KÕIK ON KORRALDATAV Vabasta oma põrand – riputa oma lükanduksed TAGASI LOODUSESSE - PUIDU TREND Geniaalne hoiustamine - mesh jagajad
Sobib mõlemile nii astu sisse riisekapile kui ka ruumi jagajale*!
Vabasta oma põrand Elamine Elfaga on lihtne. Meie uus ülemise riputamise optsioon meie kvaliteetsetele ustele Estetic ja Artic tõstab lükanduksed põrandalt - vabastades teie põranda ja teie meele. Ülevalt riputatud uksed tunduvad hõljuvatena suspensionis põranda kohal - pakkudes oivalise voolava atmosfääri. Kuna ei ole alumist siini, siis ei ole ka piire - teie kodu tundub ruumikam ja samas lihtsalt puhastatavaks.
Sisaldab pehmet sulgemist mõlemas suunas
Seinast seina, laest põrandani teie eluruum ei tundu kunagi väiksena. Selle asemel ta kiirgab harmooniat ja balanseeritust. Milline tohutu täiendus teie oivaliste lükanduste optsioonidele.
Estetic ja Artic - nüüd samuti ilma alumise siinita!
Teie kodul on puhas lakooniline ilme, kuna ei ole alumist siini! Ülevalt riputatud uksed tunduvad hõljuvatena suspensionis põranda kohal
Pehme sulgemine mõlemas suunas on alati kaasas ülevalt riputatavate lükanduste optsiooniga.
Väga lihtne puhastada kombinatsioonis seinale riputatud interjööriga.
*vaadake infot laiuste ja piirangute kohta järgmistel lehekülgedel
Ei ole alumist siini ei ole piire Meie uued ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed avardavad teie maailma. Kui ei ole alumist siini teie põrandaruum tundub laiem, loob nähtamatu ülemineku ühest ruumist teise. Sisestage kontoriruum teie kappi, kombineerige magamistuba eluruumiga. Teie saate teha kõike - teie kujutlusvõime on ainsaks piiranguks. Lõdvestage ja nautige igat momenti meie aruka ja stiilse lahenduse organiseerimisega. Elu on lihtne Elfaga.
...ja koristamine on ka lihtne! Interjööri, toodetega ja lükandustega "eemal põrandast", koristamine on väga kiire ja lihtne. Ilma alumise siinita ei kogune tolmu ega liiva siinis. Taolised väikesed detailid muudavad kõik mugavaks.
Piiratud ruum pakub piiramata võimalusi. Uue ülevalt riputamise optsiooniga esitate väljakutse vanadele harjumustele ja loote uue elu. Miks mitte jagada avatud plaani tsoonideks - teie saate lihtsalt sobitada ruumi jagaja mõõduka suurusega ruumi. Ei ole piiranguid heaks planeerimiseks: miks mitte kombineerida eluruumi magamistoa/magamistsooniga ja säilitada õhulise tunde oma kodus! Teie võite samuti sobitada väikese kontori oma astu sisse riidekappi. Seejärel sulgege oma laptop, pange oma töölaua eemale ja sulgege lükanduksed. Teie töö on nüüd väljaspool pilku ja eemal mõtetest.
Esmalt otsustage ülevalt riputamise optsiooni kohta - jah või ei.
Seejärel kavandage vastavad interjööri tooted
Soovitused lae kohta
Esmaklassiline igati
Koos teie poolt tellitud lahendusega ei saadeta kinnituskruvisi lae jaoks. Valige kinnituselemendid vastavalt lae materjalile. Soovitatavaks lae materjaliks lükanduste ülevalt riputamiseks on puit, betoon, kipsplaat või muud tugevamad materjalid. Õhemad kontori või ripplagesid ei soovitata ülevalt riputatavate lükanduste jaoks.
Kui arendasime uut ülevalt riputatavat optsiooni meie lükandustele, meie tõesti mõtlesime detailidele ja püüdsime pakkuda parima lahenduse turul. Tulemus räägib enesest ise - ülevalt riputamise optsioon on esmaklassiline igati.
Soovitused kipslae kohta:
Tehtud mõõdu järgi - ja ekstra kohandatav
• 2 uksega lahendus – sobib minimaalselt üks puidust detail 60 cm sees ülemise siini keskel.
• 3 ust või enam – sobib minimaalselt 2 puidust detaili. Kõik meie lükanduksed on tehtud mõõdu järgi, kuid meie ülevalt riputamise NEW! Free your floor with top hung op FRAMED SLIDING DOORS 1 puitu ei ole: • Lihtne kipslagi, FRAMED SLIDINGkuiDOORS optsioonid eeldavad ekstra mõõdu järgi tehtud ilmet. Meie nutikad leiutisid katte jaoks 1 Soft-close always included! Kaalu tõttu - maksimaalne avamise kõrgus: 2700 mm ja maksimaalne ukse laius: 1100 mm. lubavad reguleerida 20 mm kõrguselt ja 14 mm (-6/+8 mm) laiuselt, • Kipslae puhul meie soovitame kasutada Elfa ankrupolte kood 471890 kindlustada mõõdu järgi tehtud ilme - isegi kui mõõdud on vähekese valed. U-shaped and strict – with a Scandinavian lightness Robust and functionally grip-friendly – gently
Ülevalt riputamise optsiooniga on alati kaasas pehme sulgemine FRAMED DOORS 1 - tõeline esmaklassilisuse tunnus. PehmeSLIDING sulgemine kindlustab uste sujuva sulgumise mõlemas suunas.
ARTIC U-shaped and strict –
light, sliding door frame. The almost perpendicular aluminum profile is robust and is designed to be centric – in other words looks the same on both sides, which makes it perfect as a room divider or U-shaped and strict door into a walk-in closet.
– with a
FRAMED SLIDING DOORS 1 Artic is also highly versatile when it comes to
aluminum profile is robust and is designed to be but also a design you The frame is centric – in other words looks the centric – in other words looks the same on both The frame is centric – same on both sides, which makes it perfect as U-shaped strict – with a Scandinavian lightness Scandinavian lightness Robust andfunctionally functionallygrip-friendly grip-friendly –gently gentl U-shaped and strict a NEW! Scandinavian lightness Robust and sides, which makes it perfect as aand room divider–orwith same on– both sides,R w Free your floor with top hung option. a room divider or door into a walk-in closet. NEW! Free your floor with top hung option. door into a walk-in closet. a room divider or doo NEW! Free your floor with top hung option. Soft-close always included!
Artic is also highly versatile when it comes to features. It can be chosen with our multi patented soft closing function as well as with integrated LED-lighting. It can also be slope-cut to fit angled roof rooms.
Et säilitada lükanduksed stabiilsetena avamisel ja sulgemisel, tuleb kinnitada põranda külge "põrandapulgad" (teibiga või kruvidega).
Width/door*: 400-1600 mm (extra wide available)
Soft-closing LED-light Can be slope cut Wall hung top track Pre-taped track set Triple track set Single milled track set Top hung sliding door (no bottom track)
Height*: 400**-3300 mm (extra high available)
Avamise võimalused
Top track: Rail upper/lower: 53 mm same as frame colour FACTS Designs and fillings: Choose Bottom track: among all design and filling families. Width/door*: 400-1600 mm same as frame colour (extra wide available) * Top hung option: Frame width: 40 mm Height*: 400**-3300 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm Height/door: 1800-2700 mm Overlap: mm (extra high40available)
Single milled track set Max. height designs for extra wide doors hung sliding Plain Top - max. height 1200 door mm OPTIONS (no bottom- track) Duo, Trio Expand max. height 2500 mm AdaptMore - height mm and/ field price- 1200 for options,
Soft-closing see page 48-49.
