Publisher: Elijah Miti
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IT PAYS It will always be within your reach They contain healthy and a wealth of information that will help solve your buying problems
Motive Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Media Launch
Editor: Matha Lubasi Design & Advertising: Elijah Miti Projects in Progress: Nsangu Siwale Online: South Africa Mobile : +27761285439 ZAMBIA Mobile: +260976672648 Fax : +27865551290 Home Page: www.elijahmiti.co.za Email: pttlyda@gmail.com Info@elijahmiti.co.za
Poetry Corner 3 The Book Launch 9 The Gospel 23 -----------------------------------Love and Relationships 34 KLYN Consulting 45 Who is Elijah Miti 52 -----------------------------------Book Authors 67 Investment 70 ------------------------------------
• Poem •
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead today and tomorrow are yet to be said the chances, the changes, are all yours to make the mold of your life is in your hands to break.
The greatest adventure is there if you're bold. Let go of the moment that life makes you hold. To measure the meaning can you make delay It's time you stopped thinking and wasting the day.
A man who's a dreamer and never takes leave Who thinks of a world that's just make-believe Will never know passion, will never know pain Who sits by the window will one day see rain.
- Glen Yarborough
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hat a joy it was to launch three
books at once on that warm night at The Courtyard Hotel in Lusaka Zambia. The air was fresh the mood was calm and many thanks to all those that helped for the launch to be a success. Mrs Maria Mukhala for running the adverts, my nieces and nephews for the support, my brother Alick for being MC and keyboard player of the night, My mother for being the special guest musician, my father in law Mr Elias Mulolo senior, my brothers in-law Dr. Elijah Mukhala for providing transport and Pastor Richard Mwela for facilitating radio interviews. Heart felt thanks to Mr Nsangu Siwale founder of KLYN Consulting my business partner who organised the launch , Pastor Mubita C Nawa founder of Mubita C Nawa Management Consultancy whose company we used to advertise the Book launch and for the encouraging words to come back home. Mrs Agness Tembo for all the support , Mr Charles Miti, Mr Elias and Clive Mulolo, my sisters in laws Ms Chishimba Mulolo and Mrs. Patricia Mtonga and Mr Andrew Tembo for transporting me from south Africa .
As we embark on this journey in bringing many into the boat of success and positive living 11
any thanks to the media, SABC Africa
,special thanks to The Post Newspaper for the adverts , Ms. Lombe Machilika from Christian Voice for radio coverage, Mr Assan and Moses Nyama QFM Radio, Mr. Donald Kawangu ZNBC for featuring me on ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum program, ZNBC news crew for featuring me on the main news, ZNBC Nyanja program for featuring me on TV program called Tumba Lamwini , Mr Mwenya Mukuka for featuring me on Yatsani Radio, Mr. Robert Titima and team for featuring me twice on UNZA Radio ,Mr Master and Mr Augustine Lungu for featuring me on Muvi TV and of course Mobi TV for featuring my mother and I. By Elijah Miti
“the paths of the righteous gets brighter and brighter and brighter”
Special points of interest: •Book Publishing •Motivation •Coaching •Mentoring •Counseling •The Gospel •Inspiration •Events
Master of ceremony
Alick Miti is the young brother to Pastor Elijah Miti, he opened the Book launch with his God given musical talent as he played the key board and welcomed the guests in style at The Courtyard Hotel Lusaka Zambia. He is the last Born, the baby of the Miti family. Alick Goza Zombe Yandalala Miti. Talented Musical Artist can Produce and play any Musical instrument. An Accounts High School Teacher by profession, Alick has just also released his first Musical Debut album CD entitled “2 Voices�.
Today you maybe asking the same questions is there hope? You see signs like war, political instabilities, financial down turn, global warming and earthquakes like the recent one in Haiti that killed over 230,000 people. These signs affect, the Political arena, the World Religion, Nature and Society.
n the history of Russia there
was a City called Pashna that was off limits to foreigners. It had a population of about 20,000 scientists who lived there and were studying nuclear chemicals and the questions they raised were: - Is there hope for the financial future? - Is there hope for the political stability?
You will see false prophets that will do signs and wonders (Mat 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive the elect-if that were possible”). People will turn to witchcraft influence by movies that are turning our kids to have interest in witchcraft, astronomy, books like “Wicca”. Occult where we see people coming up with funny claims and calling themselves the “I AM” and some claiming to be the Lamb of God. The only messiah is the one to which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord. 24
2. SIGNS IN WARS. The world today is full of secrets and we observesome states that are in the nuclear club:
In the 20th Century these are some of the wars and conflicts that have happened.
Viet Nam War Vs Korea War Indo vs. China conflict Middle East conflict Tribal Wars In Africa World War I and II
These are United States, Russia, United Kingdom,France and China.
