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ow quickly life can change. Just last month I was complaining about Eskom, and look where we are now. As one of our contributors, Maryke, said to me on WhatsApp: “How I wish that the loadshedding you spoke aboutt in your April editor’s note was the worst thing we had to deal with right now…” We are indeed living in strange times. Unprecedented and unpredictable. So for this ed’s note, I decided to steer clear of the topic of the Coronavirus. I don’t want to tempt fate; heaven forb bid we have something worse to deal with next month! Here at Home, there is a very small team of people who put your favourite magazine together every month. Some days theree are only a handful of us in the office, because Marian and Francois are out and about photographing beautiful homes, the advertising people are seeing clients, Johané is busy in the test kitchen, and Gill and our Afrikaans copy editor Johletta – both freelancers – only work in the office for two weeks of the month... With everyone working from home during lockdown, teamwork rk has taken on a whole new meaning. We hold online staff meetings, call each other via WhatsApp and emails fly back and forth, making sure everyone is kept in the loop. Which is all very well, but when you’re toiling all on your own it really feels like something is missing. This brought to mind a list of anecdotes our former colleague Kim quietly started compiling some years ago – one-liners our team had muttered, usually when deadlines were looming. It is a veritable treasure trove of wit. Like the time Johletta exclaimed out of sheer frustration: “These layouts have questions that ask questions. They talk back!” Or the time Gill asked Tessa: “What’s wrong, Tessa?” And Tessa, sighing, replied, “Bad things, Gill, bad things.” It was also Tessa who one day cried out in despair, “I need more English!” as she battled to find the right word. Johané, always cooking and baking and bringing us delicious food to taste, is never short of a quip or two. During a photoshoot for the stuffed squash recipe we featured in our April issue, she exclaimed excitedly: “The cheese is oozing! I just hope it’s oozing photogenically!” One day, after Johané had treated us to the umpteenth chocolate cake, Afrikaans copy editor Desiree’s justification for eating a second slice was simply: “If you think about it, cake is just another type of sandwich.” Not that everyone wants us to devour all the edible goodies in the office. Creative editor Marian often buys fruit and bread for photoshoots, but sometimes they disappear before making it to the studio. “There’s nothing worse than people eating your props,” she was once heard muttering. And we all know ‘pregnancy brain’ is a thing. Before the birth of her daughter, Shané had us chuckling a few times. “Did he phone to call?” she once asked earnestly, blissfully unaware that her sentence made no sense to us at all. It was also Shané who put her oats in the microwave without adding water to the bowl… On the subject of kids, when Johané’s son reached toddler stage this is how she described her life: “It’s like living with a tiny dictator!” I could fill pages with these anecdotes – there are literally years’ worth. And although I had a good laugh here all on my own, I look forward to the day when we’ll be back in the office, working side by side, ‘social distancing’ a thing of the past. And I’m sure by then someone will have a witty remark about that too... Enjoy, until next month!

4 home May 2020

EDITOR CAPE TOWN OFFICE Cape Town postal address Office Manager JOHANNESBURG OFFICE EDITORIAL Features Editor Creative Editor Food Editor Art Director Designer Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Digital Editor Multimedia Journalist Photographer Retoucher

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Shané Barnard • Marian van Wyk Johané Neilson • Andrew Maritz Jade Cupido Tessa Jean-Jacques Gillian Eva Amy Johnson Suné Esterhuizen Francois Oberholster René Nortjé

CONTRIBUTORS Nelia Andrag, Ina Baard, Shelly Bergh, Karin Brynard, Deon de Goede, Paula Dubois, Gerda Engelbrecht, Kosie Jansen van Rensburg, Marlene Malan, Kay Montgomery, Beatrice Moore-Nothnagel, Karl Rogers, Hettie Scholtz, Ludwig Taschner, Elna van der Merwe, JJ van Rensburg, Pamela Whitby, Henrique Wilding Production Manager General Enquiries ADVERTISNG HEAD: Advertising Sales (Cape Town and KZN) Key Account Manager (CT) Sales Manager (JHB) Classified Sales MEDIA24 LIVE Head of Events Head of Sponsorship Marketing Manager LIFESTYLE CREATE STUDIO Creative Director Commercial Manager: Monthlies Commercial Editor CIRCULATION Circulation Manager Product Manager

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CEO: Media24 Ishmet Davidson • CEO: Media24 Print Media Rika Swart GM: Media24 Lifestyle Minette Ferreira Head of Finance: Media24 Lifestyle Jameelah Conway CMO Media24 Lifestyle Nerisa Coetzee Copyright Media24. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the publisher. While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of advice and information given to readers, the editor, proprietors and publishers cannot accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that may arise therefrom. Home has the right to make alterations to any material submitted, and cannot be held responsible for the loss of or damage to any material submitted for publication. All prices stated are subject to change and may vary from store to store; retail prices in-store should be considered the final confirmed amount.

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Cape Town (Head Office) : 9 Racecourse Road, Milnerton, 7441 | Tel: +27 (0) 21 528 8400 | Email: Johannesburg: 72 5th Street, Wynberg, Sandton, 2090. | Tel: +27 (0) 11 608 2970 | Email: Durban: Talksure House 62 Umhlanga Ridge Boulevard, Umhlanga, Durban. | Tel: +27 (0) 31 263 0088

QUBO O6 05

Send décor and lifestyle news to

what’s new

Compiled by Shané Barnard

Poetry has expanded its furniture range with limitededition pieces such as this black metal-and-mirror side table set (R2 299) and Soft Pink Velvet Peacock Chair (R4 999), available at selected stores. Visit for more details.

CREATE, INNOVATE! WHO Riana Mostert WHERE Durbanville BUSINESS Riana Mostert Designs HER WORK After working as an interior designer for eight years, Riana Mostert quit her job to be a full-time stay-athome mom. She made her very first continuous line drawing as a gift and soon it turned into a business. “The idea behind a continuous line drawing is to start at one point and finish the drawing without lifting your hand,” explains Riana. “This results in an abstract drawing rather than a realistic one.” Riana has expanded her range of illustrations for home décor items such as scatter cushions, runners, planters and ceramic mugs; check out

Laser-cut metal ball copper pendant (40cm) R2 674, K.Light

For the love of art

Breathe new life into your living spaces with one of 16 beautiful prints from Haus’s new range of framed wall art printed on canvas. The prints are loosely grouped into four sets, some inspired by gardens or traditional design, and others with a more graphic look. We love this Savill (Autumn) printed canvas (120 x 100 x 4cm; R2 600) in an oak frame. Go to for more details.

Brighten up your space with fresh new colour John’s Joy from Tjhoko Paint. 8 home May 2020

Powder-coated iron Scoop Chair R2 990, SHF

Ceramic pendant in taupe (16 x 17.5cm) R299.99, MRP Home

RELAX IN STYLE Luxe desk lamp (52cm) R999, Woolworths

Coricraft has introduced a selection of beautiful new couch designs. From the Sami couch (pictured; from R7 999) with its contemporary tapered wooden or sturdy metal legs to the mid-century inspired Sloan couch (from 10 999) and the chic Skylar couch (from 12 999), the designs offer a new take on the styles customers have known and loved for years – and they’re all handmade and locally produced. Go to

Triple concrete multi-level pendant (128cm H) R599, Decofurn Velvet scatter cushions (48 x 48cm) R139.99 each, MRP Home

STOCKISTS Decofurn 087 740 1800, K.Light 021 552 4370, MRP Home 0800 212 535, SHF 033 330 6610, Tjhoko Paint 011 708 3166, Woolworths 0860 022 002,

Fox Versofa rug R3 990, SHF

value pack

Ball fibre seersucker duvet inner and pillow value pack Single R359.99 3/4 R399.99 D R459.99 Q R499.99 K R559.99 S includes 1 pillow. D, Q, and K include 2 pillows.

The snuggle

IS REAL... EASY. value pack





Pack of 2 standard embossed ball fibre pillow inners



99 each

Super plush blankets 200 x 220cm



99 each

Embossed blankets 125 x 150cm



99 each

Coral stitched fleece blankets 180 x 200cm



99 each

Longpile blankets 180 x 200cm

Jacquard blankets 150 x 200cm

A layered


It’s easy to create texture with the right combination of finishes; just look at these clever décor ideas! By Johané Neilson and Shané Barnard Photographs Francois Oberholster and Johané Neilson Styling Marian van Wyk

A singular sensation Sometimes less is more when it comes to adding texture and choosing finishes. In this spectacular doorway, a single decorative tile shines against the soft terracotta backdrop combined with a vintage wooden door lined with klompie bricks. This playful element made us stop and look twice! Don’t be disappointed if you can only find a limited number of tiles in your favourite design or even a tile with flaws. Rather make the most of these special finds and give them pride of place – in a spot that’s unexpected.

fresh ideas

Panel beater When Kelly and Jonathan Croeser started renovating their home in Fish Hoek, they decided to turn the kitchen into what is now the main bedroom. Instead of moving the distribution box and pay-as-you-go electricity meter, they created a custom ‘rolling headboard’ using a standard sliding door mechanism and a simple rectangular wooden frame. Kelly panel-pinned stretched fabric to the frame and painted the frame with a cream acrylic wash. The oversized headboard slides to the right to reveal the DB board and meter behind it when needed and rolls back into place to create a beautiful focal point behind the vintage wooden bed. >>

May 2020

home 11

fresh ideas

Earn your stripes By sticking to a neutral palette and playing with horizontal stripes in both the metro tiles and shower curtain, interior designer Nikki Zigras of Studio do Cabo not only added a funky edge to this beautiful bathroom, she also made the space appear wider. “I wanted to create a unique design and widen the appearance of this small bathroom, so I opted for horizontal bands in grey and white when it came to laying the shower tiles,” says Nikki. By placing a basin on a floating counter under the window and positioning a large round mirror opposite the shower, Nikki makes the most of every corner in this compact space. To allow for a comfortable peek at your visage while brushing your teeth or shaving, she added an extendable shaving mirror.

Basin counter made from reclaimed railway sleepers custom-designed by Andre Otto of Green Cube Design; shower curtain from H&M Home; round wooden mirror from Coricraft; grey and white metro tiles from Tile House; penny round mosaics from Douglas Jones

CONTACT AND STOCKISTS Coricraft 011 611 8700, Douglas Jones 086 166 7242, Green Cube Design 076 339 9292, H&M Home 0860 690 707, Tile House 021 506 3020, Studio do Cabo

reader home


With three houses to choose from, this creative homeowner is most fond of the log cabin he renovated with his sister.

By Marlene Malan Photographs Francois Oberholster Production Marian van Wyk

WHO LIVES HERE? Adrian Lombard WHERE Pringle Bay, Western Cape SIZE 344m² (including stoeps)

Regular sing-alongs are held around the piano, which dates back to 1911. The Lombard children grew up with music in their home: dad André was a member of a group, The Tornadoes, and mom Fran played the church organ. The upper deck (opposite) is one of Adrian and Monica’s favourite spots. Ceiling light from The Lighting Warehouse May 2020

home 15

reader home

The striking black of the kitchen cabinets makes them a focal point without ‘overwhelming’ the small space. A pop of red and blue in the black, white and grey palette of the living room (opposite) highlights the beauty of the natural wood in the space.