White Note!LED-light Melamine wood and Veneer Canwood be slope horizontal grain.cut Matte silver Wall hung track EXTRA WIDEtop DOORS EXTRA HIGH DOORS Doors between 1247 mm are Pre-taped track set- 1600Bronze asbetween extra wide doors. Doorsconsidered with height 2700 - 3300 mm Divider height: mm Triple track set Frame: aluminium Sanded black **Price reduction for extra31,5 low doors. are considered as extra high doors. Choose all See page 47. Single milledexcept trackfor setextra (structured Max. for the widePlain. doors models andheight fillingsdesigns model Rail track: upper/lower: 53 mm Top Top hung sliding door Plain - max. height 1200 mmmatte) same as frame colour Designs and fillings: Choose (no bottom track) Duo, Trio Expand - max. height 2500 mm Adapt - max. height / field - 1200 mm among alltrack: design and filling families. Bottom
Julgestuskronstein Tracksets
see page 48-49.
Frame width: 40 mm
* Top hung option: Frame width: 40 mm EXTRA WIDE DOORS Width/door: 700-1600 mm Track1800-2700 set Doors between 1247 - 1600 mm are Height/door: Top track Overlap: 40 mm mm depth (mm) 1 cover considered as extra wide doors. **Price reduction for31,5 extra mm low doors. Divider height: Single 54,4 Max. height designs for extra wide doors See page 47. 53 mm 54,4 Plain - max. height 1200 mm Plain***Rail upper/lower: Single (milled) ** Duo, Trio Expand - max. height 2500 mm Designs and*** fillings: Choose Adapt - max. height / field - 1200 mm Double 97,0
Rail upper/lower: 53 mm
same as frame colour
More info and price for options,
see page 48-49. Note! Melamine wood and Veneer horizontal wood grain.
EXTRA WIDE DOORS Bottom Top track Top track EXTRA HIGH DOORS Doors between 1247 - 1600 mm are track height 2 covers Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 mm considered as extra wide doors. are considered as42,0 extra high doors. Choose all 60,0 50 Examples models and fillings except for thewide model Plain. Max. height designs for extra doors 60,0 15,5 50 Plain - max. height 1200 mm Duo, Trio Expand84,5 - max. height 102,5 502500 mm Duo Adapt - max. height / field - 1200 mm 145,0 127,0 50 Duo low Note! Melamine wood and Veneer 117,0 91 Duo highwood ------horizontal grain.
Ülevalt riputatud uste avamine erinebDesigns tavaliste põrandal libistatavate lükanduste avamisest, kui tellitakse and fillings: Choose among all design and filling families. among all design and filling families. neli ust või enam. Ukse avamine on piiratud "põrandapulkadega", mis tähendab, et uks saab liikuda oma Design oma täispikkuses ühes suunas ja tagasi. Vaadake tutvumaks juhendiga avamise Trio võimalustest. Trio center * Top hung option: Width/door: 700-1600 mm Height/door: 1800-2700 mm
Ülevalt riputatud uksed, näide 1 <--------
-----> 2
NEW! Free your floor with top hung
Kokkuvõte hinnakirjast
Note! Melamine wood and Veneer horizontal wood grain.
Top track Eelteibitud siini1265 komplekt Pre-taped track set Eelteibitus siini komplekt Pre-taped track set Doors between - 1600 mm are Frame width: 54 mm Overlap: 40 mm Top track Track set Bottom Top track between 1247 - 1600 mm are Bronze Bronze Top track Top track Bronze depth (mm) 2 covers Doorstrack Kolmik siini Kolmik siini komplekt Triple track set height Overlap: 54 mm Raam: alumiinium 1 cover Frame: aluminium Triple track set Frame: aluminium Frame: aluminium considered askomplekt extra wide doors. alumiinium depth (mm)Raam: 1 cover 2 covers track height considered as extra wide doors. Overlap: 54 mm DividerFACTS height: 31,5 mm Sanded black Sanded black Sanded black OPTIONS Single milled track set Üksik freesitud siini komplekt Üksik freesitud siini komplekt Single milled track set Single 54,4 60,0 42,0 50 OPTIONS Ülemine siin: Top track: as frame Ülemine siin: sama värvi kui colour raam 42,0 Top track: FACTS Top track: same as frame col Divider height: 31,5 mm Max. forkomplekt Single 54,4same 60,0 50 designs (height structured (structured (structured riputatav lükanduks Top hung sliding door White Top hung sliding door Max. height designs forOPTIONS extra wide doors Ülevalt riputatav siini Divider height: 31,5 m Rail upper/lower: 53FACTS mm Soft-closing Width/door*: 400-1600 mmÜlevalt White same as frame Single (milled) **colour 54,4400-1600 60,0 15,5 50 extra wide doors Soft-closing Width/door*: mm (no Sama värvi, nagu raam matte) matte) matte) OPTIONS FACTS - LED-light max.siinita) height 1200 mm bottom track) (no bottom Bottom track colour: Bottom track colour: Alumise siini värvus: Rail upper/lower: 53 mm (ilma alumise siinita) Matte silver silver (ilmaPlain alumise (extra wide available) Single (milled) ** 54,4 60,0 15,5 50track) Track set Rail upper/lower: PlainWhite - max. height 1200 mm Matte Top track, 53 Top LED-light (extra available) Width/door*: mm Designs andwide fillings: Choose 102,5 400-1600 Duo, Trio Expand -50 max. Soft-closing height 2500 mm Alumine siin: Bottom track: Double *** 97,0 84,5 Innocent birch: white Innocent Innocent birch: valge Bronze Canoptsioonidest be slope cutoptions, (mm) birch:1 white cover 2 co Rohkem kohta hindadest depth More info and price/ field for Rohkem infot ja hindadest More infoinfot andoptsioonide price forheight options, Duo,Matte Trio Expand - max. 2500ja mm Soft-closing Width/door*: 400-1600 mm 84,5 and fillings: Choose Bronze beheight slope cut Adapt Can - max. - 1200 mm LED-light (extrafamilies. wide available) among all design and Double *** Design 97,0 102,5 50 silver Height*: 400-3300 mm Sama värvi nagu400-3300 raamfilling same as frame colour Height*: mm 145,0 Adapt - max. height field - 1200 mm Design and fillings: C Wall hung top track vaata hinnakirja lk /48-49 vaata lk 48-49 seehinnakirja page page 48-49. Weathered grey oak: matte Weathered grey oak: matte60, si Weathered grey oak: matt hõbe silver see LED-light (extra wide available) among all designs and filling Triple 139,5 127,0 50 Wall48-49. hung top track Bronze Can be slope cut Single 54,5 (extra high available) (extra high available) Height*: 400**-3300 among all designs and f Pre-tapedwood track setVeneer Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 Can 50 Note!mm Melamine and be slope cut *Ülevalt riputamise optsioon: White Others: same as frame colur Muud: sama värvi, kui raam Others: same as frame colur Frame width: 40 mm f Pre-taped track Wall set hung top track NEW! Note! Melamine wood and veneer Height*: 400**-3300 mm ------Top hung Frame: 113,0 117,0 91 Single (milled) ** 54,5 60, Triple track set (extra high available) families. aluminium horizontal wood grain. EXTRA WIDE DOORS Wall hung top track EXTRA WIDE DOORS NEW! Laius/uks: 700-1600 mm Triple track set Frame: Pre-taped ------horizontal wood grain. Matte silvertrack set EXTRA WIDE DOORS Top hung 113,0 91 Overlap: 40 mmaluminium Frame width: 54 mm117,0 Bottom Frame width: 54 mm Overlap: (extra high available) Single milled track setare Track BottomRAAMID: Top tracktrack set Track40 setmm Bottom Track set set Top track Doors between 1247 - Top 1600 mm Doors between 1247 - 1600 mmtrack are *Ülevalt riputamise optsioon Top track track Topas track Top track Top track TopTop track Pre-taped Single milled track settrack Doors between 1265 - 1600 Doors between 1265 - 1600 mmmm are are Double **** Top hung 97,0 102 Triple set Frame: aluminium Top track: same frame colour Kõrgus/uks: 1800 - 2700 mm option: EXTRA HIGH DOORS Bronze depth (mm) Laius/uks: 1700-1600 cover 2 covers track Sanded height depth (mm) 1 cover 2considered covers track height depth (mm) 1 cover 2 covers track height considered as extra wide doors. Top track: same as frame colour as extra wide doors. mm Top hung sliding door grey * Divider mm Overlap: 54 mm Triple track set Overlap: 54 mm Divider height: 31,531,5 mm Overlap: 54 mm Frame: aluminium considered as extra wide doors. EXTRA HIGH DOORS considered as extra wide doors. ** 15,5 mm ofheight: the bottom track is visible. Total width under floor is 30 mm. Top hung sliding door Single milled Liivatatud hall* Doors (no withbottom height between 2700 - 3300track mm set Width/door: 700-1600 mm mm Total width under floor Triple 139,5 145 track) ** 15,5 mm ofKõrgus/uks: the bottom1800-2700 track is visible. is with 30 mm. Bottom track colour: Sanded black track: same as frame colour between 2700 - 3300 *** included the pricetrack whenTop not choosing other trackset option milled track set Sanded black * Single 50 height Single in 54,4 60,0 42,0 50 Single 54,454,4 60,060,0 42,042,0 Doors 50Single (no bottom track) Bottom colour: are considered as extra high doors. Choose all Top hung sliding door Height/door: 1800-2700 Max. height designs for extra wide doors Max. height designs for extra wide doors Liivatatud must* upper/lower: 53 mm Divider height: 31,5 Divider height: 31,5 mm mm RailRail upper/lower: 53 mm Divider 31,5 mm Topheight: track: same asmm frame colourMax. Sanded *** included in the price when not choosing other trackset option See page 47. Max. height designs for height designs for mm are considered as extra highgrey doors.