MENE MENE TEKEL » GOD’S COUNTDOWN « 6000-year Autonomy of Mankind 3980 BCE – 2020/2021 CE

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ELI YAH – 2020 Armageddon2017A MENE MENE TEKEL

Executive Summary:

The7000YearPlan (6000 + 1000) ofELSHADDAIYAHWEH(GOD)isnotanewageconcept.Youcomeacrossthis teaching,whichisderivedfromtheBible,alreadyintheBooksofIrenaeus(BishopoftheearlyChurch,≈130CE–202CE).

GOD–whocontrolsallthings–revealsintheScripturesthatat‘thetimeappointed,’the“EndTimeWorldOrder” willbedestroyedandJesusChrist(Heb.:YahshuaMessiah)willtakeoverandestablishHisMillennialKingdom.

Revelation11:15Andtheseventhangelsounded;andthereweregreatvoicesinheaven,saying,thekingdomsof thisworldarebecome the kingdoms ofourGOD,andofhisMessiah;andheshallreignforeverandever.

Butwhenwillthishappen?ArethereanycluesintheHolyBible,whichmightleadtotheyearandmaybeevento theseasonofHisreturn(1.Thess5:1,4)?TheanswerisYES!

TobeabletouncoverGOD’S“hidden”message,wehavetostartrecognizingthattheBiblecontainsaccuratedata. TheHolyBibleisnotafairy-talebook,assomeintheworldtrytomakeusbelieve!

As a matter of fact, when you bring together the evidence contained in the “Old” Testament and the “New” Testament,youareableto count the years from the creation of Adam (3980 BCE) ) to the rise of Lucifer’s “one world government”, which will apparently be installed 2020/2021 CE(3980BCE–6000years=2020 CE),justaround3½-7yearsbeforeYAHSHUAMESSIAH`SreturnasKingofKings.



6000-year Autonomy of Mankind

YAHWEH speaks in Gen 6:3 of resolution concerning carnal men,afterHISSpirithadbeenlongstrivingwith theminvain. HEappealstomentoamendtheirwickedwaysthroughpreachersofrighteousness,prophetsand thegiftoftheHolySpirit.NonearepunishedbythejusticeofGOD,butthose who hate to be transformed and reformed by the grace of GOD.Unrepentantmanisflesh,i.e.carnalanddepraved.

When mankind’s sins –asagreatheap– reach sofarastocomeintoclosecontactwith heaven (Rev18:5;Jer 51:9)theexecutionerof GOD's wrath will descendtoearthand destroy those who are ripened for destruction (Rev14:17-20).

AsancientJudah’s“timewasfull”inthetimeframeof70x7=490years– asprophesiedbyMoses–groundedon neglectingGOD’sconceptofthesabbaticalyear(Lev26:34,25:1-7;Jer25:9-12;2.Chronicles21), mankind’s “time will be up” in 120 x 50= 6,000 years –asthewordwasspokenbyGOD–groundedon ignoring the divine institution of the fiftieth year, i.e. Jubilee (Gen6:3,Lev25:10,8-17).

Gen 6:3 AndtheLORDsaid,“My Spirit shallnotalwaysstrivewithman,forthathealso (in going astray) is flesh: yethisdaysshallbean hundred and twenty years (or times)” . HeretheHebrewwordusedfor “years” is“shaneh”(pl),whichcanalsomean“times”. It is Strong’s Hebrew Number H8141 from H8138. Hebrew ‘shanah’ (singular) transliterates2 (a) as a revolution of time, (b) as a measure of time, (c) as a division of time, (d) as indication of age, (e) a lifetime (of years). Here it does not refer toyearsofone’slifetime,but to 120 Jubilees or 120 x 50= 6000 years granted to mankind.

Note: The average life span ofahumanbeingismentionedforinstanceinPsalm90:10. Psalm90:10Thedaysofouryears are 70 years andten;andifbyreasonofstrength they be 80years,yet is their strengthlaborandsorrow;foritissooncutoff,andweflyaway.


AccordingtoGOD’sinstruction every 50th year is a year of Jubilee,revival,restandliberty;hence the trumpet of the Jubilee is to be sounded on the Day of Atonements.Thisbeneficialprincipletomanandlandwas broughtagainintoremembrancebyMoses.Lev25:10Andyeshallhallowthefiftiethyear,and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof:itshallbeajubileeuntoyou;andyeshall return every manuntohis possession,andyeshall return everymanuntohis family.

Nevertheless, mankind never observed this divine instruction.Therefore,intheBibleCalendaryear6000, mankindwillhavemissed120Jubilees.

6000 BK: 50 = 120 times or 120 times x 50 = 6000 years

WewillseeinGod'sTimetablebelow,thattheyear0intheBibleCalendarcontainsthefirst12monthsafterthe creationofAdam.Theyear0complieswiththeyear3980BCE.

3980 BCE – 6000 years = 2020/2021 CE

With this understanding, we come to the conclusion that the time of mankind’s self-government will apparently come to an end in 2020/2021 CE.

Thisissustained,moreover,inageneralunderstandingthatthe creation account isnotonlyameredescription ofthethingsformerlycreated,but also a prophecy of what is to come (Heb4). The first 6 days of creation week are not complete without the 7th day of Sabbath rest. GODwillbydivinepatternbringtoconclusion (John5:17)theapostateworksofmankind(Heb.:adam)andwillgivemanrest(asathome)andrefreshhiminan peacefulabode;forinasmanydaysasthisworldwasmade,insomanythousandyearswillitbeconcluded.And forthisreasontheScripturesays:“Thustheheavensandtheearthwerefinished,andallthehostofthem.Andon theseventhdayGodendedhisworkwhichhehadmade;andherestedontheseventhdayfromallhiswork whichhehadmade”(Gen2:1-2).


For with YHVH 1 day is as 1000 years (2.Pet3:8,Ps90:4)andin6dayscreatedthingswerecompleted.Itis evident,therefore,thatmankind’sautonomywillcometoanendat6000/6001BK.


Source Father Age when he fathered his son Biblical Calendar Year (BK)4 Before Com mon Era (BCE)5 CreationofAdam GOD 0 3980 Genesis5:3 Adam 130 130 3850 Genesis5:6 Seth 105 235 3745 Genesis5:9 Enosh 90 325 3655 Genesis5:12 Cainan 70 395 3585 Genesis5:15 Mahalaleel 65 460 3520 Genesis5:18 Jared 162 622 3358 Genesis5:21 Enoch 65 687 3293 Genesis5:25 Methuselah 187 874 3106 Genesis5:28 Lamech 182 1056 2924 Source Calculation Years between the birth of Noah and the end of the Flood BK BCE Genesis8:13 Year of the Flood Noah6 601 1657 2323 Source Father YearsfromtheFlooduntilShem fatheredArpachshad Genesis11:10 Shem 2

Source Father Age when he fathered his son

Source FatherofAbraham AgeofTerahwhenhedied

Genesis11:32 Terah 7 205

Source Calculation Yearspassedbetweentheflood andthedeathofTerah

Genesis11:10-32,12:1-4; Acts7:4.

AfterthedeathofTerah AbramdepartsfromHaran attheageof75years.

Source AgeofAbraham,whenheleft Haran.

Genesis12:4 75

Source Calculation YearsbetweenAbrahamleft Haran,andtheeverlasting Covenant

Genesis12:4,17:1-10 99-75=24 24

Source Calculation AgeofAbrahamwhenGod grantedhimtheeverlasting covenant

Arpachshad 35 Genesis11:14 Salah 30 Genesis11:16 Eber 34 Genesis
Peleg 30 Genesis
Reu 32 Genesis
11:22 Serug
Genesis11:24 Nahor
2+35+30+34+30+32+30+29+205 =427 427 2084 1896

Source Yearsbetweenthecovenantand theExodus

Source Calculation

Year of the Exodus.



of the Exodus (Israel's Exodus from Egypt).

7 Genesis17:1-10 2084BK+24=2108BK 99 2108 1872
2108BK+430=2538BK 2538BK 2538 14428
Calculation Yearsbetween
theconstructionstartof Solomon'sTemple 1.Kings6:1 480 Source Calculation Year of the Construction Start of Solomon's Temple BK BCE Construction of Solomon's Temple. 1.Kings6:1 2538BK+480=3018BK 3018BK 3018 9629 Source
Years between Solomon's
Temple. 1.Kings6:1 -4 Source Calculation Solomon was crowned as King of Israel (BK) BK BCE 1.Kings6:1 3018BK-4=3014BK 3014 3014 966 Source Solomon reigned 40yearsas KingofIsrael. 1.Kings11:42 40
coronation, and
8 Source Calculation YearofSolomon'sdeath. (CoronationofRehoboam)(BK) BK BCE 1.Kings11:42 3014BK+40=3054BK 3054 3054 926 Source 20 KingsofJudah YearsasKing BK BCE 1.Kings14:21 1.Rehoboam 3054 926 1.Kings14:21 Rehoboam 17 1.Kings15:1-2 2.Abijam 3071 909 1.Kings15:1-2 Abijam 3 1.Kings15:9-10 3.ASA 3074 906 1.Kings15:9-10 ASA 41 1.Kings22:41-42 4.Jehoshaphat 3115 865 1.Kings22:41-42 Jehoshaphat 25 2.Kings8:16-17 5.Jehoram 3140 840 2.Kings8:16-17 Jehoram 8 2.Kings8:25-26 6.Ahaziah 3148 832 2.Kings8:25-26 Ahaziah 1 2.Kings11:1-3 7.Athaliah 3149 831 2.Kings11:1-3 Athaliah 6 2.Kings12:1-2 8.Jehoash 3155 825 2.Kings12:1-2 Jehoash 40 2.Kings14:1-2 9.Amaziah 3195 785 2.Kings14:1-2 Amaziah 29 2.Kings15:1-2 10.Azariah=Uzziah 3224 756 2.Kings15:1-2 Azariah=Uzziah 52 2.Kings15:32-33 11.Jotham 3276 704 2.Kings15:32-33 Jotham 16 2.Kings16:1-2 12.Ahaz 3292 688
9 2.Kings16:1-2 Ahaz 16 2.Kings18:1-2 13.Hezekiah 3308 672 2.Kings18:1-2 Hezekiah 29 2.Kings 17:1, 6; End of the Israel, the Northern Kingdom (composed of 10 Tribes) 3313 667 2.Kings21:1-2 14.Manasseh 3337 643 2.Kings21:1-2 Manasseh 55 2.Kings21:18-19 15.Amon 3392 588 2.Kings21:18-19 Amon 2 2.Kings22:1 16.Joshia 3394 586 2.Kings22:1 Joshia 31 2.Kings23:31 17.Jehoahaz 3425 555 2.Kings23:31 Jehoahaz 0.25 2.Kings23:36 18.Jehoiakim 3425,25 554.75 2.Kings23:36 Jehoiakim 11 2.Kings24:8 19. Jehoiachin 3436,25 543.75 2.Kings24:8 Jehoiachin 0.25 2.Kings25:1-3 20.Zedekiah 3436,5 543.5 2.Kings25:1-3 Zedekiah 11 2.Kings 25:1-30 The End of Judah, the Southern Kingdom (composed of 2 Tribes) 3447,5 532.5


