Quarter 4 english 10

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QUARTER 4 ………………….EARL.DEMOTT@VBSCHOOLS.COM……………………………………………….


English 10 B1 Rm. 143B

Grades Prior to Q4


Best Case scenario (Q4 = 100% / exam = 100%)

75% Q4 / 75% Exam

50% Q4 / 50% Exam

worst case scenario (Q4 = 0 % / Exam = 0%)

Semester 1 (average of Q1 and Q2)

S1 = 72% (Q1 = 65% /Q2 = 79 %)

S1 = 72 %

S1 = 72 %

S1 = 72 %

S1 = 72 %

Quarter 3

Q3 = 48%

Q3 = 48%

Q3 = 48%

Q3 = 48%

Q3 = 48%

Quarter 4


Q4 = 100%

Q4 = 75%

Q4 = 50%

Q4 = 0%

Semester 2 (average of Q3 and Q4)

S2 = ? (Q3 = 48% / Q4 = ?)

S2 = 74% (Q3=48% /Q4 = 100)

S2 = 62% (Q3=48% /Q4 = 75)

S2 = 49% (Q3=48% /Q4 = 50)

S2 = 24% (Q3=48% /Q4 = 0)

Final Exam






Final Grade (S1 x3) + (S2 x3) + Exam Divided by seven

S1 = 72 x 3 = 216 S2 = ?

S1 = 72 x 3 = 216 S2 = 74 x 3 = 222 Exam = 100 Total = 538 /7 Final grade 77%

S1 = 72 x 3 = 216 S2 = 62 x 3 = 186 Exam = 75 Total = 477 /7 Final grade 68%

S1 = 72 x 3 = 216 S2 = 49 x 3 = 147 Exam = 50 Total = 413/7 Final grade 59%

S1 = 72 x 3 = 216 S2 = 24 x 3 = 72 Exam = 0 Total = 288 /7 Final grade 41%

Class date

in class


grade received /Grade possible individual assignment

Start to April 26

Summary speech on writings from Q3 House on Mango Street / class assignments

Study for Exam

____________ /20

Collect 2nd homework Quiz up to p. 64

Study for Exam Finish book / write 250-300 word passage on one element

April 28

May 2

____________ /20

Q4 grade to date


_____________ /20 House 2…… Classnotes…. Quiz 1……

/20 /10 /10 25 25


Collect final House writing Quiz whole book

Study for Exam Dante’s Inferno Symbols

House 3….. Quiz2……….

Symbols Quiz Dante’s Inferno Classwork

Study for Exam Symbolic Story Rough Draft

Symbols Quiz…. 25 Dante Classwork.. 25

_____________/ 200

May 6

Collect RD Dante’s Inferno

Study for Exam Passage Explanation x5



_____________ / 250

May 9

Collect Passage Explanations x 5 Return RD

Study for Exam Revise RD / label symbols used and parts of a story

Passage Expl…..


_____________ / 300

May 11

Collect Revised Symbol Story Julius Caesar

Study for Exam Character plot line x 3 Act I Include an

Revised Symbol Story… 100

May 4


____________/ 400

explanation May 13

Check Plot line Act I Character Types Discussion / notes small group

Study for Exam Character plot line x 3 Act II Include an explanation

Plotlines Act I…… 25

___________ /425

May 17

Check Plot line Act II Motifs, Themes and Symbols Discussion / notes small group

Study for Exam Memorize Mark Antony Speech

Plotlines Act II…. 25 Discussion Notes.. 50

____________ / 500

May 19

Deliver Monologue Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Monologue…. 100 At desk

___________/ 600

May 23

Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Report 1……….10 Written

____________/ 610

May 25

Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Report 2………..20 Spoken At desk

____________/ 630

May 27

Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Report 3……….20 At desk

___________ /650

June 1

Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Report 4………50 Oral Whole Class

___________ /700

June 3

Group Read

Study for Exam Ready to Report on element of your read

Report 5……….75 Oral Whole Class

____________ /775

June 7

“Test” on Group Read

Review for exam

Report 6………75 All Elements Written


June 9

Grammar Review

Study for Exam

Grammar Exercises..75 Review….75


June 13-17 EXAM WEEK

FINAL EXAM Does not count for Quarter 4

house on mango Writings are to be 250300 words

Class notes based on in class discussion and turned in

Quizzes to be taken at start of the class and turned in

In Class Work

Symbols Story

Should focus on the authors treatment of a particular symbol or motif Should reference the book Book should be completed

inferno Symbols Quiz


julius caesar Plotlines

Passage Explanation

Memorized Passage

Discussion Notes


At Desk

Whole Class



Small Group Discussions

group read Reading

Other Grammar


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