Reflections from the truth. Lies need to demonstrate that they are not what they appear to be. The truth does no such thing, or rather does nothing as its self confident within itself. Only the truth can decipher lies as it sees through them, it knows it is all just a show. All lies will break down of their own accord. That which is born will and has to brake down and die. The truth is simple for ever, some search confirmation of the truth, but this confirmation can only be intuitive. Scientific proof cannot encompass it or even touch it, it is speculation alone. It is only truth that can reach here and that can and will be soon distorted, if lies want to overshadow it.
Why doesn't the truth reveal itself? No language, no scenery or symbols can contain the truth, not even the whole universe can hold it. The truth can only be reflected. The reflection is a hint, it is not the truth. No matter how many hints you have that you string together they all only amount to hints. A million hints still boil down to being a hint equal to a mere reflection of the truth. It is a reminder that the truth does not exist in its full form in human life. If we
all knew this truth it would bring on an enormous change. Eliberocelta