FREED 2 FOLLOW { free at last }
Dr. Rob Godard
Copyright © 2017 Cloverdale Baptist Church All rights reserved. ISBN: ISBN-14:
— Dedication — To Lori, Ryan, Jeff, Ben and Graeme, who are seeking to walk by the Spirit, and who have made my life’s journey to this point a joy in serving our LORD.
CONTENT I n t r o d u c t i o n · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
— SERMONS — F r e e d o m I n C h r i s t D i s p u t e d · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
F r e e d o m I n C h r i s t D i s p l a y e d · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 3 L e a r n i n g To W a l k · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 7 I d e n t i f y i n g T h e W o r k s O f T h e F l e s h · · · · · · · · · 4 7 T h e N o r m a l C h r i s t i a n L i f e · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 1 W a l k i n g To g e t h e r · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 7 3 The Law Of The Harvest · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 85 T h e C r o s s C e n t e r e d L i f e · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 9 7
— APPENDIX — H o w To A v o i d B e i n g A c c u r s e d · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 0 9 H o w To L i v e T h e C r u c i f i e d L i f e · · · · · · · · · ·
I n T h e W o r l d & O f T h e W o r l d . · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
C h r i s t F o r m e d I n U s · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
C a l l e d To W A R · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
D o n ' t G i v e U p · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 3 0
It is exciting to serve God at Cloverdale Baptist Church. I am thankful for great elders and deacons, and a staff that seeks God glorifying excellence. Pastor Les, well done again on pushing for this to get done…it is good to serve Jesus together in this local church!
INTRODUCTION God wants His children to live together in community. The Christian life is designed by Him for His Family to fit together as a body, where Jesus is the head, and we, His people love one another in relationships that are healthy and deep and do His bidding. We need one another to be healthy individually. Growth Groups form an essential ministry at Cloverdale Baptist Church for care and growth, for intimacy and renewal. Hebrews 3:12-14 states, 12
Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. 13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.
This not only is a warning of the incredible danger of the deceitfulness of sin, but also the way to fight being deceived, and that is living life together in community. The ministry that we believe most helps us in this is what we call GROWTH GROUPS. We are delighted that you have decided to take this journey with us, and to seek to grow your faith together in a way that glorifies God, and encourages other believers! Galatians is a book that has transformed history, and is able to transform God’s people. Luther taught through this book in 1516, and it, along with Romans, had a profound impact on shaping the Reformation. Piper says of this book, “…more than any other NT letter this one is alive. I mean that in Galatians, Paul is at his most vigorous. The sheer emotional force of the book has captured me again and again over the years.” Galatians is written by the Apostle Paul to the churches of Galatia. There is debate as to where these churches actually were, and I stand with those who believe it to be the Southern churches we find in Paul’s first missionary journey (Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe). I would say, that although this discussion might peak 7
your interest, and it does help in some background understanding, the bulk of our time should be spent grasping the text, and what it means for us today, as we understand what it meant for them. This study starts in Galatians 5, and runs to Galatians 6. There will be some interaction with the earlier important texts in Appendix 1, and these might be helpful for you in terms of context, and the general direction of Paul’s thought in the letter. The purpose of Galatians is to clarify the Gospel (Galatians 1:810), and to clarify what it means so that God’s people can live in freedom, with a passion to obey. It is a book that calls us to value the Gospel, and live our lives in freedom as an overflow of our relationship with God, driven and defined by that relationship, and therefore showing ourselves to be authentic as we walk in the Spirit. The focus of Galatians 5-6 is to show the Christian what freedom in Christ looks like, in terms of freedom from the law, and following Jesus. It is firm and freeing, and calls the Christian to live a life of faith that works through love. Galatians not only shows the freedom from condemnation and legalism that Christians are to live in, it also displays the joy of Spirit filled living. A relationship with Jesus not only finds the law fulfilled in Him, it then defines the life of the one who believes, as they put off sin, and produce fruit. We at Cloverdale Baptist Church, believe that the Word of God is powerful and active (Hebrews 4:12), and is what the Spirit of God uses to shape the people of God (Isaiah 55:11). As we enter this series it is our hope that we will present ourselves to God and His Word to be shaped by it as we learn what God is saying, and choose to obey. May God use this study to change His people and help Cloverdale Baptist Church be all that God wants her to be!
Freedom In Christ Disputed
sermon one
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob hat does it even mean to be free? Some take it as freedom to sin, or at the very least to do what I want in my own standards and “freedom”. This is not what it means to be set free in Christ. In fact, it is the opposite of this.
In Galatians 5, Paul continues his theme of freedom, and focuses on what it actually means to be free. He is fighting against those who would go back into slavery to the law, and those who would not follow Jesus. The demonic attack on the church has often focused on those two extremes: you are free, live how you want, or you must obey the entire law of God (as we add to it), or God is not happy with you! Paul wants the Galatians to know that they have been set free, so they must not submit again to the slavery of the law, and that they are called to obey the truth. 9
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• Introduction:
1. We Have Been Set Free In Christ { v 1 } ROMANS 8:1 · 2 CORINTHIANS 5:2 1 HEBREWS 2:14-18 · 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20
Freedom In Christ Disputed
2. We Are In Danger Of Submitting Again to Slavery { v 1-12 } • Religion without relationship is useless! JAMES 2:10
• Freedom in Christ is always under attack! GALATIANS 5:12
• John Stott states, “I venture to say that if we were as concerned for God’s church and God’s Word as Paul was, we too would wish that false teachers might cease from the land” 2 CORINTHIANS 11: 14-15
IMPLICATIONS 1. Realize: We Can’t Save Ourselves
2. Realize: The Gospel Sets Us Free
3. Reside In That Freedom ROMANS 8:31-39
Freedom In Christ Disputed
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Freedom In Christ Disputed
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • What does it mean to be free?
• Why do you think there is such a struggle with people wanting to earn their salvation?
• Why do you think so many people struggle with using their freedom to excuse their sin?
• Do you ever struggle with either of these extremes?
Freedom In Christ Disputed
• Why is it so important to realize that we can’t save ourselves?
• How does a Biblical understanding of the Gospel yield the right understanding of freedom, avoiding the extreme of legalism and of license?
• What are some ways that you can live in freedom?
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Freedom In Christ Disputed
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. 1 JOHN 1:9
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 96:4
Supplication: Requests that you have. PHILIPPIANS 4:4-6
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:17-18
Freedom In Christ Disputed
Freedom In Christ Displayed
sermon two
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob lavery is a horrible part of the history of the world. Canada’s role in slavery is one to be proud of as we helped run-away slaves experience safety and freedom, at a time when just across the border they were oppressed.
