PageImage User’s Guide
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Contents Overview............................................................................................................ 1 Working with Files............................................................................................. 6 Setting Up for New Images............................................................................. 6 Printing an Image........................................................................................... 9 Editing Images................................................................................................. 11 Paste Into..................................................................................................... 11 Paste Behind................................................................................................ 13 Transforming Images ...................................................................................... 14 Inverting Image Color/Brightness................................................................. 14 Flipping Images............................................................................................ 14 Rotating Images........................................................................................... 15 Rescaling Images......................................................................................... 16 Converting Images....................................................................................... 17 Enhancing/Fine Tuning Images ...................................................................... 20 Adjusting Brightness/Contrast...................................................................... 20 Adjusting Hue/Saturation.............................................................................. 21 Adjusting Equalization.................................................................................. 22 Adjusting Color/Gray Map ............................................................................ 23 Smoothing Images ....................................................................................... 23 Sharpening Images...................................................................................... 24 Edge Editing................................................................................................. 24 Emboss ........................................................................................................ 24 Mosaic.......................................................................................................... 24 Menus............................................................................................................... 26 File Menu...................................................................................................... 26 Edit Menu ..................................................................................................... 27 View Menu.................................................................................................... 28 Process Menu .............................................................................................. 28 Transform Menu........................................................................................... 29
Overview PageImage is a comprehensive multimedia image processing program. It enables you to process in detail on your computer screen scanned images such as photographs, graphics and drawings, as well as images captured from video devices such as a VCR, a laser disc, a camcorder, etc. You can also create new images by using the powerful tools included in the software. Its sophisticated set of image editing tools enables you to quickly sketch an image canvas in order to create a new image, or to enhance pre-existing ones. With this software, your imagination is your only limit! Before you begin using PageImage, please take a moment to look at all the PageImage tools and icons that are described in this section. Menu Bar Icon Bar
Tool Control Option Box
Image Canvas
Palette Control Status Bar
Menu Bar Lists the currently available menus for each activity. Each menu contains a pull down list of command options.
Icon Bar Displays the icons that are used as shortcuts for more commonly used commands (refer to the section on the Icon bar).
Image Canvas The image is placed on this surface for editing and alteration.
Tool Control Option Box This indicates which tools are being currently used. It also allows the user to control the size and shape of these tools.
Toolbox Provides a choice of tools — brushes, crayons, air-brush, dropper, Paint Bucket, Gradation, Eraser, Line, Ellipse, Rectangle, and Magic Wand.
Palette Control For color selection.
Status Bar Provides a visual control of the screen elements — Status Box ( Cursor Coordinates), Message Box (displays current activity),and toggle buttons for the Toolbox, Color Palette, Icon Bar, and Tool Control.
Toolbox Rectangle Selector Isolates a rectangular portion of the image. Magic Wand Automatically selects a portion of the image that has the same color. Paint Brush Applies color (predetermined from the color palette) to a pre-selected area. Gradation Makes the areas appear to merge or make transitional effects from light to dark. Rescale Allows you to rescale a pre-selected portion. Zoom In Zooms in on an area centered on the magnifying glass cursor. Use the minus key, “-”, to demagnify view of the image and “+” to magnify the image. Eyedropper Picks up the color from a pixel in the image. Rectangle Generates a rectangular block. The width of the borders can be defined through the Tool Control Option box. Free-hand Selector Allows manual selection of an irregularly shaped portion anywhere on the image. Moving the Outline Move the selected portion to other parts of the image. Text Allows you to enter text anywhere on the image. Eraser Erases blocks of the image within a pre-selected area. Air Brush This tool applies the texture quality of an air brush to a pre-selected image. Paint Bucket Fills a pre-selected area with a color chosen from the Color Palette. Straight Line Generates a straight line. The width of the line can be defined through the Tool Control Option box. Ellipse This tool generates an ellipse or circle. The width of the circumference can be defined through the Tool Control Option box.
