inclined pillars. The green areas integrate a mineral urban plaza with organic flowery shapes.

11th floor: Swimming Pool

3rd, 7th floor: typology A

4th, 5th floor: typology B

4th floor: typology C

1 Multipurpose pavillon view

2 Green areas and fontain view

Previous page Ground floor masterplan Below Longitudinal section through the entire plot



3 Hostel cells typology C view

4 Swimming pool view



Left page Facade detail, section and elevation 1:20

Facade detail maquette with the double high terrace. Materials used: wood, cardboard, plexiglass

Seven Beautiful Orchards

Work I

CZ Call Competition If Design Onsite studio Baukuh April 2017 Milan, Italy

Cino Zucchi Architetti, together with Michelle Desvigne and Piovenefabi, were called by Sistemi Urbani for a competition to imagine possible future scenarios for the seven disused rail yards in Milan (shown in the scheme on the side). Inside the urban project , the singular building’s design was assigned to If deisgn studio, Onsite studio and Baukuh. I worked with If design team developping three buildings projects in three yards, especially through the use of colored gypsum maquettes. The urban configurations CZ proposes create places with a different vocation, scale and character within a polycentric urban landscape. Farini Rail Yard becomes a great park with sinuous paths and pedestrian runways overpassing the railway, Porta Romana Rail Yard becomes a great sloping lawn, open towards Prada Foundation and a market-square which interchanges between the new railway station and buses terminus, Lambrate Rail Yard becomes a great green «crescent».

e. a.




g. d.

Left botton: schemes of the 7 yards: a. Brolo delle Rimembranze, b.B. della simonetta, c. B. del Binario vivo, d. B. dei Canottieri, e. B. del Fulmine, f. B. di Mezzodì, g. B. di Grecale

Left page up Farini. “Della Simonetta” orchard. Tertiary and offices. Gypsum maquette

Up: Lambrate. “Delle Rimembranze” orchard. Tertiary and residences. Gypsum maquette

Previous page Porta Romana. The “Mezzodì” Orchard. Residential buildings. Gypsum maquette

Na Loja Do Mestre Andre

Work II

Studio exhibition event aspa Arquitectos February 2018 Lisbon

During the event called “Na Loja Do Mestre Andre”, students from the Coimbra University were coming to Lisbon to visit some architectural studios for getting closer to their most recent works and design attitude. Therefore the best way to show aspa atelier’s potential was developing a brief exhibition of the studio’s last projects. By means of big scale maquettes (1:20 scale), experimenting different materials and representation, it was developed an idea of set up in the studio with both maquette and drawings of three chosen projects. EPAR: a new internal facade for a residential building (upper three pict. sequence), ECAB: two floors roof extension on a preexistance, EGES: a new residential building (botton three pict. sequence). The maquette concept was to underline the key points of the three different buildings, such as symmetry, opposition of clear voids and sequnces of geometrical extrusions. Realized with foam, paint and gypsu powder.

Art Prison Santa Caterina

Competition I

1st Prize YAC Competition May 2018 Favignana, Sicily with team Simposio

The tectonic nature of the new cultural hub illustrates the insertion of the project in the landscape and the topography of the naturalistic context of the Favignana fortress, as its main peculiarity. The new design highlights and articulates the way the fortress grafts into the rock. The spatial narration of the project, on a wider scale, holds together natural and architectonic elements; it elects the stronghold as a fulcrum and turns the landscape from a simple background into the key player. The marked trace of the preexisting path is a fundamental inspiration for the morphology of the new one. The preexisting path works as a furrow, which structures a big cultural and panoramic basin connecting different spots of the landscape. New points of view are generated in the surroundings.The exhibition itinerary ties together the ancient and the new in a unique design; the journey, in a climax, leads up to the great open-air theatre oriented towards the fortress, allowing for a perspective on the ancient existence.

Entrance Ticket office Bookshop Exposition


Workshops Exposition Cafeteria Restroom

Multipurpose space Techincal rooms

Exposition Ateliers Artists apartm. Lounge Bar Vernissage Suites

Restaurant Rooms Swimming Pool Reception

Previous page External view of the fortress with the museum path from the theatre

Left page Exploded axonometry of the intervention and services disposition

three views: form the left, the hotel platform grafting, the new exhibition path, internal view of the new museum

Up Aerial view on the fortress. The 70’s preexistance now become a pure volume which host a multipurpose space

Botton territorial section through fortress, museum and theatre

Right page General layout: Museum plan focus

Taccuini di viaggio


Architectural still-life drawings S. Duvernoy, G. Mele II sem 2014-2015 Valencia Individual

The workshop was centered on the drawings of public spaces and architecture in Valencia, in order to study them and to understand the volumes, the proportions and the lightings which make them real. The technique of sketches was free but the timing to do them was fixed. The spaces represented were different: the tipycal historic spanish squares such as Plaza de Napoli i Sicilia and Plaza de l’Arquebisbe, the port with the contemporary building by D. Chipperfield Vels i Vent and the cathedral. Moreover all the Calatrava complex with the science museum and the greenhouse. The different techniques adopted underlines some peculliarity of the architectures: the cinchona highlights the silhouettes and the facades, the watercolor the tint under lighting and the charcoal the chiaroscuro.

Eleonora Valle eleonora.valle@fastwebnet.it Via A. Martignoni 14, 20124 Milan +39 3460213122

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