* (structured Innocent birch: white trackPlain Top hung sliding door More info and price for andheight fillings except the options, model Plain. Innocent birch ** Plain - max. -models max. height 12001200 mm (noforbottom track) colour: Top hung NEW! 113, 0 117 Innocent white More and price for options, Single (milled) ** 54,4 60,0 15,5extra 50 Single (milled) ** birch:Bottom 54,4 60,0 15,5info 50mm Single (milled) ** 54,4 60,0 15,5 50 extra wide doors wide doors Choose all models and fillings except for Innocent birch ** Sanded black * matte) Designs and fillings: Choose **Price reduction extra l upper/lower: 53 Rail upper/lower: 53for mm Designs and fillings: Choose (no bottomgrey track) Rail upper/lower: mmmm Bottom track53 colour: see page 48-49. Weathered grey oak: silver Trio Expand - max. height 2500 Duo,Duo, Trio -ofmax. height 2500 mm NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you matte must consider theExpand depth the track set. For all mm SeeRail page 47. Track Weathered oak ** Track set set - max. height 1200 mm** Plain -ofmax. height 1200 mm Innocent birch: white see page 48-49. thePlain model Plain. Top track,TopTo Weathered grey oak: matte silver Top track, tr More and price for options, Weathered grey oak NOTE! When planning a 97,0 wardrobe you must the depth the track set. For all See page 47 Innocent birch ** depth Adapt height - 1200 mm Adapt - max. height / to field -50 1200 mminfo solutions a double track set is filling included in the price. Can be- max. changed a/ field single track set among all design and families. among all design and filling families. Double 102,5consider 84,5 50 Double *** 97,0 102,5 84,5 Double *** *** 97,0 102,5 84,5 50 NOTE! When planning a1 .wardrobe you depth (mm) cover 2m c Innocent birch: white (mm) 1 cover 2 cove Others: same as frame colur Duo, Trio Expand max. height 2500 mm Duo, Trio Expand max. height 2500 mm More info and price for options, Design and fillings: Choose Design and fillings: Choose Design page 48-49. Weathered grey oak:top matte silveras thesee solutions a double trackand set isfillings: included Choose in the price. Can be changed to a single track set samesolutions as frame colur upon request.Others: Room dividing come with two track fronts top track double track set is included in the price Weathered grey oak a** Adapt - max. height / field - 1200 Adapt -see max. height / field - 1200 mmmm page 48-49. Weathered grey oak: matte silver *Struktureeritud matt among all designs and filling among all designs and filling Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 50 Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 50 Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 50 among all designs and filling upon request. Room dividing solutions come with two top track fronts as the top track EXTRA WIDE DOORS Note! Melamine wood and Veneer Note! Melamine wood and Veneer Single 54,5 60 Single 54,5 60,0 is visible from both sides. The single track set includes a rail up to twice the width of the Frame width:Others: 54 mm same as frame EXTRA * structured matte colur WIDE DOORS Room dividing solutions come with two Top hung option: width: * Top* hung option: Frame 54 mm is visible fromfamilies. both sides. The single track set includes a rail up ** to mantled twice thewood width of the Doors between 1265 - 1600 mm are families. families. horizontal wood grain. 1265 horizontal wood grain. **Melamiin puit, door.Width/door: The triple track set and single milled track set are options. melamine, The single track set includes a rail up to t NEW! NEW!NEW! Others: same as frame colur Note! wood and veneer Doors - 1600 mmDOORS are wood and veneer - matte 700-1600 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm -------Note! -------between -------options. * structured 113,0 117,0 91Melamine Top hung 113,0 width: 117,0 91 EXTRA Top Top hung 113,0 117,0 91Melamine Single (milled) Single (milled) ** **54,554,5 60,060 WIDE Overlap: 54 mm door.hung The triple track set and single milled track set are considered as extra wide doors. Frame 54 mm considered buffer list has been replaced milled track set are options. Overlap: 54mm mm horizontal wood grain. as extra widebetween doors. 1265 - 1600 mm are horizontal wood grain. Height/door: 1800-2700 Height/door: 1800-2700 mm ** wood melamine, EXTRA WIDE DOORS Doors * Top hung option: * Top hung option: * Top hung option: Frame width: 54 mm EXTRA HIGH DOORS EXTRA HIGH DOORS by end caps at the top and bottom Alumine siin Ülemise Ülemine siin Ülemine Siini komplekt siini siin Double *** 10 Double *** 97,097,0 102,5 Divider height: 31,5 mm Doors between 1265 1600 mm are Overlap: 54 mm considered as extra Max. height designs for Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 mm wide doors. Doors with height between 2700 3300 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm Divider height: 31,5 mm of the door. 1 kate sügavus mm kõrgus 2 katet EXTRA HIGH DOORS Max. height designs for ** 15,5 of bottom the bottom is54 visible. Total width under 30 mm. DOORS ** 15,5 mm of trackdoors. is visible. Total width under floor is 30 mm. ** 15,5 mm mm of the tracktrack is visible. Total width under floorfloor isEXTRA 30ismm. HIGH **Price reduction forbottom extra **Price reduction forthe extra low low doors. Overlap: mm considered as extra wide doors. extra wide doors are considered as extra high doors. Choose are considered as extra high doors. Choose all all 1800-2700 mm Height/door: 1800-2700 Height/door: 1800-2700 mm Triple 139,5mm 145,0 14 Triple 139,5 Rail upper/lower: 53choosing mm Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 extra wide doors included in price the Height/door: price when not choosing other trackset option *** included the price when other trackset option *** *** included in the when not choosing other trackset option Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 page 47. inupper/lower: See See page 47. Rail Divider height: 31,5 mm Üksik Track set Bottom Top track Max. height designs for 54,4not 53 mm models Plain - max. height 1200 mm 60 ,0 42,0 Top track, Top track, models and fillings except for themm model Plain. and Plain fillings except for50 the model Plain. Track set Plain*** Top track mm are considered as extra doors. Examples - max. height 1200 Divider height: 31,5 areMax. considered extra high doors. Examples Top track, Top track,mm Bottom NEW!NEW! height as designs forhigh depth (mm) 1 cover 2 covers track mmheight Duo, Trio Expand -extra max. wide heightdoors 2500 mm **Price reduction for extra doors. hung 113, 0 low117, 11 **Price reduction for door reduction for extra low low doors. TopTop hung 0 extra 0 Design and fillings: Choose depth (mm) **Price 1 cover 2 covers track height Rail 53 mm PlainÜksik *** Design Plain *** 113, Choose all models fillings except Duo,15,5 Trio Expand -50 max. height 2500 mm Choose allAlumine models and and fillings except for for and Choose Ülemine siin Ülemine siin freesitud ** a fillings: 54,4upper/lower: 60,0 extra wide doors Siini komplekt Ülemine siin Plain - max. height 1200 mm Adapt max. height / field 1200 mm NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you must consider the depth of the track set. For all NOTE! When planning wardrobe you must consider the depth of the track set. For all NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you must consider the depth of the track set. For all ** 15,5 mm of the page See page 47. SeeSee page 47. 