The opposite of war is peace,
(a) Designated States:
(b) Known or Believed To Posses Nuclear Weapons Research shows that some of the countries believed to posse’s nuclear weapons are India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.
” Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddeny, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3
(c.) Russia’s Secret Cities These have enough plutonium to enable manufacturing of one nuclear bomb every 3 days. “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”
Jesus Christ will come when the world has capacity to destroy itself. ‘the nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants and prophets and you saints and those who reverence your name both small and great-and for destroying those who destroy the earth” There is hope for the world Jesus is coming soon.
Mathew 24:6-7 Revelation 11:18 25
3. SIGNS IN THE WORLD OF NATURE When you switch on your television, listen and watch the news what is the first thing you hear? You hear destruction to our planet earth, pollution, earthquakes, global warming, cyclones,Tsunami’s,terrorism,murder,mmo rality and all sorts of crime. “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Mathew 24:7
FAMINE This brings about hunger and today we see children crying because of famine. Reports show that food shortages are in about 38 countries of the world. One Sixth people of the world population are under malnourished. About 10,000 people die per day because of starvation which is about 3.5 million per year. Our Land to produce food is reducing while population is growing and over 100,000 square kilometres of arable land is lost each year.
PESTILENCE A pestilence is a strange disease which afflicts human beings, crops and the environment. You spray your crops with pesticide and about 2.4 Billion pounds of toxic pollutants are causing estimated 50,000 120,000 premature deaths each 50 year. Another form of pestilence is disease that is springing up around the world. We hear of Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Marbling virus and Lyme’s Disease. About 100 years ago there was no HIV& AIDS in Africa. First ever record of HIV/AIDS was in 1980 and ever since this has become a future terrorist in many families.
EARTHQUAKES We have seen increase in the occurrence of earthquakes around the world one report shows that there are about 35 earthquakes per day which is approximately 12,000 to 14,000 per year. When you visit the internet which is a global network of computer networks or the World Wide Web which is a way of organising and viewing the information that is shared across the internet, you will be amazed what you find on earthquakes.. 26
So when you interact with the internet you are actually working with the web. While the internet is the underline networking infrusture that allows it all to happen. “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Mathew 24:7
In the 1990’s there were reports of Cyclones, Tsunamis, Forrest Fires, Floods and Tornados, the very ground under one feet is shaken. One example is the Asia Tsunami December 26th 2004. This was a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. Over 230,000 people were killed and it caused indescribable damage. In 2005 there was the Atlantic Hurricane season most named storms in history, it was called Hurricane Katrina. “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places. And fearful events and great signs from heaven” Luke 21:11
There is a terrorist that is attacking marriages today called moral decay. In Hollywood people can even marry and divorce same day, one Zambian musician Wille sung a song that says “you have marriage for breakfast and divorce for dinner”. Marriage has been defined as a belt, 50% -75% of all marriages end up in divorce. Crime is also on the rise. ” The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.” Genesis 6:5-6 (b) Economic Uncertainty Last year was a year we heard a word that filled many homes called “Recession”. There was what people called an economic down turn in the USA, Europe and the rest of the world. Stock and money markets collapsed for a while .We saw prophecy filled that was written in the book of James.
Today we see people play around with a very important institution in one’s life called marriage, in Mathew 24:38 we see one account that happened in the days of Noah. “For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark 27
” Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your Gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.” James 5:1-3 I n the book of Revelation chapter 18:17 there is a message “In one hour your riches will come to nothing.” SIGNS ARE BEING FULFILED OF HIS COMING 1. False Christ and prophets. 2. Wars and rumours of wars. 3. Cries of world peace, but no peace. 4. Famines 5. Pestilences 6. Earthquakes 7. Sexual immorality 8. Violence filling our land 9. Economic uncertainty
GOSPEL TO THE ENTIRE WORLD Today you can access the gospel via internet, television, satellite and cell phones. The Gospel will be preached to the entire world and we shall see his coming. ming,cyclones, Tsunami’s,terrorism,murder,mmoralit y and all sorts of crime. “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” Mathew 24:7
This is an extract from Pastor Elijah Miti ‘s New Book entitled Enlarge Your Vision.
KNOWLEDGE WILL BE INCREASED About 90% of all great scientists and teachers that are alive today have an explosion of knowledge. In the book of Daniel 12:4 the words says “Knowledge will increase”. We have seen development in the science and technology arena in the past two decades knowledge has increased. We have seen how a computer has developed from a main frame that could fill up the whole room to a desk top computer and these days you can access your cell phone just like a normal computer.
