2 minute read
I could never paint like that
As you flip through this edition of Elevate Your Art Magazine, you may find yourself saying, “I could never paint like that!” Chances are -- you’re right, but... not for the reason you believe!
Most people see artwork created at the level of the artists included in this magazine and automatically assume they weren’t born with some level of talent that they simply werent graced with. Nothing could be farther from the truth! This is a lie that Rufus loves to tell. (Not sure who Rufus is? Check out the article later in this edition.)
Every artist in this magazine began at the exact same place — painting simple fruit, fabric, and eggs. Over time, they have gradually added more and more advanced techniques to their skillset, which has allowed them to tackle more complex subjects. As they’ve advanced in skill, more and more unique artwork begins to emerge.
So why do I say you could never paint like them? Because no two artists can ever be alike!
While learning the basic skills needed to create a firm painting foundation, you will see a lot of similarities in the work budding artists are creating. But the more advanced in skills artists become, the more they begin to diverge in style. So much so that even though I am teaching them the techniques and providing them with the exact brushes I use — I cannot recreate the work they are creating! I find that completely fascinating. The reality is you don’t want to create the kind of work you’re seeing in this magazine. This is why learning tool mastery is so much more important than just “learning to paint like X artist.” When you master the tools, you can paint anything you want in any style you want. You want to create artwork that is uniquely yours. Tool mastery is what facilitates this ability.
So how does one learn tool mastery? By beginning at the beginning.
In this inaugural edition of Elevate Your Art Magazine, I’d like to invite you to try painting in Photoshop with some complimentary beginner painting exercises. Exercises like these are exactly where every artist in this magazine began. I have full confidence that if you can complete these exercises, you will be able to create the kind of amazing work you see here with your own personal flair. All it takes is deliberate practice, adding new, more complex skills as you progress, and a decision to never settle for the status quo.