47. Rail 53 mm42,0 the the among all designs and filling model Plain. Adapt - max. height / field - 1200 mm model Plain. ** 15,5 mm the Single 54,5upper/lower: 60,0 50 Plain Track set - track max. height 1200of kateprice. 2be katet sügavus mmin the alumisest Top track, designs and filling Duo, Trio Expand 2500 mm solutions a double set is included in1price. the changed to track settrack solutions among a doubleall track setDesign is included in the price. Can be changed to a single track set - max. height solutions a double tracktrack set is included Can Can be changed to50 aDuo single set bottom ismm ** 15,5 mm Single 54,5 60,0 42,0 t a single siin kõrgus NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you mu 50 Kaksik families. *** 97,0 and fillings: 102,5 Choose 84,5 bottom- max. track is depth (mm) 1 cover Triotrack Expand height 2500 siinistmm on nähtav. Kogu Adapt - max. height - 1200 mm Note! Melamine and veneer - / fieldupon upon request. Room dividing solutions come two top track fronts as top the top track Total width upon request. Room dividing solutions come withand two top track fronts aswood the top track families. request. Room dividing solutions come withwith two top15,5 track fronts asDuo, the Design and fillings: Choose visible. Duo a double is included in the pric a double tracktrack set set is included in the price. C Single (milled) ** Üksik 54,5 60,0 50 among all designs filling Note! Melamine wood and veneer visible. width1200 54,5 60,0 42,0 50Total Single (milled) **sides. 54,5 60,0includes 15,5 Duo Adapt - width max. height / field mmpõrandal laius on 30dividing mm is visible The single track setand includes aup railtouptwice to 50 twice thelow of the is visible The139,5 single track set145,0 includes ahorizontal rail 127,0 up to wood twice grain. the is visible fromfrom bothboth sides. The single set a rail the width ofunder the floor is 30- mm. Room solutions come Room dividing solutions come withwith twotwo top Kolmikfrom among alltrack designs filling 50 width of the * Top both hungsides. option: Single 54,5 horizontal wood grain. families. under floor is 30 mm. Duo low Top hung Note! Melamine wood and veneer - triple Double *** 97,0 102,5 50Duo door. The set and single milled track set options. are84,5 options. door. The *triple track option: set and single milled track set are options. door. The triple tracktrack set Üksik and single milled track set are The single track set includes a rail up to The single track set includes a rail up to tw (freesitud) ** 54,5 60,0 15,5 50 high families. Double *** 97,0 102,5 84,5 50 Note! Melamine Width/door: 700-1600 mm *** -On hinna sees, kui ei *** included in the wood and veneer
Frame Tracksets
Tracksets Tracksets
Tracksets Tracksets
Siini komplektid Design
Design Design
Design Tracksets Tracksets Siini komplektid
NEW! * Top hung Topoption: hung 113,0 Width/door: 700-1600 mm UUS! 700-1600 mm horizontal wood grain. EXTRA -------HIGH DOORS Width/door: high Ül. riputat. 117,0 Duo 91 Single ** 54,5 milled track set options. milled track set (milled) are are options. 113,0 *** included in the * Top hung EXTRA HIGH DOORS EXTRA HIGH DOORS Height/door: 1800-2700 mm option: Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 50 horizontal ole valitud muu siinide price grain. when not Height/door: 1800-2700 mm Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 Kaksik *** 97,0 102,5 50 84,5 wood Height/door: 1800-2700 mm Triple 139,5 145,0 127,0 * Top hung option: price 50 when not EXTRA HIGH DOORS with height between 2700 - 3300 Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 mm Width/door: 700-1600 mm Doors optsioon choosing other Double *** 97,0 mm are considered as extra highDOORS doors. EXTRA HIGH ** 15,5 mm of the bottom track is visible. Total width under floor is 30 mm. **Price reduction for extra low doors. NEW! Width/door: 700-1600 mm Trio choosing other mm are considered as extra high doors. Doors with height between 2700 - 3300 mm ------are considered as extra high doors. Choose all **Price **Price reduction foron extra low1800-2700 doors. Top hung 113, 0 117, 0 91 Height/door: mm NEW! Kolmik 139,5 145,0 127,0 50 trackset option EXTRA HIGH DOORS ** 15,5 mm alumisest siinist nähtav. Kogu laius põrandal on 30 mm reduction for extra low doors. Choose all models and fillings except for ------Doors with height between 2700 3300 *** included in the price when not choosing other trackset option See page 47. Trio **Price reduction for extra low doors. Top hung 113, 0 117, 0 mm 91 trackset option Choose all models and fillings except for are considered as extra high doors. Choose all Height/door: 1800-2700 Examples Examples Examples See page 47. models and fillings except for the model Plain. See page 47. Triple 139,5 Trio Doorscenter with height between 2700 - 3300 the model Plain. mm are considered as extra high doors. See page 47 . *** On hinna sees, kui ei ole valitud muu siinide optsioon Plain *** Plain*** Plain *** Plain *** Plain *** UUS! Examples Plain *** thedoors. model Plain. Examples models and fillings except for the model Plain. Trio center **Price reduction for extra low NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you must consider the depth of mm the ------track set. For91 all as solutions Ül.riputat. 113,consider 0 117, 0 of are considered extra high doors. Choose all models and fillings except NEW! NOTE!for When planning a wardrobe you for must the depth the track set. For all solutions expand Trio expand **Price reduction extrabe low doors. Top hung 113, 0 NOTE! When planning a wardrobe you Trio must consider the depth of the track set. For all See page 47. a double track set is included in the price. Can changed to a single track set upon request. Choose all models and fillings except for the model Trio expand a double track set is included the Can be changed to a single track set upon request. Märkus! Riidekapi planeerimisel peate arvestama siinikomplekti sügavusega. KõigiPlain. lahenduste See come pagein47 . price. solutions a double track set is included in the price. Room dividing solutions with two top track fronts as the topTrio track is visible from both sides. Trio highCan be changed to a single track set high the model Plain. Duo Duo Duo Duo Duo Room dividing solutions come with planeerimisel two top trackpeate fronts as the top track is visible from both sides. Märkus! Riidekapi arvestama siinikomplekti Kõigi lahenduste puhul kaksik siini komplekt on hinna sees. Saab vahetada vajadusel üksik siini komplektiga. Trio high upon request. Room dividing solutions come with two top track fronts as the top track NOTE! When planning a wardrobe The single track set includes a rail up to twice the width of the door. The triplesügavusega. track set and single The single track set includes rail up to twice the width the door. The triple track set siini andkomplektiga. single kaksika siini komplekt on hinna sees.ofSaab vahetada vajadusel üksik Kasutamisel ruumi jagajana tarnitakse kahe ülemise siinilow esiküljega, kuna on nähtav mõlemalt Duo low Duo low Duo low Duo low is visible from both sides. The single track setDuo includes a rail up to twice the width of the a double track set is included in the milled track set arepuhul options. milled track set areKasutamisel options. ruumi jagajana tarnitakse kahe ülemise siini esiküljega, kuna on nähtav mõlemalt poolt. Üksik siini komplektil relssi pikkus on kahekordne ukse laius. Kolmik siini komplekt ja door. The triple track set and single milled track set are options. Room dividing solutions come with Duo high Duo high Duo high Duo high Duo high poolt. Üksik siini komplektil relssi pikkus on kahekordne ukse laius. Kolmik siini komplekt ja Quattro Quattro üksik freesitud siini komplekt on optsioonid. The single track set includes a rail u ADAPT ADAPT Quattro üksik freesitud siini komplekt on optsioonid. milled track set are options. <-----> <----Quattro center Quattro center 1 3 ADAPT ADAPT DESIGN YOUR DESIGN YOUR Design: Duo low Plain Design: Duo high Quattro center Plain *** Examples Trio Trio Trio DESIGN YOURDesign: DESIGN YOUR Trio Trio OWN DOOR OWN DOOR Design: Plain Design: Duo -----> <-----> Plain*** Examples Penta Penta Design: Duo low Design: Plain Design: Duo high 2 4
Design 4 ----->
Soft-close always included!