We live in a time where slavery is rampant. Perhaps not the kind of slavery that oppressed people in the United States, but a slavery that is even worse: slavery to sin, and the oppression of the law. When Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, and it came into effect January 1, 1863, every slave living in the Confederacy was free. Sadly many did not live in the freedom that had been fought for. We may not know all of the reasons that slaves were not set free, but perhaps crooked owners, lack of information and pattern of life are among the top. As Christians we have been set free in Christ! This passage in Galatians shows us what this freedom looks like so that we can make sure we are living in it, and being God Centered, Gospel loving people who are growing in our service of the church, and her Head. May God use this sermon and study to help you to know of your freedom in Christ, measure whether you are living in this freedom, and push you on to the full surrendered life Jesus has for you. 23
• Introduction:
1. God Centered { v 4-6} EPHESIANS 2:1-10 · EPHESIANS 5:1-2 · HEBREWS 11:1-6 1 PETER 3:13-21 · LUKE 9:23 · 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31
2. Gospel Loving { v 6, 14-15 } EPHESIANS 5:1-2 · 1 PETER 4:7-12 · 1 CORINTHIANS 13:1-3; 4-8 JOHN 13:34-35 · JOHN 15:13
Freedom In Christ Displayed
3. Growing Service { v 13 } LUKE 22:24-27 · EPHESIANS 4:11-16
IMPLICATIONS: 1. Be Honest And Ask The Question: Is my freedom marked by these marks?
2. Work on the fruit, Focus On the Root
3. Measure Your Growth
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Freedom In Christ Displayed
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Freedom In Christ Displayed
GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • Why is it important that we take the time to look at our lives honestly?
• In your own words, what does it mean to be free in Christ?
• In modern times what does it look like to “submit again to the yoke of slavery?”
• This text surfaces three key attributes of those who live their lives free in Jesus:
• In your own words…
Describe what these look like:
» God Centered?
» Gospel Loving?
» Growing in Service?
• Where do you struggle in these areas?
• What does it mean to go after the root, while you work on the fruit?
• How can you do this in your life?
Freedom In Christ Displayed
• Discuss, “I long for us to get better at these characteristics, by basking in the freedom of the Gospel and choosing to display these as an overflow of our hearts that are filled with the love of God”
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Freedom In Christ Displayed
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. PSALM 103:11-13
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 89:5-8
Supplication: Requests that you have. PHILIPPIANS 4:4-6
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. PSALM 9:1
Freedom In Christ Displayed
Learning To Walk
— sermon three — LEARNING TO WALK { G A L AT I A N S 5 : 1 6 - 2 6 }
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob earning to walk is not an easy job! Now with children it is a lot of fun to teach them to walk, but it includes many falls (hopefully padded), and lots of cheering.
Learning to walk by the Spirit is essential for victorious Christian living. If we walk according to the flesh, we will die, but if we walk according to the Spirit we will live (Romans 8:13). This section in Galatians is showing how those in slavery to sin and the law walk, as well as how the transformed follower of Jesus produces the fruit of the Spirit. Walking by the Spirit is a command that every victorious Christian obeys, and it will include a battle. This passage (Galatians 5:16-26) will be broken up into three parts to focus on how we can live free in Christ, full of the Spirit, and victorious in our lives. This message is a call to take responsibility for our lives as Christians and learn to walk by the Spirit, in obedience to this command showing ourselves to be authentic followers of Jesus! 37
• Introduction:
1. The Command: Walk By The Spirit { v 16 } ROMANS 12:1-2 · GALATIANS 4:19
“The Greek word translated walk is in the present tense, which means that Paul is saying this is a command we must continually obey!”
2. The Conflict: Fight The Flesh { v 16 } ROMANS 7:18-23 · ROMANS 8:12-17
Learning To Walk
3. The Conductor: Led By The Spirit { v 16-18 } ROMANS 12:2 · 2 CORINTHIANS 10:5
×× To be led by the Spirit you must be regenerated
×× To be led by the Spirit you must be led by God’s Word
×× Being led by the Spirit will give strength for holiness
IMPLICATIONS: 1. Choose To Walk By the Spirit
2. Live in a Spirit Filled Community
3. Fight On In The Conflict
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Learning To Walk
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • Why do you think the Bible uses the phrase, “walk by the Spirit?”.
• In a sentence or two, what does it mean to, “walk by the Spirit?”
• How can we know if we are walking by the Spirit or not, in terms of our obedience to this command?
• What does it mean that we are in a conflict with the flesh?
Learning To Walk
• How does Romans 7:18-23 help us understand this struggle?
• How does Romans 8:12-17 help us understand how to walk by the Spirit?
• How does the conflict we have in terms of our pursuit of Jesus assure us that we are saved?
PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. ISAIAH 6:1-8
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 103:1-2
Supplication: Requests that you have. 1 PETER 5:7
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. PSALM 118:29
Learning To Walk
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
— sermon four — IDENTIFYING THE WORKS OF THE FLESH G A L AT I A N S 5 : 1 6 - 2 6
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob e all think that we know what evil looks like, and so to identify Caligula, Genghis Khan, Hitler, or Stalin as evil seems to be easy. What is more difficult is to see the world through God’s eyes and realize the war we are in against the deeds of the flesh.
Each of us who belong to Jesus has been called to war. A war that involves dying to self, and living for the glory of God! Freedom in Christ is always displayed in following Christ. Freedom in Christ must always be lived out by walking in the Spirit. It is our hope that today’s message will help God’s people identify the works of the flesh in a way that helps us in our battle to live as free women and men for the glory of God. May we experience the life of the Spirit in the people of God in such a way that we kill the deeds of the flesh! 47
• Introduction:
1. General Observations About The Battle With The Flesh: • “The solution to fighting against the desires of the flesh is walking by the Spirit” GALATIANS 2:20 · LUKE 9:23
• There is a battle going on! JAMES 4:4 · 1 JOHN 2:15
• The Works Of The Flesh Are Obvious “Those things that issue from the flesh are obvious and clear to anyone with an ounce of discernment”
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
• If you live according to the flesh you will spend eternity in hell
2. The Deeds Of The Flesh On Display: Sexual Sins ×× Sexual Immorality
×× Debauchery
×× Impurity
Religion ×× Idolatry
×× Sorcery
Human Relationships ×× Enmity
×× Divisions
×× Strife
×× Envy
×× Jealousy
×× Drunkenness
×× Fits Of Anger
×× Orgies
×× Rivalries
×× And the like…
×× Dissensions
2. Repent!
3. Walk By The Spirit!
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
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Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • Discuss people you think were the most evil in history…why do you think that we generally agree that these people were evil?
• Discuss the general observations about the battle with the flesh:
×× The solution to fighting against the desires of the flesh is walking by the Spirit ×× It is a battle ×× The works of the flesh are obvious ×× If you live according to the flesh you will spend eternity it hell.
• Why are these general observations helpful as we get into the specifics of the works of the flesh?
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
• Discuss each of the deeds of the flesh and how you can fight these in your life! Sexual Sins ×× Sexual Immorality
×× Debauchery
×× Impurity
Religion ×× Idolatry
×× Sorcery
Human Relationships ×× Enmity
×× Divisions
×× Strife
×× Envy
×× Jealousy
×× Drunkenness
×× Fits Of Anger
×× Orgies
×× Rivalries
×× And the like…
×× Dissensions
• Why does he add, “and the like?”
• What would you add to this?
• How can we wake up to the battle we are in, and fight to be people who are in the world, but not of the world?
• What does it mean to repent? How can you make sure you are repenting of your sin?
• Discuss again what it means to walk by the Spirit.
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. ROMANS 8:1
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. HEBREWS 13:5
Supplication: Requests that you have. JOHN 4:3
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. COLOSSIANS 3:1
Identifying The Works Of The Flesh
The Normal Christian Life
— sermon five — THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE G A L AT I A N S 5 : 1 6 - 2 6
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob esus has called us and equipped us to be different from the world around us. The better we understand how we are to walk, the more we will long for the power of the Spirit to produce in us the promised life of victory.