Spaces are filled with people, so the emphasis should be on the people, rather than on the objects therein. – Adrian

A white tablecloth and painted floor, with black chairs for contrast, ensure that the Oregon pine finishes are the main attraction in this space.


drian Lombard not only transforms other people’s homes, he also revamps his own houses – like this log cabin in Pringle Bay, which he and his sister Monica Soer have renovated over the past two years. During these projects, he works as far as possible with small, local building teams and entrepreneurs, while Monica provides the creative input. “Monica is good with colour and composition; she has an eye for detail,” he explains. “I call myself a serial entrepreneur because I have an engineering and technical background, which is a good foundation for my career as a creative director, brand strategist and product developer. But we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty.” This brother and sister are a formidable team, thanks to Monica’s flair for décor and passion for renovating. Monica left the corporate world and formed her own company, Tribay Accommodation – she styles and hosts holiday homes. Although Adrian often uses his own products – from furniture, décor accessories and crockery to scented bath oils and candles – in his homes, he loves to restore old items. “I always say: repurposing something for a new look is much better and smarter than throwing things away and replacing them with new stuff.” This philosophy is evident in his three homes: an apartment in Cape Town, a house in Prince Albert in the Karoo that he sometimes rents out, and this house with its mountain and sea views in Pringle Bay on the False Bay coast. While the city apartment serves as a base for work, the Karoo house is a refuge – but Pringle Bay is his home. “It’s a lovely place and it has everything I need. It’s just an hour’s drive from the city, but it’s far from the hustle and bustle.”

Not your typical beach house Although the structure and layout of this four-bedroom log cabin was mostly to Adrian’s taste, there were still a few things that needed to change to give it a more contemporary look. “Monica and I wanted to make the house more friendly, but it also had to suit our lifestyle and design preferences.” Not to mention those of guests who rent the house through Airbnb – a project that Monica handles, as Adrian is often out of town. The brother-and-sister team were in agreement: an interior filled with shells wasn’t an option. “A home by the sea does not necessarily have to reflect the ocean on the inside. We regard it as a home that is located in nature but just happens to be at the beach,” says Adrian. The first step was to soften the dark brown timber look on the exterior without losing the classic log cabin feel. “We decided on light grey roof paint,” says Adrian. “It immediately got rid of the heavy, old-fashioned feel. The house still had its log cabin vibe but with a fresh, more modern aesthetic.” Inside, he retained many of the wood finishes, but proposed something drastic: spray-painting the kitchen cabinets black. “I love wood but you can make painted wood look even better, as long as you plan the painting carefully. In this space, the painted cabinets allow you to see the unpainted natural wood right away.” The dining room, living room and bedrooms also have wood finishes – from wall panels to ceilings and floors. “Where we retained the original wooden aesthetic, we contrasted it with white, so the rooms with wooden ceilings now have white floors, and those with wooden floors have white ceilings. >>

May 2020

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A beautiful wooden dresser makes a statement against the white railing and walls.

Adrian and Monica drink a toast to their successful Pringle Bay beach house renovation.

Colour coding Adrian and Monica both love a sense of tranquillity and this is reflected in the tasteful, even minimalist, interior – and in their use of colour. “It’s not just about making smart colour choices for focal points,” says Adrian. “It’s also about omitting colour. If you omit colour, or underplay it, you actually accentuate what is there – certain items and also other colours. I like to create negative space by omitting colour. “Colour is therapeutic, but people can become too emotionally invested in it. Always aim for a balance between what you like and what works best in certain areas. And avoid too many different colours. Rather utilise the possibilities provided by light by using a single colour as an ‘equaliser’. When light plays on different colours and shapes in the same shade, it creates variety.” Adrian also likes to use colour in an interesting way on shelving. “You can do so much with bookshelves. I like to arrange books by colour, rather than alphabetically. It creates a sense of calm and order. And bright, cheerful colours can be appreciated so much more when used alongside non-confrontational colours such as grey, white and black.” For Adrian, a home is never finished. But once the major, most expensive work is done, adjustments can regularly be made. “Keep to your deadlines as far as possible. But if that’s not going to happen, plan your next phase over again.” >>

Monica spent hours arranging the books in the entrance according to the colour of their covers. “There’s no rule that says books should be arranged alphabetically; they also form part of the décor in your home,” says Adrian, adding that bookshelves in an entrance can speak volumes about the homeowners before guests have even progressed into the house.

May 2020

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reader home


• Work on an 80/20 ratio: spend 80% of your time planning and strategising, and 20% on execution. Most people spend too much time on implementation, which can cost you dearly. • Re-use what you can. Spend money on what you already have, rather than buying new stuff. Restyling and refurbishing items is very satisfying. • Pay attention to flow by taking your daily movements and rituals into consideration. A house is not merely a space that is being utilised, it also has people in it – people with particular personalities and needs. If I design or redesign a space, I always think about what it will look like once people are living there. • Allow yourself sufficient time. You don’t have to rush things – you’re doing the project for yourself, not for others. Undue haste can lead to bad decisions. • Focus first on the most unsightly, least creative projects. Don’t tackle them after you’ve completed all the fun tasks. • Make sure you have plans in place for when things go wrong.

A combination of white, black and grey creates a sense of calm. The wooden floor was left unchanged and the large pastel-coloured headboard (one of Adrian’s creative passions) draws your eye up to the white ceiling.




Ground floor








Living room Entrance hall Kitchen

Dining room

First floor

STOCKISTS The Lighting Warehouse 011 201 2600, TriBay Accommodation 082 775 6518,

May 2020

home 21

reader home

Simple pleasures

Keen on a holiday home in the Swartland, a city couple was thrilled to ďŹ nd a property with both history and potential. By Pamela Whitby • Photographs Henrique Wilding Styling Marian van Wyk

THE HOMEOWNERS John and Pippa Walls WHERE Koringberg SIZE 250m2

May 2020

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he tranquil hamlet of Koringberg in the Swartland has a surprisingly robust social scene. It was this combination of peace and activity that attracted John and Pippa Walls, along with its proximity to Cape Town. “We have six kids between us and we wanted an escape from the city and bustle of daily life,” Pippa says. “We heard from friends who own homes in Koringberg that there was a property for sale and although it was a bit like a rabbit warren with lots of small rooms – in fact, it was previously a restaurant – we could picture it as the perfect weekend getaway, just over an hour’s drive from Cape Town.” Pippa has worked with interior designer Salomé Gunter on other projects, and the two of them drove to Koringberg to have a look at the house. Salomé could immediately see what John and Pippa envisioned and how they could transform the dwelling back to its original form as a large barn-style space. “Aside from a solid structure we could work with, the property had such a lovely atmosphere and so much character; we set about knocking out walls, changing the floor plan and adding new areas to create the perfect retreat,” Salomé says.

Contemporary metal pendants and a cabinet painted in black contrast with the living room’s rustic finishes. Pendants from Salomé Gunter Interiors; cabinet from Block & Chisel

24 home May 2020

The renovation

Knocking out interior walls to create a large open-plan living space was the first step in the process. Salomé was guided by the different levels in the home; the kitchen, for example, is now located one step up from the living area. “We took architectural elements like this into consideration throughout the build,” she says. “The original walls are thick and although this keeps the house well insulated, we couldn’t break through them to add windows, for instance.” All the plumbing was replaced and new light fixtures added throughout. The original restaurant kitchen was transformed into the main bedroom (see page xxx) and Salomé commissioned a mural inspired

by a photograph of French artist and interior designer Pascale Palun’s farmhouse kitchen as a nod to its culinary roots. Leading off this room was a stoep that housed the geyser; Salomé relocated it to make way for a gorgeous veranda. To create the pared-down feel that John and Pippa wanted, Salomé used white pigmented cement for the façade and interior walls and screeded the floors. The kitchen was fitted with a combination of concrete countertops and freestanding pieces that create a country kitchen aesthetic. Exposed beams, painted white, emphasise the lofty proportions of the space and reed ceilings in the conservatory bar area and on the veranda add texture.

Modern appliances that ensure easy living and entertaining are neatly concealed beneath the rustic concrete counters.

EX P E RT A D VI C E Interior designer Salomé Gunter offers the following advice on working with a white palette and a minimalist look: • The key to adding interest to a white palette is layering. Introduce eye-catching items such as a standout piece of art, a striking piece of furniture or a quirky lamp to create focal points. Subtle elements like a simple painted stripe on an otherwise ‘blank’ wall will also make a statement without being too bold. • To create an inviting atmosphere in a minimalist space, texture is also essential; pair different textured fabrics like linen and velvet and include natural elements and restrained patterns. • Don’t leave all surfaces completely empty. Group simple items, such as candles in glass holders, on a tray on a tabletop to create interest without adding clutter.

reader home

Collections of treasured family items create layers of interest that make this a homely space. The pair of still life artworks (right) is by Janis Hopley.

Open shelving in the kitchen allows for storage and display of special items, including a painting of the house.

26 home May 2020

Salomé installed a fireplace in the living room to create a cosy atmosphere in winter. The horns mounted above are a nod to the home’s rural setting and a concrete bench next to it offers additional seating.

What was a conservatory has been turned into a bar where John and Pippa frequently host neighbours for drinks. An antique castiron wood oven left by the previous owners keeps the space warm in winter.

Finishing touches Salomé believes in using existing pieces to add a layered, lived-in feel to the homes she designs; she raided John and Pippa’s Cape Town home for heirloom items that would work with the sense of history in their holiday home. A dining room table that belonged to Pippa’s mother, a piece with particular sentimental value, was painted grey and paired with modern chairs (see left) and a set of benches that were reupholstered have a new home in the conservatory bar area (above). Although these traditional pieces abound, there are contemporary touches that ensure the look is more designer than dated. Black sanware was chosen for the kitchen and bathrooms, the metal pendant lights in the living room have a geometric feel, and a pair of modern butterfly chairs sit comfortably on the veranda. “I sourced the chairs in Italy – you see them all over the Mediterranean,” says Salomé. “They make you feel as if you’re floating, and Pippa and John keep asking for more as guests all want a turn in them.” Despite taking the house back to its rustic barn roots, Pippa and John wanted it to be a stylish space. “Everything in the house is special and there are collections of precious things,” says Pippa. “My granny’s crystal fills the cabinets, we use Le Creuset cookware and starched napkins, and Salomé imported French linens. We went for quality over quantity.” >> In the dining room (left), a glass cabinet houses treasured collections of crystal, linen and crockery, most of which are family heirlooms. Glass cabinet from Biggie Best

May 2020

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White linen in the main bedroom allows the mural of French designer Pascale Palun’s kitchen to take centre stage.

We’ve created our own perfect hideaway. – John and Pippa Walls

The house has been carefully designed so that guests have everything they need for a relaxing break, including dressing tables in the bedrooms and sufficient lighting.

The ideal weekend Nothing in the Walls’ home is too precious and the house invites guests to relax and put their feet up. “It had to be practical,” Salomé says. “Chairs and sofas are slip-covered and cushion covers can be removed and washed. The house may be simple, but it has all the mod cons to make staying here relaxing – they’re just well disguised.” The once overgrown garden was also given a facelift: shrubs were cleared, stones were used as groundcover to hide sandy areas where grass struggles to grow and a few key plants, such as the fuchsia bougainvillea which blooms abundantly in Koringberg’s hot and dry climate, were trimmed to create focal points. “Although Koringberg appears to be a sleepy hollow, there’s quite a lot to do,” says Pippa. “There’s a market where you can buy fresh produce, several boutique wineries and an organic farm where you can get champagne and oysters.” The home’s four bedrooms provide plenty of space for overnight guests – and early-morning walks, long lunches and festive evenings characterise weekends spent here. “It really feels like home,” say Pippa and John. >>

The bathrooms were all gutted and updated. In the main bathroom, a freestanding vanity adds to the farmhouse character of the home.

reader home



Lounge/ dining area

Bedroom Patio

Covered terrace










This cool, covered veranda not only offers respite from the heat of a Koringberg summer, but also privacy from the main road on which the home is located – not that much traffic speeds along it, says Pippa with a chuckle. The cushions are covered in linens that Salomé sourced in France.