Tellige oma ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed kasutades online Elfa professionaali abi või kasutage meie täiustatud tellimise vorme.
DoorsPre-taped between 1247 track- 1600 set mm are considered extra wide doors. Triple as track set
Divider height: 31,5 mm Frame: aluminium
same as frame colour
Divider height: 31,5 mm
Lae lähedal monteeritakse meie lisajulgestus kronsteinid, mis kinnitatakse Frame: aluminium küljeseintele, mis kindlustavad, et uksed Top track: libisevad ainult alla põrandale same as frame colour ja lõpetavad toimimise, kui montaaž lakke Bottom track: üles ütleb. More info and price for options, Overlap: 40 mm
Soft-close always Estetic is ourincluded! most versatile door in terms Soft-closeEstetic always included! Artic is our also highly versatile it comes to Estetic is our most ve Artic is U-shaped, strict, yet Scandinavianly is -exclusive and beautiful. The gentle, Artic is our U-shaped, strict, yetwhen Scandinavianly is exclusive and bea Estetic is exclusive beautiful. The gentle, ofEstetic features like ourand soft-closing function for features. It can beframe. chosen with our multi patented of features our s light, sliding door almost perpendicular yet robust, profile is functionally grip-friendly light, sliding door frame. TheThe almost perpendicular yet robust, profile- like is functio yet robust, profile is functionally grip-friendly a more gentle touch as well as integrated soft closing function as and well integrated a more gentle touch aluminum profile is robust and iswith designed to be functionally grip-friendly but also agently design want to touch and aluminum profile is robust isasdesigned to and be but also a design you wanta but also a–design youyou want touch and feel. Robust designed LED-lighting. It can also beto slope-cut to fit feel. Robust and grip-friendly –isgently designed NEW! Available bottom track! NEW! Available without track! LED-lighting. It can also bethe slope-cut to on fitRobust angledfunctionally LED-lighting. It –can al centric in other words looks the same both The frame is centric – gently in other words looks centric – in–bottom other words looks same on both The without frame is centric in ot The frame centric –– in other words looks thethe with and functionally grip-friendly designed angled roof rooms. NEW! Available without bottom track! with a Scandinavian lightness Robust and –which gen roofwhich rooms. roof rooms. sides, which makes it perfect a room divider same both sides, which makes it perfect sides, makes it perfect as as a room divider or or sameangled on both sides, same onon both sides, which makes it perfect as asfunctionally grip-friendly door a walk-in closet. a room divider door into a walk-in closet. door intointo a walk-in closet. a room divider or door into a room divider or or door into a walk-in closet. Frame Frame Estetic is is exclusive exclusive and and beautiful. beautiful. The The gentle, gentle, Estetic Frame Estetic exclusive and beautiful. The gentle, videotwhen yet robust, profile isiswhen functionally grip-friendly Artic is also highly versatile when it comes to Artic is is Montaaži also highly versatile it comes to Estetic is is our most versatile door in The terms yet robust, profile is functionally grip-friendly Artic is also highly versatile it comes to Estetic is our most versatil Estetic is our most versatile door inOPTIONS terms OPTIONS FACTS FACTS Artic our U-shaped, strict, yet Scandinavianly Estetic exclusive and beautiful. gentle, OPTIONS FACTS FACTS yetchosen robust, profile is functionally but also design you want to touch and feel. feel.grip-friendly võib vaadata features. It can be with multi patented features. It400-1600 can beframe. chosen with our multi patented features - like soft-closing function but also aa design you want to touch and features. It can be chosen with ourour multi patented of features - like our soft-cl of of features - like ourour soft-closing function forfor light, sliding door The almost perpendicular yet robust, profile is functionally grip-friendly Soft-closing Soft-closing Width/door*: mm Width/door*: 400-1600 mm also a––asdesign you want to touch The frame frame isbut centric inas other words looks the and feel. Soft-closing Width/door*: 400-1600 mm Width/door*: closing function as well with integrated softwide closing function as welland asLED-light with integrated a(extra more gentle touch as well integrated The is centric in other words looks the softsoft closing function as well with integrated a more gentle touch 400-160 as we LED-light (extra available) wide available) a more gentle touch asyou well as as integrated aluminum profile is robust is designed to be but also a design want to touch and feel. LED-light (extra wideon available) (extra wide available) The frame is centric – in other words same both sides, which makes it perfect as looks the Can be slope cutangled Canto beto slope White LED-lighting. Itboth can also slope-cut to fit angled LED-lighting. It can also be slope-cut to fit LED-lighting. It centric can also be slope-cut fit cut the same sides, which makes it perfect as LED-lighting. Itoncan also be be slope-cut to fit angled LED-lighting. It can also be LED-lighting. It is can also be slope-cut fit Height*: 400**-3300 mm Height*: 400**-3300 mm centric – in other words looks the same on both The frame – in other words looks Can be slope cut White NEW! Available without bottom track! NEW! Available without bottom track! NEW! Available without bottom track! NEW! Available without bottom track! NEW! Available without bottom track! Wall hung top track Wall hung top track same on both sides, which makes it perfect as a room divider or door into a walk-in closet. Height*: 400**-3300 mm Height*: 400**-3300 Matte silver (extra high available) (extra high available) roof rooms. roof rooms. angled roof rooms. a room divider or door into a walk-in roof rooms. angled roof rooms. angled roof Wall hungcloset. top track sides, which makes it perfect Pre-taped as a room divider or same onrooms. both sides, which makes itMatte perfect track set Pre-taped tracksilver setas (extra high available) (extra high available) a room divider or door intotrack aBronze walk-in closet. Pre-taped set Triple track set Triple track set Frame: Frame: aluminium dooraluminium into a walk-in closet. a room divider or door into a walk-in closet. Bronze Estetic is our most versatile door in terms Triple track set Frame: aluminium Frame: aluminium Sanded black Frame Frame Single milled track set Single milled track set Estetic is our most versatile door in terms Frame Frame Frame Sanded black Top track: Top track: same as frame colour Single milled track structured (door of features --Estetic like our ourissoft-closing soft-closing function forsetin terms our most versatile Top hung sliding door Top hung sliding door Topof track: Top track: same as fra features like function for same as frame colour ( structured Top hung sliding door Artic is also highly versatile when it comes Estetic is our most versatile door in terms matte) (no bottom track) to (no bottom track) Bottom colour: OPTIONS OPTIONS FACTS FACTStrack ANDMED OPTSIOONID FACTS FACTSBottom track colour: OPTIONS ANDMED OPTSIOONID more gentle touch as as-well well as integrated same as frame colour of features like our soft-closing function for matte) for aa more gentle touch as (nointegrated bottom track) features. ourinfo multi patented of features -white like our soft-closing function Bottom track:It can be chosen with