Forfurtherinformation pleasedownloadfollowing e-book: „GOD’S7000YEAR AGENDA“ cs/gods_7000_year_agend

a Status20.05.2019


The time of the nation’s 6000-year self-governance is almost up!

Soon one will rule over all. (Revelation13)

Possible scenarios within the next 5 years:

• „Third“ world war, starvation, hyperinflation, pests (Revelation6:3-8)

• Satan’s take over who is also called Lucifer (translated „light bearer“). He takes over Babylon and will reign publicly for 3,5 years (Daniel 7:23-26,11:32-45,12:10-13)

• YAHSHUA MESSIAH’s take over (JesusChrist)(Revelation 19:6-21;Daniel7:26-27,12:13;Revelation20)

Difference BK* CE
2020/ 2021

WhenyouaddthenumbersfromtheBible (see table above) 1657 BK (End of the Flood) + 427 years (years passed between the flood and the death of Terah) + 24 years (years between Abraham left Haran, and the everlasting Covenant) + 430 years (years between the covenant and the Exodus) + 480 years (years between the Exodus and the construction start of Solomon's Temple) + 962 BK (year of the Construction Start of Solomon's Temple10) you willobtainthecalendaryear3980BCEastheyearofAdam'screation.

Add to the calendar year 3980 BCE the calendar year 2020 CE and you will discover, that 2020 CE 6000 years will elapse since the creation of Adam. Soon the beasts from Revelation 13 will arise.


Antichrist – Lucifer – Satan

The personified Antichrist, allegorizedintheOTbythegiantGoliath(Engl.:revolution)fromthecityofGath (Engl.:wine-press),fromthelandofCanaan will manifest himself at the beginning of the seventh period and willmakewaragainstthetrueChrist,theSonofDavid,thegoodShepherdfromthetribeofJudah.Inaddition, the number of the beast-like man (eighthhead-kingoftheseabeast.C.f.Rev13:1,18;18:11;17:10)is,sixtimesa hundred,sixtimesten,andsixunits(666), which pictures a summing up of whole of apostasy against GOD which has taken place during six thousand years of autonomy granted to man. In this “natural” man, the “first Adam” is concentrated the whole rebellion of six thousand years, and unrighteousness, and wickedness, and false prophecy, and deception.


The temporary kingdom of thousand years,i.e.themillennialSabbathwillbeginwiththereturnofYahshua Messiahtodestroythewickedfortherighteous.

Revelation11:18Andthenationswereangry,and thy wrath is come,andthetimeofthedead,thattheyshould bejudged,andthatthoushouldestgiverewarduntothyservantstheprophets,andtothesaints,andthemthat fearthyname,smallandgreat;andshouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

The reign of the kingdom of GOD willcommenceatthebeginning(4th year?)oftheseventhmillennia.

This will depict the millennial Sabbath rest, as signified by the Sabbath of creation week.

After the Millennium the New Jerusalem will be the eternal abode on the new earth re-created in its eternal state under the eternal reign of GOD the FATHER and HIS LAMB.


The Chosen People

SincethebeginningoftimeGOD (YHVH11) isintheprocessofcreatingforHIMSELF an own people, a holy nation born from above (Rev1:6;1Pet2:9-10) in HIS image (Col3:10)and likeness (1Cor15:49),a family HE can name (Heb.:Shem)afterHIMSELF,a spiritual house-hold thatwillclingtoHISWORD,havingthe Anointing inthem(Col 3:11).

TheobedientandfaithfulfollowerofJesus12 ChrististhespiritualoffspringofAbraham,achildofthepromise, graftedintothevineofIsraelandpartoftheNewJerusalem;accordingtoEph3:14-15thewholefamilyiscalled byHISnameornamedbyHIM;theircitizenshipisinheaven(Phil3:20).

Eventhough,YHVHistheCREATORoftheheavens,theearthandthesea,andeverythingthatisinit,HEhasgiven everyearthlingthepowertodecidewhetherhemerelywantstobepartofHIScreationstory,orifhewantstoget toknowHIMclosely,andbysodoingbecomeatreasuredfamilymemberofHIS.

HEisnotinterestedinanexclusive,geneticallyidentifiablegroupofpeopleonearth. Everyonecanchooseto becomeHISchildandhonorHIMashisFATHER.

Boththe“Old”(OT)andthe“Renewed”(NT)Testamentneverlosessightofthegreatfactofuniversalityand GOD'spurposesfortheentireworld.ThereisonlyoneWayofSalvation–throughGOD’sredemptiveplan.The greattruthofrevealedrelationshipwithHIMisthatoneischosenforthepurposeofbeingtheinstrumentand channelofGOD'smercyandgraceto'thenations'ofthewholeearth.TheSpiritofGODdwellingintheheartis abletocounteractthestrongestforceoftheevilnature.




The moon, a faithful witness in the sky. (Psalm 89:37)

Youmighthaveheardthat the lunar eclipse on September 28, 2015 completed a series of six “Signs in the Sky” in the Biblical Calendar years 5994/5995 BK

Manyareconvincedthatthisliaisonisnotamerecoincidence,butthattheseeclipseclusterswillturnouttobe verysignificantharbingersofthingstocome.

The Talmud (abookoftraditionandinterpretation) suggests that:

1. WhentheMOONisinECLIPSE,itisa"badomenforIsrael".

2. WhentheMOON'SFACEISREDASBLOOD,itis"abadomenforJewsandthenationofIsrael”.

3. ATOTALSOLARECLIPSEindicatesjudgmenttotheGentilenations,"asaswordcomingtotheworld."

The term Blood moon orBlood-redmoonhasbecomepopularwhenreferringtothetotallunareclipsesin 2014/2015. Theterm“bloodmoon”didnotcomefrom astronomy andhasnotechnicalbasis.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Blood Moon Blood Moon Solar Eclipse Blood Moon Solar Eclipse Blood Moon 15/04/2014  08/10/2014  20/03/2015  04/04/2015  13/09/2015  28/09/2015 

Thecatchytermmighthaveoriginatedfromlaymen,duetotheattimesdistinctrustyreddish-browncolorofthe totallyeclipsed full moon.Whentheeartheclipsesa full moon,thedirectsunlightisblocked,butthesun'srays stilllightupthemoonandundercertaincircumstancescausesthetotallyeclipsedmoontolookred.

A lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse isacommonnaturalphenomenon. However, lunareclipsesusuallydonot occurinanyspecificorder.Yet,fromtimetotime, 4 total lunar eclipses happeninarow.Thisiscalleda lunar tetrad.The4successivetotallunareclipsesareseparatedby6months.

The 2014-2015 tetrad has special significance because the lunar eclipses align with and thus highlight two of YHVH’s important “pilgrimage” festivals. ThetwoAprillunareclipsesin2014and2015occurredduringthe FeastofUnleavenedBreadwhiletheOctober2014andSeptember2015eclipsesoccurredduringtheFeastof Tabernacles.

The two solar eclipses havespecialsignificancebecausetheeclipsesappearedinaccordwith YHVH’s New Year (firstdayofthefirstbiblicalmonthofthebeginningoftheyear)andHIS Feast of Trumpets (firstdayofthe seventhbiblicalmonthofGOD’scalendaryear).Bothsignalthebeginningofanewmonthonanewmoon,where thetrumpetsshouldbesounded.Thenewmonthiscelebratedwithafamilymeal(1.Sam20:5).Itsignifiesatime ofalertnessandthanksgiving,ofbeginningsandrenewal.Inaddition,youcallyourselfintoremembrancewith GOD(Numbers10:1-10).


Regions where Eclipse could be seen13

Feast Unleavened Bread Tabernacles Biblical New Year 5995 B.K.

Date April15,2014 October8,2014 March20,2015

April4,2015 September13, 2015 September28,2015

Event Bloodmoon Bloodmoon Solar Eclipse (a northern hemisphere event) Bloodmoon Solar Eclipse Bloodmoon

Visible North & South America and Australia. North America, partsof Australia,China andJapan.

● Total SolarEclipsein FaroeIslandsand Svalbard(Norway)

● Partial SolarEclipsein Europe,North/WestAsia, North/WestAfrica,East inNorthAmerica, Atlantic,Arctic.

Most of North & South America, Asiaandpartsof Australia. SouthAfrica, Antarcticaand locationsin Indianand Atlantic Oceans.

