5 minute read
Corporate bodies
from Activity report 2018
by Elia Group
Our strategy
Elia Group is a frontrunner in the transition of the energy sector. To achieve this goal we have a strategy that accommodates the profound and rapid changes in the energy sector. At the same time, our strategy is robust and reflects our essence, so that we continue to create value for society in the future. Given the capital-intensive nature of our business and the necessary management attention in a transforming business, we focus on six building blocks:
We ensure a secure, reliable and efficient grid
We are preparing the system of the future, integrating high levels of renewable energy and new types of consumption in a secure way, while keeping the lights on and giving the market maximum use of our infrastructure.
We have our eyes wide open for innovation
We create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship to accelerate the energy transition. We build an ecosystem to develop the tools and methods that will enable a more digital, decentralised and sustainable energy system.
We develop the grid of the future that integrates increasing amounts of onshore and offshore renewable energy generation into the integrated European grid.
We develop the electricity system and the market
We are redesigning the market to encompass all kinds of technologies and market players, independently from the grid they are connected to, so they can fully exploit the economic benefits. We are committed to fostering a single European internal energy market.
We align culture with strategy
We want to implement a corporate group culture that puts safety and sustainability at the centre of our activities and leverages the full potential of our talents to establish a high performance organisation. We cooperate to create value for society
We continue to conduct a proactive and open dialogue to stimulate participation from our various stakeholders. We are a transparent and trusted advisor for decision makers to create value for society.
Sustainable actions in the interest of society
Responsible and sustainable operations are part of the core business of a transmission system operator. Elia Group considers itself as a responsible service provider to society. In addition to social and ecological demands, a sustainable economic basis is needed for the successful energy transition. For this reason, Elia Group has firmly integrated sustainability into its corporate strategy.
In the past, Elia and 50Hertz reported on their strategy, management approaches and measures in separate sustainability reports. For the first time, this report brings the various joint indicators together. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides the framework and both companies report in accordance with the GRI Core standard. Efforts to deliver a joint sustainability report in the future will continue. This goes hand in hand with a continuous improvement in sustainability performance.
In a comprehensive approach, the respective stakeholder groups, their concerns and important topics were identified in a so-called materiality matrix. The complete analysis of the economic, ecological and social impact of Elia Group’s activities is detailed in the Sustainability Report 2018. Below we identified the most material topics.
Availability, reliability and future of the power system
This concerns providing information on Elia Group’s plans and processes to ensure reliability, delivering sufficient capacity to the market and to facilitate the future power system to transport electricity to customers. Accident & incident management
This topic concerns managing accident and incident risks for Elia Group’s own employees, as well as its subcontractors. This is translated into robust safety programmes aiming for zero accidents.
Systematic risk management
This topic concerns the management of risks such as damage to the grid due to bad weather, catastrophes, etc. to ensure power transmission can be guaranteed. This requires contingency planning measures, disaster/emergency management plans, training programmes and recovery plans. Employee health, safety and wellbeing at work
This topic relates to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of workers and the prevention of working conditions causing an impact on health. It also relates to the adaptation of the occupational environment to the physiological and psychological needs of our employees.
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Chris Peeters –Elia Group CEO GRI 102-14 Sustainable Development Goals
Elia Group has also extended its perspective to sustainability. In order to facilitate global sustainable development that works at economic, ecological and social levels, the United Nations has defined 17 concrete goals that apply to all countries worldwide. In order to successfully implement these Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), everyone is called upon. Elia Group wants to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. In a first internal step, the most appropriate SDGs were identified and clustered in 3 priority levels: The reporting on the SDGs will successively be expanded and the activities of Elia Group will be linked to these global sustainability goals. During 2019, Elia Group will discuss the goals and their targets with its stakeholders. TOP PRIORITY
Overview of Elia Group’s engagement with stakeholders
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Elia Group has many stakeholder initiatives. The method and frequency of engagement per stakeholder group and the link to the material topics have been summarised in the table on the right*. Stakeholder group Mode of engagement
Employees — Performance management — Intranet — Donations
Customers — Customer satisfaction survey — Users’ Group / Working Groups — Elia extranet
Society — Social events — Engagement via own employees
Shareholders — Shareholder meeting
Regulators — Reports — Communication Frequency Main topics / expectations
— Regular — Employees - Human development — Employees - Wellbeing — Community involvement
— Annual
— 4 to 6 times a year — Transmission services — Environment — Fair operating practices
— Regular — Community involvement
— Regular — General corporate performance incl. the contribution to society — Regular — Fair operating practices
The strategy, management approach and sustainability measures of Elia Group are explained in more detail in the Sustainability Report 2018. Seeing each country has its own regulatory particularities, not all indicators can be applied to both entities.
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