Every Christian has been called on to live by the Spirit, and every Christian is to pursue this walk. We long to be a people who are in the world, but not of the world — or as this text says, who walk by the Spirit and so produce the fruit of the Spirit. To do this effectively we need to be authentic believers, we need to understand what the fruit is, and we need to understand how to actively pursue it. May God use this sermon and message to create in us a new understanding of the normal Christian life, and a new ability to WALK BY THE SPIRIT. 61
1. Some General Observations About Life In The Spirit: • This is the NORMAL Christian life.
• This list is meant to be taken together as one list — there is one fruit of the Spirit; and the list is not meant to be exhaustive.
• Christians are responsible to make choices that will help them to walk in the Spirit.
• Spiritual fruit production is relational.
The Normal Christian Life
• Spiritual fruit is not fully-grown and ripe over night.
What Does This Fruit Look Like?
×× Love
×× Goodness
×× Joy
×× Faithfulness
×× Peace
×× Gentleness
×× Patience
×× Self Control
×× Kindness
How Can I Be Fruitful?
• ABIDE JOHN 15:1-11
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The Normal Christian Life
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • What makes our church different from other churches?
• What makes our church different from the world around us?
• What should make our church different from the world and churches around us?
• Can a difference be seen in your life, because you love Jesus with all your heart, from those around you who don’t?
• Why is it important to realize that life in the Spirit is the normal Christian life?
The Normal Christian Life
• Sum up our responsibility in producing spiritual fruit, versus the Holy Spirit’s responsibility.
• What does it mean that spiritual fruit is relational? How can you practically live this out?
• Work through the descriptions of spiritual fruit in a way that helps you understand practically what they look like:
×× Love
×× Goodness
×× Joy
×× Faithfulness
×× Peace
×× Gentleness
×× Patience
×× Self Control
×× Kindness
• What does it mean to abide in the vine? Why is this so important?
• How can you do this?
• Why is being a part of a group of believers so important?
• How can we make sure we are walking by the Spirit, and not the flesh in our own lives, individually? As a group? As a church?
The Normal Christian Life
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. ISAIAH 1:18
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 95:1-7
Supplication: Requests that you have. LUKE 18:1-8
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. COLOSSIANS 3:1
The Normal Christian Life
Walking Together
— sermon six — WALKING TOGETHER { G A L AT I A N S 6 : 1 - 5 }
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob e live in a generation that has decided that commitment to church, and other believers is optional. Nothing could be further from God’s revealed will in how we are to live together for the glory of God. We are called to walk together if we are to succeed in living authentic Spirit filled lives.
This means knowing one another well enough to laugh and weep together. This also means living in community in such a way that we bless one another by helping one another with burdens and sin. When this is done wrong, it creates chaos, and sadly many in the church, “carry one another's burdens”, in the flesh, not the Spirit. John MacArthur shares of one pastor who commented, “I have often thought that if I ever fall in to trespass, I will pray that I don’t fall into the hands of those censorious critical judges in the church. Let me fall into the hands of barkeepers, streetwalkers, or dope peddlers, because ... church people would tear me apart with their long, wagging, gossiping tongues, cutting me to shreds” This text helps us understand how to live in community in a way that builds one another up, and so is essential for us to understand and apply as we seek to live together for God’s glory as authentic followers of His. 73
• Introduction:
1. Help One Another 1 JOHN 3:16-18 ROMANS 12:15 · HEBREWS 3:12-14
As Christians who are free in Christ, and living by the Spirit we must, “Develop the extraordinary skill for detecting the burdens of others and devote yourself daily to making them lighter.”
2. Who & How? • You who are spiritual JOHN 8:8-11
Walking Together
• In a spirit of gentleness
• Humbly
• Knowing you are accountable to God
IMPLICATIONS: 1. Realize You Are Needed And Need Others
2. Follow God’s Pattern For Burden Bearing
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Walking Together
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • Why do you think that church is essential in the plan of God?
• Why do you think that so many “Christians” today struggle with the importance of church, and commitment to her?
• How can you show you value God’s family.
• Why is it essential that we help one another in God’s family?
• How can we, “Develop the extraordinary skill for detecting the burdens of others and devote yourself daily to making them lighter.” 1 JOHN 3:16-18 · ROMANS 12:15
Walking Together
• Why do you think that this text emphasizes the spiritual help we give to one another? HEBREWS 3:12-14
• How we carry one another’s burdens is extremely important. Discuss the who and how that Pastor Rob brought out in his message and how you can be sure you follow this path when burden bearing.
• What is the danger of doing this wrong?
• How can we be a better burden bearing group/Church?
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Walking Together
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. PSALM 32:5
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 34:1-3
Supplication: Requests that you have. LUKE 18:1-8
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. PSALM 136:1-3
Walking Together
The Law Of The Harvest
— sermon seven — THE LAW OF THE HARVEST { G A L AT I A N S 6 : 6 - 1 0 }
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob ardening has never been a strong suit in my life. As a family we had friends who let us garden on their property, and my memories of the fruit of our labor (burgers at Peter’s) is much more favorable than my memory of sowing, and weeding.
Some people garden for joy, but most, understanding the law of the harvest, garden so that they will get fresh vegetables and see the joy of the fruit of the labour. In life, this law is at work. You reap what you sow. This is a great reminder for us to be patient in our pursuit of Jesus, and His ways. It is our prayer that God will use this sermon, and your small group to help you to continue to serve with joy and patience, and that together we would bear much fruit…
John 15:8, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” 85
• Introduction:
• You Reap What You Sow:
1. Pay Your Pastor { v 6 } 1 TIMOTHY 5:6
The Law Of The Harvest
2. You Reap what You Sow: { v 7-8 } “For a believer to sin willingly in any way and to any degree is to deny his Lord. But to sin while thinking he is somehow immune from God’s standard of holiness is to mock the Lord and mimic the world.” “Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny”
3. Keep Calm & Carry On: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:58 · 1 JOHN 3:14 1 JOHN 4:20-21
John Bunyan stated, “Many Christians are like children; they would sow and reap the same day”
Implications: 1. Be Honest ×× Repent ×× Renew
2. Do Good Piper said, “Perhaps the worst enemy of enthusiasm is time”
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The Law Of The Harvest
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GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • Why do you think it is important to take good care of your pastor?
• Why do you think that some churches struggle with this?
• Pastors are to not be in the ministry for greedy gain (1 Peter 5:2), how does the Bible’s balance of these two realities help His church be healthy?
• Why is it important that we realize we reap what we sow, and how can this change what we are sowing?
• How will this help us to avoid sin?
The Law Of The Harvest
• How can you carry on in ministry, when it seems like the fruit you would like to see is slow in coming? 1 CORINTHIANS 15:58
• What are ways you can encourage others to be steadfast and patient in their service of Jesus and His bride?
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The Law Of The Harvest
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PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST‌and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. ISAIAH 43:25-26
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 34:1-3
Supplication: Requests that you have. LUKE 18:1-8
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. COLOSSIANS 3:16-17
The Law Of The Harvest
The Cross Centered Life
— sermon eight — THE CROSS CENTERED LIFE {
G A L AT I A N S 6 : 1 1 - 1 8 }
• E A S T E R S U N D AY •
Quick thoughts from Pastor Rob aster Sunday is the peak of the Christian calendar as we celebrate Jesus death and resurrection together! This event has changed everything that happened before and after it. We serve a risen Savior.