Most of North & South America, Europe, West AsiaandpartsofAfrica.


➢ All 4 total lunar eclipses were visible from most of the United States of America.

➢ Only the super full blood moon on 28 September 2015 was visible in the Middle East and the State of Israel.

Since even a tetrad rarely happens on its own, it is assumed that this remarkable concurrence of natural phenomena in a row has never occurred before in human history. It is a mathematical curiosity.

On top, they appear shortly before the Biblical Calendar year 6000 B.K. on GOD’s HOLY DAYS for mankind, thus drawing attention to YHVH’s existence, power and glory.

Unleavened Bread Trumpets Tabernacles

GOD HIMSELF makes a connection betweenHISluminaries,HISordaineddays,theExodusafterthedestruction ofthefirst-bornofEgypt,andtheliberationofHISchurchfromtheruleroftheworldandtheprinceoftheair.

The function of these signs might be twofold,towarntheungodly(1.Cor10:1-22)andtoassurethefaithfulof thecertaintyofHISpromises.

ForHISwatchfulchildrenYHVH’sfingerwritingintheskystressesthedirenecessityofsincerefaith,obedience, trust,fidelityandloyalty,faithfulstewardshipandever-preparedness.

Be aware, theconcludinglunareclipseon28September2015shouldnotbeidentifiedasthe apocalyptic blood moon describedinScripturepassageslikeRevelation6:12-17.

These eclipses are not the cosmic signs of the 6th Seal of Revelation! Yet thevariousalignmentscarrya significant message forthosewhohaveaneartohear.

The ‘Signs in the Sky’ in 2014 and 2015 are harmless Foreshadows, as a Warning, pointing to the Big, Earth and Heaven shaking Events which will occur at some stage in the “Day of YHVH’s vengeance”.

However,understand. There is a timeline andanexactorderofpropheticeventsbeforeMessiah’sReturn.

Yahshua Messiah14 foretold thatpowerfulprophecieswouldcomeuponanunsuspectingandunpreparedworld.

When these final events arrive and judgment falls, it will already be too late to prepare. Todayisthedayto learnYHVH’swillandobeyHISways.


There is no doubt that:


TheFeastsandMemorialsareGOD’s set times alignedwithhistoricevents(Ex12-40)and rehearsals of a future event (Lev23,25);hence,theycanbeseenasa sign anda promise.HISpeoplelookbackin remembrancebutalsoforwardinpropheticanticipationofGOD'Ssavingworkforhumankind.GOD’s appointedtimesfollowanannuallunarcalendarharmonizedwiththefourseasonsandtheagricultural cycle.

− Theblood-redmoonandtheredorblacksunarepropheticinScripture(e.g.Joel2:10,31;Acts2:20; Revelations6:12).

Therefore, the eclipse cluster is certainly an important omen of things to come.

The“supernatural”orsignificanceisnotsomuchtheunusualoccurrenceofthesenaturalevents,butthetimingof theseevents,theinterrelationwith6ofHISSetapartDAYSinHISBiblicalCalendarYear5998throughto5999.

That these „Signs in the Heavens“ came to pass shortly before the Biblical Calendar year 6000 BK underlines the magnitude of the testimony of the celestial bodies to GOD’s Master Plan.

The 2014-2015 lunar eclipse tetrad must be separated fromthe final biblical “moon that is turned into blood” thatwillappearattheendoftheage.TherearereferencesinthebooksoftheOldTestamentandtheNew Testament,aswell. For a variety of reasons, the sun or the moon can appear in a red color, e.g. exhaustive fires.

The transit from warning signs to earthshaking events happens progressively, thus people are hustled into a decision.


These „Signs in the Heavens“ came to pass 2014 and 2015

Acts2:17-21Anditshallcometopassinthelastdays,saithGOD,(...)Thesunshallbeturnedintodarkness,and themoonintoblood, before thatgreatandnotabledayoftheLord(YAHWEH)come:Anditshallcometopass, that whosoevershallcallonthenameoftheLord(toYAHWEHthroughYAHSHUA)shallbesaved.(Joel3:1-5)

Isaiah13:10Forthestarsofheavenandtheconstellationsthereofshallnotgivetheirlight:thesunshallbe darkenedinhisgoingforth,andthemoonshallnotcauseherlighttoshine.

Joel2:30-31AndIwillshewwondersintheheavensandintheearth,blood,andfire,andpillarsofsmoke.The sunshallbeturnedintodarkness,andthemoonintoblood, before thegreatandtheterribledayoftheLORD come.


hese „Signs in the Heavens“ will occur between April 7, 2016 and 2028

Luke21:25Andthereshallbe signs inthesun,andinthemoon,andinthestars;andupontheearthdistressof nations,withperplexity;theseaandthewavesroaring;

Ezekiel32:7-8AndwhenIshallputtheeout,Iwillcovertheheaven,andmakethestarsthereofdark;Iwillcover thesunwithacloud,andthemoonshallnotgiveherlight. AllthebrightlightsofheavenwillImakedarkoverthee,andsetdarknessuponthyland,saiththeLordGOD.

Mark13:24Butinthosedays, after thattribulation,thesunshallbedarkened,andthemoonshallnotgiveher light,


Revelation6:12-13AndIbeheld when he had opened the sixth seal,and,lo,therewasagreatearthquake;and thesunbecameblackassackclothofhair,andthemoonbecameasblood;Andthestarsofheavenfelluntothe earth,evenasafigtreecastethheruntimelyfigs,whensheisshakenofamightywind.

Joel2:10Theearthshallquakebeforethem;theheavensshalltremble:thesunandthemoonshallbedark,and thestarsshallwithdrawtheirshining:


Ezekiel32:7AndwhenIshallputtheeout,Iwillcovertheheaven,andmakethestarsthereofdark;Iwillcover thesunwithacloud,andthemoonshallnotgiveherlight.

Luke21:25-28Andthereshallbesignsinthesun,andinthemoon,andinthestars;andupontheearthdistressof nations,withperplexity;theseaandthewavesroaring;Men’sheartsfailingthemforfear,andforlookingafter thosethingswhicharecomingontheearth:forthepowersofheavenshallbeshaken.

And then shalltheyseetheSonofmancominginacloudwithpowerandgreatglory.Andwhenthesethings begintocometopass,thenlookup,andliftupyourheads;foryourredemptiondrawethnigh.

Isaiah24:23Thenthemoonshallbeconfounded,andthesunashamed,whentheLORDofhostsshallreignin mountZion,andinJerusalem,andbeforeHISancientsgloriously.


GOD’S judgment on “that day” is pictured in Isaiah Chapters 13 to 24

Isaiah chapters 13-24 colorfully narrate the fall of Nations and of the World in General.

Thephrase“thatday”characterizesatimewhenGODwilljudgeHISenemies;withjudgmentdirectedagainstboth theenemiesofGOD’sholypeople,“thenations”and“Israel”herself,oratleasttheenemiesofGODinhermidst. Thefunctionofthereferencestothe“dayofvengeance”isthus,bothtowarntheungodlyandtoassurethe faithfulofthecertaintyandnearnessoftheirdeliverance.

Before „the Day of YAHWEH” Isaiah13:10portraysaveryspecifictotalsolareclipsewhichpointstowards judgmenttothe » “heathen”nations «.

Isaiah13:10Forthestarsofheavenandtheconstellationsthereofshallnotgivetheirlight:the sun shallbe darkened inhis going forth (eclipse after sunrise), andthe moon shall not causeher light toshine (new moon).

The darkened sun (describedinIsaiah13:10) resembles the March 20, 2015 total solar eclipse.

YHVH’sbiblicalNewYearonMarch20,2015occurredonanexceedinglyraresolareclipse (once in roughly 100,000 years!!!) 15 and included ablack new supermoon.

➢ Theeclipseoccurredearlyinthemorning,shortlyaftersunrise.

➢ Itwasthefirstsunriseafter6months (points to the end of mankind’s autonomy after 6000 years) ofdarknessat the“farthestNorth” (where Antichrist has his “metaphorical” throne according to Isaiah 14).

ThemaximumofthedarknesstookplaceeastofIslandbeforethetrackoftotalityreachedSpitsbergen.69km beforetheNorthPole,theshadowofthemoonlefttheearth.ThefulleclipsewasmostvisiblefromtheArctic OceansandtheNorthAtlantic,Greenland,Iceland,Ireland,northernNorwayetc.


TheprophetIsaiahforetellsthatYHVHwilloverturngovernments,untilthecomingofTheKingofRighteousness whoserightitis.HEalsopronouncestroublesofstatesandkingdoms,whichshallmakewayforestablishing YahshuaMessiah'skingdomthroughouttheearth.

Isaiah Chapter 14 describes the fall of the “King of Babylon” in the last times, who has a spirit of antichrist.

Isaiah14:12-15Howartthoufallenfromheaven,OLucifer (Satan empowered King of Babylon), sonofthe morning!Howartthoucutdowntotheground,whichdidstweakenthenations! Forthouhastsaidinthineheart,Iwillascendintoheaven,IwillexaltmythroneabovethestarsofGod:

• Iwillsitalsouponthemountofthecongregation,inthesidesofthe (farthest) north:

• Iwillascendabovetheheightsoftheclouds;

• IwillbelikethemostHigh.


Isaiah14:4-6ThatthoushalttakeupthisproverbagainstthekingofBabylon,andsay,Howhaththeoppressor ceased!Thegoldencityceased!TheLORDhathbrokenthestaffofthewicked, and thescepteroftherulers. Hewhosmotethepeopleinwrathwithacontinualstroke,hethatruledthenationsinanger,ispersecuted, and noonehindereth.

➢ Out of the chaos and confusion following the fall of Babylon, Antichrist will manifest himself with an intensity of iniquity greater than ever before.