STOCKISTS AND CONTACTS Biggie Best 021 534 8662, Block & Chisel 021 691 0878, Janis Hopley 072 524 8400, Salomé Gunter Interiors 073 145 7170,

30 home May 2020

A covered veranda off the street-facing bedroom provides a private space for guests.

A circular fountain creates an oasis of calm in the garden with the sound of trickling water a tranquil soundtrack. A pair of loungers offers the ideal spot for unwinding with a book or taking an afternoon nap.

Whitewashed cement walls, corrugated iron rooďŹ ng and timber details add to the rustic feel that gives the exterior of the house so much character.

reader home

A delicate


A mindful renovation and carefully selected furniture have restored this family home, designed by an iconic mid-century architect, to its original exquisite proportions.

By ShanÊ Barnard • Photographs Francois Oberholster Styling Nelia Andrag and Marian van Wyk

32 home May 2020

A steel-frame sliding door separates the living area and kitchen (opposite). The dining chairs were a second-hand find that Lochie had reupholstered in black leather and the dining table was custom made by Haldane Martin; the glass pendant lamp above comes from Lochie’s childhood home in Bonnievale. The façade with its various ‘blocks’ of glass, concrete and corrugated iron creates the impression of a modular design. Hermann is a keen gardener and planted an indigenous garden with the help of Mandy Morton of Black Sunbird Gardens.

WHO LIVES HERE? Lochie and Hermann Wessels with their kids, Armin (12) and Ziya (16) WHERE Stellenbosch SIZE 590m²

May 2020

home 33

Top floor

Main bedroom

Stoep Pool Braai

Studio Bedroom





En-suite Bedroom

OfďŹ ce Study


Ground floor

Bath Bedroom


ne of the jewels in the crown of well-known Bauhaus architect Pius Pahl can be found in a leafy suburb of Stellenbosch. The house, like a number of others in the town that are also the brainchildren of Pahl, bears many of the hallmarks of his design: large wooden-framed windows with identical proportions, slate floors, clay tiles, wooden panelling and ceilings, and practical, open living spaces typical of post-war modernism. When Lochie and Hermann Wessels bought the house in 2011, they were captivated by this history. “I have loads of sympathy for the progressive Germans of the thirties who had to flee, as it were,” he says. “I’ve always been fascinated by the Bauhaus movement. It’s thanks to this group of people that we have such world-class architecture in Stellenbosch.”

reader home The couple immediately fell in love with the precise symmetry and geometric proportions of Pahl’s design style, which is characterised by a rigorous set of mathematical proportions and geometric patterns. The moment you start meddling with any of the proportions, it has a ripple effect that eventually overrides the symmetry and undermines the entire design. Lochie and Hermann decided to call in the help of Hein Visser of Visser Kapperer De Bruin Architects when they started their home renovations in 2016. Although the couple converted the old stoep and outbuilding into a kitchen and a new stoep, their main intention was to respect and restore the integrity of Pahl’s design in all of the changes they made. >>

Touches of wood and copper in the living room are a nod to mid-century design style. The display shelves next to the fireplace were a gift to Lochie’s mom for her 21st birthday and now perfectly suit the home’s aesthetic.

May 2020

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reader home

A classic design reinterpreted One of the biggest changes the Wessels made was to modernise the kitchen and move it from the back of the house. “Our lifestyle revolves around cooking and entertaining,” says Lochie. “But in the era during which the house was designed, the kitchen was the least important part of the home.” In this house it was simply a narrow passage with a serving hatch through which food was passed to the dining room. Consequently, the old kitchen was transformed into a doublevolume entrance at the new front door, while an extension on the east-facing side now houses the kitchen. It was important for the homeowners that this addition was also designed with Pahl’s philosophy and design preferences in mind. For example, they chose to extend the slate that was on the back stoep into the new kitchen and adjacent stoep. “This delayed the building process quite a lot,” recalls Lochie. “Since there is no formula for laying slate, the tilers struggled to

get it right.” Lochie describes the area as “a sociable kitchen” that has been practically equipped, with sufficient space for the entire family to cook and socialise. Stainless steel work surfaces and built-in cupboards on steel legs create an industrial feel that blends well with the rest of their home. The black metro tiles that serve as a stove splashback beautifully complement the steel detail throughout the house. The kitchen island, custom made by Evelyn Terblanche of Versfeld who also designed the kitchen, was installed quite a while after the renovations were complete – when Lochie discovered the kitchen stools, she decided she had to have an island to match! Steel-framed windows and doors designed with patterns reminiscent of Dutch artist Piet Mondrian’s artworks feature throughout the kitchen. “We wanted the glassware in the kitchen to respect the design style of the particular era,” explains Lochie. >>

Stainless steel countertops and drawers (below) are a practical addition to a hard-working kitchen. Steel-framed glass panels on rails create a lovely focal point alongside display items on floating shelves.

A steel-frame divider with graphic interwoven cords at a coffee-making station next to the study on the first floor adds a playful element that is repeated elsewhere in the house.

The kitchen was moved when the Wessels renovated their home. The raw concrete ceiling and slate oor add wonderful texture to the industrial kitchen with its monochromatic palette. Kitchen island custom made by Versfeld; stools from Andrew Dominic

I inherited my appreciation for detail and characterful furniture from my mom. – Lochie May 2020

home 37

reader home

The pergolas on the stoep next to the living room were custom made to echo the symmetry of the windows and to provide some shelter from the sun.

38 home May 2020

A spiral staircase painted in a daring orange leads to the roof garden, which was created on top of the garages. “This staircase was the starting point for all the pops of colour in the house,” says Lochie.

The stoep next to the kitchen (left) has sliding doors on either side which add to the feeling of having an ‘outdoor’ braai. The Wessels planted a coral tree (top left) to provide much-needed shade in summer and colour during the winter. >>

May 2020

home 39

Wood, glass and fine detail The more the Wessels became acquainted with Pahl’s style and the longer they lived in the house, the more they felt the home asked for furniture from the same era to complement its exact lines and geometric patterns. “This type of furniture might look out of place in a different context, but it fits perfectly in a mid-century home,” explains Lochie. “We had to embrace the style of the house.” Thereafter, Lochie started collecting mid-century furniture pieces. “It immediately felt right,” she says. Fortunately, this furniture also lends itself to colour, which she adores. “My mother has always had an eye for detail and quality furniture, which is something I’ve come to appreciate,” says Lochie.

Lochie bought this display cabinet on Facebook Marketplace; it was later restored by Marlene Stofberg of the vintage décor and furniture store Malhuis. Planter from Space for Life

Khanya the Labrador stands guard at the new front door, which was designed with the same symmetrical proportions as the windows in the rest of the house. Two-storey-high windows ensure an abundance of natural light and a wonderful view from the top floor.

A bright blue staircase leads to the bedrooms on the top floor. Pius Pahl designed the narrow skirtings to create the illusion that the space is ‘floating’.

A mid-century standing lamp with an orange lampshade adds a pop of colour next to a Laroshe side table. The Murano vases echo the colour and shape of the mid-century furniture the Wessels love.

A Manu sideboard from Andrew Dominic was given a custom-made stainless-steel top and now serves as a coffee station. Artworks by Gregory Kerr rest on a narrow picture ledge.


Pius Pahl was a student of the famous architect Mies van der Rohe and the last architect trained at Bauhaus, the progressive German design school renowned for its enormous influence on 20th century design. Some of Pahl’s work forms part of a permanent exhibition at the Bauhaus Museum in Berlin. Pahl settled in Stellenbosch in 1952 and was one of the key figures of modernism in South Africa. He was a lecturer in architecture at the University of Cape Town between 1952 and 1954.

42 home May 2020

A French medicine chest was the inspiration for this cabinet designed by Evelyn Terblanche; Lochie keeps treasured items such as her grandfather’s shaving pot in it.

STOCKISTS Andrew Dominic 027 447 1574, Black Sunbird Gardens 082 377 4588, Haldane Martin 087 898 4678, Malhuis 082 871 2770, Space for Life 021 447 0808, Timeless Timbers 021 882 9240, Versfeld VKDB Architects 021 880 2881,

Artwork by Nelia Andrag

Slate tiles in the main bedroom’s en suite echo the floor in the kitchen and on the stoep. A dressing room forms part of the space. The wardrobes in all the bedrooms were designed and built by Timeless Timbers.

A steel sliding door separates the main bedroom from the en-suite bathroom. When the couple lifted the wall-to-wall carpets, they discovered parquet flooring underneath. “It was still in excellent condition as it had been protected by the carpets for 25 years!” says Lochie. Barcelona chair from Malhuis

By Beatrice Moore-Nöthnagel • Photographs Francois Oberholster, Henrique Wilding and Karl Rogers • Styling Marian van Wyk



Forget the rules and create your ultimate bedroom sanctuary.


Out of the blue Blue is the most popular colour in the world. It’s also one of Stefan Blom and Albie du Toit’s favourite shades, so it was an obvious choice for a guest room in their Green Point home. “Blue is everywhere in nature; just think about gazing up at the sky while lying on your back on the grass or swimming in cool blue water… Blue is familiar and comforting,” says Stefan, a psychologist. “This room feels like one big hug and our guests love it.” Stefan and Albie used blue throughout the room – from the walls and floors to the cupboards, bedding and curtains. They repeated three different shades to enhance a tranquil feel, but just to show that they’re not stuck on the monotone concept, the back of the bedroom door is painted in bright pink. “We always paint the doors of our guest rooms in a contrasting colour to add an element of surprise,” Stefan adds.

This room is adventurous, playful and brave – it’s definitely not shy! – Stefan Blom

It works, because… WARM AND COSY While blue is often considered a cool colour, the room doesn’t feel ‘cold’ thanks to the addition of pretty flowers, decorative pieces and luxurious bedding. Touches of bright colours such as red and orange also add warmth. ARTFUL Artworks collected over the years add interest to the room; these include large framed photographs, a bearded fisherman painted on a wooden boat by Jurgens Walt (see opposite), and a variety of side plates from Mervyn Gers and Liesel Trautman as well as others found at local markets. LIGHTING The unusual chandelier was purchased in Paris many years ago – it remains a timeless piece. INSIDE OUT Double doors opening onto the garden contribute to a peaceful atmosphere and make the connection with the outdoors. >>

The chair is upholstered in Marimekko fabric that Stefan brought back from Finland; it adds an interesting and playful pattern. May 2020

home 45

Contemporary farm-style Living on a farm presents various opportunities, such as renovating dilapidated dwellings and giving them a new lease on life. That’s exactly what Izette Carinus of the farm Fransmanskraal outside Stellenbosch did when she converted one of the old buildings on her property into a guest cottage as an extension of her wedding business. The spacious 33m² room was given a

A small round table and mirror serve as a dressing table – the perfect spot for brides to do hair and makeup with all that natural light.

Steel cabinets used as bedside tables add a modern feel to the farmhouse look. Steel cabinets from Popstrukt

46 home May 2020

fresh look with new floorboards and double doors opening onto a large stoep. When it came to décor, Izette wanted to retain the farm style of the building, but with a modern touch. She used a combination of old and new furniture. “After the renovation, my budget was depleted, so I used some of my motherin-law’s furniture and bought just a few new pieces,” says Izette.