Icon Bar New Creates a new canvas. Open Loads an already existing image file. Save As Saves an existing file you have been working on. Print Provides you with different options for printing and image output formats. Select All Enables you to select an entire image. Abandon Selection Abandons any change to a selected portion. Invert Selection A selected area is normally an area enclosed by a selection frame and editing is usually done in the selected area. But you can also invert the selection, which means to have a selected area outside of the selection frame and edit that area outside of the frame. Fill Fills the entire area inside the selection frame with the foreground color. Change Image Converts the image canvas format. Document Information Provides information about the current active image. System Information Provides information about system memory. Undo Cancels the last action the software performed.
Palette Control View Button Toggles the display of a universal spectrum, the primary palette and no palette. Background Color Foreground Color
Spectrum or Primary Palette
Color Channel Setting Box Besides picking colors from the Primary Palette, you can also set the value of each color channel to compose a color that is not in the primary palette. Solid Color Indicator Shows the color in the primary palette closest to the one selected through the value settings in the Color Channel Setting Boxes. HLS/RGB Button Toggles between RGB and HLS color modes.
Status Bar Status Box Displays the X, Y coordinates indicating where the pointer is on you active image window. Message Box Displays a message about the item the pointer is currently on.
Toolbox Button Hides or displays the Toolbox. Tool Control Button Hides or displays the Tool Control command. Palette Control Button Hides or displays the Palette Control. Icon Bar Button Hides or displays the Icon Bar.
Working with Files All your image canvases are recognized as files by the computer. When you are working with files you are therefore actually dealing with the image canvases. You can prepare a new image canvas, open an existing canvas, store a painted canvas, print out the image, or even deal with several image canvases at the same time. Most of these functions are executed via the commands under the File menu.
Setting Up for New Images Before creating a new canvas for your image, you should preset some of the image processing options in the Preferences dialog box. For example, you should enter a monitor gamma value so that your monitor will display the color of the image more precisely. To set the options in the Preferences dialog box, choose the Preferences command from the File menu. The Monitor Gamma option allows you to compensate for color definition differences among monitors.
Lets you generate temporary files in a specified directory which is recognized as extra memory space.
Creating a New Canvas 1. Select New in the File menu or click on the New icon on the icon bar. The New dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Image Type
Indicate a number of colors to be used in creating your image.
Higher resolutions provide better images, but take more disk space and more time to process.
Image Size
Select the size of your image canvas. If you select “Custom Defined� from this list box, you must enter the dimensions of the image in the Custom fields and the appropriate units in the pull-down list box adjacent.
Displays the amount of memory required to create the canvas and the amount of available free memory.
2. Click on the [New] button. A new canvas is created with an untitled filename. Each image canvas appears as an image window in the image editing area. If the image canvas is actually larger than the image window, two scroll bars appear. The vertical scroll bar allows you to view the hidden upper and lower portions of the image. The horizontal scroll bar allows you to view its hidden left and right portions.
Image Filename Ruler
Scroll Bar
The rulers can help you edit precisely. If you don’t want the rulers, you can hide them by choosing the Show Ruler toggle switch command under the View menu. You can also change the rulers units of measure from the Preferences dialog box.
Printing an Image 1. Open the File menu and choose Print, or click on its icon on the icon bar; the Print dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Copies
Enter the number of copies you want to print.
Print Gamma
Calibrate the image printing quality.
Set Margin
Set the top and left margins. You may also choose to print the image horizontally or vertically on the middle of a page.
Change the coordinates and units.
Resize Image
Rescale the image in relation to the size of the paper used.
Set Rescale
Displays the Rescale dialog box and allows you to change the size, resolution and scaling factors of the image you want to print.
Halftone Image
Click on the Use Printer Default check box if you want to use the printer default halftone pattern. Click on the [Set Halftone] button to select a halftone pattern.
Output Option
Click on the Add Frame option if you want to add a border line to the image, and select the type of border you want to frame your image with.
2. Click on the [Print] button to print; click on the [Cancel] button to close the box and return to the image canvas without printing.
Editing Images Paste Into This command is used when part of the image has been selected and you want to paste the contents of the clipboard inside the selection outline. To paste, do the following: 1. Open the Edit menu, and click on the Paste Into command.