I began to imagine a tree with branches that did not abide in the main stem; the main stem is attached to the root (foundation) and Christ ought to be our root and main stem. When he receives from the Father, it flows through to every part of the tree (the branches, the leaves and everything about the tree receives from Christ)
was meditating on God's word
one morning and wanted God to speak to me, so I went to the book of John 15 and started reading from verse 1, as I was reading and meditating, Holy Spirit started showing me some things that I had forgotten about. The importance of abiding in Christ and He also abiding in us,
When we are removed from the stem we lose out on the important nutrients that help us flourish. There are moments when we feel as if we are cut off from the stem - in cases like these we need to re-connect to Jesus. As I continued reading on, I realised that we are truly supposed to be dependent on our LORD Jesus Christ. Without God we cannot amount to anything in life, no matter how much potential we may exert – we might not be able to reach the heights that God wants us to reach. Zachariah 4:6 – So he said to me, “this is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the LORD Almighty’. There are many things that we accomplish in our lives without God, but we could do much, much better with the help of Spirit of the Living God! When we abide in Him – we are sure to get rid of all the mediocrity around us – our God is an excellent God and when we have 29
been placed through His guidance, through His Living word, which comes through abiding in Him, we can never go wrong! Yes I mean we can never go wrong. Another Scripture that comes through to my mind is Psalm 1: 1 – 6, verse 3, is where I’d like to make a comment – “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its’ fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” When we abide in Christ, we become like trees planted by the rivers – the NIV says streams of water, we will yield our fruit in season and our leaf does not wither. Is this not awesome, that while other people are not bearing any fruit, we continuously bear fruit in season and our leaf does not wither? God knows what’s best for us and He is able to carry us through and give us life when we seem to have lost it. Let us continue waiting upon the Lord, because as we wait, we will rise up as eagles (see: Isaiah 40:31 – they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint). Abide in the Lord, trust in Him and you will take care of the rest. 30
CD/DVD “Care Taker”
he CD is a 10 track album with the
name is Mrs Mary Moses Nyirenda, she was born in 1949. He father Ululani Nyirenda was a musician and that is where she got her inspiration from to sing and write music. She is a retired school principal and she was married to a lawyer the late Mr Elijah Eskale Miti . She had six children four girls Maria , late Eshter, late Lydia, Late Edith and two boys Elijah and Alick. Her three daughter passed on , may their souls rest in peace. At the age of 60 Mama Nyongo released her first CD and DVD entitled “Care Taker” a song that has been played by many radio stations and TV stations. She has become an icon and an inspiration in Zambia, by showing the world that age does not matter you can still live and realise your Dream!
following songs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Care Taker Ba Lesa Baliwama Mulungu Okuonani Ndithokoza Khulupililani Tiyamike Nkambo Tisatile Malamulo Ndaboola Mundidalise Mama Nyongo has also done a single DVD with her song “ Care Taker “ . This Video has been show by many TV stations in Zambia and Abroad. The the good Lord continue lifting up our old to show us that it does not matter how long it take for your dream to come true just do not abort your dream!
To order CD/DVD copy call +260977623962 31
1.F 1.Fight
fair - Do not bring past
mistakes every time you argue. 2. Create special treats-Read the bible and pray together. Swim or bath together regularly. 3. Encourage talk time - Share your thoughts and plans to your partner and work out family budgets together. 4. Be supportive - Celebrate each other’s achievements together. Learn to share your finances and consider them as one. 5. Connect through touch - Learn to always remember your first kiss with your partner and touch to rekindle affection and build a healthy relationship. Happiness is having solid relationships. Happiness is being grateful. Happiness is giving back. Happiness is taking responsibility.
Take charge of your money 1. Draw up a budget and stick to it. 2. Get out of debt by writing down a list and start paying off the small debts first then after pay off big ones. 3. Start planning for your future by starting to invest early before retirement. 4. Start looking for a problem so that you can solve it and create a business out of it. If there are always power cuts in your area you can start selling small generators.
-Minimise taxes legally so that you can invest in cash flow assets.
-Eliminate bad debts in your life and use good debts to make you more money.
1. Couples Stress- When there is no money in a home, a visitor you can tell by the reception. Communication is usually the problem as in most cases couples do not do their finances together. To solve the problem start using the principle of what is mine is yours and what is mine is yours. When a man and a woman marry they become one not only in bed but with everything including money. Start doing up a budget together and buy things after you agree. You will see change in communication once you handle finances together as you carry each other’s burden and pray together for a break through. 2. Children - sometime we spoil our kids with money instead of love and spending time with them. Most kids with a lot of toys are very lonely; buying a child a play station cannot be measured or compared to loving them and being their telling your kid’s bed time stories your granny share to you as a child.