Location Fransmanshuijs (082 477 0069,


It works, because… GO GREY Charcoal remains a firm favourite for focal walls and adds a contemporary look and feel to any space. Thanks to loads of natural light, the colour doesn’t make the room feel dark. FOCAL WALL Wallpaper doesn’t have to be featured behind the bed; it can become quite expensive if the wall is very large, such as the one in this bedroom. To save on costs, Izette had her wallpaper fitted against a smaller wall near the en suite (see inset, opposite). Tip Izette bought a stock image online and had the wallpaper printed by Studio 22.

Frame from MRP Home

Paint colour

Plason Bovine

Rest your head What could be more romantic than a four-poster bed in a honeymoon suite? Izette was inspired by her mother’s – it was more than 200 years old – and had a modern version custom made by Supreme Upholsterers in Stellenbosch.

Green is my favourite colour and I love combining it with grey. – Izette

Checkmate! Checked wallpaper makes quite the statement in this sunny guest room in Port Elizabeth. Says interior designer Brigitte Hills: “I love a check – it’s timeless! The black and grey tones allow you to keep the basics neutral and you can change the colour scheme of the room very easily when it needs an update.” Brigitte describes the room as bright and cheerful. “I can’t say it has a definite style. It’s a mix of old and new; the old bedside pedestals were spray-painted green for a new look, while the new lamps add a hint of industrial style,” she explains. The room overlooks the pool and enjoys plenty of natural light. Green and yellow are used as the main accent colours, adding to the bright and breezy quality of the space.

It works, because… WARMTH AND TEXTURE A funky rug adds interest, while the blanket, quilt, cushions, padded headboard and percale bed linen are all great for warmth. A wicker ottoman provides texture. THE RIGHT STRIPES You can’t go wrong with a simple stripe! The curtains blend in with the monochromatic colour scheme but also add a bit of oomph. REPURPOSE An old piece of furniture can look as good as new in the right colour. Upcycled bedside tables provide a pop of green against the black, white and grey and pick up the colour in the scatter cushions. EX P E RT A D V I C E Interior designer Brigitte Hill shares her top tips: 1 Carefully consider your lighting. The style and proportions of your bedside lamps is crucial, but they also need to be functional for reading. 2 This look is fun for a spare room as people use it for a short space of time. Think carefully about what colours are calming and relaxing for you; your bedroom is your sanctuary and it’s important to sleep well. 3 Declutter! Make sure you have enough storage space so your bedroom remains a tranquil zone. 4 Good quality bed linen such as cotton percale is a must. 5 Layer the bed with blankets and throws for extra comfort. >> CONTACT 083 652 9895,

Fun striped curtain!

48 home May 2020

Soft and romantic Ivor and Roxy Jones’s bedroom in their Plumstead home is the epitome of romance with its oversized soft pink blooms that look as if they are floating down from the ceiling. Stacey Russell of House2homesa assisted with the décor. “While soft and romantic, the combination of greys and pinks as well as hard and soft features such as cement and flowers creates the perfect balance between masculine and feminine, making it the ideal compromise for a couple.” The custom-designed wallpaper by Cara Saven is a showstopper, while the contemporary wood-look vinyl floor is warm underfoot, easy to clean and looks luxurious.

It works, because… Ceiling light from Weylandts; blue cushions from MRP Home

CENTRE OF ATTENTION The couple decided to forgo a headboard so as not to detract from the beautiful focal wall with its striking wallpaper. MIX ’N MATCH You don’t always have to use matching bedside tables; keep the look quirky by combining different types and sizes of furniture. CONTRAST A modern bedside table, floor lamp and pendant add an industrial touch and balance the soft romantic colours. E X P E RT A D V I CE

50 home May 2020

Not sure which colour to use for a specific look and feel? Creativity consultant Lien Potgieter shares her ideas: 1 For a romantic atmosphere, any shade of pink is perfect – from light pink to a more dramatic dusty-pink. Combine these with soft greys to create a feeling of intimacy and calm. 2 If you’re keen on a bolder look, choose a bright colour like blue. It has a calming effect on the mind and body and creates a sense of spaciousness. 3 White or neutrals are popular in a bedroom where peace and quiet are paramount; remember, this palette should be warm. Add metallics such as bronze, copper and rose-gold for a touch of luxury. 4 For a more masculine or dramatic effect, stick to trendy charcoals. These evoke a sense of stability and you can create balance with an accent colour that makes you smile instinctively, such as yellow or orange. 5 Also try different shades of green for a tranquil ambience. There’s nothing like a nature-inspired palette to relax and refresh you after a long day. >> CONTACT 083 691 3569,

Getty Images



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May 2020

home 51


Moody hues For artist Kim Black, muted neutral colours were the obvious choice for the main bedroom in her Fish Hoek home on the Cape Peninsula. Firstly, she didn’t want the space to feel too feminine for her husband Brendan’s sake. Secondly, she works with lots of vibrant colours every day, so a soft palette was a better fit for her sanctuary. “I wanted to create a peaceful and calming space where we can unwind at the end of a busy day,” says Kim. That said, the bedroom is far from colourless and dull; it boasts a range of rich hues and textures.

Blue cushions and tablecloth from MRP Home

I love my bedroom; it’s at the other end of the house where I can escape to read, write in my journal or, most importantly, sleep! – Kim Black

The artwork behind the bed, Kim’s own handiwork, is a stunning focal point and sets the tone in the room.

It works, because… PULL FOCUS To make the bed seem grander in scale and to create a neutral yet interesting backdrop, Kim hung a large canvas on the wall, which she painted in muted blues and greys. MULTIFUNCTIONAL FURNITURE Brendan keeps his T-shirts and smalls in the second-hand chest of drawers on his side of the bed. Kim painted her bedside cabinet and the chest of drawers with Annie Sloan Paris Grey and then waxed them. The white French-style bed is from the UK. PERSONALITY Kim changes the cushions around and adds textured throws to the bed to change the look; it’s easy as all the basics in the room are neutral. >>

Painting by Kim Black; green linen pillowcases from Weylandts May 2020

home 53


Simple yet sophisticated When interior designer Salomé Gunter was called in to help redecorate John and Pippa Walls’ new Koringberg home (see the entire house on page 22), she had her work cut out for her. The small guest room had green walls with an old steel fireplace in the adjoining lounge! The previous homeowners rented the space out as a B&B, but now it accommodates teenagers. “We separated the room from the lounge area with a big black bookcase and a screen (not shown) for some privacy,” says Salomé. In keeping with the country-style look of the house, a four-poster bed with curtains fits in perfectly. Salomé describes the décor as simple and a stable door opening up onto the veranda epitomises country living.

54 home May 2020

It works, because… UPCYCLE The bed and chest of drawers came from the owners’ previous home in Fresnaye, Cape Town. Salomé painted some stripes on the drawers for a fresh look. A FUN TOUCH A wooden stump serves as a bedside table.

The black steel fourposter bed is romantic and timeless, while the sheer curtains add extra texture and softness.

STOCKISTS AND CONTACTS Cara Saven Wallpaper 082 953 6246, House2homesa 082 765 0487, Jurgens Walt 082 928 8757 Kim Black Art 060 464 2562, kimblack _art/ Liesel Trautman Ceramics 021 447 2029, Mervyn Gers Ceramics 021 510 2385, MRP Home 0800 212 535, Popstrukt Salomé Gunter 073 145 7170, Studio 22 021 525 3740, Supreme Upholsterers 021 887 2756, Weylandts 0860 103 400,

Weave a bit of magic! Upcycle an old bench with webbing and paint.

Shelly Bergh

By Shelly Bergh • Photographs Francois Oberholster

You will need SHOPPING LIST • old wooden bench or coffee table frame • 50m webbing in 2 colours • leftover paint (we used Annie Sloan chalk paint in Scandinavian Pink)

• sealant such as Sabre Paints Stoneseal (wax will also work) • if you don’t use chalk paint, we recommend a water-based enamel; first apply a primer such as Dulux Supergrip

QUICK PROJECT GUIDE Hard labour 2/10 Skill level 2/10 Time needed 1 day (includes drying time for paint) Do it yourself for R400 (bench bought on Gumtree R150; webbing R250)

TOOLS • sandpaper • paintbrush • scissors • lighter • staple gun

Get started...



1 There’s no need to sand if you’re using chalk paint – unless the existing finish is high-gloss, in which case a light sanding is necessary. If you’re using water-based enamel paint, lightly

3 sand the wooden frame. Make sure it’s clean and dust-free. 2 Paint the frame on all sides with two coats of paint, letting it dry between layers. 3 Seal the paint, if using chalk paint.

4 4 Measure the length of the webbing across the length and width of the frame. Fold it over all the way to the inside of the frame and double it up at the ends for extra strength. Once you have the correct lengths, cut more of each. We used 23 across the width and



6 Start with the short pieces of webbing on the inside of the long edges of the frame. Fold the ends over and staple in place. 7 Pull the straps very tightly across the width of the frame and fold them over on the inside. Fold the ends double and staple in place.

56 home May 2020

nine across the length of the bench (this will vary according to the size of your frame). 5 Once you’ve cut all the webbing, singe the ends with the flame of a lighter.


8 Repeat with all the straps. 8 Attach the longer straps in the same way you did the shorter ones in step 6 on the short sides of the frame. Weave them through the shorter straps, pull them very tight, fold the ends double and staple in place.



Follow these helpful tips to maximise your experience on – and ensure that you sell your item fast! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! It might seem obvious, but potential buyers need to know where you are. Displaying your location is vital – if locals can’t see your ad, it will negatively affect the number of responses.

Teal cushions from MRP Home; lamp, pink scatter, throw and clock from Woolworths; rug from @home

WHAT’S IN A NAME? Gumtree searches use the keywords included in the title of your ad. To make sure your ad appears for as many buyers as possible, use specific detailed keywords. Gumtree allows up to 100 characters – don’t be afraid to use them all. ‘Sofa for sale’ is accurate but you’ll get better results using more detail. Instead, try: ‘Incredibly comfortable, 3-seater sofa for sale. Reupholstered. Barely used, in great condition’. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS People want to see exactly what you’re selling. Ads with photos get more replies; use well-lit, good quality images. There’s no cost for posting a picture on Gumtree; include multiple images in your ads. CHOOSE THE CATEGORY CAREFULLY It’s important to post your ad to the correct city and category. If your ad is categorised incorrectly, buyers may have difficulty finding it. After checking your category, double-check the city your ad is posted in.

ee the step-by-step video n

STOCKISTS @home 0860 666 674, MRP Home 0800 212 535, Woolworths 0860 022 002,

MAINTAIN YOUR ADS So you’ve posted your ad with fantastic pictures, created a punchy title and indicated your location and category. Job done, right? Not just yet. If responses are slowing down, promote your ad using the Top Ads feature. On average, promoted listings generate up to three times more replies, from as little as R7 per day.

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Quick questions

Q: What is the product name and colour of the warm wood-look vinyl on page 16 of your December 2019 edition? – Settie Uys, Prince Albert A: The vinyl floors are COMO Earth in the colour Cinnabar and they come with a lifetime warranty on residential applications. This vinyl is available from most flooring suppliers, including Top Carpets and Floors (, Global Stream ( and TLC Flooring ( >>

Q: I love the steel cabinet on page 63 of your June 2019 issue; where can I find something similar? – Lizelle Bergh, Strand A: The green steel cabinet was bought at a barn auction but you can find new ones at Makro ( and Takealot (


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Don’t move, improve!

