Elias Friberg - Lund School of Architecture

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portfolio elias friberg lund school of architecture


sustainable architecture fall term year 3 6 weeks cooperation with sofie odby

b k s t 1

i o g a

s p a n


The gates and fences of the Bishops House are removed in order to invite the public to the new site.


Pedestrians and cyclists will have better conditions in the crossing when speedbumps and cobblestone are added. The new passage connects the old city center with the campus to the north. 3




6 8

1. U ni veri ty Li brary 2 . SoL

The rooftop garden is accessed either from inside the art gallery or via the ramp from the garden.

3 . Museum of S ketc h e s 4 . T he Ol d B i shop’s H ou se 5 . Research Housi ng 6 . T homanders stud e n t h ou si n g 7 . T he Ol d Pol ycl i ni c 8. T he Ol d House of S u rge ry

sit e plan 1:2000

Right on the edge of the old city center of the medieval Lund, we propose a new center for art containing an art school, a café and a rooftop garden. The building itself, as well as surrounding spaces are designed with sustainability as the main concept. The purpose of the project site is to open a brand new and valuable passage from Sandgatan, through the bishop garden, and further north towards SoL and LTH. This new crossing will help a lot of pedestrians and cyclists who previously have been forced to either go through the University Library Park or via Sölvegatan. As said, the building contains an art school which is supposed to appeal to a broader audience than the typical student of Lund. In connection with this there is a possibility of managing a small art shop aswell. In the northern part of the first floor there is a café which is supposed to link all the surrounding activities together. A staircase from the café leads to the second floor where the art gallery is situated. From here, you are able to walk thorugh a door and out to the rooftop garden, which is meant to serve as an extention to the activities of the gallery. The spaces in the building are designed as general and open as possible in order to be useful and provide the oppurtunity for other activities in the future.

A basic concept of the project is to preserve and enhance the qualities of the garden. This is achieved by creating an outdoor environment where modules and flower boxes are combined and bonded together using a ramp that leads up to the rooftop garden. These boxes are as well as the facades clad in panels of recycled wood and form fences to both the rooftop garden and the ramp. Cultivation boxes will also enable the café to grow food for their business to some extent. In order to distinguish the art gallery from the rest of the building it is dressed with pieces of metal from the metal scrap yard. These are supposed to be sanded down and cut into pieces about the same size and then be attached to the truss structure that embrace the gallery’s solid walls. This will give a sense of coherent heterogeneity and give the gallery’s outer walls a three-dimensional texture. The walls of the gallery devoid of openings. Instead, the light is let in through openings that are sandwiched between the roof’s solar panels. These can be closed by changing the angle of the solar panels to completely darken the room.

physical m odel

groun d p la n 1:400

upper l ev el 1 :4 0 0


9 8 7 10 6 4






1 . a r t s cho o l 2 . a r t s ho p 3. wc 4. cafĂŠ 5 . d e li 6 . k itc hen 7 . s tor ag e 8 . w a r d ro be 9. wc 1 0 . a r t g allery

View from the crossing.

elevation west 1: 4 0 0

section a:a 1: 4 0 0

The project will create a venue for a broad audience. The art school will provide the oppurtunity for people of all ages to take part in the education. The gallery can also be used for lectures and events.

On top of the wooden boxes, plant pots can be used by the cafĂŠ when growing their own food.

On the southern roof of the building, a rooftop garden is located. By lowering the ceiling on the east part of the art school, the slightly larger plants are able to grow which creates a varied and green roof. This roof will contribute to a recreational environment for visitors as well as helping the draining process at large rainfall.

The art galleyl roof is covered with solar cells which generate a certain self-sufficiency in electricity. Between the solar cells are skylights that can be closed by changing the angle of the solar cells. These skylights are the only window openings in the art gallery in order to reduce heat loss.

All the facades and decking boards consist of recycled material. The exhibition hall is clad in sheet metal discs from the scrap yard. These are attached to a truss structure which forms a shell to the underlying wall.

at e l j ĂŠ Y - bas i c c o u r s e D s pr i n g t e r m y e ar 2 4 weeks



sit e plan 1:1000

In order to enhance the movement and the attractiveness of Raoul Wallenberg Park in central Malmö, my proposed theatre is aligned with the pedestrian and bike path that connects to Kaptensbron. The theatre is supposed to function as a billboard of bricks: something you can clearly see from the shopping street in the west or from Drottninggatan on the other side of the canal. The idea is that it will attract people,thereby activating the park.


Staff entrance and loading zone. The protruding concrete discs capture the walkways.

The theatre is based on the 10 meter high brick slab that grows up a few meters from the bike path. From the brick slab, concrete slabs grow towards the western parts of the park in several different directions. These form the spatial structure of the theatre. Simplified, the theatre consists of three parts: • The theatre part

Entrance through the disc of bricks from Kaptensbron.

• The part for the staff • The café These are separated from each other by concrete slabs. Between the café and theatre part there is a passage under the open sky. This serves as the inlet for those who arrive to the theatre from the east, and have gone through the opening in the brick slab. In front of the theatre’s glass facade lies an open plaza meant to be an extension of the foyer. The Black box is located in the center of the structure. The part for the staff is open and intended to be flexible in use. The workshop and costume storage is located closest to the glass facade to give a little peek into the business for those passing along Lilla Nygatan.

a Arrival space


p la n 1:400

8. 7.




9. 6.


14 .

15 .

4. 3.


1. entrance 2. foyer 3. black box 4. wardrobe 5. cafĂŠ 6. dressing rooms 7. workshop 8. loading zone 9. costume storage 10. wc and shower 11. staff kitchen 12. office 13. storage 14. rehearsal space



section a:a 1: 4 0 0

elevation east 1: 8 0 0

elevation south 1: 8 0 0

View from the park.

ateljĂŠ Y - basic course D spring term year 2 4 weeks cooperation with sofie odby


connects with the ocean embraces the people frames the square


The physical model shows how the two forms collide and become one, creating both interior and exterior spaces.

sit e plan 1:800

Västra Hamnen in Malmö lacks a solid library. At present, its function is replaced by a mobile library which only is available during certain times of the week. In order to create a more permanent place where you can borrow books and use as study environment, we are proposing a small library along the coast at the Bo01 area. The intent with the new library is to approach its surroundings to each of its sides in the best possible way. It shall relate to and enhance the local area using both its form and its expression. The building connects the square at the harbor entrance to the coastal esplanade in the north and invites people from both sides.

Hanging bookshelves enhances the visibility towards the ocean and the Öresund Bridge.

The building consists of two composite parts: the higher part made of wood and the slightly lower one with stone facade. The two parts have a specific expression on both the inside and outside. The serene temple room in the north alludes to verticality using wooden beams, while the lower part frames a horizontal sea view through a large panoramic window towards the Öresund Bridge. In the middle of the room, where the two parts are merged, hanging bookshelves in three lines sprout from the ceiling towards the cobblestone floor.

The library links the boardwalk to the square with the selection of materials.

s e c tio n 1:300

axis and shapes

p la n 1:300

the library is shaped

View from the boardwalk.

Fu r n i t u r e pr o j e c t Fal l t e r m y e ar 2 6 weeks

b:tong b:tong is a garden chair/table based on the concept of change around the resistant. The structure center is the concrete form in which the user can anchor the rods and the disc made of oak in different ways to produce three different versions of the same components.

v i s u al i z at i o n i n v -r ay s pr i n g t e r m y e ar 3 1 week

The Barcelona Pavillion - exterior rendering.

The Barcelona Pavillion - interior rendering.

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