Innocent birch: More and price for options, More info and price for options, LED-lighting. It can also be slope-cut to fit a more touch as well as integrated Pehme sulgemine sulgemine Soft-closing Soft-closing Laius/uks*: 400 - 1600 mm gentle Width/door*: 400-1600 mm Width/door*: 400-1600 Width/door*: 400-1600 Width/door*: mm Soft-closing Laius/uks*: 400-1600 mm mm Bottom track: LED-lighting. Itmm can also bePehme slope-cut Innocent400-1600 birch: white More info to andfit price for options, same asclosing frame colour NEW! Available Available without without bottom track! soft function as well assee with integrated abottom morewide gentle touch well as integrated page 48-49. see page 48-49. Weathered grey matteas silver NEW! track! LED-valgustid valgustidbe slope-cut to fit LED-light LED-light (extra wide available) (extra available) (extra wide (extra wide available) LED-light same asavailable) frame colour angled roof rooms. (Võimalikud ka eritioak: laiad LED-lighting. ItLED can (võimalikud karoof eriti laiad seealso page 48-49. Weathered grey oak: m angled rooms. Tracksets NEW! Available without track! NEW! Available without track! Others: same as bottom frame Frame width: 40 mm LED-lighting. Itbottom can also be slope-cut toslope fit angled LED-lighting. It cancolur also be slope-cut tokaldega fit VõibCan lõigata kaldega be slope cut White Can be cut Võib lõigata White White Can be slope cut Tracksets Kõrgus*: 400-3300 mm Height*: 400**-3300 mm Height*: 400**-3300 Height*: 400**-3300 Height*: 400**-3300 mm Kõrgus*: 400-3300 mm mm NEW! Available without bottom NEW! Available without bottom track! roof rooms. Others: same astrack! frame Frame width: 40 angled mm EXTRA WIDE DOORS Seinale siinsilver Wall riputatav hung topülemine track Seinale riputatav Wall hung top track Wall hung topsilver trackülemine siin roof rooms. angled roof rooms. EXTRA WIDE DOORS Matte Matte Matte silver Frame 54 mm Overlap: 40 mmavailable) (extra high (extrawidth: high (Võimalikud ka eriti kõrged (extra high (extra high available) kaavailable) eriti kõrged Frame (Võimalikud EXTRA WIDE DOORS Track set available) Bottom Top track Artic is yet multi Scandinavianly features. It our can U-shaped, be chosenstrict, with our patented sliding door as frame. almost perpendicular soft light, closing function well The as with integrated aluminum profile is robust and is designed to be LED-lighting. It can also be slope-cut to fit angled centric looks the same on both aroof Scandinavian lightness rooms.– in other words anddivider strictor – sides, which makesU-shaped it perfect as a room door into a walk-in closet.
is our U-shaped, strict, komponentidega, yet Scandinavianly Ülevalt riputatavad uksed tarnitakseArtic eelmonteeritud light, sliding door frame. The almost perpendicular aluminum profile robust and is designed to be mis teeb monteerimise lihtsalt arusaadavaks jais teostatavaks. centric – in other words looks the same on both paari kaupa. Nii nagu kõigile lükandustele meiesides, soovitame which makespaigaldust it perfect as a room divider or door into a walk-in closet.
NEW! Free your floor with hung o NEW! Free your floor with toptop hung opti FRAMED SLIDING DOORS FRAMED DOORS 1 1suhtes, kuid jätkuvalt soovite Kui teie ei SLIDING ole kindel oma lae ülevalt lükanduksi, soovitame Estetic is exclusive andriputatud beautiful. The gentle, Soft-close always included! Soft-close always included! Artic is our U-shaped, strict, yet Scandinavianly Estetic is exclusive an yet robust, profile is functionally grip-friendly light, sliding door frame. The almost perpendicular yet robust, profile is f konsulteerida asjatundjaga. Elfa ei võta endale vastutust lae kohta. but also a design you want to touch and feel.
FRAMED SLIDING DOORS 1 Artic is our U-shaped, strict, yet Scandinavianly
Pehme sulgemine on alati kaasas
Lihtne monteerimine
ESTETIC lightness ARTIC U-shaped and strict – with a Scandinavian
Tavalised uksed, näide
Design Design
Design Design
DOOR Frame: Matte silver OWN DOOR black Frame: Matte silverPenta Frame: SandedOWN Frame: Matte silver Frame: Sanded gre center Trio center center TrioTrio center TrioTrio center Matte silver Frame: Matte silver Frame: Sanded black Frame: Fillings: Iced ebony, Filling: Rime frostPlain oak ***Fillings: Weathered Examples Examples Filling: Humble ash Filling: Stoneware g Duo Fillings: Iced ebony, Filling:Plain Rime frost Fillings: Weathered expand Trio expand expand TrioTrio expand TrioTrio expand *** oak Examples Duo Full moon blue grey oak veneer Iced ebony Full moon blue grey oak Duo low low high Trio high high TrioTrio high TrioTrio high Duo Duo Duo high *** The design Plain, which is a single filling design, have some limitations in choises of fillings if your door exceeds 2564 mm in height. Duo Duo Plain, which is a single panel design, have some limitations in fillings choises if your door exceeds 2 563 mm in height. Duo highin choises Duooflow *** The design Plain, which is a single filling design, have some limitations fillings if your door exceeds *** 2564The mmdesign in height. Choose among all fillings except: *** The design Plain, which is a Choose among all fillings except: Duo low Duo low Choose among all fillings except: Mirror family, Glass and Glass exclusive (G1-G3) max height: 2674 mm Duo high Choose among all fillings except Mirror family, Glass and Glass exclusive (G1-G3) max height: 2674 mm Quattro Quattro Quattro Quattro Quattro Mirror family, Glass and Glass exclusive (G1-G3) max height: 2674 mm Trio Wood veneer (W2) max height: 2624 mm Duo high Duo high ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT Mirror family, Glass and Glass ex ADAPT - veneer Trio Wood (W2) max height: 2624 mm Wood veneer (W2) max height: 2624 mm Quattro center Quattro center Quattro center center Select andYOUR Select exclusive (S1, S2) max height: 2564 mm Quattro center DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN YOURSelect exclusive (S1, S2) max height: 2564 Quattro DESIGN YOURYOUR DESIGN YOUR DESIGN YOUR Wood veneer (W2) max height: 2 Trio center Select and mm Design: Design: Plain Design: Design: low Design: Plain (S1, S2) maxDesign: DuoDuo low low Design: Plain Design: DuoDuo highhigh Trio center Select exclusive height: Duo 2564high mm OWN DOOR and Select OWN DOORoak (40007), White gloss foil (40056), Blueberry Penta OWN DOOR OWNDuo DOOR OWN DOOR Filling limed milk (40114), OWN DOOR TrioDesign: Design: Plain Design: Duo (S1, Plain Design: Duo Select and Select exclusive Penta Penta Penta Penta Filling limed oak (40007), White gloss foil (40056), Blueberry milk (40114), Happy plum (40116)Design: and Autumn chestnut (40118) max height: 2564
Duo Duo low Duo high Trio
Info: Ülevalt riputamise optsioon lükandustele on patendi ootel.
Estetic läheb loodusesse Kui teile meeldivad looduse värvid - kutsuge nad sisse. Elfa lükanduksi toodetakse laias värvivalikus ja stiilis, sobivalt igale maitsele kaasarvatud värske, elav Skandinaavia metsa tunnetus.
Sel aastal, meie eksklusiivseimad lükanduksed, Estetic, toodetakse Skandinaavia puidu trendiga lisades kaks uut raami värvust: Innocent birch (kahjutu kask) ja Weathered grey oak (murenenud hall tamm). Melamiiniga kaetud raam näeb välja ja tundub nii nagu reaalne puit ja on ideaalselt sobiv meie täidetele. Robustseks, looduslikuks väljanägemiseks, valige täiteks sama värvi puidu täide kui raamil. Või valige puhta klaasiga täide esitamaks ”vitriini” väljanägemisega riidekappi või kasutage ruumi jagajana. Teie otsustate kui palju loodust teie kutsute oma koju!