WHO LIVES HERE? Angelo and Emmy Frasco with their daughter Juliet WHERE Crofters Valley, Noordhoek SIZE 0.4ha

A guesthouse has been transformed into a home that accommodates an extended family sold on the benefits of communal living. By Ina Baard • Photographs Francois Oberholster Styling Marian van Wyk hen two brothers, Angelo and Alex Frasco, ended up marrying two sisters, Emmy and Elizabeth Schofield, they probably didn’t expect to live together too. But about three years ago, the two families – and a grandmother on either side of the family tree – decided to buy a property together, creating a unique opportunity to combine their resources and live as a small community with plenty of space for the kids – Juliet, Max and Cruz – to play. “Some people thought we were crazy, but we knew this could work. We have a good understanding of each other’s needs and limitations, which makes living together a lot easier,” says Angelo. Eight years ago, they started house-hunting in the leafy Cape Town suburbs of Constantia and Tokai, but each potential property brought its own set of challenges. However, when a nine-bedroom guesthouse in Crofters Valley, Noordhoek came on the market, it not only suited their combined budget, but it ticked all the other boxes too. “Elizabeth and I grew up in nearby Simonstown and loved the freedom and safety we enjoyed as kids, going to the beach and horse-riding,” says Emmy. “The property we found is also close to the beach and has the same ‘rural’ atmosphere.” While the house was a perfect fit, the purchase process presented some challenges: both families had to sell their existing properties and secure additional funding. They created a trust, with each family’s contribution towards the purchase of the property stipulated as a percentage of ownership, and once the transfer went through, Angelo’s brother Alex and his wife Elizabeth moved in to kick-start the first phase of renovations. In retrospect, both families agree that getting the plans approved for the alterations that had to be done was the most challenging and time-consuming phase of the whole venture. This included approval for two additional separate dwellings that had to be erected on the erf to accommodate the grandmothers, and some changes to the main house. They didn’t officially subdivide, but

68 home May 2020

Terracotta floor tiles by Shawtec

the main house was designed in such a way that both families enjoy their privacy. Today, the property comfortably accommodates two families, each with their own wing in the main house, as well as two cottages where grandmothers Dora and Janet reside. Alex, Elizabeth and their sons Max and Cruz completed the renovation of their wing first and moved in in February 2017. Angelo, Emmy and their daughter Juliet followed after, and took occupation in June 2019. For Angelo and Emmy, this renovation was their first opportunity to design a house to their specifications. Their previous home, an apartment in the Cape Town city centre, did not require much change and it wouldn’t have made financial sense to overhaul the space in as much detail as their current home. But here in Noordhoek it was time to dream. >>


What was originally a galley kitchen with low ceilings is now a beautiful open space with views of the garden. The ceilings were removed to expose the rafters and create a light and airy atmosphere. New hexagonal terracotta floor tiles were laid to match the shape of the blue wall tiles. “The blue tiles are a nod to my Portuguese roots,” says Angelo. “They’re also a reminder of our travels to the Mediterranean. We enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and this is reflected in the cool, calm colours in our home.” Originally, the entire kitchen was going to be overhauled but once the Frascos had replaced the laminated flooring, all that was needed to update the look was new hardware including handles, hinges and a striking brass kickplate. They also replaced the basin and taps.

Self-levelling screed floors sealed with six layers of Sovereign Seal were installed in the living areas. The bar stools were given a fresh coat of yellow paint to brighten up the space. Wall tiles by Malls Tiles; artworks by Deziree Smith of Whimsical Collection; bar stools from Bedfellows; yellow parrot from MRP Home

May 2020





A barn door that separates the kitchen and living room from the rest of the house was custom made and painted by The Barn Door Shack. The couple opted for brass hardware to contrast with the blue door and to enhance the Mediterranean vibe. Originally, all the bedrooms opened onto a long stoep; this space was enclosed to create a study for Emmy and a long wide corridor that connects the various bedrooms. The large majority of their furniture pieces are heirlooms, market finds or items brought back from their travels. These were updated with a fresh coat of paint or upholstered by Angelo’s uncle Jorge Esteves’s furniture business, Dynamic Furniture Contracts. A sturdy wooden desk and chair were brought out of storage and painted in a contrasting grey-and-yellow colour scheme to form a focal point in the study. The corridor (see opposite) is a light-filled space and seats on the windowsills are perfect for soaking up the winter sun, turning what could be a purely practical zone into an additional cosy living space.

70 home May 2020

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In the main en-suite bathroom, mosaic tiles create a hammam effect. Tiles from Douglas Jones

72 home May 2020


The main bedroom has a pitched roof with skylights to maximise on natural light. The bed was designed by Angelo and made by Dynamic Furniture Contracts; originally dark wood, it was repainted to complement the overall palette. Due to its high cost, parquet flooring was limited to the bedrooms – all the blocks were sourced on Gumtree; when the couple found they had too few light-coloured blocks, they solved the problem by creating a dark wood border. Creative! Cushions, grey throw and rug from MRP Home; pendants from Eagle Lighting

In the guest bathroom, mosaic tiles echo the Mediterranean theme.


The shower doors in Juliet’s bathroom and the guest bathroom were removed before the showers were sealed properly and mosaic floor tiles were laid. The doors were then reinstalled. The main en-suite bathroom is a nod to the Turkish baths the Frascos visited on their travels; end-of-range mosaic tiles from the Douglas Jones sales warehouse in Diep River create an exotic spa effect. A significant amount of time was spent poring over possible designs for the layout of the main en-suite bathroom. In the end, space from the main bedroom was sacrificed to create a more functional bathroom. The freestanding wooden bath (see right) was bought on Gumtree from an entrepreneur who imports these from the East – unfortunately, Angelo no longer has his details.

Towel from The Cotton Company

STOCKISTS The Barn Door Shack Bedfellows 021 788 4166, Douglas Jones 086 166 7242, Dynamic Furniture Contracts 021 511 9518, Eagle Lighting 021 424 4071, Malls Tiles 021 510 5500, MRP Home 0800 212 535, Shawtec 021 976 8089, The Cotton Company 060 505 7894, Whimsical Collection 071 355 8873,



hether you are a seasoned renovator or a novice who has never held a trowel, now is your chance to enter our popular Fix it with Flair competition in partnership with Paint Master! A highlight on the Home calender, this contest offers readers the opportunity to share and showcase their projects. Last year, the competition was given a new twist when we announced three different categories – we showed the winning entries in our April 2020 issue. If you think you can match or even improve on these entries, enter now! We eagerly await your contribution. Take a look at the criteria for each category, decide which one you want to enter and submit your pics – you could be crowned one of our Renovators of the Year!

If you’re an avid renovator, this competition is for you!




This one is for avid DIYers who take on 50% of the work themselves. So if knocking down walls, retiling or laying a screed floor doesn’t scare you, go for it! You’ll have to submit a budget breakdown and show what you did with your own two hands. This category celebrates hard work and true grit!

74 home May 2020






If you fancy yourself an out-of-the-box thinker with a knack for the extraordinary, this category is for you. It could be an eco house, a mobile home, an outdoor kitchen – you name it! Whether you did the work yourself or simply planned and managed the project, feel free to enter your makeover here.

If you’re all thumbs and have a fear of power tools but you oversaw a gorgeous renovation, consider this option. Even if a contractor completed 100% of the physical work, as long as you were responsible for the planning, project management and costs, you are eligible for this prize.

* The editor reserves the right to transfer entries from one category to another.


Before Before

HOW TO ENTER • Visit to enter online and follow the prompts. • Be sure to submit photographs of your project taken in natural light. CLOSING DATE Midday on Tuesday, 30 June 2020.

Having trouble? Email or call 021 406 3825 for assistance.

NEW IN 2020! With Paint Master – the creators of the popular Tjhoko Paint range – as our competition partners, the first 150 entries in this year’s competition will receive a free paint-and-colour consultation, compliments of Paint Master! Whether it’s a focal wall or roof, the experts at Paint Master will be able to help. For inspiration, visit

THE PRIZES R100 000 in cash is up for grabs: The winner in each category will receive R25 000. The runner-up in each category will receive R5 000. The Top 9 contestants each get R1 000. One favourite, based on reader votes, will get R1 000 cash. T’s & C’s apply; find them online at

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crossword #141

Compiled by Gerda Engelbrecht

One of eight books published by Human & Rousseau (an imprint of

WIN! NB Publishers) worth R280 could be yours.

Cook and Enjoy for Kids by Eunice van der Berg and S.J.A. de Villiers is the perfect cookbook for beginners of all ages! This guide will show you how easy and how much fun it is to cook with more than 55 mouthwatering recipes that have been specially selected and tested. Each method comes with step-by-step instructions and is illustrated with full-colour photographs. The book also teaches you how to use a recipe, kitchen tools and utensils; how to measure ingredients; and how to work safely in the kitchen and understand cooking terms. The ďŹ rst eight readers whose correctly completed crosswords are drawn will each win a copy of Cook and Enjoy for Kids worth R280. Send the completed crossword, and your details, to Home Crossword #141, PO Box 1802, Cape Town, or scan in your completed crossword and email it to to reach us by 31 May 2020. See our competition rules on page 112.

Name ............................................................................. Address .......................................................................................................................... Postal code .................. Cell .............................................. Tel. (w) ............................................. Email .........................................................

78 home May 2020


Book your spot at Home’s first


Here’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for: an informative décor course presented in partnership with MRP Home.


Learn how to work with colour, pattern and texture.

Getty Images

re you a creative décor enthusiast who wants every corner of your home to be picture-perfect? Or have you always been curious about what a Home photo shoot entails, how to plan and prepare for it, what should be in your styling kit if you want to make a career out of decorating someday, and how to put together a beautiful story in the magazine? Then our first-ever décor school is for you! Here in the creative whirlwind of the Home office, in actual reader homes and at MRP Home’s flagship store in Canal Walk, Cape Town, you’ll learn from the experts what it takes to become a leading décor stylist. Over three days, we’ll share with you the tips and tricks the Home team has acquired over decades – from moodboards and colour choices, quick fixes and clever techniques to a dash of DIY know-how. In fact, we’re inviting you into our own ‘home’. Come and experience how the Home team puts the magazine together every month.

Work with a photographer while you style a real location.


A moodboard is your secret weapon…

DETAILS Date 7–9 October 2020 Place Media24 Centre, Cape Town Cost R4 500 The cost excludes travel and accommodation, but includes breakfast and lunch daily, transport during the course, as well as the styling equipment you will need. To book your place, email

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Camellia reticulata ‘Laurian Brown’

The camellia’s value in the garden is as a decorative evergreen shrub, with its gorgeous blooms an added bonus. Most of the camellias grown in gardens of today are varieties and hybrids of three species, the autumn-flowering Camellia sasanqua, the winter-flowering C. japonica, and the spring-flowering C. reticulata. • The growth habit of C. sasanqua is neat and attractive and has great variation in form. Its leaves are a glossy dark green and a foil for the dainty flowers with their fluted or ruffled white, pink or red petals surrounding golden stamens. They need protection in very hot climates from hot afternoon sun. • A lightly shaded corner of the garden and

protection from cold winds would suit C. japonica that flowers through the winter months. They are mostly dense, upright shrubs with glossy green leaves and single or double flowers with rosettes of neat, overlapping petals. • C. reticulata is the last to flower, and like the sasanqua, is more sun-tolerant than C. japonica. Reticulatas grow tall and have the least attractive leaves, leathery and dull, but compensate for this with their magnificent saucer-size blooms. Camellia species such as C. rosiflora, fragrant C. lutchuensis with dainty flowers and foliage, and the yellow-flowered C. nitidissima (syn. C. chrysantha) are also worthy of a place in the garden.