The impact of what Jesus has done for us should impact every area of our lives, and cause us to be free and fully devoted. The Cross Centered Life is the life every believer should be living, and one that today is a great reminder to us of its importance and impact. Our prayer is that God would use this message and study to cause us to become more cross centered today, and that the rest of our lives would be lived in the shadow of the cross. 97
— notes — THE CROSS CENTERED LIFE { galatians 6:11-18 } • Introduction: ×× We serve a risen saviour!
×× Cross centered people are:
1. Humble { v 12-13 } C.S. Lewis is so helpful in this… “True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” ×× Cross centered people are:
2. Courageous { v 12 } 2 TIMOTHY 3:12
×× Cross centered people are:
The Cross Centered Life
3. Biblical { v 16 } ROMANS 8:32
×× Cross centered people are:
4. Boastful { v 14 } ACTS 20:24 · PHILIPPIANS 3:7-8
Spurgeon said, “Galatians 6:14 was the theme of Paul’s ministry” MacArthur states, “Paul gloried in the cross because it was the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross that was the source of his, and every believers' righteousness and acceptance before God” ×× Cross centered people are:
5. All In { v 15 } 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 · EPHESIANS 5:1-2 PHILIPPIANS 1:21 · GALATIANS 2:20
IMPLICATIONS: 1. Cling To The Cross For Salvation:
2. Choose To Be ALL IN:
oday, I commit my life to the King, and my heart to boast only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will seek to obey His Word, love His people & share His Gospel.
THE GOSPEL 1. God. God is the creator of all things (Gen. 1:1). He is perfectly holy, worthy of all worship, and will punish sin. { 1 John 1:5, Rev. 4:11, Rom. 2:5-8 }
2. Man. All people, though created good, have become sinful by nature (Gen. 1:26-28, Ps. 51:5, Rom. 3:23). From birth, all people are alienated from God, hostile to God, and subject to the wrath of God { Eph. 2:1-3 }
3. Christ. Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to bear God’s wrath in the place of all who would believe in him, and rose from the grave in order to give his people eternal life. { John 1:1, 1 Tim. 2:5, Heb. 7:26, Rom. 3:21-26, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Cor. 15:20-22 }
4. Response. God calls everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and trust in Christ in order to be saved. { Mark 1:15, Acts 20:21, Rom. 10:9-10 }
The Cross Centered Life
— notes —
GROWTH GROUP QUESTIONS • What special celebrations do you participate in around Easter? How do they help you focus on Jesus?
• What does it mean to boast in the cross?
• Why is this instrument of torture to be the center of the Christians life?
• Discuss the marks of a cross centered person, and how you can live these out actively in your life, and be marked by what Jesus did for you…define them, and then how you can pursue them in your life…
1 02
The Cross Centered Life
• A Cross Centered Person Is: ×× Humble
×× Courageous
×× Biblical
×× Boastful
×× All In
• How can you more actively cling to the cross for your experience of the love of Jesus, and God’s forgiveness?
• Are you willing to choose to be ALL IN? Did you sign the commitment place in your book?
1 03
— notes —
The Cross Centered Life
— notes —
PRAYER It is important to us that we are more and more a praying church. Patterns help us to be sure that we are entering into the throne room with boldness and the appropriate reverence. For this series we will follow the pattern, CAST…and encourage you to do the same in your groups.
CAST Confession: Ask God to search you, and bring before Him any known sin, agreeing with Him about that sin, and turning your back on it. Be sure to accept His forgiveness. Alone. HEBREWS 10:17 · PSALM 103:12
Adoration: Focus on the attributes of God, praising Him for who He is. Brainstorm together on who God is, and then spend time praising Him for these attributes. PSALM 34:1-3
Supplication: Requests that you have. 1 JOHN 5:15 · 1 CHRONICLES 16:11
Thanksgiving: This can mainly focus on the cross, but should also include every good and perfect gift. 1 CHRONICLES 16:34
The Cross Centered Life
1 07
How To Avoid Being Accursed
— appendix one — HOW TO AVOID BEING ACCURSED g a l at i a n s 1
here are some things that are significantly more important than others. If you forget to brush your teeth one day, not that big a deal; if you forget to fix your brakes, much more so. If you forget someone’s name, not that big a deal; if you forget your wife’s name, much more so. There is one reality that if we do not get right, we are in deep trouble! In fact much more so than anything and everything else in life! If we do not get the Gospel right we are accursed. This is not only in content but also in conduct. Getting the Gospel right is an essential foundation to everything else! We must not forget the content of the Gospel, nor our conduct change as a result of the Gospel…or we are eternally impacted. Instead of beginning Galatians with a blessing or prayer after his usual greeting, Paul rushes to a warning, and it is one of the harshest warnings in all of Scripture. • Galatians 1:8-9 8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Accursed could easily be translated "let him go to hell!" It is harsh and firm, and shows us the incredible treasure of the Gospel and the extreme importance of getting it right! If we don’t get it right, we are putting the health and eternity of those we teach and share the Gospel with in danger. It is DANGEROUS to get the Gospel wrong! Dangerous for us, and any who hear and believe in a marred gospel! 109
Much credit is given to Romans, in the discovery of grace in Martin Luther's life, and through him reverberating even now. However many do not know that in 1516 he was teaching through the book of Galatians, and it had a profound impact on his life and ministry. I believe it became the foundational document (with Romans) to his discovery of grace, and freedom from the law and the tyranny of the religion he was bound in. Imagine his reading of Galatians 1:8-9 and the panic this must have placed into him, and the horror it must have meant for the church he was serving in. I praise God that he awoke, and followed God’s Word. May we also awake, and rejoice in the Gospel and not change or adjust it at all! Galatians is a book that calls for the Gospel to be understood, defended and lived out. The churches in Galatia, as are many churches today, were struggling to get the message of the glory of grace in a way that impacted their lives. They were not living in freedom, rather were demanding that others join them in their bondage. They were adding to Jesus and the Gospel a works theology that destroyed the true freedom that Jesus had come to bring. This led to less holy living, and more bondage. Paul begins this great book with a typical greeting, but hurries to the core subject, the content of the Gospel and the essential message to these people of getting it right. In fact this is the only one of his letters in the Bible that does not include a blessing prayer for the recipients of the letter. Most scholars see this as an overflow of the passion of Paul to get into the subject material to the Galatians! This is so important, you must listen now! This same passion for the message of the Book of Galatians needs to press on our own hearts and lives! Piper, in his sermon series on Galatians states, “…more than any other NT letter this one is alive. I mean that in Galatians, Paul is at his most vigorous. The sheer emotional force of the book has captured me again and again over the years.”