➢ The assemblyofconfederatednationsunitedwiththe8th headisthe new superpower, » another “Babylon” (the meaning of Babylon is confusion) « will be the centre of prefigured prosperity and security and the centre of infidelity, “socialism-communism”, and false spiritualism. Theheadwiththe spiritofAntichrististhesummingupandconcentrationoftheentireworldevilthatpre-ceded.Itisthe eighthhead,butyetoneoftheseven(Rev17:11).


➢ YHVH’s people have victory over the beast, overhisimage,hismarkandthenumberofhisname(Rev 15:2)bychoosingtodrinkoftheLORD’scupandtobebaptizedwiththebaptismHEwasbaptizedwith (Matt20:22-23,Mark8:31).

➢ TheabyssbeastinRevelationChapter13isunderstoodtoreferalsototheAntichrist,themanoflawlessness (2Thessalonians2:3-4;Daniel9:27).DuringthelastdaysbeforeMessiah’sreturn,theevilworldsystemwill becontrolledbythepersonifiedAntichrist.A visible Antichristwillstandattheheadoftheworldkingdom disguisedasaministeroflight.

For further information regarding: »MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT« please go to e.g. page 22 and (Chapter 7)


Isaiah 17 describes GOD’S judgment on Damascus (Syria) in the “End of Times”

Isaiah17:1TheburdenofDamascus.Behold,Damascus (Syria) istakenawayfrom being acity,anditshallbea ruinousheap.(Jeremiah 49:23-27)


1. The ‘Signs in the Sky’ in 2014 and 2015 are harmless Foreshadows, as a Warning, pointing to the Big, Earth and Heaven shaking Events which will occur at some stage in the “Day of YHVH”.

2. For a variety of reasons, the sun or the moon can appear in a red color, e.g. exhaustive fires.

Isaiah 24 describes GOD’S judgment on the entire earth and ends with:

Isaiah24:21-22aAnditshallcometopassinthatday, that theLORDshallpunishthehostofthehighones that are onhigh,andthekingsoftheearthupontheearth.Andtheyshallbegatheredtogether,(...)

Isaiah24:23 Then the moon shall be confounded (blood-red moon), andthe sun ashamed (blood-red sun), whentheLORD (YAHWEH) ofhostsshallreigninmountZion,andinJerusalem,andbeforeHisancients gloriously.

That all might know that HE is YHVH and that it was HIS decree against a wicked and rebellious people.


Revelation 16:1,14-19 AND I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of GOD upon the earth. (...)

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of GOD Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watched, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And HE gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightning’s; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before GOD, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of HIS wrath.

Forfurtherinformationregardingthe “Signs in the Sky” & “GOD’S MARK” pleasegotoe.g.:






This is the interpretation ofthething:

➢ MENE;GODhathnumberedthykingdom,andfinishedit.

➢ TEKEL;Thouartweighedinthebalances,andartfoundwanting.(Daniel5:26-27)

History in a Snapshot:

The literal city of Babel and the land of Nimrod werethefounderandorganizerof tyranny and idolatry after the flood. Ithasbeendescribedasthe first organization oftheschemeofGOD-lessnessandirreligionafterthe deluge.

NimrodsubjectedLowerMesopotamia,orShinar,andUpperMesopotamia,orAccad,andcombineditintoone; thusfoundedtheempireofChaldea,makingthecityofBabel,alsocalledBabylonthecapitaloftheUnited Kingdom.Hiskingdomgraduallygrewinsizeandmagnificence,andinprocessoftimeheexpandedtoAssyria. Ninevehbecamethenewcapitalofthegrowing Assyrian-Babylonian Empire.


Nimrodisfurtherassociatedasthemastermindofthebuildingofanaltaronahighplace,i.e.the Tower of Babel withafalsegod’stempleontop(around2100-1900BCE).ItwouldseemasthoughNimrodrepresentedarevival oftheantediluvian spirit of independence and rebellion withitsdisregardoftheonetrueGODYHVHandHIS authority.Theywerefilledwitha godless ambition.“Letusmakeusaname,lestwebescatteredabroad.”

InviewofthefactthattheHebrewwordfor“name”is“shem”thestatement“to make a shem”almostsoundslike mockery.Itcarriesacertainconnotationof“suppressed” scorn against the family of Shem,whichhadbeen assuredoftheDivinepresenceandblessing(Gen9:26);andthefearlesttheyshouldbescatteredabroadisfairly chargeablewith distrust in GOD.


Babylon henceforward stands symbolic for:

a. Confusion andeverythingthatisYHVH-opposed.

b. An unfaithful city and apostate nation that strives to become a superpower withallviciousmeans.

c. Major mart of the entire world withaninfluxofpeoplefromallaroundtheworld.

d. Promoter of a GOD-opposed, corrupt system.

e. An instrument ofdivinediscipline.

f. An empire composed of several willinglyorforcefully annexed nations whoacceptthekingofBabylonas ruleruntiltheyassertindependenceagain.

g. A covenant breaking, backslidden church deservingofpunishment.

h. The great persecutor andopponentofthetruepeopleofYHVH;thosewhokeepHIScommandments.


» End Time Babylon «





Revelation17:18Andthe woman (1. secular: autonomic commercial city of man, that strives for world power; mart and hub of all unscrupulous men of the entire world 2. spiritual: parent of world-loving, backslidden church; Ezek 29:20-21, Dan 4:31-34) whichthousawest is that great city (Babylon),whichreignethoverthe kings (10 horns of the sea beast, i.e. convulsed nations) oftheearth (all habitable world).

The “mystery” inthename is that the woman is:

➢ Named from her place of residence. She resides in a renowned metropolitan city resembling theold BabelorBabylon.

Thus, the “mystery” is that the name Babylon is not referring to the original entity but another entity with similar characteristics and attributes. Shealsoresemblesthequalitiesoftheancientcities ofJerusalemandRom.Note:Romwasoncecalledthe“EternalCity”.ShehasthespiritofSodomand Egypt.Remember:Babelistheoriginatorandinstigatorofallidolatryandtyranny(Rev17).


➢ Named from her legendary and infamous way, and practice; sheisarrayedinheractsofwickedness, corruptluxuryandcommerce.Shecarriesinherthespiritofconfusion(Babel).

➢ The Mother of harlots. Thewhorebreedsprostitutesandtrainsthemtoidolatry,andallsortsof lewdnessandwickedness.Thus she is the parent and nurse of all false religion. Daughterlikemother.

➢ The Mother of all abominations (disgusting things and idols) of the earth. SheravagesGOD’speople. Herdietiscomposedoftheirblood(Rev17:6).

“The waters” are peoples, and multitudes, and Nations, and tongues

Rev17:15Andhesaithuntome,“The waters (Babylon’s mixed multitude of citizens) whichthousawest,where the whore (Babylon) sitteth (is enthroned), are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues” (influx of people, daughter cities, colonies, i.e. dependencies).

Rev17:3Sohecarriedmeawayinthespiritintothewilderness:andIsawawoman (Babylon) sit upon a scarlet (wicked, blood-guiltiness, deep-dyed sin or royalty, badge of empire) colored (sea) beast (world power, that is distinct from Babylon),fullofnamesofblasphemy (YHVH-opposed),havingsevenheads (7 successive forms of governments) andtenhorns (10 kings, kingdoms or nations).


Babylon rests on the world powers

The whore rests on the world powers andrulesbytheclaimofsupremacy16 .AsGODsitsenthronedinHIS heavenlycitadelexemptfromallinjury,soshethinksshesitssecureinherimpregnablestrongholdamidstthe stormiestelements,abletocontrolthematwill,andmakethemsub-serveherinterests.Destructionwillcometo herlikeathiefinthenight.

Babylon, empowered by the sea beast, uses her commercial system oftradingasasystemofoppressionto createphysicalwealth to achieve world dominion,asalsoitwasinancientTyre(Ezek27,28).

IntheNewTestament,endtimeBabylonbecomesagaintheepitomeofwickedness,idolatryandtyranny(Rev 17:5).

The union of the sea beast and the whore mimictheunionofMessiah(theLamb)andthefaithfulchurch(the bride).

The Churches in Babylon

The Churches in Babylon: Thewholechurchwhilefaithful(OldandNewTestament)ismeantby"thewoman" (Rev12:1).Thewholeofthefaithless,world-conformingchurchofboththeOldandNewTestamentismeantby “whore”or“harlot”.HenceBabylonissymbolicallythe chief representativeoftheapostasy.Babylon’scapitaland wealthydaughtercitiesarethedwellingplacesoftheworld-lovingapostateChurch.

The harlot is every assembly thathasnotMessiah'smindandspirit.Falsechurchesdividedintoverymany sectsaretrulyBabylon,thatis,confusion.Theygivebirthto“abominations“,whichisalsothescripturaltermfor anidol,oranycreatureworshippedwiththehomageduetotheCREATOR.InsteadofdrinkingherLORD's"cup" ofsuffering,shehas"acupfullofabominationsandfilthinesses."HerinhabitantsliveinBabylonasifthisworld, notheavenisthereality.


GOD’s instruments of HIS wrath, theweaponsofHISindignationshalljudgeBabylonandherinhabitantsafter themannerofadulteresses,andafterthemannerofwomenthatshedblood(Rev18:24),i.e.executethedeath penalty.Babylonshallbefilledwithdrunkennessandsorrow,withthecupofastonishmentanddesolation,with thecupofhersisterSamaria(Ezek23:4).


Because Babylon has forgotten GOD,andcastHIMbehindherback,thereforeshehastobearalsoher wantonnessandherfornications.HEwilldothese things untoher,becauseshehasgonewhoringafterthe heathen, and becausesheispollutedwiththeiridols.GODbringsjudgmentonthepeopleofBabylonandtheir falsegods(e.g.Mammon,thatis,filthylucre,moneyandriches)andcarvedimages(e.g.emblem,flag).Theywere proudagainstYHVH.Herlandhasbeenfilledwiththepenalconsequencesforhersins–devastation.