Puidu interjööri trendi populaarsus jätkuvalt kasvab sel aastal. Elfa pakub laias valikus puidust täiteid ja nüüd meil on puidu väljanägemisega raame leidmaks oma loodusliku sttili.
Estetic - uued raami värvid!
Kui teile meeldivad looduse värvid - kutsuge nad sisse
Meie eksklussivseim lükanduks Estetic pakud nüüd komklektse loodusliku väljanägemise kahe uue struktureeritud melamiin raami lisamisega ehtsa puidu tunnetamisega. Siin pildil: Innocent birch raam sobitatult täitega ja jagajaga sama värvusega.
Innocent birch
Weathered grey oak
Frosting white
Stoneware grey
Uus hooaeg - uued värvid ”purustavad”
Iced ebony
Järgmine hooaeg pakud rohkem loodust, kuid samuti säilib must ja valge. Seega pakume kaks uut värvikollektsiooni, säilitamaks seda trendi.
Rime frost oak
Valge Matt hõbe Pronks
Uus ”graafiline” kollektsioon (nimi tbd) tõstab esile klassikalist musta ja valget, kombineerides halli toonidega ja puiduga, mis balanseerib välimuse.
Mimic Weathered grey oak
”Pehme”kollektsioon (nimi tbd) jätkuvalt kasutab loodust, kuid lisab mahedust kontrastse värvi - naturaalse pruuni ja kahvatu roosa lisamisega Kollektsiooni värvused sobivad hästi roostekarva ja ookri toonidega, mis on moes interjööris selllel hooajal.
Innocent birch
Liivatatud hall * Liivatatud must * Innocent birch ** Weathered grey oak **
Wintry hazel
Blueberry milk
* struktureeritud matt ** melamiin puit.
Creme glass
Puidu tunde tugevdamiseks kaks uut kaetud melaaminist raam on varustatud kahe korgiga ukse ülal ja all. Otsakorgid katavad kruviaugud ja kaitsevad ust ja seina kui nad kokkupuutuvad.
NCS Natural clay
Elfa puidukollektsioon Puit melamiin (W1)
Puiduspoon (W2)
Tootmine lõpetatud
Rime frost oak 40006 *D
Milky limed oak 40007 *D
Sensible oak 40004 *D
Weathered grey oak 40029 *D
Tasteful teak 40023 *D
Humble ash veneer 80002 *D
Truly oak veneer 80012 *D
Genuine walnut veneer 80008 *D
Puiduspoon on elav materjal. See tähendab, et spooniga kaetud pinnad on unikaalsed ja ei kordu.
Innocent birch 40021 *D
Adorable ash 40025 *D
White avola 40068 *D
Grey avola 40066 *D
Melamiin on väga kestav pind ja säilitab oma värvuse aastaid.
Brown avola 40064 *D
Standartselt kõik pudu mustri täidetega uksed valmistatakse vertikaalse väljaga, kuid vajaduse korral võivad olla valmistatud ka horisontaalsega. Kuid eriti laiade uste puhul on alati horisontaalsed. VERTIKAALNE Maks. VÄLJA kõrgus: 2564 mm HORISONTAALNE maks. VÄLJA kõrgus: 1220 mm
"Harmoonias loodusega"
Nutikusest geniaalsuseni
Meie nutikad sahtlid said veel nutikamateks
mõlemile nii Décor'i kui ka Classic'u mesh sahtlitele
Nüüd on lihtsam, kui kunagi enne hoida teie Décor'i või Classic'u mesh sahtleid korras tänu meie uuele mesh sahtli jagajale! Lihtsalt klikkige paika jagajad ja looge eraldatud sektsioonid sahtlis.Teie otsustate ise kui palju sektsioone teie vajate. Kõik väikesed asjad - teie ei teadnud, kuhu nad paigutada - on leidnud hoiustamise koha. Hoidke eraldi oma sokke värvi järgi, eraldage sallid kinnastest, sorteerige oma kotid..... Teie otsustate.
Miks MITTE korrastada? RIIDEKAPP - Sokid - Aluspesu - T-särgid - Sallid - Käekotid - Lipsud - Vööd
MUU - Lego - Köögitarvikud - Paber - Kirjutusvahebdid - Post
Uus! Mesh sahtli jagaja
Hoidke eraldi oma lemmik T-särke.
Toote nimetus
431x10x80 mm
0000000000000 Mesh sahtli jagaja 85 mm
Mesh sahtli jagaja 85 mm
431x10x80 mm
Mesh sahtli jagaja 185 mm
431x10x180 mm
Mesh sahtli jagaja 185 mm
431x10x180 mm Mesh jagajad on saadaval kahele mesh sahtli kõrgusele ja kahe värvusega: valge ja plaatina.
Riputage siia!
Varjamise stiil
Nüüd saate hoida oma aksessuaare kontrolli all! Meie uuendatud lipsu ja rihma hoidik kindlustab teie lipsudele, vöödele, sallidele oma konksu ja annab hästi korraldatud ruumi.
Meie uus standartne kate - see on lihtne, kuid leidlik stiili looja - teie saate valida seda, mis paremini sobib teie stiiliga. Paljudele inimestele meeldib klassikaline vaade meie kuulsate Elfa avadega. Kuid, kui soovite rahulikku, diskreetset vaadet oma Classic riidekapile ja oma riputatavate standardile/seinasiinidele segunemiseks seinaga, katsetage meie uute katetega.
Nagu eelnevalt, ta on lihtsalt klikitav paika ja omab väljatõmmatavat funktsioon, mis annab hea ülevaate. Paigaldage 40 cm sügavusega traatriiuli või traatkorvi alla. Võib paigaldada ka riidepuu hoidja alla - kus aga sobib teile paremini.
Standartne kate on elastne plastikust riba, mis tarnitakse 4,2 meetristes rullides ning valikus on kaks värvust: valge ja plaatina. Lihtsalt lõigake standartne kate vajaliku pikkusega ja klõpsake paigale riputatavasse standardisse/rippsiini.
Toote nimetus
Lipsu ja rihma hoidik
värvitud metall
395x120x143 mm Uuel lipsu ja rihma hoidikul on 20 konksu teie aksessuaaridele. Konksude disain on sama kui Elfa konksude valikul.
Standartne kate võimaldatakse kahe värvusega: valge ja plaatina. Kood
Toote nimetus
Standartne kate
4224 mm (rull)
Standartne kate
4224 mm (rull)
Uus ja täiustatud Meie riidepuu toru on uuendatud kasutades uut ja enam sõbralikku materjali: Hilan.
ILisaks oleme paremaks sobivuseks uuendanud ka otsakorke*. * Uued otsakorgid sobivad ka vanale riidepuu torule,kuid mitte vastupidi.
Koristage oma kapp Kasutades kronsteinide vahelist katet 30 sügavusega teie saate luua puhtama ja anda lõpetatud vaate oma Classic lahendusele. Lihtsalt klikkige paika kahe liugkronsteini vahele. Lisamine toob puhtama vaate ja hoiab ära tolmu kogunemise kronsteinide vahel.
Toote nimetus
Riidepuu toru
480x25x25 mm
Riidepuu toru
635x25x25 mm
Toote nimetus
Riidepuu toru
930x25x25 mm
Kronsteinide vaheline kate
321x14x20 mm
Riidepuu toru
1245x25x25 mm
Kronsteinide vaheline kate
321x14x20 mm
Riidepuu toru
1850x25x25 mm
Otsakorgid, 2 tk
25x18x25 mm
Elfa tegevuse teemad
Sellel sügisel meie pakume valikuks kolm erinevat teemat. Edendades kõiki meie suuri algatusi sel aastal, meie samas tõstame esile "nutikaid ja stiilseid " meie Elfa kogust. Olles hoiustamise eksperdid meie oleme uhked andes inimestele hindamatu nõu, kuidas täiustada oma elu läbi arukate hoiustamise lahenduste.