By Kay Montgomery

In the garden

Camellia companions Camellias are variable in shape and size; tall for boundary plantings, as specimen shrubs in the landscape, as slender columns to frame entrances, or with a rounded growth habit for screening. The foliage can be clipped and controlled, and there are compact varieties for containers. If you have space, plant a camellia walk for friends and family to enjoy. The KZN National Botanical Garden in Pietermaritzburg has had a camellia walk planted up with Camellia japonicas since April 1891, while Vergelegen Estate in Somerset West was awarded the

International Camellia Garden of Excellence in 2010. Suitable companions that need similar growing conditions of dappled shade and acid and moist, but well-drained soil, include Rhododendron, azalea, Magnolia, Gardenia, Deutzia and Pieris. Japanese maples, with their attractive forms and textures, and the arching fronds of ferns provide a perfect foil for camellias. Underplant with clivias in spring, Astilbes with feathery flower plumes and smoothleafed Hostas in summer, Plectranthus in autumn and Hellebores in winter. >>

Camellia japonica ‘Happy Higo’ Camellia japonica ‘Tiffany’


Water smart Waterwise plant of the month

Lobster flower Also known as smelly spurflower, Plectranthus neochilus is a succulent perennial herb with rounded, aromatic grey-green foliage and purple-blue flowers loved by bees. Waterwise and useful in difficult dry sites, it is perfect as a filler, in a rockery, or as a groundcover in light shade or sun. Stems root easily or you can propagate new plants from cuttings.

We love succulents!

Mountain aloe Aloe marlothii is a regal aloe that can grow up to 4m high and carries its large candelabra of orange, yellow or red flowers like a crown. It blooms from May to September providing a welcome supply of nectar for birds. It can handle frost. How to grow Plant in full sun, in well-drained soil, with added compost and bonemeal. Mountain aloes don’t do well in heavy clay soil. Rocky outcrops are best as they act as sun-traps. Allow plenty of space to grow. Water once a week while the plant is establishing itself and reduce after that. Overwatering can cause rotting. If the plant becomes infected with white scale, spray with Oleum or Neem Oil with a wetting agent, make sure it is not too dry and maybe give it some supplementary feeding. Garden uses Mountain aloes make statuesque feature plants; use them as a specimen plant in rockeries, with succulents and in indigenous bird-friendly gardens. For a more formal effect, plant as columns at the entrance to a garden, along a wall or driveway. Did you know? Mountain aloes generally need less water when grown in areas with warm, wet summers and cool, dry winters. However, plants tolerate more water in a garden situation, provided the soil drains well. Well-watered plants tend to have lighter green, less thorny leaves. Common problems Deformed leaves and inflorescences (flower spikes) are symptomatic of aloe cancer, which is caused by mites. Remove the plant and dispose of it to prevent the spread. Watch out for snout beetles that burrow into the stem, eventually hollowing it out; inject the stem with a systemic insecticide. CONTACT Ngena Succulents; email

82 home May 2020

Patio plant of the month

Indoor hydrangea ‘All Seasons’ hydrangea is a new single head hydrangea that produces a longlasting spectacular bloom in pink or white. New genetics together with new propagation techniques has produced this indoor hydrangea that is available all year round. It needs at least four hours of bright indirect light a day. The flowers last longer if the plant is kept cool, with evenly moist but not soggy soil. Plants prefer lime-free water. If the indoor air is dry, place the pot on pebbles. After blooming it can be cut back and planted in the garden but will revert to its natural state of producing more than one flower head. CONTACT >>

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Garden goodies Compiled by Beatrice Moore-Nöthnagel

New in nurseries Bouquet of love Dianthus ‘Early Love’ is the latest in the line of fragrant, bouquet-like dianthus for garden borders, patio pots and even indoors. This variety has large, double magenta-pink flowers with deep purpleblack centres and a spicy, sweet fragrance. It is a neat, compact, vigorous plant, growing upwards to 20cm with short stems that fan gracefully outwards so that the plant resembles a bouquet of flowers. As a garden plant it needs full sun and soil that drains very well. On patios it does best with morning sun or bright dappled light and bright indirect light for indoors. Cut off the dead flowers to encourage new blooms. CONTACT

Weather-resistant, maintenance-free, resin Troy Adirondack chair R2 490, Keter

Pink and white standing ceramic pot R259.99, MRP Home

First Dutch Brands eco trellis (405mm W x 1 510mm H) R255, Builders

Artificial flower crown or wreath (27cm) R450, Anita Botha String of beads R89.99, Woolworths

First Dutch Brands picket fencing (1 200mm W x 300mm H) R170, Builders Pulfero lantern wall light R1 045, Eurolux Cactus in novelty fox pot R119.99, Woolworths STOCKISTS Anita Botha 082 855 0145, Builders 0860 284 533, Eurolux 021 528 8400, Keter South Africa 0861 866 766, MRP Home 0800 212 535, Woolworths 0860 022 002,

84 home May 2020

This bed is mainly filled with Plectranthus ciliatus and arum lilies. Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’ provides a swathe of purple in front of the Australian brush cherry hedge that will soon conceal the neighbour’s property.

Added ded


It makes sense to create a beautiful garden for a home you wish to rent out, as your property will be so much more attractive to interested tenants. By Elna van der Merwe • Photographs Francois Oberholster and supplied

WHERE Durbanville TYPE OF SOIL Loam

reader garden

Old bricks were recycled for the patio. Around the edge, the bricks were arranged with their straight sides facing outwards and the broken sides facing inwards. Bricks with broken edges on all four sides were used for the inner surface. The table top was made from old pallets and placed on a wrought iron leg from Plaisir du Jardin.

May 2020

home 87

reader garden Arum lilies that come up and bloom seasonally nestle among a lush bed of Plectranthus ciliatus in the foreground; the arum lilies were already in the garden so they were left as is. The garden surfaces are covered with a combination of artificial grass, gravel and recycled pavers.


here is one major drawback and one huge advantage to designing a new garden for a rental property. The downside is that you don’t know who you’re designing the garden for. Will there, for example, be children who’ll need a play area? Will the tenants be interested enough in gardening to care for the garden? The advantage – and it seems much greater than the disadvantage – is that a well-designed garden may increase the value of a rental home to such a degree that it can be rented out in a higher price range. Wouter Kruidenier, a garden designer from Durbanville outside Cape Town, was faced with just such a challenge. “This garden in the northern suburbs was a mess. It had no structure and did not link well with the house.” This meant that there was no natural flow, views or exits that invited people outdoors. “The client wanted to improve the property so that it could be offered to tenants in a higher price range than before. I had to persuade him to spend more than he’d originally intended so that we could give the house what it deserved: a top quality garden with good structure that required little maintenance,” says Wouter. “We took into consideration that future tenants may have small children or a lock-up-and-go lifestyle so the artificial grass was essential. Large lawns are in any case not ideal in these times of severe water shortages.” >>

reader garden The wooden arch was moved from the backyard to the front garden. A pale pink climbing rose softens the hard structure.

May 2020

home 89

Different levels make the garden interesting. In the background, the dark purple foliage of Alternanthera ‘Purple Knight’ adds another layer of colour in a raised bed.

90 home May 2020

reader garden

Formal and informal Previously a rather untidy space with uneven paving, shrubs that looked rather sad and no proper entertainment area, the garden has been transformed into an inviting haven. It’s a picture of lush greenery, with tall trees that have been neatly trimmed back, a backdrop of walls that will soon be covered by plants, and focal points everywhere that draw the eye: pots with flowering plants, a birdbath, a wrought iron gate with a wooden structure over which a pink climbing rose is starting to scramble... Wouter explains the style on which he decided. “It had to be a combination of formal and informal as we wanted to re-use many of the pavers and broken bricks. “The pavers were relaid but this time in a formal pattern. It wasn’t a problem recycling the old materials, as the broken bricks with white cement in-between look lovely – just make sure the edge of the surfaces are flush with each other.” Wouter says that using coarse brown sand with white cement creates a beautiful sandstone look. “If you use white sand, it looks too clinical – unless of course that’s the aesthetic you’re going for.” The budget confines with which he had to work were a bit of a headache. “The garden is always last in line,” he says. “It took quite a bit of persuasion to up the budget and to rather do the garden properly instead of taking an easy route that would not have had lasting appeal. “We saved quite a lot of money by recycling. Plants were also re-used. There were a few different types of bulbs in the garden that we lifted during the initial stages and replanted in groups afterwards. We also took lots of cuttings, and shrubs were transplanted from other gardens where they had to be removed.” The story has a happy ending. “All the persuasion it took was definitely worth it because the client was delighted with the garden and had no regrets about going over his initial budget!” >>

Second-hand bricks, mondo grass and dolomite gravel have been artfully combined here.

Rosemary, origanum and thyme thrive in the herb garden.

reader garden

PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS The project had inherent problems, such as the type of soil (loam), lots of shade and a slope. Although there was so much shade, certain areas receive direct sun for a few hours a day. Plants therefore had to be able to cope with both sets of conditions. The lack of water due to the drought and the limited budget were also a challenge. Wouter’s advice for people with similar problems is to do your homework very well beforehand and to choose the right plants – those that are not suited to a garden’s conditions often have to be replaced, which is a waste of money. Compile a list of plants that will thrive in your particular conditions, then make your selection from that according to height, colour and growth habit.

What could be better than the heady fragrance of star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)?

Pandorea jasminoides

92 home May 2020

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bowls of goodness


Recipe on page 97.

Better in a


These ‘all-in-one’ meals are what comfort food is all about! By Johané Neilson Photographs Francois Oberholster


Recipe on page 99.

May 2020

home 95


96 home May 2020

bowls of goodness

Pepper steak pies with beer, sweet potato and peas The filling of these pies has a rich sauce loaded with bright green peas and chunky sweet potato. The two-ingredient pastry caused quite a stir on Instagram, with people using it to make everything from pizza and naan bread to cinnamon rolls. We added rosemary to our pie pastry. Serves 4 Preparation time: 50 minutes Cooking time: 3 hours Oven temperature: 180˚C • 650g beef cubes (chuck or goulash works well) • 350g beef soft shin, diced • 100ml flour • 5ml each coriander, cumin and paprika • 10ml dried mixed herbs • about 30ml oil • 1 onion, chopped • 1 carrot, finely chopped • 2 stalks celery, finely chopped • 2 garlic cloves, chopped • 15ml tomato paste • 5ml whole rainbow peppercorns • 340ml (1 bottle) beer • 250ml beef stock • 125ml frozen peas • 1 medium sweet potato, sliced and roasted * CRUST • 500ml self-raising flour, plus extra for rolling • 375ml yoghurt • a sprig of rosemary, leaves stripped and chopped • 1 egg, beaten 1 Roll the meat in the flour, spices and herbs. Heat the oil until hot in a large saucepan and fry the meat in batches until golden-brown; set the meat and any remaining flour aside. Sauté the onion, carrot and celery in the same pan until glossy. Stir in the garlic, tomato paste and peppercorns and stir for half a minute. Add the beer and cook for 2 minutes, scraping off any bits on the bottom of the pan. 2 Add the meat, stock and the remaining flour to the sauce and simmer gently with the lid on for about 2 hours or until the meat is tender and the sauce is thick and rich. Stir the peas and sweet potato into the pie filling, season to taste with salt and divide between four ovenproof bowls.

