2 minute read
4.7. Social dialogue and co-determination
GRI 407-1, 402-1
The Elia group is committed to freedom of association, collective bargaining and the protection of employee representatives. Particular emphasis is placed on trust and constant cooperation with all trade unions. A cross-company discusssion takes place in Elia Group SA/NV’s European Works Council with representatives from Elia and 50Hertz.
The company ensures that employment-related decisions are impartial and non-discriminatory via this discussion process (that involves monthly meetings and preliminary consultations with union representatives) at local and Group levels.
All employees are covered by collective agreements Social consultation at Elia Transmission Belgium SA/NV involves information provision, discussions and negotiation via the statutory consultative bodies, such as the Works Council, the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work and the trade union delegation. These bodies include employee and employer representatives. Each body plays an advisory for certain matters and a decision-making mission for certain matters.
In addition to these legal bodies, we involve our social partners in social consultation and discussions via involvement in working groups to jointly prepare the implementation of our strategy. Via these consultations and discussions we want to involve them early in the evolution of our activities and the changes and opportunities this will bring for our organization and our way of working.
The Supervisory Board of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH is composed of six members and is contractually required to comprise equal numbers of employee and employer representatives (this goes beyond legal requirements). In a total of four Supervisory Board meetings were held in 2021; throughout these, the Management Board informed and advised the Supervisory Board about the current course of business, the organisation’s economic situation and the status and development of risks. A committee of spokespersons with information and consultation rights represents the interests of senior executives. The Works Council is responsible for representing employees at 50Hertz who are covered by collective agreements and those who are not. 50Hertz is committed to addressing employee concerns through joint events such as those organised by the Electricity Industry Group Committee and the Netzer Working Group. In addition, the company regularly sends guest speakers and lecturers to IG BCE educational events. In order to promote employee involvement in trade union affairs, taster courses on co-determination are offered. A youth and trainee representative committee (JAV) looks after the interests of young people at the company. The JAV works closely with co-determination bodies.