Vabastage oma põrand Linnastumise globaalne trend kutsub teie eluruumi arukale kasutamisele. Meie uute lükanduste riputamisega ülevalt teie põranda pind tundub laiem, luues vahedeta ülemineku ühest osast teise combinatsioonis Classic'u interjööriga, teie kodu muutub palju hoiustamise ja puhastamise korraldamisega. • • • •
Puidutrend jätkub
Esteetiline Lihtsalt puhastatav Ruumi jagaja Seinale riputatav interjöör + ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed
Meie armastame oma jaemüüjaid
ja soovitame teile koostada "Vabasta oma põrand komplekti" abistamaks müüja Elfat. Fokuseerige tähelepanu esteetilisusele ja lihtsale koristamisele. LEIDKE INSPIRATSIOONI SIIT:
Videod: Elfa ülevalt riputamise funktsionaalsus, Elfa ülevalt riputamine lühidalt1, Elfa ülevalt riputamine lühidalt2, Elfa bränd poe monitorides, sotsiaal meedias jne bännerid jaemüüjatele veebi lehekülgedel. Reklaamitrükised koos nõuannete ja nippidega, kasutage iseloomustusi bloggeritelt , fookuses esteetilisus ja lihtne koristamine. Materjaliga varustatakse. Print: Bännerid väljastpoolt kauplust, lisad, plakatid, uued pildid, brošüürid. Näited tegevusest kaupluses: Hoiustamise eksperdid poes nädala lõppudel, võida installeerimine, kui tellid, võistlus tolmuimejaga puhastamises, tantsushow demonstreerides põrandat...jne.
rs and Elfa’s concept develope Maria Dizdarev ic trend specialis ts have carefully and Johanna Cahné panels for selected the new in Elfa Color our sliding doors 16. Collectio ns 2015/20
describe How would you spring trends? like to take our lush, In 2016 we would . And we are doing green gardens inside l way. We are natura this in the most colours indoors, garden our bringing footprints and all. earthy and roots pink and matte Shades such as light er this feeling, togeth grey-green create materials such as with natural raw terracotta and wood. in one with nature, We yearn to live as without stress. This a life of harmony, aries outside the bound autumn we step g out into the wilder of our garden, headin inspiration comes Our . side of nature s, mountainous forest dense the from sea. rugged cliffs by the landscapes, and
But first, we welco and summer.
me spring
do you recommend Which collec tion this season? Stories’ collection Let our ‘Orchard – a collection spring this inspire you green. Lighter and based on the colour , be mixed with matte darker greens can rent white glossy or semi-transpa oloured wood. surfaces and light-c ‘Frosting White’ Another hot tip is fresh truly a for chio’ mixed with ‘Pistac dramatic look mix feeling. For a more
‘Tarragon’ and ‘Natu is pure magic!
ral Clay’ – it
Trend jätkub ja meie lisasime kaks uut raamivärvi meie laia puidu välimusega lükandustega sobitamiseks. Aktiveerige Scenic ja lisage uusi raami värve Estetic'ule ja kaks uut värvikollektsiooni suurema efekti saavutamiseks.
• Ülevaade trendist • Estetic'u uued raami värvid. • Kaks uut värvikollektsiooni • Scenic • Décor'i sortiment
Meie armastame oma jaemüüjaid
ja soovitame teile koostada ”Puidutrendi kollektsiooni” abistamaks müüja Elfat.. Mõlemad uued Värvikollektsioonid meie trendiekspertidelt sisaldavad puidutäidet, peatähelepanu lükandustele, kuid samuti tõstke esile ka décor'i. LEIDKE INSPIRATSIOONI SIIT:
Videod: Elfa brändid, Elfa ülevalt riputamine lühidalt1 poemonitoridele, sotsiaal meedias jne bännerid jaemüüjatele veebi lehekülgedel. (Palun arvestage, et need videod on ülevalt riputatavatest ustest). PR: Reklaamitrükised koos nõuannete ja nippidega, trendi ekspertide reklaamitrükised . Materjaliga varustatakse. Print: Bännerid väljastpoolt kauplust, lisad, plakatid, pildid, brošüürid Näited tegevusest kaupluses: Trendi eksperdid poes nädalalõppudel, võida aksessuaaride kandik - võistlus, tooge sisse loodust - kutsuge stilist/florist ... jne.
Leidke oma suund Elfa pakub hoiustamise lahendusi igaks üksikuks elu situatsiooniks ja igale isikule. Personaliseeri oma hoiustamist mõeldes igale detailile, mis muudab sinu elu sujuvaks. Teosta mõõtmised lükandustele, Classic interjöörile, mesh sahtlitele, lipsu ja rihma hoidikule, interjöörile, mesh jagajatele, aksessuaaride kandikule jne need on kõik näited, kuidas Elfa saab aidata leida oma suuna igaks päevaks. • Listavate toodete näited: - Standartne kate - Mesh sahtli jagaja - Lipsu ja rihma hoidik - Riidepuu toru • Ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed • Kõik on korraldatav
Nutikusest geniaalsuseni
Meie armastame oma jaemüüjaid
ja soovitame koostada oma suuna komplekt - ergutama müüja Elfat. Nutikusest geniaalsuseni - tähelepanu meie laiale sortimendile ja pisidetailidele. Tõesti meie oleme hoiustamise eksperdid. LEIDKE INSPIRATSIOONI SIIT:
Videod: Lühidalt - standartne kate, Lühidalt - mesh jagaja poe monitoridel, sotsiaal meedia jne. ja banneritel jaemüüjatele vebi lehekülgedel. PR: Reklaamitrükised koos nõuannete ja nippidega, Ladustamine. Materjaliga varustatakse. Print: Bännerid väljastpoolt kauplust, lisad, plakatid, uued ja vanad pildid, brošüürid. Näited tegevusest poest: Töökoja korraldus: kutsuge kokkupaneku ekspert ja/või hoiustamise blogger, sokkide sorteerimise võistlus. Hästi korraldatud võistluse sein
Mobiilse kuvamise lahendus Võimalik kasutada freestandig'ut või monteerida display mooduli.
70x50 cm Uued tellitud moodulid tulevad kohandatutena kaalule kuni 100 kg riputatult lakke. Olemasolevad moodulid kaupustes on kohandatud kandma vaiba kaalu.
Elfa Deutschland GmbH
Hauptstr. 79, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbr ück Kundenservice: Tel: 05242/ 378 9375, E-Mail:
1 (7)
Heigth (floor to ceiling)
Height is measured at three places: on the left, on the right and in the centre. It is the smallest measurement that is crucial to door height.
Width (wall to wall)
Uued sildid näitamiseks
Measure the width of the storage space in two places (floor and ceiling). Remember to measure out from the wall where the sliding doors should be placed.
räägime ustest
Lükanduksed ja mõõtmisjuhend
Hoiustamine Seestpoolt
Elfa Värvokollektsioon
Vabastage oma põrand. Ülevalt riputatavate uste kaust, 8 lehekülge
Märkus! Ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed ei ole saadaval näitamiseks uste andmebaasis. Meie kasutame etikette informeerimiseks, milliseid uksi on on võimalik saada, kui ülevalt riputatavaid.
Vabastage oma põrand ülevalt riputatavete ustega Rohkem infot
Ülevalt riputatavad lükanduksed Free your floor
Free your floor Inspiratsioon, toote sortiment ja hinnad
Vabasta oma põrand
ülevalt riputatavate lükandustega
ülevalt riputatavate lükandustega
Puhtam välimus?
Vabasta oma põrand
Lisage standardkaas oma lahendusele
Lisage korvikaaned oma lahendusele
Lõplikuks tunnetamiseks
Brošüür ja Hinnaki
40x27 cm
Uued sildid võimalikest Artic ja Estetic ustest Nüüd on võimalik UUS! ilma alumise siinita 27x9 cm