Jeremiah’s prophecy in Chapter 25:8-12

Jeremiah’s dual prophecy foreshadows the last 70 years of obscured Counsel Government and depicts the downfall of the Babylonian world power.

Jeremiah 25:8-12

ThereforethussaiththeLORDofhosts (YHVH of armies);BecauseyehavenotheardMYwords (rebellion, disobedience, corruption, idol worship),Behold,Iwillsendandtakeallthefamiliesofthenorth,saiththeLORD, andNebuchadnezzartheking (personified Antichrist ) ofBabylon (economic and military world powers),MYservant (instrument of GOD’s wrath),andwillbringthemagainstthisland , andagainsttheinhabitantsthereof,andagainst allthesenationsroundabout,andwillutterlydestroythem (in 1945 CE ),andmakethemanastonishment,andan hissing,andperpetualdesolations. Moreover,Iwilltakefromthemthevoiceofmirth,andthevoiceofgladness,thevoiceofthebridegroom,andthe voiceofthebride,thesoundofthemillstones,andthelightofthecandle.

Andthiswholelandshallbedesolation and astonishment;and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Anditshallcometopass,whenseventyyearsareaccomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saiththeLORD,fortheiriniquity (corruption, tyranny), and the land of the Chaldeans17, and will make it perpetual desolations.


Isaiah’s Prophecy in Chapter 23:15-17

Isaiah’s prophecy respectingthecityof Tyre illustratesher overthrow and re-establishment. Tyre, like Babylon was the mart of the nations. Shestandsfor uninhibited global commerce andtradebasedon oppressionandcolonization.Herinhabitantscelebratehumansinas“good”.


Anditshallcometopassinthatday (1945 CE),thatTyreshallbeforgottenseventyyears (1945 CE – 2015 CE), accordingtothedaysofoneking:aftertheendofseventyyearsshallTyresingasaharlot (courts merchants of all nations).Takeaharp,goaboutthecity,thouharlotthathastbeenforgotten;makesweetmelody,singmany songs,thatthoumayestberemembered.

Anditshallcometopass after the end of seventy years (2015/2016 CE), thattheLORDwillvisit Tyre,andshe shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.

 Tyremeansrock,sharporstrength. The wickedness and idolatry of this city are frequently denounced by the prophets, and its final destruction predicted (Isa.23:1;Jer.25:22;Ezek.26;28:1-19;Amos1:9,10;Zech. 9:2-4).


- Antichrist (666) - Zenith prior to the downfall


Andhe(thebeastofthelandasfalseprophet–counterfeitElijah)doethgreatwonders,sothathemakethfire comedownfromheavenontheearthinthesightofmen,Anddeceiveththemthatdwellontheearthbythe meansofthosemiracleswhichhehadpowertodointhesightofthebeast(abyssbeastaspersonifiedAntichrist orunifiedeconomic,militaryworldsuperpower.Satangivesthisbeasthispower,throneandauthority);sayingto themthatdwellontheearth,thattheyshouldmakeanimagetothebeast,whichhadthewoundbyasword (image of the slain beast opposed to the slain Lamb),anddidlive. Andhehadpowertogivelifeuntotheimageof thebeast(hierarchicalecclesiasticaldominionpersecutingGOD’speoplethroughthebeast’smonetarysystem, militaryandsociety)thattheimageofthebeastshouldbothspeak,andcausethatasmanyaswouldnotworship theimageofthebeast(submit)shouldbekilled.

• And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (differentiation to YHVH’s people) in their right hand, or in their foreheads (set apartness to the beast):

• And that no man might buy (consumer) or sell (merchant), save he that had the mark (proletariat, noncitizens), or the name of the beast (citizen), or the number of his name (military, administration).

These references reveal diplomatic moves bythe‘cowardly’toseeksecuritythroughalliancewiththegreat powers.Thesepeopleattempttokeepthemselvestogetherbymeansofanoutwardandvisibletie. SuchmovesareroundlycondemnedbytheprophetsasapostasyfromYHVH,theirtrueandonlyAdonai.

Trueunitymustcomefromwithin.Whenoutwardunityisattemptedtheresultwillbe,asinthiscase,separation, dispersion,confusion.Theirnewprotectorswillbecometheircaptors.

As they submitted to the mark of the beast, so they must bear the mark of the avenging LORD.


When these times of scarceness come,thosepeopleofGODwhowillsufferandfindthattheirheartscan scarcelybearthesemomentaryafflictions,mustrememberHISpromisesandtakewarningtofleefromthewrath tocome;forifthesetrialsarenotsanctifiedbythepoweroftheHolySpirit,tothecleansingoftheirmindsand handsfromsin,farworsethingswillcomeuponthem.Affliction,ifitdoesnotmelt,hardensthesinner.

Those who fear GOD will unite in prayer and witness to HIS truth,righteousnessandholiness;aswickedmen ofeveryrankandprofessionplottogethertowearthemout.Remember:Theoutcomeofthebattleis predetermined(Rev20-22).

Rev21:7-8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things;andIwillbehisGOD,and he shall be MY son. But the fearful,andunbelieving,andtheabominable,andmurderers,andwhoremongers,andsorcerers,andidolaters, andallliars,shallhavetheirpartinthelakewhichburnethwithfireandbrimstone:whichistheseconddeath.


Prophecy of Daniel 7:6-7 and Revelation 17:9-13

Revelation17:9-13depictsthewickedmerchantcity-“mysteryBabylon”–practicinghertradewiththe7“Kings” duringthelast70yearsof‘worldkingdom’.

In the records of Scripture large marts of commerce are often compared to harlotsseekingmanylovers,that is,theycourtmerchantsofallnations,andtakeinanyoneforthesakeofgain(Na3:4;Re18:3).

The 8th “Head-King” of the world empire system willreceivethepowerandauthorityofhis10“horn-kings”; andbyGOD’sordination,these“lovers”willdevastatethe“greatcity”andplunderherwealth.

These will also battle against the Lamb Yahshua Messiah atthegreatdayofElShaddaiattheplacecalled Armageddon(“hillcityofdeclaringamessage”or“showingforthofhispreciousfruit”). Thentheywillgooffintodestruction.


United Nations I

Daniel 7:6

AfterthisIbeheld,andloanother,likealeopard,whichhaduponthebackofitfourwingsofafowl;thebeasthad also four heads (4mainpowers);anddominionwasgiventoit.

United Nations II

Daniel 7:7

AfterthisIsawinthenightvisions,andbeholdafourthbeast,dreadfulandterrible,andstrongexceedingly;andit hadgreatironteeth:itdevouredandbrakeinpieces,andstampedtheresiduewiththefeetofit:andit was diversefromallthebeaststhat were beforeit;andithad ten horns (10mainpowers).

Revelation 17:9-14

Andhere is themindwhichhathwisdom.Thesevenheads (kings/ruler) aresevenmountains (governments),on whichthewoman (corrupt international commercial city) sitteth (reigns). Andtherearesevenkings:

• fivearefallen,

• andoneis (6th),

• and theotherisnotyetcome (7th);

• andwhenhecometh,hemustcontinueashortspace.

And the beast (8th head of the composite sea beast) that was,andisnot,even he is the eighth,andisoftheseven (the same organization),andgoethintoperdition (cast alive into the lake of fire like Korah and his company).

Andthetenhornswhichthousawestaretenkings,whichhavereceivednokingdomasyet;butreceivepoweras kingsonehour (short time) withthebeast (8th head-king of the beast).


These (10 horn-kings) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (8th head-king of the beast).


These (composite abyss beast (Antichrist), false prophet and their armies) shall make war with the Lamb (Yahshua Messiah), and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful (“HIS firstfruits”).

Revelation 20:6

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of GOD and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.


Are ritually slaughtered18 animals sacrificed to idols?


• MembersfromtheHalalAdvocatesofAmericavisitedNewZealandon 4 May 201019 .

• AnneBerrymanofthe New Zealand MeatBoardsaidearly2010thattheirslaughterhouseschosetodedicate andslaughter all meatas“stunned”halal20 .

• NewZealandbannedshechita(kosherslaughter)inMay201021.Amongothercountriesthatimpose stunningbeforeslaughtercompriseIceland,Norway,Sweden22,DenmarkandSwitzerland23 .

• 4 September 2010 anearthquakehit Christchurch,NewZealand24 .

• Asecond(devastating)earthquakehit Christchurchon22February201125 .TherenownedChristchurch Cathedraliswrecked.

Priortothesepublications,onlyafewbelieversdealtwith“abstaining from blood intheirfood(i.e.customarily slaughteredanimals,blackpudding,bloodsausages,Thaichickencakes,animallecithininsomechocolate-nut spreadsetc.)and eating things sacrificed unto idols”.

Seeingallthesethingshappen,itisnowonderthatmoreandmorepeoplestopandthinkaboutwhattheyputon theirplatesandwheretheproductscomefrom.

Verypopularisthetopicaboutrituallyslaughteredmeatthatis sold unlabelled to unsuspecting consumers inthe supermarketsworldwide.


Eating things sacrificed to idols?

The Commandment of Jesus (Heb.: YAHSHUA – YAH saves) our Messiah is clear-cut.

Revelation2:14ButI(Yahshua)haveafewthingsagainstthee,becausethouhasttherethemthatholdthe doctrineofBalaam,whotaughtBalaktocastastumblingblockbeforethechildrenofIsrael,toeatthings sacrificeduntoidols,andtocommitfornication.26

Revelation2:20NotwithstandingI(Yahshua)haveafewthingsagainstthee,becausethousufferestthatwoman Jezebel,whichcallethherselfaprophetess,toteachandtoseducemyservantstocommitfornication,andtoeat thingssacrificeduntoidols.