3 Preheat the oven. Mix the flour, yoghurt and rosemary together. Turn out the dough onto a floured surface and knead gently until just smooth; don’t knead unnecessarily as it will become difficult to roll out. Divide the dough into four equal portions and roll each into a circle big enough to cover the top of each bowl. Brush the bottom edge of the dough with egg and press it against the rim of the bowl. Make a steam hole in the dough and brush all over with egg. Bake the pies for 25–30 minutes until the pastry is golden-brown and cooked through. Tip The pie tastes even better if you prepare the filling the day before. * If you don’t want to roast the sweet potato, add it to the sauce for the last 10–15 minutes to soften.

Barley risotto with butternut and sage Using barley instead of the traditional arborio rice gives this dish a delicious nutty flavour; adding mascarpone makes it creamy! Serves 4–6 • Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes • • • • • • • • • • •

30ml olive oil knob of butter 12 sage leaves 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, bruised with the back of a knife 250ml pearled barley, soaked for 15 minutes and rinsed 1L hot chicken stock 1 small butternut, sliced and roasted 45ml mascarpone 125ml grated Parmesan 125ml almonds, toasted

1 Heat the butter and oil and fry the sage leaves until crispy. Remove the leaves to use as a garnish later. Sauté the onion and garlic in the fragrant oil until soft and glossy. Stir in the barley and stir-fry until all the grains are coated with oil and start to toast. 2 Stir in 750ml of the stock and cook for about 20 minutes or until al dente. Stir regularly, but unlike arborio rice it is not necessary to stir constantly or to add the stock gradually. 3 Remove the garlic from the barley. Finely chop half of the butternut and mix with the last cup of stock into the barley. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and simmer for a further 5 minutes. 4 Spoon the aromatic barley into bowls and top each bowl with a spoonful of mascarpone, a sprinkling of cheese, crispy sage, roasted butternut and almonds. >>



98 home May 2020

bowls of goodness

Bulgur wheat salad Buddha bowls with with beetroot, tomato mango sauce A buddha bowl has a grain base and is and pomegranate This colourful salad has exciting textures in each bite.

Ceramic ware from E Gallery, Stellenbosch (082 909 1446, instagram @emzigallery)

Serves 6 as a side dish Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes • 4 large beetroots, peeled and cut into wedges or blocks • 2 star anise pods • 2 juniper berries • 60ml balsamic vinegar • 60ml brown sugar • 250ml water • 250ml bulgur wheat • 500ml water • fresh lemon to taste • about 45ml olive oil • 200g cherry tomatoes, halved • ½ cucumber, diced • ½ red onion, sliced • 2 rounds feta, crumbled • a handful of mixed mint and basil leaves • 60ml pomegranate rubies • edible flowers, to garnish (optional) 1 Place the beetroot, star anise, juniper berries, vinegar, brown sugar and 250ml water in a small saucepan and stir over moderate heat until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the beetroot is tender (about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the beetroot pieces). Drain and cool. 2 Place the bulgur and 500ml water in a separate saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer with the lid on for about 10 minutes or until the grains are al dente. Remove from the heat and drain off any liquid. Season to taste with salt, freshly ground black pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. 3 To assemble the salad, combine the tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, feta and herbs with the bulgur and spoon onto a serving platter. Arrange the beetroot on top and sprinkle with pomegranate rubies. I mix some of the beetroot cooking liquid with olive oil in a separate bowl as a tangy dressing and sprinkle edible flowers on the salad as a garnish.

served with interesting vegetables and other fresh ingredients – with or without a protein, but definitely with a delicious sauce. Serves 4 Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 50 minutes • 2 avocados, peeled, pitted and chopped • 2 medium sweet potatoes, sliced and roasted HONEY AND SOY TROUT • 4 servings (about 500g in total) trout, skin on • 15ml sesame oil • 15ml black sesame seeds • 15ml honey • 30ml soy sauce BROWN RICE • 30ml olive oil • ½ onion, chopped • 1 garlic clove, chopped • 5ml turmeric • 250ml brown rice, soaked for 15 minutes, then drained • 500ml chicken stock • 2 mealies, steamed and grilled until done • 1 tin (400g) chickpeas, drained • lemon juice and zest to taste • 60ml chopped fresh coriander MANGO SAUCE • 250ml fresh mango, cut into blocks • 15–30ml apple cider vinegar • 30ml coconut milk • 5ml honey • 5ml dried chilli flakes • salt to taste 1 Prepare the brown rice Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion gently until soft. Stir in the garlic, turmeric and rice and stir-fry until all the grains are coated with oil. Add the stock and steam over low heat with the lid on for about 35 minutes until the rice starts to soften but still has a bit of a bite. 2 Cut the mealie kernels off the cob and stir, along with the chickpeas, into the brown rice; steam for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside for 5 minutes.


Stir in the lemon juice, zest and fresh herbs. Depending on how salty the stock is, salt and pepper may also be needed. 3 For the sauce, place all the ingredients in a measuring jug and process with a stick blender until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 4 Fry the trout Mix the fish with the oil and sesame seeds. Heat a pan until piping hot and fry the fish, skin side first, for about 3–4 minutes until the skin is crispy. Gently press the fish flat with a spatula so it does not curl up and fries evenly – this ensures a crispy skin. Turn the portions over and fry the other side quickly for a minute to form a crust on both sides of the fish. Beat the honey and soy together, add to the pan and sauté for another minute to caramelise and brown the flesh slightly without making the crispy skin soggy. Remove from the heat and rest for a minute. The fish should now be medium-rare and blush-pink inside. Thicker portions of fish will need more time in the pan; if you’re unsure, test to see if the flesh is flaky. 5 Assemble the bowls Spoon a portion of rice into each bowl, followed by a spoonful of sweet potato, half an avocado, a serving of trout and mango sauce to taste. >>

Rice, bulgur, barley, noodles and chickpeas are great pantry staples, while peas, chicken, trout and paratha flatbreads can be frozen very successfully.


bowls of goodness

Kottu roti Home editor Wicus Pretorius discovered this wonderful dish whilst on holiday in Sri Lanka. If you can’t find rotis or parathas, simply stir your favourite cooked rice through the stir-fried vegetables, egg and chicken. Serves 4 • Preparation time: 35 minutes • Cooking time: 20 minutes • 5ml fennel seeds • 3ml black mustard seeds • 2 cardamom pods • 15ml masala • 10ml turmeric • 15ml tamarind paste • 3ml salt • 4 chicken thighs • 15ml oil • 10 fresh curry leaves • 2 garlic cloves, chopped • 3cm fresh ginger, peeled and grated • 1 green chilli, chopped (or to taste) • 1 leek (just the white part), rinsed and chopped • 1 large carrot, peeled and cut into thin sticks or grated • 200g button mushrooms, chopped • 4 cooked rotis or parathas, rolled and cut into thin strips, then chopped • 2 eggs, beaten • soy sauce and coconut sambal, to serve (see recipe opposite)

1 Crush all the spices with a mortar and pestle. Remove the skin of the chicken thighs (set aside), debone the chicken and cut the meat into cubes. Mix the chicken with the spice mixture and set aside for 15 minutes while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. 2 Heat a pan and fry the chicken skin slowly until crispy. The fat from the skin will grease the pan sufficiently for you to fry the chicken in it. Add the chicken cubes, keep the heat moderate and cook until done. Remove the meat from the pan, cool slightly and chop smaller; set aside. 3 Add about 15ml oil to the pan and fry the curry leaves, garlic, ginger and chilli for half a minute. Stir in the leek, carrot and mushrooms and stir-fry for a few minutes until the vegetables just start to become glossy. Push the vegetables to one side of the pan and add the eggs. Make scrambled eggs (it takes less than a minute), stir in the rotis or parathas and the cooked chicken

and mix through. Stir-fry everything together for about 5 minutes until fragrant and serve immediately with soy sauce to taste and the coconut sambal. Tips • If you’re short on time, instead of rendering the fat out of the skin, buy chicken fillets and then fry them in oil. • Look for parathas in your supermarket freezer. This thin, flaky Indian flatbread is sometimes sold uncooked and frozen, but it’s easy to thaw the prepared dough and fry in a little oil until golden-brown and puffed up.


100 home May 2020


If you can’t find a fresh coconut, feel free to use dried coconut. I used a recipe from S is for Sri Lankan by Quadrille Publishing as a starting point and adjusted some of the ingredient quantities. Mix half a finely diced onion, 5ml dried chilli flakes, 10ml fish sauce, 5ml salt and the juice of 1 lime into a paste. Add 1 heaped cup freshly grated coconut and mix through. It’s as easy as that! A sprinkling of fresh coriander might not be traditional, but I love adding it. >>


Chances are cabin fever might set in and you’ll want something fun and exciting to do at the end of the day. The perfect time to experiment with new recipes you’ve always wanted to try. – Food writer Jess Sprio, in Cooking from your Pantry on


bowls of goodness


102 home May 2020

Noodle soup with miso pork belly This melt-in-the-mouth pork is so delicious, try not to taste it before you add it to the soup, or there’ll be nothing left! Serves 4 • Preparation time: 35 minutes • Cooking time: 2 hours, 30 minutes MISO PORK BELLY • 700g lean pork belly*, skin removed and set aside • 15ml miso paste (get it at Woolworths or your nearest Asian supermarket) • 2cm fresh ginger, peeled and chopped • 125ml soy sauce • 125ml rice wine vinegar • 250ml apple cider • 60ml brown sugar • 500ml water SOUP • 30ml sesame oil • 2cm fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced • 1 garlic clove, chopped • 3 spring onions, finely chopped • 15ml miso paste • about 1L chicken stock • 250ml reserved cooking liquid from the pork

TO SERVE • about 340g egg noodles, cooked according to the instructions on the packet • 4 soft-boiled eggs, peeled and halved • 3 short spring onions, thinly sliced • a handful soft white bean sprouts • 2–3 red chillies, chopped * Choose a rectangular piece of pork that will form a thin roll and not a fat spiral. I cut the roll in half so it would fit in the cooking liquid in my pot. 1 Preparation Place the pork belly fat side down on a clean surface and spread the miso paste on the inside. Roll up the meat into a thin roll and tie with kitchen string. 2 Fry the pork in a thick-bottomed pan until golden-brown all over. There’s no need to add extra oil – rather use the meat’s own fat. Stir in the ginger, soy, vinegar, cider, sugar

Rolled oats with peanut butter and banana Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – make it count! Serves 4 • Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes • • • • • •

250ml rolled oats 15ml chia seeds 1 cinnamon stick 250ml water 250ml milk 15ml butter

• pinch of salt • honey to taste • a big dollop of peanut butter per bowl • 2 bananas, sliced • 10ml cocoa nibs

1 Place the rolled oats, chia, cinnamon, water, milk, butter and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer gently for about 10 minutes or until creamy. Stir constantly and keep the heat moderate. If the oats look too dry, stir in another 125–250ml milk. 2 Sweeten the oats to taste with honey, spoon into bowls and top with a dollop of peanut butter, sliced banana and a sprinkling of cocoa nibs. Yum!

and water and bring to a boil. Simmer for about 15 minutes; skim off any foam that forms on the surface and discard. Put the lid on and simmer gently for 2 hours over low heat. Every 30 minutes, turn the meat over in the liquid. 3 For the soup Heat the sesame oil in a pan and sauté the ginger, garlic and chopped spring onions for half a minute. Stir in the miso paste and stir-fry. Add the stock and bring to a boil; simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in the reserved cooking liquid – this will enrich the soup with a hint of sweet-and-sour flavour. 4 To serve Thinly slice the pork. Divide the noodles between four bowls and add an egg, a few slices of pork and a sprinkling of the other ingredients. Fill the bowls with the broth and serve with extra soy sauce to taste. Tip Make crispy crackling with the reserved pork skin and serve it as a crunchy element with the soup.


step by step


bread wreath

As light as a feather, this plaited loaf will complement any meal – sweet or savoury. By JohanÊ Neilson Photographs Francois Oberholster

Makes 2 wreaths • • • • • • •

• 150g dark chocolate, chopped • 60ml sultanas • 1kg bread flour, plus 250ml • egg wash • 30ml sesame seeds

20g instant yeast 625ml lukewarm water 125ml honey 125ml olive oil 15ml salt 2 eggs 5ml ground cinnamon

Did you know? Challah (the word is Biblical in origin) is a special bread in Jewish cuisine, usually braided and typically eaten on ceremonial occasions such as Shabbat and major Jewish holidays. Source Wikipedia

Make the dough



1 Pour the water into a large bowl and stir in the yeast. Beat in the honey, oil, salt, eggs, cinnamon, chocolate and sultanas until combined. 2 Add the flour, one cup at a time, beating after each addition and graduating to kneading with your hands as the dough thickens.


