1 minute read
Praying for Faith
Father God, it is in times like these that we test and build our own faith in You. There are moments where it seems as if we cannot find or feel you, yet we know You are there. Our fears are at war with the truth that we know. Our doubts fight against the promises You have given us. All around us we are continually told that You are not real, or no longer alive; yet this yearning deep within us pulls us to you, reminding us that You are the only true life we will ever know. Lord, we know that You are alive, and by Your Spirit lead us to the place You want us to go. In that place, O Lord, let us hear Your voice and listen to Your words. It is there with You that we remember that You did not forget - all is not lost - the whole world is kept within Your hands. We are also reminded to faithfully wait on You, for joy truly does come in the morning! By faith, we surely know that this restless night will end, and we who wait will see Your glory and know the full power of the resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ! …