Acts15:19-20Whereforemy(ApostolicChurch)sentenceis,thatwetroublenotthem,whichfromamongthe Gentiles(Nations)areturnedtoGod:Butthatwewriteuntothem,thattheyabstainfrompollutionsofidols,and from fornication,and from thingsstrangled,and from blood.

Remember:thefirstcommandment,whichwasbrokenbymankind,wasadietarylawofYHVH(YAHWEH)(Gen3, 1Tim2:14).

2020 CE 10 years will have passed since the abovementioned events in 2010.



Was Rabbi Judah ben Samuel a secret Bible Student?



YHVH’s Appointed Times

YHVH’s Appointed Times are evident from the beginning of creation and they go through to the end of the age, even on into the Millennial Kingdom. Isaiah66speaksoftheMillennialKingdom.WelearnthatwhenYahshuasetsupHiskingdomregencyonthis earththateveryonewillcometokeepYAHWEH’Sappointedtimes(Isa66:23).Zechariah14:16-18tellsusthat thewholeworldiscommandedtoobey.Therebelliousremnantofthenationswhowon’tgouptokeeptheFeast ofTabernacleswillgetnorain.

WerecallthatYahshuapromisedtokeepthePassoveragainwithHisdisciplesintheKingdom(Matt26:29). AfundamentalpurposeofYAHWEH’SFeastsistoinstructaboutGOD’SMasterPlan.Weseethishappeninginthe MillennialKingdominEzek.44:23-24.

The Apostolic Church kept YHVH’s weekly Sabbaths and HIS Holy Days. They taught about their meaning (Acts 24:14).

InhisfirstepistletotheCorinthians Apostle Paul wroteaboutthePassoverobservanceandexhortedthemto keeptheFeastofUnleavenedBread. "Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since


you truly are unleavened. For indeed Messiah, our Passover was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Cor. 5:7-8).

"Nowifthefirst-fruit[Yahshua]isholy,soalsothelump[bodyofbelievers].Andiftherootisholy,soalsothe branches".(Rom11:16).

Did you know that when you substitute GOD’s Holy Days for secular holidays, you fulfil the biblical definition of idolatry?

The Catholic Encyclopedia states,thattheEnglishtermEasterrelatestoEstre,aTeutonicgoddessoftherising lightofdayandspring.TheAnglo-Saxon’scalliteâsteroreâstron;theGermans,Ostern.Aprilwascalled eastermonadh.Source:,accessed31.03.2015.

The Encyclopedia Britannica,11thedition,Vol.8,p.828,confirmsthat“thereisnoindicationoftheobservance oftheEasterFestivalintheNewTestament,orinthewritingsoftheapostolicfathers.” C.f.,accessed31.03.2015.

Ex 23:13-16

Andinall things thatIhavesaiduntoyoubecircumspect: andmakenomentionofthenameofothergods, neitherletitbeheardoutofthymouth. Threetimesthoushaltkeepafeastuntomeintheyear. Thoushaltkeepthefeastofunleavenedbread: (thoushalteatunleavenedbreadsevendays,asIcommandedthee,inthetimeappointedofthemonthAbib; forinitthoucamestoutfromEgypt:andnoneshallappearbeforemeempty:)

Andthefeastofharvest,thefirstfruitsofthylabours,whichthouhastsowninthefield: andthefeastofingathering, which is intheendoftheyear,whenthouhastgatheredinthylaboursoutofthefield.



YHVH‘s annual Memorial and Feast Days 2015 to 2017 CE

Lev 23:4 These are the feasts of the LORD (YHVH), even holy meetings, which ye (HIS children) shall proclaim in their seasons.

DoyoukeepyourappointmentswithyourCREATOR? AreyougoingtoacknowledgethesedayscommandedbyYHVHintheScriptures?

YHVH's Holy Days 2015-2017 CE


Biblical New Year

[Firstmonth(newmoon)ofthebiblicalyear] March20* Apr7 March28

Weekly Sabbath - 7th day of the week Friday** Friday Friday

Passover (Memorial) Apr2 Apr21 Apr9 Feast of Unleavened Bread# Apr3-9 Apr22-28 Apr10-16

Feast of Firstfruits Wave Sheaf Offering Apr4 Apr23 Apr15 Day of Pentecost May23 Jun11 Jun03

Day of Trumpets (Memorial)

[Seventhmonth(newmoon)ofthebiblicalyear] Sept13 Oct02 Sept20

Day of At-one-ment(s) Sept22 Oct11 Sept29

Sabbathofthe7th year(restfortheland) Sept22

Sabbathofthe50th year(yearofJubilee)

[Libertyforperson,propertyrelease,landrest] Oct11†

Feast of Tabernacles Sept27-Oct3 Oct16-22 Oct4-10

Last Great Day / 8th Day Oct4 Oct23 Oct11

2015 2016 2017 BiblicalCalendarYear(BK) 5995 5996 5997

* Holy Days in the table start at sunset of the same Gregorian day and end at sunset the next day.

** The weekly Sabbath starts at Friday sunset and ends at Saturday sunset. According to the biblical timetable a new day begins at sunset in the evening (Gen 1:5, Joshua 8:29, 2.Chron 18:34). GOD's day goes "from evening to evening" (Lev 23:32), while the Gregorian day starts at midnight and ends at midnight the next day.

Passover e.g. was observed in 2015 on Thursday, 2 April at sunset according to the Roman Gregorian time table. Passover e.g. was observed in 5999 on 14 Abib, the sixth day of the week at sunset according to the biblical time table.

* The dates can vary from location to location following the new moon. On the homepage of you can access calendars with moon phases and sunset times for your location. E.g.

YHVH’s Holy Days follow a lunar calendar aligned with the four seasons and the agricultural cycle. Therefore every once and a while there is added a leap year. †Intensified manifestation of Antichrist (Dan 9:26).

Onfollowinghomepage,youcanaccessthedatesofGod`sHolydaysuntiltheyear2026CE:–2017andfoundthem correct. Pleasecheckthefollowingyears…(Pleasenote,thatIamnotaMemberoftheUnitedChurchofGod)

Does Jeremiah present in Chapter 10:1-4 today's Christmas tree or Hanukkah bush as heathen tradition?

Jeremiah10:1-4HearyethewordwhichtheLordthusspeakethuntoyou,OhouseofIsrael:ThussaiththeLORD, Learnnotthewayoftheheathen,andbenotdismayedatthesignsofheaven;fortheheathenaredismayedat them.Forthecustomsofthepeople are vain:forone cuttethatreeoutoftheforest,theworkofthehandsofthe workmanwiththeax.Theydeckitwithsilverandwithgold;theyfastingitwithnailsandwithhammers,thatit movenot.



We are the temple of the living GOD, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone!

(2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:20)

Building start (development stage): 11 CE

The chief corner stone was laid around: 38 CE

Completion: 2020 – 2028 CE?

John2:19-21 Jesus (Yahshua) answeredand said unto them,

➢ Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.


➢ But he spoke of the temple of his body.

Mark8:31Andhebegantoteachthem,thatthe Son of man must suffer many things,andberejectedofthe elders,and of thechiefpriests,andscribes,andbekilled,and after three days rise again.



➢ I will destroy this temple that is made with hands,and

➢ within three days I will build another made without hands.


➢ GOD that made the world and all things therein,seeingthatHEisLordofheavenandearth,

➢ dwelled not in temples made with hands;


➢ Know ye not that ye are the temple of GOD,and that theSpiritofGODdwellethinyou?Ifanymandefile thetempleofGOD,himshallGODdestroy;for

➢ the temple of GOD is holy, which temple ye are.


➢ know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is inyou,whichyehaveofGOD,andye arenotyourown?


➢ For ye are the temple of the living GOD; asGODhathsaid,Iwilldwellinthem,andwalkin them; andIwill betheirGOD,andtheyshallbeMYpeople.


We are an Holy Temple in YAHshua (YAH’SSalvation): In whom we also are builded together


➢ Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizenswiththe saints,and of the household of GOD; Andare built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,

➢ Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Inwhomallthebuildingfitlyframedtogethergrowth unto

➢ an holy temple in the Lord: InwhomyealsoarebuildedtogetherforanhabitationofGODthroughthe Spirit.


➢ Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my GOD, andheshallgonomoreout:and

➢ I will write upon him the name of my GOD, and the name of the city of my GOD, which is

➢ new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my GOD:and I will write upon him mynew name.

» He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches «


» Stephen’s Victory «

YAH’shua made him a Pillar in the Temple of His GOD



➢ the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; assaiththeprophet, (Isaiah 66:1-2)

➢ Heaven is MY throne, and

➢ earth is MY footstool:

➢ what house will ye build ME? saithYHVH:orwhat is theplaceofMYrest?

➢ Hath not MY hand made all these things?

Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,yedoalwaysresisttheHolyGhost:asyourfathers did,so do ye.

Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?andtheyhaveslainthemwhichshewedbeforeof thecomingoftheJustOne;ofwhomyehavebeennowthebetrayersandmurderers:

Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.


Whentheyheardthesethings,theywerecuttotheheart,andtheygnashedonhimwith their teeth.

➢ But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of GOD, and Jesus standing on the right hand of GOD,

➢ And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of GOD.

Thentheycriedoutwithaloudvoice,andstoppedtheirears,andranuponhimwithoneaccord,Andcast him out ofthecity,andstoned him: andthewitnesseslaiddowntheirclothesatayoungman’sfeet,whosenamewasSaul.

And they stoned Stephen,callingupon GOD,andsaying,LordJesus,receivemyspirit.Andhekneeleddown, and criedwithaloudvoice,Lord,laynotthissintotheircharge.Andwhenhehadsaidthis, he fell asleep.


