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from Zaqwsaqw
Can’t make it to the gym? We’ve got you covered. MAXIM fitness guru ALEXA TOWERSEY shows you how to build up your body and mind…

Maybe you’re trying to hold onto your gains during a pandemic, maybe you just want to be equipped for high-quality home workouts when it’s challenging to make it to the gym, or maybe you just want to save money and not pay for a monthly gym membership. Regardless of the situation, all you have to do is hop on the DUP Gain Train.
Daily Undulating Periodisation (aka DUP) is essentially high-frequency training, where you hit a muscle group or perform the same lift multiple times per week, primarily just varying the rep range and tempo. DUP allows for more volume on a working muscle per week, which is a major driver for muscle growth and strength gains.
By continually adjusting the weight, reps and sets, you allow yourself to promote different adaptations, but also do more work over the course of a week since you’re able to recover slightly better. Let’s break it down to give a brief overview:
Daily: Pretty self-explanatory. Undulating: This refers to the fact the weight/ intensity/load changes on a session by session basis. Periodisation: The program is set up in such a way that it is progressive, and has periods of light, moderate and heavy work.
The basic guidelines of setting up a DUP routine are as follows:
1. Pick basic exercises –you can vary hand or foot position.
2. Set your week up so you work each exercise in different ranges. Each session is broken down into a heavy, moderate and light day. Heavy days will primarily use the 1-6 rep range with the most technical exercise variation. Moderate days, the 8-12 rep range. Light days, 15-20 reps. which can put you on a more productive roll.
Don’t forget to warmup. Being in isolation means a lot more sitting down than usual, so to make sure we keep the core and posterior chain accountable, I’ve given you a generic warmup to use before each session.
Sample Program
NB. You can use any squat variation depending on equipment availability, and if you don’t have a table, you can use bed sheets locked through a doorway.
Warmup: ● 20 x Deadbugs ● 15 x Side
Plank Hip
Touch each side ● 8 x Hamstring
Sliders ● 15 x Single Leg
Glute Bridge
● 2 rounds
Day 1: Strength utilising paused reps
For all exercises, use the tempo 3310. This means a three second lower and a three second pause at the point of most tension. Rest 90 seconds between reps. A1. 5 x 5 Decline Pushups B1. 5 x 5 Sissy Squat C1. 5 x 5 Feet Elevated Table Rows D1. 5 x 5 Bulgarian Split Squat
Don’t forget to warmup. Being in isolation means a lot more sitting down than usual, so to make sure we keep the core and posterior chain accountable, I’ve given you a generic warmup to use before each session.
Day 2: Hypertrophy utilising 1¼ reps
You will perform these as supersets i.e. complete all reps of A1 then A2 for 4 rounds total before moving on to B1. For all exercises, you will perform a ¼ rep at the point of most tension. A1. 12 x 1¼ Pushups A2. 12 x 1¼ Bulgarian Split Squats B1. 12 x 1¼ Table Rows (legs straight) B2. 12 x 1¼ Squats
Day 3: Muscular Endurance
TOP TIP If you want to beef up those biceps, try utilising isometric tension.
Find a hard surface, place your hands underneath palms up, lock in the elbows at 90 degrees and pull up as hard as you can for 3-5 sets of 15-25 seconds.
Staying Safe And Sane
Complete all reps of all exercises. Rest 60 secs rest, repeat for a total of five rounds. A1. 20 x Squat Jumps A2. 20 x Tricep Pushups A3. 20 x Bulgarian Split Jumps each leg (front leg leaves the ground on the concentric) A4. 20 x Table Rows (bent legs)

How a structured routine can be a game changer...
The first thing you put in your mouth in the morning (minds out of the gutter, people), can dictate what you are likely to eat for the rest of the day. If you eat a breakfast full of carbs and sugars, chances are you’ll be gravitating towards the pasta and dessert buffet as the day goes on. The same is true for how you behave when you wake up. It’s true what they say, “Win the morning, win the day.”
1. Step away from the snooze button. If you are consistently pressing snooze, you’re encouraging procrastination right from the get go which will seep through into the rest of your day.
2. Earn some self-respect with a two-minute cold shower. Not only will you reap all the physiological benefits like increased blood flow and circulation but you’ll also clear any brain fog, gain some focus and clarity and you’ll have ticked off a challenging task straight off the bat.
3. Just breathe. A five to 10-minute guided meditation (Headspace is a great free app you can download on your phone), can help reset your mind, bring you back to the present and allow you to set an intention for the day.
4. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Write down three things you are grateful for RIGHT NOW. This will help to reframe your current situation and put you in a more positive state of mind.
ABOUT ALEXA “Action Alexa” is an internationally published celebrity trainer, sports model and nutrition and lifestyle coach with over 15 years’ experience in the health and fitness industry, and has worked with NZ’s world champion rugby team, the All Blacks.
She has qualified for the Ironman 70.3 World Champs and was named as one of the Five Toughest Trainers in Asia during her seven-year stint in an MMA gym in Hong Kong.