Tip Bread enriched with eggs and sugar will take a little longer to rise than simple bread dough, and it’s also a bit harder to knead.


3 Knead until smooth and elastic and no longer sticky, adding flour as needed. 4 Shape the dough into a ball, place in an oiled mixing bowl and cover with cling wrap or a clean damp cloth and allow to rise for 1½ hours or until the dough has doubled in size.

Shaping the challah



5 Punch down the risen dough, divide in half and then divide each half into thirds. 6 Roll each of the three parts out with your hands (like you did with playdough when you were six), press the ends together and braid away!



7 Curve each of the braids into a circle and pinch the ends together. Grease two baking trays and place a finished challah on each. Cover with a towel and let it rise for about an hour. 8 Just before baking, brush the challah with egg wash and sprinkle with seeds. Bake for about 30 minutes at 180˚C, or until the challah is golden on top. The bread should have a hollow sound when thumped on the bottom. May 2020

home 105

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food & drinks

Spoil your mum this Mother’s Day! By Johané Neilson • Photographs supplied

ARMCHAIR TRAVEL AT ITS TASTIEST! Talented photographers and self-proclaimed adventurers Christoph and Diane Heierli have taken their colourful travel memoirs and combined these with the most delicious recipes they discovered along the way to create an extraordinary cookbook, Let’s Meet in Paradise… a food journey. Join them on their culinary adventures and explore the unique cuisine of 11 different countries! To order your copy (R600, including delivery anywhere in SA), email

THE EARTH IS WORTH IT The If You Care FSC Certified Parchment Baking Paper roll (R79, is made from 100% natural unbleached and chlorine-free greaseproof paper that’s GMO- and allergenfree – ideal for baking, roasting, reheating and wrapping.


Create a modern table setting with the New York Flatware range from Hertex Haus ( A 16-piece box set of matte silver cutlery with either black or copper dip-dyed handles costs R1 700.

Get on board

Round or Teardrop Chopping Boards R899 each, TOP MARKS Within days of release, The Zandvliet Shiraz Rosé 2019 (R85, was awarded a Double Gold medal at Rosé Rocks, the dedicated championship for South African rosé wines in 2019. Congratulations!

Mini must-have!

Designed to take up very little space without compromising on efficiency, the Le Micro Magimix Food Processor (R1 899, is the perfect assistant for the home cook. It has an 800ml capacity, ideal for smallbatch chopping, mixing and blending.

108 home May 2020

PRETTY AND PRACTICAL These Samesyn placemats (R450 for a set of six) come in a variety of designs; go to

BE YOUR BEST COOK Go to FOOD24.COM for over 20 000 easy recipes + how to cook them





NXIETY, stress, strain, concern, confusion . . . As anyone with a child who has attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will tell you, it can be a difficult thing to get your head around. There’s too much information, too little time to sift through it and a never-ending list of bills, questions and other stressful factors to deal with. That’s why YOU and sister titles Huisgenoot and DRUM are hosting the first


The session you choose is based on your child’s age group and your scope of interest MORNING SESSION: 09:00

Pre-primary and primary school aged kids AFTERNOON SESSION: 14:00


conference of its kind in South Africa. We want to help parents who are overwhelmed by everything related to ADHD so they can better help their kids.


This groundbreaking conference will bring together experts in the field of ADHD in two innovative sessions – one aimed at younger kids (12 years and younger), the other at teens (13 and older). These sessions will give you great advice on various topics, including medical informa-


tion, how to know if the diagnosis is correct and myths related to ADHD, among others. The best part, however, is that you’re also given practical tips and strategies on how to cope with ADHD.


CAPE TOWN Saturday, 5 September 2020 CTICC: Auditorium 2

Tickets are priced at R950 A SESSION and include all the experts, conference material and light refreshments

JOHANNESBURG Saturday, 12 September 2020 The Forum The Campus: Ivory Auditorium

Available at quicket.


Apart from invaluable advice, you’ll receive a workbook with exercises. This workbook can be used at home as a continuous tool to help your kids to learn effective strategies that will help them cope. It will also have the theories discussed at the conference so you can refer back to refresh your memory when you need it.


The true value of this conference lies in the fact that there’ll be several experts in one room. Instead of paying thousands per specialist, you’ll be able to hear from a paediatrician, psychologists, a dietician and an occupational therapist, all of whom are top in this field. They’ll present the latest research so you don’t have to wade through hundreds of websites and blogs online. And apart from the time-saving factor, it’s also much better than trying to figure out which study to trust on which website – some of them aren’t even relevant in South Africa – given the depth of expertise at the conference.

Another bonus is you’ll be able to mingle with other people who are facing similar challenges and possibly make connections that will stand you in good stead after the conference is done.


The two sessions are similar but have been tailored for the specific age groups. The experts will show there are different strategies for kids in various life stages and these require their own sessions. If you have kids who fall into both age categories it would be worth it to attend both sessions. Even though there’ll be similar content covered, the specific issues related to teens versus younger kids is covered in a different way.


Go to and click on events or type Your Child in the search bar. You’ll see more detailed information on what the sessions will cover. Or look out for more details in upcoming issues of YOU.



recently retired as the academic head of the department of paediatrics and child health at the University of the Free State (UFS). He’s received several lifetime achievement awards for his contribution to education and child neurology and development. His specialities include child development, with a focus on cerebral palsy, ADHD, autism and learning difficulties.

Magdel Pretorius has

been a psychologist for more than 12 years. She’s worked with primary and high school children in the public and private sectors. This mother of three has first-hand experience of what it takes to shift parenting approaches when dealing with different personalities and complex situations. Clinical psychologist Nadene


obtained a master’s degree in anthropology. She has a special interest in severe psychopathology and working with it to understand and develop a strength-based perspective.

Donna van Zyl completed


her BSc Hons and MSc at the University of the Free State. She has a special interest in paediatrics and sports nutrition, and enjoys working with neonates, infants and children. She’s also a part-time sports nutrition lecturer at UFS.


To advertise here, contact Evonne Mehl 078 402 1784

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Competition Rules 1 Home competitions are open to anyone in South Africa except the employees of Media24, the competition sponsors, their subsidiaries, promotional and advertising agencies and immediate family members. 2 Prizes will be awarded to the first correct entries drawn and winners will be notified telephonically or via email. 3 SMS competition winners will be chosen at random from the total SMS entries received. 4 The decision of the organisers is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 5 Prizes cannot be amended, transferred, extended or exchanged for cash. 6 The sponsors are responsible for fulfilment of the prizes and Home cannot be held responsible for problems or delays in delivery of prizes. 7 Prizes to be redeemed within 6 months of notification; extensions only accepted if agreed upon in writing with prize sponsors. NOTE Because of variations occurring in the printing process, paint colours shown in the magazine may not be 100% accurate.

112 home May 2020


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The Super Broeks

I had just started stashing the new batch of Ouma’s incontinence underwear into her cupboard when I heard a frantic scuffle behind me. Turning around, I found her sitting in her chair with a pair of the ‘panties’ pulled right over her head, down to her nose, where it was stuck to an earring. How it got there in the first place is a long story. Mamma is rapidly skidding towards 95 and her mind is keeping up the pace towards its original, newborn state. Despite her dignified exterior, she has regained the innocence of a child. I go to see her almost every day in the old folks’ home for a visit and to replenish her stock of disposable ‘oopsie-broeks’. And each time I pull a fresh pack of ‘Super Plus Comfy Adult Diaper Pull-Ups’ from my bag, she is both intrigued and delighted. “And what have you got there?” As usual, she’s in her blue easy chair, from which she rarely moves these days. “These, my darling, are those nice new panties, specially for you.” “Specially for me? To do what with?” “Ag, you know, in case you have a little cough and your ‘muscles’ are lazy.” Wide-eyed disbelief. “Am I a baby then?” She gives me an impish smile. I laugh, dutifully. It’s not the first time I’m hearing this joke. And I reply with my standard white lie: “Oh, we all start wearing them as we get older.” She wants to see the package, reads the words on the front and latches onto the “super”. “Wow,” she exclaims happily. “Super! These are super broeks!” I lift one pair out and she takes it from me carefully, as if handling a delicate butterfly. Gently unfolds it. “Is it for me?” “Yes, Mom. Specially for you.” “What a good child you are. I should wash your feet.” I turn to put it in the cupboard. The door is hardly open before the question comes from behind. “What on earth are you putting in there?” And the whole little ritual recommences. I show her the pack, she reads the words, thrilled anew by all the ‘superness’ of it all. Again, she wants to see one; delicately unfolds it. Expresses renewed surprise and delight. Again the joke.

114 home May 2020

I repeat my white lie about our universal ‘muscle problems’ and resume my task of stowing the pack of super broeks away. Only to repeat the ritual for the third time. This time she tries another joke: “Should I pull it over my head?” We share a laugh while I quickly try to finish my job. It is then that I hear the muffled commotion and find her pulling the panties over her eyes, looking like a cross between the Pope and a Smurf. I rush over and free her from the devilish diapers. She looks confused and I immediately distract her with my phone, showing her digitalised photos from an old family album. Old black-andwhites of her wedding, among them. My heart shrinks painfully when she fails to recognise my father, but brightens again at her innocent delight at discovering that you can enlarge the picture with your fingers. “I want one too,” she declares elatedly. “Really?” “Ja! I will look at it all day.” “All day?” “Of course. To see if I’m still there!” We laugh and I kiss her, show her a picture of her own mum and dad. She remembers them instantly, but is shaken to hear they have passed on. I quickly show her a picture of herself as a young girl, standing with a sister. She gets the sister’s name wrong. “Where is she now?” “Dead, Mom, I’m sorry.” Again I soften the blow with a photo of myself as a baby. “Aw, what a pretty baby.” “It’s Karin, Mom.” “Really? Where is she now? Also dead?” Guardedly. “No,” I laugh, “she’s a big girl now, in her sixties.” “Impossible! Is she older than me then?” “Much, much older, Mom.” This time I’m not lying. Right now I feel as brittle and old as an ancient Karoo koppie. All mournful and blue in the lengthening shadows of a setting sun. And you, Mamma, dear? You’re fluttering away, happily following the last rays of the day. Further and further across the horizon, you’re pointing me to the way that is all our destiny. Forever wise. Always loving. Just like you’ve always done, Ma.

Illustrations Paula Dubois • Translation Hettie Scholtz

No matter how murky her memory becomes, her mother remains her lodestar, writes Karin Brynard.

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