The Transfiguration of the Saints

Behold, I show you a mystery; at the last trumpet we shall be changed.

(1 Corinthians 15: 51-52)

Behold, I show you a mystery;Weshallnotallsleep,butweshallallbechanged,Inamoment,inthe twinklingofaneye, at the last trump:forthetrumpetshallsound,andthedeadshallbe raisedincorruptible,and we shall be changed.


The purified church, in her glory and unity,isnownotmanifested,butawaitingthe transfiguration of the saints, that are the sons and daughters of GOD atMessiah'scoming.

Unable to destroy the true church onearthasawhole, Satan directs his enmity against the elect remnant, those who keep GOD’s commandments and have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah.

The beasts will temporarily triumph over the saints,untildestroyedinArmageddon(Rev19:17-21).Thisis the patience and faith of the saints (Rev13:10),true wisdom and understanding (Rev13:18).

Confidence in GOD’s wisdom and power is of the essence of the patient faith to which ELOHIMS’s people are called.

We can choose to place our trust not in man,notintheevilmachinationsofdiabolicalconspirators,butin ELOHIM,whoisrulingtheworldforHISglory. HIS judgment will surely come.


Thepatientexpectationofthisistheperseveranceandthefaithofthesaints. We look forward to the ultimate destruction of Satan and Death through the work of Messiah Yahshua.

YHVH has a chosen remnant on earth,redeemedbythebloodoftheLamb,recordedinHISbookoflife,sealed byHISSpirit;andthoughSatanandAntichristmayovercomethephysicalbody,andtakeawaythenaturallife, theycannotconquerthesoul,norprevailwithtruebelieverstoforsaketheirSaviour,andjoinHisenemies.

Perseverance in the faith of the gospel andtrueworshipofGOD, in this great hour of trial andtemptation, which will deceive all but the elect, is the character of those registered in the book of the Lamb.

On the ground of our faithful testimony, even unto death, we are constituted victors (Rev12:11).Our testimonywilldemonstrateourvictoryoverthebeastsbyvirtueofthebloodoftheLamb.Herebyweconfess ourselvesas worshippers of the slain Lamb and overcome the beasts, Satan'srepresentatives(Re15:2, compareRe13:15,16).

[Many of us (HIS Saints, YAHshuas bride, the elected remnant) will go through the Great Tribulation. 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52 (...) at the last trump: (...) we shall be changed. ]

Victors of the beasts

Rev.7:14AndIsaiduntohim,Sir,thouknowest.Andhesaidtome, These are they which came out of great tribulation,andhavewashedtheirrobes,andmadethemwhiteinthebloodoftheLamb.

Rev.12:11And they overcame him bythebloodoftheLamb,andbythewordoftheirtestimony;and they loved not their lives unto the death.


Rev.3:5 He that overcometh,thesameshallbeclothedinwhiteraiment;and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life,butIwillconfesshisnamebeforemyFATHER,andbeforeHISangels.

Sons and Daughters of GOD

Rev.21:7He that overcometh shallinheritallthings;andIwillbehisGOD,andhe shall be MY son.


We shall rule the Nations

Rev.2:26-29 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, tohimwill I give power over the nations:And he shall rule them with a rod of iron;asthevesselsofapottershalltheybebrokentoshivers: evenasIreceivedofmyFATHER. And I will give him the morning star. Hethathathanear,lethimhearwhat theSpiritsaithuntothechurches.

Rev.12:5And she brought forth a man child (Yahshua), who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:and her child was caught up unto GOD,and to histhrone.

Rev.19:15-16Andoutofhis (YAHshua) mouthgoethasharpsword,thatwithitheshouldsmitethenations:and he shall rule them with a rod of iron:andhetreadeththewinepressofthefiercenessandwrathofAlmighty GOD.Andhehathon his vestureandonhisthighanamewritten,KINGOFKINGS,ANDLORDOFLORDS.


Remember, since the beginning of time YHVH is in the process of creating for HIMSELF an own people, a holy nation born from above (Rev1:6;1Pet2:9-10) in HIS image (Col3:10) and likeness (1Cor15:49), a family HE can name (Heb.:Shem) after HIMSELF, a spiritual house-hold that will cling to HIS WORD, having the Anointing in them (Col3:11).

– Chosen, called out
faithful –

The obedient and faithful follower of Jesus Christ is the spiritual offspring of Abraham, a child of the promise, grafted into the vine of Israel and part of the New Jerusalem; according to Eph 3:14-15 the whole family is called by HIS name or named by HIM; their citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20).

Rom9:6-8NotasthoughthewordofGodhathtakennoneeffect.Forthey are notallIsrael,whichareofIsrael: Neither,becausetheyaretheseedofAbraham, are they allchildren:but,InIsaacshallthyseedbecalled. Thatis,Theywhicharethechildrenoftheflesh,these are notthe children of God:butthe children of the promise are counted for the seed.

HE is not interested in an exclusive, genetically identifiable group of people on earth.

But we know that HE does make a difference between HIS people Israel and the people of the oppressor (Ex11:7,19:5;John5:29).

Thus, the biblical title Hebrew, Israelite or Jew comprises not one singular race, but a mixed multitude of people under one shepherd.

As we see, it is all about attaching (Heb.:levi) oneself to YHVH and HIS covenants, and loving (i.e.obeying) HIM.

In the anointed Saviour YAHshua27 only a new creation oranewman avails anything (Gal6:15;Eph2:15-16, 4:24), which after ELOHIM is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Allegorically speaking, all who join the just bridegroom YAHshua as faithful bride are being grafted into the olive tree, i.e. YHVH’s family and partake with them in the root and fatness of the tree of life (Rom 11:17).


YAH’ssalvation,i.e.YAHshuawhowasslainfromthefoundationoftheworld,confirmsthisuniversalprinciplein Matt12:50“For whosoever (everyone, i.e. all) shall do the will of My (Yahshua’s) FATHER which is in heaven, the same is My (family member) brother, and sister, and mother.”

Childlike subjection to the will of YAHshua’s FATHER inheavenistheindissoluble bond of union between HIMandallitsmembers;andwhosoeverentersthisholy(i.e.setapart)circlebecomesHisbrother,andsister,and mother!

Ephesians4:2-6Withalllowlinessandmeekness,withlongsuffering,forbearingoneanotherinlove;endeavoring tokeepthe unity oftheSpiritinthe bond of peace.

There is






-oneGODandFATHERofall,who is aboveall,andthroughall,andinyouall.

Those who have joined (Heb.: levi – attached, united) themselves to the commonwealth of the “heavenly” Israel and have done the will of the FATHER to the end will bring their glory into the New Jerusalem through one of the 12 gates which are named after the 12 sons of Israel (Rev21:10-13;Ezek48).


The “chosen ones”:

• IAMsoughtof them that askednot for me;

• Iamfoundof them that soughtmenot:

• Isaid,beholdme,beholdme,untoanation that wasnotcalledbymyname.


The disobedient children:


• whichwalkethinaway that was notgood,

• aftertheirownthoughts;

• Apeoplethatprovokethmetoangercontinuallytomyface;

• thatsacrificethingardens,

• andburnethincenseuponaltarsofbrick;

• Whichremainamongthegraves,andlodgeinthemonuments,

• whicheatswine’sflesh,

• andbrothofabominable things is in theirvessels; Whichsay,

• Standbythyself,

• comenotneartome;forIamholierthanthou.

These are asmokeinmynose,afirethatburnethalltheday.

Behold, it is writtenbeforeme:Iwillnotkeepsilence,butwillrecompense,evenrecompenseintotheirbosom, Youriniquities,andtheiniquitiesofyourfatherstogether,saiththeLORD,whichhaveburnedincenseuponthe mountains,andblasphemedmeuponthehills:thereforewillImeasuretheirformerworkintotheirbosom.

Revelation11:18Andthenationswereangry,and thy (YAHWEH’S) wrath is come,andthetimeofthedead,that theyshouldbejudged,andthatthoushouldestgiverewarduntothyservantstheprophets,andtothesaints,and themthatfearthyname,smallandgreat;and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.


The obedient children

Isaiah29:22ThereforethussaiththeLORD(YAHWEH),whoredeemedAbraham,concerningthehouseofJacob, Jacobshallnotnowbeashamed,neithershallhisfacenowwaxpale.

Butwhenheseethhischildren,theworkofminehands,inthemidstofhim,theyshallsanctifymyname,and sanctifytheHolyOneofJacob,andshallfeartheGodofIsrael. Theyalsothaterredinspiritshallcometounderstanding,andtheythatmurmuredshalllearndoctrine.


Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, and holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Whereforealsoitiscontainedinthescripture,Behold,IlayinZionachiefcornerstone,elect,andprecious:and hethatbelievethonhimshallnotbeconfounded.

Untoyouthereforewhichbelieve he is precious:butuntothemwhichbedisobedient,thestonewhichthebuilders disallowed,thesameismadetheheadofthecorner,

Andastoneofstumbling,andarockofoffence, even to them whichstumbleattheword,beingdisobedient: whereuntoalsotheywereappointed.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Are you given a new name, a new identity, even a new nationality?

Heed, there is no Gentile gate or Christian Church gate in the New Jerusalem, which is the bride, the lamb’s wife (Rev 21:9).



Rev.3:3 Remember therefore howthouhastreceivedandheard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Rev.3:5 He that overcometh, thesameshallbeclothedinwhiteraiment;andIwillnotblotouthisnameoutof thebookoflife,butIwillconfesshisnamebeforeMyFather,andbeforeHISangels.

Rev.21:7-10 He that overcometh shall inherit all things;and I will be his GOD,and he shall be MY son.

But the fearful,andunbelieving,andtheabominable,andmurderers,andwhoremongers,andsorcerers,and idolaters,and all liars,shallhavetheirpart in the lake which burneth with fire andbrimstone:whichisthe seconddeath.

