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1.3.1. Memberships

1.3. Guiding principles

1.3.1. Memberships

GRI 102-12, GRI 102-13, SDG17

As outlined in the table below, the Elia group is a member of a number of societies and associations and plays a role in different initiatives linked to renewable energy, climate and environmental protection, human rights and the harmonisation of the European electricity market at global, European and local levels.

World Energy Council CIGRE - Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques Go15 - Reliable and Sustainable Power Grids

UNGC - United Nations Global Compact Centre on Regulation in Europe Roundtable of Europe’s Energy Future Charge-up Europe ENTSO-E - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity Coordination of Electrical System Operators RGI - Renewables Grid Initiative Energy Web Foundation The Shift Synergrid - Fédération des gestionnaires de réseaux électricité et gaz en Belgique Osiris Conseil des Gestionnaires des Réseaux de Bruxelles Vlaamse Raad van Netwerkbeheerders Powalco BECI - Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry FEB - Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique UWE - Union Wallonne des Entreprises VOKA - Vlaams Netwerk van Ondernemingen AGORIA Communauté Portuaire Bruxelloise COGEN Vlaanderen AVEU Arbeitgeberverband Energie- und Versorgungswirtschaftlicher Unternehmen e.V. [employers’ association of energy and utility companies] BDEW – Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry VDE-Elektrotechnischer Verein e.V. [electrotechnical association] Diversity Charter FGW Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien e.V. Energy Climate Environment Human rights Elia 50Hertz

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