How To Avoid Being Accursed
Douglas Moo, in his fantastic commentary, says (ECNT, on Galatians): “He has neither the time nor the inclination to thank God for the Galatians when their very identity as Christians hangs in the balance.” Galatians 1:8-10 drives home the passion of this book, and should awaken in the hearts of Christians a longing to get this right in terms of content and conduct. It is a passage worth underlining, repeating and praying we understand! Worth repeating and reading slowly for the warning, although quickly given in the book of Galatians, must be meditated on in application. How can we avoid being accursed? We must know the content of the Gospel, and never let a contrary Gospel be preached or received around us. Knowing the Gospel in terms of what it is in content and person is essential to understanding and experiencing the richness of God's love, and the passion it produces! The Gospel, as given in these verses is a content that is so essential to understand and hold to, that any variance is to be met with being accursed. This is a powerful reminder for those who know and represent Jesus that we must get the Gospel right. The most important thing we can know is the content of the Gospel, for when understood and believed it, introduced us to the person of Jesus, and the freedom of life in Him. The Biblical Gospel is the GOOD NEWS about our salvation. 9 Marks sums it up well, in the following taken from their website… The Gospel Can Be Summarized As Follows: • God. God is the creator of all things (Gen. 1:1). He is perfectly holy, worthy of all worship, and will punish sin (1 John 1:5, Rev. 4:11, Rom. 2:5-8). • Man. All people, though created good, have become sinful by nature (Gen. 1:26-28, Ps. 51:5, Rom. 3:23). From birth, all people are alienated from God, hostile to God, and subject to the wrath of God (Eph. 2:1-3). 111
• Christ. Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to bear God’s wrath in the place of all who would believe in him, and rose from the grave in order to give his people eternal life (John 1:1, 1 Tim. 2:5, Heb. 7:26, Rom. 3:21-26, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Cor. 15:20-22). • Response. God calls everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and trust in Christ in order to be saved (Mark 1:15, Acts 20:21, Rom. 10:9-10). { This content can be simplified so children can understand it, but must never be altered. To alter it is to be accursed. }
Not only is the Biblical Gospel a content to be grasped, it leads us to a person to be known. Paul displays this by Galatians 1:10 in terms of calling us to be pleasers of God, not man! Later he will address Peter, and his adjustment of the Gospel in a very public and confrontational way, as Peter had slipped into the sin of pleasing man over God. So here is the lesson of the first 10 verses of this amazing book, hurry up and get this, it is so essential that it will impact the rest of your life, if you get it! Don’t get it wrong, or you will be accursed and caught in the trap of man pleasing. Know and believe the content of the Gospel, and as an overflow of this, know Jesus, and seek to exclusively please God in the conduct of your life. This will change the trajectory of your life, and your eternal impact will be maximized. Don’t let anyone around you preach or teach a false Gospel, and make sure that your life is marked by God’s truth and the person of Jesus who is THE TRUTH. To begin with a repeated warning is to sound the alarm bell! So hear it ring, and respond to it. The challenge for us is to never forget the importance of the Gospel in content or conduct and live freely with passion to exclusively please God. Today, don’t hesitate to respond. Evaluate your view of the Gospel with the true Gospel and make sure your view aligns with God’s Word. Then seek to please Him exclusively, for if you don’t, you will be accursed, and find that you are not a servant of Jesus Warning received! Gospel proclaimed! Saviour Followed! 1 12
How To Live The Crucified Life
— appendix two
e live in a generation of men and women who think of themselves first. This is not unusual, in fact it is a part of fallen humanity's marks of being marred by sin. The problem is not so much with the world, but in the church where the flesh seems to still be at work in the selfishness that is at times on display. We too show our selfishness and insecurity so often in how we live and interact with one another. Authentic Christianity begins and continues with a radical identity check. Authentic Christianity is all about our life IN CHRIST. In almost every counseling situation I find myself in, following Jesus as we die to self is the root of the solution. The more effectively we understand what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus, the more we will have healthy marriages, healthy work places, healthy lives. Galatians 2:20 sums this up powerfully, and calls true Christians to a life of faith, that is driven and defined by their relationship with Jesus. Not only does it call the follower of Jesus to this reality spiritually, it shows the way to experience victory in its pursuit while still living here in the flesh. If you want to be selfless, the key as a Christian to living in a healthy manner, you must know your identity in Christ. The claim to be Christian must be marked with following Christ. Following Jesus is only possible when we understand, experience, and live the crucified life — or as we have so far labeled, to know we are IN CHRIST. • Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” 1 13
If we can truly understand who we are, IN CHRIST, then we can grasp the crucified life and live it. To be in Christ means that we, as authentic believers, are united to Christ so that all of His life becomes ours, His righteousness mine, my sin His (2 Corinthians 5:21). It means that God’s pleasure in me is based on Jesus' performance for me. This is one of the most freeing realities that, when lived out, impacts all I am and all I have. My sin, taken by Him, my life, now caught up in Him. Now I live by faith! The key question then is, how do we choose this life? By faith. We know what Jesus has done on the cross, taking our sin on Himself, and giving us His righteousness. It moves us into a life of thanksgiving and awe. This thanksgiving and awe overflow into seeing and experiencing life with Jesus at the center. Our goal as followers of Jesus is to be like Him, to have as Galatians 4:19 teaches, Christ formed in us, and the key starting place for this is realizing our identity in Him. All of life is to be seen through the faith lens, living our lives by faith in the Son of God. His love then becomes the definer of our reality, and in confidence and boldness we are driven and defined by this reality. The solution to selfishness is Christ-centeredness and the road to Christ-centeredness is paved with our identity in Christ. The more we live in light of this reality the more healthy our lives will be as followers of Jesus. We get on this road through faith in Jesus as our LORD and Saviour. We stay on this road by choosing to live, in His grace, the crucified life. Christ lives in me, and we choose to walk by faith and not by sight. I am IN CHRIST. Now this reality is taught in numerous ways, and means so much that we must experience, yet is sometimes hard to define. Defined: to be in Christ means we are completely swallowed up in our identity with Him. But what does this look like? One of the best illustrations of this is, if you can imagine yourself at an airport, with a destination in mind. You are waiting to go to Mexico. As you look at the plane, you are not in the plane yet, and if you don’t get in the plane, will never get to Mexico. Getting under the plane, or on the plane, or running after the plane will not help you at all, you must get in the plane. 1 14
How To Live The Crucified Life
When you are in the plane, now everything that happens to the plane happens to you. When you get to Mexico, you can rightly say that you flew to Mexico. Because you were in the plane! When you are in Christ, everything that is true of Him is now true of us, in terms of how we are seen. In terms of the spiritual reality of union with Christ! He was crucified, I was crucified with Him! He is raised; I am raised with Him! He is pure, I am pure, and this list can go on and on. The greatest shaper of our identity is not increased self-esteem — that is to hollow. It is increased knowledge and experience of what it means to be IN CHRIST! This is the pathway to selfless service, to healthy marriages, to living for Jesus in a way that will drive and define our lives! The solution to selfishness is Christ-centeredness and the road to Christ-centeredness is paved with our identity in Christ. May we richly experience all it means to be IN CHRIST.