Figure: Two Images with their respective selection outlines
A “phantom window” will appear. The “phantom window” is identified by the dotted marquee.
Figure: Pasting the selected portion into image 2 with Paste Into Command
2. Move the pointer into the floating window. The pointer’s shape then changes to an arrowhead-shaped cross.
3. Drag the phantom window to the location inside the selected area where you want to paste its content. Note that any part to be pasted which exceeds the selected area in size will be lost.
Figure: Moving the phantom window into the selected area in image 2
Furthermore, if the contents of clipboard contain more colors than that of the current image canvas, the content’s colors are automatically converted to match the colors of the canvas. 4. Click the left mouse button outside of the phantom window to paste into the selected area.
Figure: The final effect of Paste Into Command
Paste Behind This command is used when there is already a selection on the image and you want to paste the content in the clipboard to the back of the selected area of the image. To paste, do the following: 1. Open the Edit menu, and click on the Paste Behind command. A “phantom window” appears displaying the contents of the clipboard. 2. Move the pointer into the floating window. The pointer’s shape then changes to an arrowhead-shaped cross. 3. Drag the phantom window to the location on your image where you want to paste its content.
Figure: Moving the phantom window behind the Selected area in image 2
Note that the image part behind the selected area will be lost after it is pasted on (with the clipboard’s content). 4. Click the left mouse button outside of the phantom window to paste the content.
Figure: The final effect of Paste Behind command
Transforming Images The commands under the Transform menu are used to flip, rotate, or convert either the whole image or a selected portion of the image. Generally speaking, these commands transform the position, size, or colors of an image without changing its shape and pattern.
Inverting Image Color/Brightness The Invert command reverses the brightness and color of an image. Click on the Invert command to invert. Click again to get back the original image.
The Original Image
The Inverted Image
Flipping Images The Mirror command flips the image vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
The Original Image
Mirrored Vertically
Mirrored Horizontally
Mirrored Diagonally
Rotating Images The Rotate Left command rotates the image by 90 degrees counter-clockwise. The Rotate Right command rotates the image by 90 degrees clockwise.
The Original Image
Left Rotated
Right Rotated
The Arbitrarily Rotate command allows you to rotate a selected portion of an image or the entire image to any angle. To do this: 1. Click on the Arbitrarily Rotate command name. A dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Direction
CW for clockwise and CCW for counter-clockwise direction.
Rotation angle.
2. Click on the [OK] button to start rotating the image.
Rescaling Images 1. Select the Rescale option in the Transform menu or select Set Rescale button in the Print dialog box. The Rescale dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Source Image
Display the original size and resolution of the image.
Target Image
Set the scaling ratio.
Rescale Factor
Enter X and Y values.
Keep Ratio
Lets you keep the original image in proportion
2. Click OK to save your setting; click Cancel to return without rescaling.
Converting Images The Change Image function allows you to convert the image canvas format. To convert an image: 1. Choose the Change Image command from the Transform menu, or click on its icon in the icon bar. The Change Image Type dialog box appears.
2. Select a Target Type option which corresponds to the image conversion you want. The options are: This option converts the active image to two colors, black and white This option converts gray, 256 color, or true color images to Index 16 Color 16 colors. This option converts the active image to 16 gray shades, Index 16 Gray from black (zero) to white (15). The Gray scale image type gives the best representations of black-and-white images. 24 bit True Color This option converts gray and 256 color images to RGB true color image (16.7 million colors). This data type is currently the best image data type for editing color images because it retains the maximum amount of information about the image Index 256 Color This option converts gray and true color images to 256 colors. Index 256 Gray This option converts the active image to 256 gray shades, from black (zero) to white (255), which smoothes tonal changes by using intermediate gray tones. Again, the gray scale image type gives the best representations of blackand-white images. Black & White
Note: Dimmed options are not applicable to the active image.
3. Click on the [Set Convert] button to specify a converting method. The Set Convert dialog box appears.
When transferring an image to screen, this option converts original colors from the picture to ones best approaching those within the system’s indexed color palette.
This option calculates the color pixel values and determines the most suitable colors for the image.
This option averages the bright and dark color pixels on the image.
