Programme Governance
The PSG is the overarching decision-making authority for the Programme. The Programme has also consulted on (and agreed) the BSC governance arrangements. They ensure that the Programme can make decisions on behalf of the industry, to which it is accountable, if it has engaged and consulted with them beforehand. The arrangements will be supported by an Independent Performance Assurance Agent (IPA) to be appointed by Ofgem. More detail on the governance arrangements appears on the MHHS Programme website. As mentioned in the Overview, Expleo Technology UK Limited (with its subsidiary company, Moorhouse Consulting Limited) is the LDP for the Programme. The LDP will provide overarching programme management capabilities along with the Programme Management Office, Programme Party Coordinator and Systems Integration functions. Throughout the tender process, Expleo focused on value for money and proposed a high degree of cost certainty for delivery.
The costs for consultants will be reported regularly to both the MHHS Programme Steering Group (which includes representatives from Suppliers, network companies and Citizens Advice) and Elexon’s Board, therefore there will be regular oversight of the costs. The MHHS Implementation Manager also has contractual arrangements in place to manage the costs and mitigate the impact should there be any delays on progression of the programme. If delays occur there will be other costs that may not be easy to mitigate, for example, those that are more fixed in nature, as well, of course, the potential impact of benefits realised later than assumed.
The priority work areas for the Programme in 2022/23 include:
Facilitating and co-ordinating meetings with industry to progress the Programme’s work
Designing and building the new ‘event-driven’ architecture which will support the major increase in data processing required once MHHS is implemented
Finalising the detailed design of the Programme and providing the design artefacts to industry
Ensuring that Programme Participants are developing their own internal systems and processes to be ready for the migration testing starting in 2023
Making changes to the energy codes to support MHHS implementation, following the outcomes of the Code Change and Development Group (CCDG) work, and detailed design recommendations