— appendix three — IN THE WORLD & OF THE WORLD. g a l at i a n s 3
eorge Barna, after looking at a number of polls in terms of the state of the Evangelical Church states, “Every day the church is becoming more like the world it allegedly seeks to change”. God has called the church to be in the world, but not of the world, so this is a significant problem that must be addressed by those seeking to be faithful to the God of the Bible. Defining the problem is a great start to considering how best to solve it. In a situation like this, the problem can be defined in many different ways. However two great problems seem to rise to the surface of why those who claim to be Christians are so much like the world. • Problem #1: A Small view of God. Sadly, many in Canada who claim to be Christians have a cultural rather than Biblical view of God. This god gives optional commands, is not very powerful, is nice, but doesn’t carry weight when it comes to decisions of happiness or life choices. This is a god that can be added to the shelf but doesn’t shape one's life. He is good, but not all powerful, nice, but not filled with GLORY! This is not the god of the Bible. This is not a god worth orienting our lives around, and so, so many don’t! I will never forget when on a missions trip to train pastors coming out of a country where Christians are under intense persecution — I had the opportunity to lead a Muslim man to faith in Jesus. Thinking that the Gospel was clear, the time seemed ripe to ask the question if he wanted to place his faith in Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, BUT my interpreter stopped me. He graciously explained that the man was going to accept Jesus, but would not reject Allah. He was willing to add Jesus to his pantheon of demi gods, but was not willing to see Him for who He is! After some explaining to the man from my interpreter, he decided that he 116
In The World & Of The World.
would not submit to the One True God. My heart broke, but my eyes were opened, and so often in Canada it is the same. We want a religion that will keep us out of hell, but not a Master who we will obey no matter what the cost. We are Christian because of our culture, or because of saying a prayer when we were younger, not because we are in a relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. When we get a view of the God of the Bible in the splendor of His holiness, or majesty of His Sovereignty, we can’t add God to anything; the weightiness of His glory overwhelms us, and shapes everything else in our lives. We obey, because it is right, best, and we are bought with a price! The solution to this small view of God is to seek to check all that we believe about Him with how He has revealed Himself in His Word, and where there is conflict with the two views, go with what God says. The solution is to not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds! To long for and pursue a view of God in line with how He has revealed Himself. The second problem is directly related to the first, and that is: • Problem #2: A Small View Of Sin. This is the problem that Galatians 3 helps to address. If you think that your goodness can outweigh your badness, so that you are acceptable to God based on that scale, you don’t understand what the Bible teaches. If you think that you can earn your keep with God, after being saved by grace, you have not seen Him or your sin Biblically. This is where those who were preaching another Gospel in Galatia made their mistake. They thought they could rely on the works of the law, and because of this they were under a curse (3:10). The law is such, that if you don’t completely obey it, you are guilty of breaking all of it (3:10; James 2:10). One sin is enough to fall short of the glory of God, and all of us are sinners (Romans 3:23). The law is good, in that it shows us the righteous requirements of God, and it is also good in that it shows us our need for Christ. When you understand the majestic holiness of the God of the Bible, sin looks all the more black, and the sinner all the more hopeless if left on their own! 117
The solution to having a small view of sin, is to have a Biblical view of God. If you have a Biblical view of God, and therefore a right view of yourself, you will throw yourself on the Savior and rejoice, that “the righteous shall live by faith”. You will realize and experience the love of God, in the glory of the cross! Getting the Gospel right must include a content that sees the holiness of God and sinfulness of sin. The only thing that makes us acceptable to God is His grace, and so we see that faith frees us from the law, which has revealed our sin, and thus shows us our desperate need. This is where the Gospel shines in infinite beauty! All people, Jew, Greek, slave, free, male, female, are one in our need, and, through faith, one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28)! We are all beggars in desperate need of the grace of God, and thus there is no room for pride. At the cross we are given hope! Racism, sexism, selfishness, all swallowed up at the feet of the one who saved us! We have been called as Christians to be in the world, but not of the world. This means we must recognize the greatness of God as He has revealed Himself in His Word, the wretchedness of sin, our own sin, and the wonder of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that, “every day the church will become more like Jesus, so that we can change the world around us”. It is my prayer that we will see His holiness, and in a short lived despair throw ourselves on our Savior, and then in joy rise up and do anything and everything He asks!
Christ Formed In Us
— appendix four — CHRIST FORMED IN US g a l at i a n s 4
nce in a while one of my children is told that they look like me, while the others look like their mother. It is unfortunate if they have the option of looking like their mother, that they would have to look like me, but all four of my precious boys carry my image. I am proud of them, and although they are all a lot better looking than I ever was, it is nice to know a little of me is in them. They carry my image. Who do you look like? The passion of every true follower of Jesus is to look like Jesus. The passion of every God-honoring pastor is to help those that they are shepherding to image Jesus. All true discipleship has as its underlying goal a conformity to our Master. One of the strongest verses in the Bible on this is Galatians 4:19, which states, “my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you”. The passion of Paul — and he felt this passion so strongly that it created intense agony in his life — was to see that followers of Jesus conformed their lives to the image of Jesus! It is important that Christ is formed in us for two key reasons: 1. It is His will for us; 2. We are the only Christ that some people will ever see. Growing as a disciple means becoming more like the Master (Luke 6:40). Disciples are commanded to obey all that He has taught us (Matthew 28:16-20), and are marked by this obedience (John 14:23). This is essential for us to know and understand if we are to pursue this with the passion that Paul seems to give it as a priority. Colossians 1 ends with a summary of Paul’s life mission statement, 1:28 "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with 119
all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. 29For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me". This is essential, because one of the ways that we show others how great God is, is through our conformity to His image (1 Peter 2:9-12). Often God uses our lives (humble and seeking holiness) to show others His grace and value. We are called to live in such a way that people question the hope we have in us, and give us the opportunity to lead them to Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). How we live as Christians shows who Jesus is, so how we live as Christians is of utmost importance! It glorifies Him when His people live in obedience to His Word, in conformity to His person. • What does this look like specifically? Well, the Gospels present us with a very clear picture of Jesus as He interacts with people in real space-time history; but we also have the occasions when we are specifically called to be like Him. We are called to be servants, as He served (John 13; Philippians 2:1-11). This means a willingness to wash feet, to, in humility, see others' needs and step into their lives and meet those needs. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, a servants' job, if he was the lowest in the pecking order, and we are called to have Christ formed in us. Would it not be earth shattering if we were in a competition to out honor one another in service? We are called to love as He loved (Ephesians 5:1-2; John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:11). This is an overwhelming call when we understand the richness of the Gospel and all that Jesus has done for us. It is a love for sinners (Romans 5:8), a love that is willing to sacrifice self to pursue another’s good. This love should dominate what Christians are known for, and it is a love that includes understanding of God’s will and chasing it with and for others. We are called to holiness, as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). In terms of the call on our life, it is to purity! If people were to watch you — as you work, go to school, interact with your family — is there any chance they would mistake you for Jesus? I am not sure where the following sermon illustration comes from, but true or not, it makes a great point! 12 0
Christ Formed In Us
A group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Christmas Eve dinner. In their rush through the airport, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane, just in time. All but one. He told the others to go on without him and went back to where the apples were all over the floor. He was glad that he did. A little girl, the apple seller, was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks, as she groped for her spilled produce, the crowd swirling about her, rushing to their flights. The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped reorganize her display. He set aside the bruised and battered apples in a separate basket. When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, “Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. "Are you okay?” he asked. She nodded through her tears. He continued, “I hope we didn’t spoil your day too badly.” As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, “Mister….” He paused and turned to look back. She continued, “Are you Jesus?” The salesman couldn’t get that question out of his head for days. It was such a simple, small-scale event, but it made him see clearly what following Christ was really all about. Oh that we would be asked the question, and give the answer in a way that points people clearly to Jesus! I am proud when my children are told they look like me (prouder if they looked like their mother), but even more proud when those God has entrusted to me look like Jesus! May we see Him, and as a reflection, mirror Him to our world (2 Corinthians 3:18).