This option converts the image using different patterns and sizes to generate special effects. Both the Dithering Pattern options and Pattern Size options allow you to execute conversions with different patterns and sizes. The following examples illustrate different dithering patterns with a 8x8 pattern size.
4. Click on the [OK] button to complete the conversion.
The Original Image
Dithering in Bayer Pattern
Dithering in Mesh Pattern
Dithering in Spiral Pattern
Dithering in Horizontal Line Pattern
Dithering in Vertical Line Pattern
Dithering in Fatting Pattern
Enhancing/Fine Tuning Images The options in the Process menu are designed to fine tune images or enhance them through special effects. Scanned or captured images usually need postprocessing to make them look more natural and real.
Adjusting Brightness/Contrast 1. Click Brightness/Contrast command in the Process Menu. The Set Brightness and Contrast dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Channel
Process either Red, Green, Blue, or All.
Brightness and Contrast
Enter a value in the Brightness and Contrast test boxes, or drag the sliders on the slider bars to set a value.
The Sample image changes accordingly as you drag the sliders or enter the values. You can compare the Sample image to the Original to see the differences. 2. Click on the [OK] button to effect the change.
Adjusting Hue/Saturation 1. Open the Process menu and click on the Hue/Saturation command. The Set Hue and Saturation dialog box appears.
2. Enter a value in the Hue and Saturation text boxes, or drag the scroll boxes to set the values. The Sample image changes accordingly as you drag the scroll boxes or enter the values. You can compare the Sample image to the Original to clearly identify your adjustment. 3. Click on the [OK] button to effect the change. Note: The Hue setting measures the color attributes in degrees from -180 to 180 according to the HLS color wheel. The color sequence on the HLS wheel is counter-clockwise from the red to the purple colors of the rainbow. Notice that the hue changes when you move the scroll bar. The saturation of colors is specified by percentages. Negative percentages decrease the intensity of color pixels in the image. Setting the saturation to 100% causes the image color to change to pure gray. Positive percentages increase the intensity of color pixels in the image so as to enhance the purity of colors.
Adjusting Equalization The Equalize command is used to sharpen dull images or tone down overly sharp ones by redistributing the gray shades in them. This function enables you to enhance contrast and adjust brightness levels by limiting the input and output ranges of gray/color values in the image. In effect, highlighted, shadowed and midtone areas in the image will be enhanced. In other words, it calculates the histogram of the image. The horizontal axis of the histogram represents the gray/color value in the image, and the vertical axis represents the number of pixels corresponding to that value. The input range refers to the range of gray/color values in the original image, and the output range refers to that after adjusting the image settings. To adjust the equalization, follow these steps: 1. Choose the Equalize command from the Process menu. A Equalization dialog box appears.
In this dialog box: Channel
Process either Red, Green, Blue, or All.
Input & Output
Drag the triangular handles to select the input and output ranges or enter the value in the text box.
The Sample image changes accordingly as you drag the scroll boxes or enter the values. You can compare the Sample image to the Original to clearly identify your adjustment. 2. Click on the [OK] button to effect the change. Note: You can restore the original settings by clicking on the Original image.
Adjusting Color/Gray Map The Color/Gray Map command is used to alter the brightness value of each pixel in the image by directly changing the mapping curve of gray/color values. The horizontal axis represents the input’s brightness level and the vertical axis represents the output’s brightness level. “0” represents pure black, and “255” pure white. To adjust the mapping: 1. Choose the Color/Gray Map command from the Process menu. The Color/Gray Map dialog box appears.
Process either Red, Green, Blue, or All.
Choose a way to adjust the map.
Enter a gamma value. Enter a higher value to lighten the midtone area or enter a lower value to darken the midtone area.
If you choose the linear, the default gamma value is 1.0. The image will retain its original outlook.
User Defined
If you choose the User Defined option, point to anywhere on the mapping curve and drag it to form the shape corresponding to the image outlook you want. Changing the slope of the line adjusts the contrast; changing the level of the line adjusts the brightness.
The Sample image changes accordingly as you drag the scroll boxes or enter the values. You can compare the Sample image to the Original to clearly identify your adjustment. 2. Click on the [OK] button to start the process.
