2 minute read
Gardening Products
from Vfhbvhjhh
Restore life and good health to dry soil with easy-to-use, microbe-rich, premium-quality rock mineral products
The hassles of gardening in dry, lifeless soils can seem endless. It can almost put us off gardening all together. Plants struggle to grow and no matter how much we water and fertilise, the garden doesn ’t seem to come good. We regularly add products like fertilisers but when the dry weather hits, our gardens still struggle.
We can blame the weather but the real reason why the soil is dry is because it is lifeless and that is down to our own gardening practices. People often wonder if adding fertiliser is necessary or beneficial; after all, plants grow in the forest without it. Says Colin Johnson of Earthlife, “In the forest, up to 90 per cent of nutrients taken up by plants are through microbial action. When we use chemical fertilisers, those soil microbes become redundant and our plants then have to rely on us.
“Some of our common practices like using gypsum, dolomite and wetting agents can adversely affect the structure of the soil and the beneficial life within it. Also, constant or over-use of these chemical
fertilisers can create toxic zones around the plants, allowing pathogens to grow.
“Fertilisers are added to provide plants with essential elements to support growth, but these elements were determined without regard for the soil or the microbes within it and should be only considered supplemental to proper soil nutrition, ” continues Colin.
“Soil conditioning, on the other hand, works on the structure of the soil and its ability to support growing plants, influencing water penetration, storage, drainage and aggregate formation, as well as nutrient retention and availability. Adding Earthlife Microbial Rock Minerals conditions any soil and helps create an environment that promotes strong, energetic growth, while helping plants with their natural ability to grow without the need for numerous different supplements.
“Think of it like a fish tank where we condition the water so the fish can live happily — we should be doing the same with our soil for the plants. With soil conditioning, our plants can be less reliant on us to care for them. ”
Life can be easily returned to all soils with a small range of environmentally-friendly, simple-to-use products from Australian company, Earthlife. Originally designed to restore life to dry, lifeless and heavily compacted agricultural soils, these products are available for the home gardener as Earthlife Microbial Rock Minerals.
All of the necessary soil microbes can be introduced back into the soil, also into compost, with just a couple of handfuls. Combined with more than 60 minerals, the microbes have all of the elements they need to grow and prosper, which helps them to break up compaction, retain moisture and create a rich, healthy soil that is full of all of the nutrients our plants need to grow.
By introducing Earthlife Microbial Rock Minerals into your garden, the microbes become our gardeners and they look after the life below the ground — we then get to see true life return above the ground with healthier, more resilient plants.

EARTHLIFE Phone 1800 819 003 Email enquiries@earthlife.com.au Website earthlife.com.au