— appendix five — CALLED TO WAR g a l at i a n s 5
e are starting to swim in different waters as we near the mid point of 2017. The culture around us is virtually secular. Mark Noll gave a lecture entitled, “What Happened To Christian Canada”, and he notes that statistically we have moved from a majority churched nation (70% in the 1980’s) to a majority unchurched nation (less than 20%). This is of those who attend any church, so if we made it evangelical the percentages substantially drop! We have a secular nation. This is not new in the history of Christianity, though it offers exciting new opportunities for us to share the Gospel in the context of our great nation. More alarming than the secularization of our nation is the secularization of our churches. Theologian Michael Horton states, “Gallup and Barna hand us survey after survey demonstrating that evangelical Christians are as likely to embrace lifestyles every bit as hedonistic, materialistic, self-centered, and sexually immoral as the world in general”. Alan Wolfe, in commenting on this same trend, states that the church has, “so strong a desire to copy the culture of hotel chains and popular music that it loses what religious distinctiveness it once had”. Barna sums up his research with these shocking words, “Every day, the church is becoming more like the world it allegedly seeks to change”. BE ALARMED! • So what should we do? First, we must realize that it actually is a problem that could infect us. Cloverdale Baptist Church must realize that we swim in a secular world and churches are becoming like the world. We must stand up spiritually for being distinct and separate. The world, and the churches that are in our culture, impact us. We must be aware 12 2
Called To WAR
that this is a problem, not only because many Christians are acting like the world around us, but also because we want to be different. We are called to be different, to be….
IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD • 1 Peter 1:15-16 calls us to be holy because God is Holy! • Hebrews 12:14 tells us that without holiness no one will see God! • Ephesians 1:4 tells us that He chose us to be holy and blameless in His sight! And we could go on, the Bible calls us to be HOLY! To be separate! To be pure and without blemish! To remove sin, and walk according to how our God would want us to walk. This should drive us to the Gospel, to cling to the righteousness of Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21), and it will also cause us to seek to live this out in a practical way! That is our second essential reality for us to be healthy as a church: we must root out sin and pursue holiness. We must live lives of REPENTANCE in the context of the Gospel. The Gospel frees us from condemnation (Romans 8:1), and drives us to our feet in passion to please the One who loves us so (2 Corinthians 5:14). Galatians 5 is so helpful in this. The list that Paul gives of the deeds of the flesh, that we are called to war against, can be broken up into three sections:
section one | sexual sins {5:19} We know these well in our culture, and yet so often we seek to soften these or almost explain them away. Sexual sins are not new, but we as a church and as individuals must continue to fight against them: to WAR against them! Three words are used to describe and help us understand specifically what this means! • Sexual Immorality: "Porneia" is in reference to all sexual sins of any kind. The focus is on sexual interaction outside of God’s planned marriage between a husband and a wife, and would include sexual sin in general. It is a word that is seeking to encompass lots of sinful immorality in the sexual world! 12 3
Sex outside of marriage, with marriage defined as a husband and wife, is immoral. We must be as clear as the Bible is on this, and let it impact our own lives, and the lives of those we teach. Sex is beautiful in the context of marriage and it is a part of the plan of God, but outside of that plan, sinful and destructive. • Impurity: Unnatural practices and relationships. The word literally means "unclean" and was used medically to refer to an infected, oozing wound. Here it is referring to the sins of the mind, which corrupt. Certainly pornography fits here, as it would in the next word. This includes not only dirtiness of action, but also of thought. We as Christians must not allow the infection of sin, and the world to overwhelm us. We are called to be pure, to root out sin, and to be different from the world around us! Here is an area where we must stand, in grace and purity, as different! • Debauchery: Uncontrolled sexuality. Some translate this as sensuality. Originally referred to a lack of restraint, here according to one scholar, “it is unrestrained sexual indulgence, such as has become so common in the modern Western world. It refers to uninhibited sexual indulgence without shame and without concern for what others think or how they may be affected.” It is self-centered lack of restraint in sexual immorality. We live in a sex-crazed age where we think so many things are normal; and because of that it is okay. Insane! If it is true that everyone is doing it, we have an amazing opportunity to stand as even more unique in this lost and hurting world! Rabid self-centeredness in the thought life and actions of people leads to seeking of pleasure sexually with no regard to what God’s Word says. It is seeing sexuality in a cultural way, rather than a Biblical way! God’s people need to fight against this! To repent of the sins of sexual sins that impact our lives!
section two | religious sins {5:19} These can creep into any church, including CBC, it is so important to be aware of and repent, if they have invaded our lives. 124
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• Idolatry: The first word here is Idolatry, and it is a general word for the worship of anything apart from the one true God. We sometimes think that this is a thing of the past. However, please hear this: it is people valuing and treasuring anything else above God. We all struggle with idols, and must learn to love God above everything else! How do we know what our idols might be? Two simple tests can be helpful. What do we do with our time, treasures and talents? What do we do with our minds, when we are not focused? Where does our mind go when it is drifting? What occupies our thoughts? God wants to be first, demands to be first, and deserves to be first. In fact, so far first, that you can’t see second! • Sorcery: This seems to be a word used for pursuit of pleasure, and spiritual awakening, through drugs. It is a desire to know the future, apart from God’s Word. This can be found in the world in fortunetellers, or those who prophesy for profit. It invades the church when we pursue a knowledge of the future, through mystical ways, rather than intense study of God’s Word! MacArthur adds to this, that the word "sorcery" could carry with it the idea of any man-made religion that includes works, and a pursuit of works, for acceptance before God! This would include our own drive and desire to please God outside of His grace. The works of the flesh focus on sexual immorality, religions, and lastly….