Smoothing Images The Smooth command allows you to soften an image by three levels: Smooth, Smooth More, and Smooth Edge. Choose Smooth to slightly soften the image. If you want to make the image look even softer, choose Smooth More. The Smooth Edge option only softens the edges of objects in the image.
Sharpening Images In order to improve its clarity, the Sharpen command allows you sharpen an image by three levels: Sharpen, Sharpen More, Sharpen Edge. The Sharpen option makes the image only a little clearer. The Sharpen More option sharpens the image even further. The Sharpen Edge option only sharpens the edges of objects in the image. This command is available only when you are processing in 24-bit true color or index 256-gray scale.
Edge Editing Two commands are provided to enhance the edges of an image. They are only enabled in 24-bit true color mode.
Find Edge The Find Edge command is used to automatically find and display the edges of the objects on the image canvas with white or gray shades on a gray-scaled image, and with the original colors of the areas at the side of the edges of the image on an RGB color image.
Trace Contour The Trace Contour filter converts images into a bi-level format in which image outlines are clearly marked. For a gray-scaled image, the outlines contain only black and white pixels; and for an RGB color image, they contain up to eight colors (black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow). This command is specially useful when you need to find the edges of the objects in an image and repaint its objects with different colors.
Emboss The Emboss filter enables you to make the image appear to stand out from the paper surface or stand in relief against its background. The emboss process coats on the surface of objects in the image with any color by selecting it as foreground color, and with midtone colors from the originals for object outlines.
Mosaic The Mosaic command is used to display an image as a series of mosaic tiles. The colors of the tiles are averaged with the original image colors and according to the tile size selected. To achieve this effect: 1. Open the Process menu and click on the Mosaic command. A list of available tile sizes (in pixels) pops up to the right of the command name with check mark to the left of the current size. 2. Click on the tile size you want.
The Original Image
Find Edges in the Image
Trace Contour in the Image
The Embossed Image
The Image in Mosaic
Menus This section provides an explanation of the menu options in the PageImage. We assume you have a basic understanding of Windows applications. You may refer to the PageImage online help for more information about a procedure. To obtain online help, choose Contents from the Help menu.
File Menu The File menu is used to control file handling of the images.
Revert to the original image prior to any changes being made. If you save any changes this is disabled. Open the last few images you worked on. Specifies the destination printer and other options. Sends the PageImage file to a printer specified in Print Setup. Open the Preference dialog box. Leaves PageImage and, if necessary, prompts you to save files.
The Preferences Dialog Box Compensate for the differences in color between the original and monitor images.
Set the number of files the software can recall. Generate temporary files in a specified directory.
Edit Menu The Edit Menu provides functions to edit images. These are often used in image processing when creating a new images, or joining together (pasting) into one image portions of different images.
Undo the effect of the last operation.
Pastes items from the to an area of an image. Pastes the clipboard image into a pre-selected area. Paste the image behind a selected area. Pastes the image as a new document.
Adjusts the bristle size for the brush tool.
Takes the complement of the selection area: i.e. the area outside the selection marquee.
This discards the contents of the floating marquee (the selected area).
View Menu The View menu controls the area of the screen showing the information of the current file.
Process Menu The process option offers a full range of image enhancement facilities. Adjust the relative brightness and contrast of colors within the image. Change the hue and saturation of the image’s colors. Alter the brightness value of each pixel in the image. Enhances contrast and adjusts brightness. Soften an image by three levels; Smooth, Smooth More, and Smooth Edge. Sharpen an image by three levels; Sharpen, sharpen More, Sharpen Edge. Automatically finds and displays the edges of the objects on the image canvas. Convert images into a bi-level format in which image outlines are clearly marked. Enable the image to appear to stand out as relief against its background. Display an 28 image as a series of mosaic tiles.
Transform Menu The Transform option takes care of the orientation and dimensions of the image.
Produce a negative image from a positive. Produce a mirror image about the vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
Enter your own choice of angle of rotation. Change the size, resolution, and scaling factors for the entire image. Convert the image canvas format.