And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.

And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from GOD,

Rev.21:27Andthereshallinnowiseenterintoitanythingthatdefileth,neither whatsoever worketh abomination,or maketh alie: but they whicharewrittenintheLamb’sbookoflife.


Rev.2:26-29 And he that overcometh, and keepeth MY works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

And he shall rule them with a rod of iron;asthevesselsofapottershalltheybebrokentoshivers:evenasI receivedofMyFATHER.AndIwillgivehimthemorningstar.



The Great Transformation

Isaiah 29:18-24

And in » that day« the deaf shall hear the words of the book,and the eyes of the blind shall see outof obscurity,and out of darkness. (Is 35:5)

The humble ones also shall increase their joy in YAHWEH, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

For the terrible one is brought to nothing,and the scorner is consumed,and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:

Thatmakeamananoffenderforaword,andlayasnareforhimthatreprovesinthegate,andturnasidethejust forathingofnought.

ThereforethussaysYAHWEH,whoredeemedAbraham,concerningthehouseofJacob,Jacobshallnotnowbe ashamed,neithershallhisfacenowwaxpale.

But when he sees his children, the work of MY hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify MY name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the ELOHIM of Israel. They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding,andtheythatmurmuredshalllearndoctrine.

Idiom for the end times, characterizes a time when GOD will judge HIS enemies



Revelation19:11-16AndIsawheavenopened,andbeholdawhitehorse;andHethatsatuponhim was called FaithfulandTrue,andinrighteousnessHedothjudgeandmakewar.

Hiseyes were asaflameoffire,andonHishead were manycrowns;andHehadanamewritten,thatnoman knew,butHehimself.AndHe was clothedwithavesturedippedinblood:andHisnameiscalledTheWordof GOD.

Andthearmies which were inheavenfollowedHimuponwhitehorses,clothedinfinelinen,whiteandclean.

AndoutofHismouthgoethasharpsword,thatwithitHeshouldsmitethenations:andHeshallrulethemwitha rodofiron:andHetreadeththewinepressofthefiercenessandwrathofAlmightyGOD.

AndHehathon his vestureandonHisthighanamewritten,KINGOFKINGS,ANDLORDOFLORDS.

Revelation19:19-21AndIsawthebeast,andthekingsoftheearth,andtheirarmies,gatheredtogethertomake waragainstHimthatsatonthehorse,andagainstHisarmy.

Andthebeastwastaken,andwithhimthefalseprophetthatwroughtmiraclesbeforehim,withwhichhe deceivedthemthathadreceivedthemarkofthebeast,andthemthatworshippedhisimage.Thesebothwerecast aliveintoalakeoffireburningwithbrimstone.

AndtheremnantwereslainwiththeswordofHimthatsatuponthehorse,which sword proceededoutofHis mouth:andallthefowlswerefilledwiththeirflesh.


Revelation 20:4-6 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of GOD and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.



Be aware:

There can be an up to ‘3 ½ year time difference’betweenthebeginningoftheTribulationforGOD’schildren andthebeginningoftheTribulationforthechildrenofthe“world”!

ApostlePetergavekeeninsightintothissubject,reassuringthat“judgmentbeginsatthehouseofGOD”.Because HISchildrenshallbetrailedandscrutinizedfirst,theirTribulationperiodwillendearlier. Consequently,dependingongroupaffiliationtheindividual“Tribulationexperience”foreachhumanbeingwill commenceearlierorlater.

Please note: YAHWEH, that is, the ETERNAL ONE28 (YHVH) has set an expiration date. Everyone can choose to “switch sides” until then (Heb 4:1).

YAHWEHblessyou,andkeepyou:YAHWEHmakeHISfaceshineuponyou,andbegraciousuntoyou:YAHWEH liftupHIScountenanceuponyou,andgiveyoupeace.AndtheyshallputYAHWEH’Snameuponthechildrenof Israel;andHEwillblessthem. (Numbers 6:24-27)

MayELSHADDAIYAHWEH,Elohimofhopefillyouwithalljoyandpeaceasyoutrust,sothatyoumayabound withhopebythepoweroftheHolySpirit(Heb.:RuachhaKodesh).(Rom15:13)






YOUhavesentforthyoursalvationintotheworld,thatis,YahshuaMessiah, Whowasslainfromthefoundationoftheworld




PurifymyheartandshowmeYOURmind,thatis,YOURwillandways,andteachmetodiscernbetweengoodand evil,holyandunholy,cleanandunclean

ImparttomeYOURpowerofgraceanddevelopinmetheripefruitoftheHolySpirit. ForYOURname’ssake,givemethegiftofprophecytobuildupandedifythechurch












Theinformationcontainedinthise-bookissolelymeanttoencouragepeopletostudytheBible,nottogiveadvice ofanykind.

Yoursalvationisinyourhands.Authorandpublishercanofcoursetakenoliabilityfordamageofanykind, directlyorindirectlyfromtheinformationpresentedinthisbook. For further information regarding ‘THE LAST DAYS’: please go to e.g.


1 Biblicalinterpretations-withoutguaranteeofcorrectness.Theinformationcontainedinthise-bookissolely meanttoencouragepeopletostudytheBible,nottogiveadviceofanykind.

2 Henry’sConcordanceandDictionaryofHebrewwords.

3 CE is an abbreviation for "Common Era" and means "the current age". This is a secular term and will be used instead of the religious dating AD (After Domino).

4 BK: Bible calendar year correlating to the continuous year since the creation.

5 BCE is an abbreviation for "Before Common Era" and means "before the current age". This is a secular term and will be used instead of the religious dating BC (Before Christ).

6 Conception and birth can happen in the same year. Therefore, no additional year is added.

7 Conception and birth can happen in the same year. Therefore, no additional year is added.

8 Some historians date the Exodus to approximately 1446-1230 BCE. See, e.g. , Editor Metzger, Bruce M. / Coogan, Michael D. : The Oxford Companion to the Bible, published by Oxford University Press, Inc. (1993); 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016-4314; ISBN-13 978-0 -19-504645-8. Contributor: Yamauchi, Edwin M., entry: "The Exodus", page 51.


9 The Martin Luther Bible (Edition 1984/2006) dates the building start of Solomon's Temple to 962 BCE. Other historians date the temple to approximately 966 BCE. See, e.g., General Editor Jones, Alexander: The Jerusalem Bible; published by Darton's, Longman & Todd Ltd. and Doubleday and Company Inc. (1966); 64 Chiswick High Road, London, W4. This Standard Edition (complete) first published 1966. Keyword: "Solomon’s temple, building start", page 456.

10 The Martin Luther Bible (Edition 1984/2006) dates the building start of Solomon's Temple to 962 BCE. Other historians date the temple to approximately 966 BCE. See, e.g., General Editor Jones, Alexander: The Jerusalem Bible; published by Darton's, Longman & Todd Ltd. and Doubleday and Company Inc. (1966); 64 Chiswick High Road, London, W4. This Standard Edition (complete) first published 1966. Keyword: "Solomon’s temple, building start", page 456.

11 YHVHisprobablypronouncedYAHWEHandisinterpretedastheEternalOne(Rev1:4,8).WhilethetermGOD isatitle,YHVHisaname–itisthenameofGOD(comp.Ex3:15,16,18;15:3;6:6).

12 TheHebrewwordsYahshuaMessiaharetransliteratedintoEnglishasJesusChrist.YahshuameansYah’s salvation.YahistheshortformofYAHWEH(YHVH).Messiahmeansanointingorsmearing.)

13 Homepagetimeanddate,accessedon02.07.2015.Keyword:SolarandLunarEclipses.

14 TheHebrewwordsYahshuaMessiaharetransliteratedintoEnglishasJesusChrist.YahshuameansYah’s salvation.YahistheshortformofYHVH.Messiahmeansanointingorsmearing.

15 PassoverBloodMoonPrecededbyExceedinglyRareSolarEclipse"vonTulyWeiszMach12,2015. URL:,accessed10.09.2015.

16 CommentaryCriticalandExplanatoryontheWholeBible;firstpublished1871;Author:RobertJamieson,A.R. Fausset,;accessed28.05.2015.

17 ThemeaningofChaldeais“asdemonsorasrobber“. Seee.g.Hitchcock,RoswellD.:Hitchcock'sNewand CompleteAnalysisoftheHolyBible,NewYork:A.J.Johnson(1874,c1869).Haugaard,Brad:sourceofelectronic


text,ChristianClassicsEtherealLibraryatCalvinCollege(lastupdatedonJuly16,1999),electronictextinpublic domain,URL:,heading:„Chaldea”,accessed30.06.2014.

18 “ReligiousSlaughterofAnimals”byEmmaDowning,lastupdated18.02.2015,HouseofCommonsLibrary, SN07108SES.

19 “NewZealandHalalMeatReport”;URL:; accessed21.06.2015.

20 E.g.URL:;accessed 19.06.2015.

21 “LegalAspectsofritualslaughter”fromWikipediathefreeencyclopaedia,URL:,modifiedon 26.05.2015;accessed21.06.2015.

22 URL:;accessed 19.06.2015.

23 “FearoverEuropeanKosherbans”byAdamDickter.URL:;accessed 19.06.2015.

24 URL:;accessed19.06.2015.

25 URL:;accessed19.06.2015.

26 AllBiblequotationsfrom“TheAuthorized1611KingJamesBible”,CambridgeEdition;inpublicdomain;edited byAuthor.

27 TheHebrewwordsYahshuaMessiaharetransliteratedintoEnglishasJesusChrist.YAH’shuameansYah’s salvation.YahistheshortformofYHVH.Messiahmeansanointingorsmearing

28 Yahweh,thatis,theEternalOne(Heb.:YHVH).CompareRev1:4,8.


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