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[1] Elia study regarding the "adequacy" and fl exibility needs of the Belgian power system for the period 2017/2027.

The study is available on the Elia website: − in French (http://www.elia.be/~/media/fi les/Elia/publications-2/studies/160421_ELIA_AdequacyReport_2017-2027_FR.pdf) − in Dutch (http://www.elia.be/~/media/fi les/Elia/publications-2/studies/160422_ELIA_AdequacyReport_2017-2027_NL.pdf). [2] DG Energy public consultation document and recommendations + stakeholder’s reactions.

These are available on the website of the DG Energy: http://economie.fgov.be/nl/consument/Energie/

Energiebevoorradingszekerheid/capaciteitsmechanisme/#.V9Afmmfr2mR [3] Plan de développement du réseau de transport d’électricité, Federaal ontwikkelingsplan, Elia, 2015 − in French : http://www.elia.be/fr/grid-data/grid-development/plans-d-investissements/federal-development-plan-2015-2025 − in Dutch : http://www.elia.be/nl/grid-data/grid-development/investeringsplannen/federal-development-plan-2015-2025 [4] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social

Committee and the Committee of the Regions - 20 20 by 2020 - Europe's climate change opportunity, COM(2008) 30 fi nal [5] "2030 framework for climate and energy policies", Conclusions of the European Council, 23 and 24 October 2014 [6] Cost Benefi ts Analysis Methodology 2.0, draft version, ENTSO-E, 2016 [7] Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014, ENTSO-E, 2014 [8] Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2016, draft version, ENTSO-E, 2016 [9] Europe's future secure and sustainable electricity infrastructure, e-Highway2050 consortium, 2015 [10] The Transmission of the Future, Prof. I.J. Pérez-Arriaga (MIT Boston & Comillas Madrid), IEEE, Power and Energy

Magazine, 2016

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