s e c t i o n t h r e e | r e l at i o n a l s i n s { 5 : 2 0 - 2 1 } It is interesting and important to see the emphasis on the works of the flesh and the impact this has on how we treat one another. Sadly, it infects most churches. A brief look at the forty-year history that I am aware of, in our church, shows that it has definitely infected this family at times as well. In our small world most would agree that religious sins are dangerous, and sexual sins are dangerous, and yet the ones that we are most in danger of being infected by are probably these relational ones. I have heard over and over again of people who 12 5
say they are attacking others for Biblical reasons, and yet by their un-biblical actions and attitudes show that the flesh is winning in their own personal battles. Here are the words that show the follower of God what needs to be fought and fled. • Enmity: This simply means expressions of hatred. Putting others down, and seeking their harm. This is seeking to damage others' reputation or lives, usually in self defense, but can also be the evil of attack. • Strife: This is very similar to the first one, but is a word that characterizes the unprofitable and self oriented bickering that erupts between rival factions (Moo). This is the one who causes the division, who spreads the rumors, who stirs up discord in the family of God (Proverbs 6:16-19). So many church splits could be avoided if God’s people would see this as the sin it is, and repent of it before the strife hurts so many! So much division could be avoided if we called those who cause it to account, when they are losing in their war against the flesh. • Jealousy: This is a sinful jealousy of others. Wanting what they have, or not wanting them to have what you have. It is based in self-centeredness, and leads to bitterness when expectations are not met. Jealousy sees others succeeding and longs for what they have, rather than rejoicing with it. It is a comparison that is filled with selfishness, and a lack of understanding of the grace of God. • Fits of anger: this is outbursts of anger, and carries with it a bickering and attack. Self-oriented fighting that dominates division and is a work of the flesh. Uncontrolled temper tantrums that damage others. This is a loss of control to emotion, that usually causes hurt to those around you. • Rivalries: This is a critical heart to others, a selfish ambition, a desire to do better at the expense of others. In competing sports teams this is a treat to watch, in churches it is destructive! It is like the infighting that can take place where you don’t care if you win, as long as the other person loses. • Dissensions: A word that really summarizes the basic focus, 126
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although it would seem this is a person who consistently finds himself in quarrels. If you have dissension with one person or church, there could be good reason. If you find yourself constantly divisive, you have this sin of the flesh at work through you. These are what one book calls, “Well intentioned dragons”, I have seen these people being the center of every division and hurt that pastors experience, or perhaps even worse, seen pastors who leave in bitterness time after time having caused the dissension, usually for “biblical” reasons, but never in a Biblical manner. Often these people speak a lot behind the scenes but are unwilling to meet if it might bring unity, or show that their position is in any way marred. We must call this what it is, a work of the flesh, sin. • Divisions: Probably here, the joining together of groups to fight against God and His work. Again, in this text these are people in the name of Jesus creating chaos for those around them. This past week (when I am writing this) three different pastors expressed their heartache over people walking this fleshly sinful path. I talked with a church, whose pastor for the fifth time was creating chaos in his church (five different ministries, should have done better research before they hired him), and certainly we are not above this at Cloverdale Baptist Church! Oh that we would walk by the Spirit and war against the flesh that wars against us and God’s people. Holiness must include turning our back on sin! • Envy: This is very similar to jealousy, it is feeling a longing for what someone else has or is receiving and creates infighting. It is an attitude that leads to strife. • Drunkenness: simply what it says, although some scholars would add anything that causes you to lose control. It is giving up control to something other than the Spirit, here focused on alcohol. A good reminder that saying the Bible teaches we must not drink is not true, and also a reminder that if we do choose to drink carefully, we must not sin by getting drunk! 12 7
• Orgies: This is a word that may be confusing to us, as we have all sorts of things that come to mind, but here it would mean partying. Usually in the sense of excessive feasting, but often includes drinking and sexual activity as well. It is pursuing pleasure in a way that ignores God, and His ways! It is choosing my own happiness, or at the very least what I think will get it, without listening to God. • And things like these…in other words this list is not exhaustive, but it is a very good place to start. BE ALARMED These sins could infect us! BE FREE When we have realized that this is sin that could infect us, we need to take the time to REPENT. If you have got here and are still reading, take the time now to review this list, and ask God’s Spirit to reveal to you where you have sinned and repent. It is often easier to see someone else’s sins, so as people come to mind for each one of these areas of sin, discipline your mind to get rid of their picture, and pursue your own purity. Repent (agree with God’s Word on these sins, and turn from them) of any sins that you have committed or are committing. Experience the Gospel freedom of no condemnation (Romans 8:1), and then passionately pursue a life in the Spirit (obedience and fruit). The first step to freedom is realizing what sin is, the second is repenting of this sin! This repentance includes confession and cleansing (1 John 1:9), with a willingness to pursue God’s ways, to walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5 shows us what the fruit of the Spirit is, and holiness is found as we turn away from sin, and walk in the Spirit. It is REMOVAL, but also RELATIONAL. Wage war, and we will be who God wants us to be as we walk by the Spirit. One last warning…be careful who you surround yourself with. If your friends walk according to the flesh, it will corrupt you. In almost every divisive situation I have seen in churches, both in those I am called to help in, and in my own flock, the words of Paul ring true, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 128
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Use Psalm 1 to choose your friends wisely. I have found that almost always, relational sins like company, and flourish if left unchecked. It is easy to find a bond in sin, through gossip and slander, and if left unchecked to create a reality where ungodliness flourishes in the church, or factions thereof. Be careful who your friends are! Once we have ensured that we are not living with un-confessed sin, there is another challenge we all face and Galatians 6:1-3 pushes us to be involved in, if we are around fleshly people (and we will be), we must either be spiritual enough to warn them, or smart enough to flee them. Do not keep divisive people in your relational circle and do nothing, or you will become like them (Titus 3:10). Do not let sin be called “biblical”, fight for purity, fight to repent of sin, fight to keep yourself untainted, and holy!
• WA L K BY T H E S P I R I T •
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— appendix six — DON'T GIVE UP g a l at i a n s 5
ollowing Jesus is not easy, especially if you have understood the book of Galatians. The law drives us to Jesus, and then we are to walk by the Spirit and fight war against the flesh. Even great people like Peter make mistakes, and we live with people like Peter (even while looking in the mirror once in a while). Christianity is tough! So, I believe that is why this great book closes with a strong encouragement, an encouragement that was not in the front end, but now shouted out to the faithful… Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Keep strong, and pure. Fight to honor Jesus, even if no one else around you is. Cling to Him, and carry on! Long-term fruit is what we are after. Following Jesus is a long difficult narrow road. You will fight your own flesh, and this is difficult. You will battle the demonic realm (Ephesians 6), and without submission to God your resistance will meet with defeat (James 4:7). You will battle the world around you, and without God’s Word saturating your mind, you will think like the world (Romans 12:1-2). To make matters worse, you will live among a people who also struggle. Some with legalism, some license, some in the flesh making false accusations (1 Peter 2:9-12), and we are called to soldier on! Living in the world, and sadly living in the church is not always easy. If God was not real, it would be so easy to give up…BUT HE IS REAL! So, today, commit to walk by the Spirit, today make war on your flesh, and make sure you wake up the next day and carry on! Your only hope for long term success is that you do not grow weary, and prove yourself through long term growing obedience! 13 0
Don't Give Up
Don’t give up! You will reap a wonderful harvest, if you do not give up! Together, let us rejoice in the richness of what it means to follow Jesus! Together, let us not give up our passion for a deep authentic relationship with Jesus, and our delight in being a part of His family!
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bibliography ×× Boice, James Montgomery. Galatians: The Expositors Bible Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing, 1978. ×× Bridges, Jerry. The Discipline Of Grace. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: Navpress, 1994. ×× Keller, Timothy. Galatians For You. USA: The Good Book Company, 2013. ×× MacArthur, John. Galatians. Chicago: Moody, 1987. ×× Moo, Douglas. Galatians: Baker Exegetical Commentary On The New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing, 2013. ×× Piper, John. Sermon Series On Galatians: ×× Platt, David. Christ-Centered Exposition. USA: B&H Publishing, 2014. ×× Ryken, Philip. Galatians: Reformed Expository Commentary. Phillisberg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 2005. ×× Schreiner, Thomas. Galatians: Exegetical Commentary On The NT. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016. ×× Stott, John R. The Message Of Galatians. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1986. ×× Wilson, Todd. Galatians: Gospel Rooted Living. Preaching The Word. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2013.
note These books were interacted with during the entire series on Galatians, and all articles and sermons reflect interaction with them and quotations from them. All are worthwhile in study, but would suggest Schreiner for depth, and Keller or Stott, for devotional reading. The best preaching commentary if you are only going to get one, would be MacArthur’s.
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