Learn to tell your kids that today you don't have money but when you get some you will give them. Most spoiled kids end up selling household items to quench their habit. 3. Extended Family- These can smell when you have money but when you lose your job or your business fold they disappears. It not wrong to keep but we should just be wise that we don't spend everything we have and leave our children with no future. Give when you have not to go in debt in order to please your uncle. When friends or family borrow money it difficult to say knows. When you give them be clear that it a gift or a loan and if it’s a loan sign an agreement in writing and sign. 4. Keeping Appearances- When you are faced with money problems be honest to your family and friends tell them the real position. There is nothing wrong in making changes when you can't afford a ten bed house.
1.Don't keep your head in the sand. Keep opening your bills and make list of what you owe. 2. Discuss finances with spouses and keep updates.
3. Call your creditors if you won't manage to pay them. (This is a difficult one to many people but it helps) 4. Don’t do quick fixes like selling you car in order to sort out debts or discounting investments. In the end you will remain with nothing.
Health Tips 1. Wash your hand at least 5 times a day. 2. Change your kitchen towels twice a week. 3. Clean your fridge weekly. 4. Change your sheets weekly. 5. Weigh yourself once a week. 6. Eat fish 3 times a week. 7. Clean your cutlery drawer at least once a month!
here is power in Networking, I
came to know Mr. Nsangu Siwale through an internet Diaspora group called Zambia Group. This is a powerful tool that links all Zambians abroad from all walks of life . For some time I observed his postings to the group and realized he had an entrepreneurial spirit that I also posses. I then asked his for his business plan and I was taken aback to note that it was almost with the same vision and mission statement, the products and services were also similar to mine. I then took it upon myself that I would work with him and ever since I knew him, to do business back home in Zambia has been very easy. The first partnership we did was the Book Launch and then we also partnered in signing up Zambian Authors. On 30th December 2009 I launched three books at The Courtyard Hotel in Lusaka Zambia: 1. Qualities of A Leader 2. The Secret Dream To Your Neigbours Success 3. You Have 24 Hours Or Else
This led to many people sending text messages and making inquiries on how they could also publish their books. Mr. Nsangu and I took up this challenge and I formed up a company called Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises. We thank God as of today we have signed up 10 authors and we are publishing a total of 12 books. We have the pleasure to announce that in 2010, We are launching 9 books for other authors including my forth book entitled ‘ Enlarge Your Vision In Entrepreneurship”. KLYN Consulting does some of following services:
· Business Strategy/Formation · Strategic planning and Management · Corporate Governance · Human Capital Management ·Financial and Management Accounting ·Retail Consulting -Marketing Research.
Written by : Elijah Miti
The media coverage and support was very overwhelming, Christian Voice, QFM, Yatsani Radio, UNZA Radio,Muvi TV, Mobi TV, ZNBC radio and TV
Please feel free to contact me/us at nsangu@klynconsulting.com or visit klyn@klynconsulting.com If You want to advertise your company in our next quarterly Magazine Issue please contact: Mr Nsangu Siwale or Elijah Miti. Email : info@elijahmiti.co.za or visit : www.elijahmiti.co.za Email : nsangu@klynconsulting.com Some of you may be aware that Mr Nsangu Siwale is a National Trainer of the ILO/UNCTAD/ZDA Empretec Entrepreneurship Programme. It is a Behavioural Change Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW) developed over time and highlights the typical behaviours exhibited by successful entrepreneurs world over. On 25th – 30th January 2010), he conducted an ETW for Taj Pamodzi suppliers, and ZDA, the hosts of the programme in Zambia, is organising a series of this unique workshop for the rest of the year. It is a kind of workshop that I would implore all entrepreneurs to go through.
or visit klyn@klynconsulting.com
n a small Copper Mining town called
Chingola, Mr & Mrs Miti had a fifth born son after four beautiful girls on 22 May 1974 and they named him Elijah Miti Junior. Elijah Miti Jnr II is founder of Seterio Vision Ministries International ,,he is a former Banker, an Accredited Motivational Speaker and a member of The Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA). He is an entrepreneur, a six times Network Marketing award winner and an Eagles Award Winner in motivational speaking. He owns two companies Patali Tifika Trading in South Africa and Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises in Zambia.
Mother Mary Moses Miti at age 26 , holding baby Elijah Miti
Vision is the capacity to see further than what the eyes can see!
His Father ,the late Mr.Elijah Eskale Miti Senior was a prominent Lawyer, specialist in legal drafting, Author and Law lecturer ,he trained many magistrates in Zambia including current Ndola High Court Deputy Registrar Mr Chinyama. He was Elijah’s inspiration in the area of achieving dreams as he started his career after doing his night school tehn became a teacher, then pursued his dream to become a magistrates in many parts of Zambia and further did his Law Degree at the University of Zambia. He was a goal getter and a very hard working father. Elijah started school at Mutende Primary School in Mansa Luapula Province of Zambia in 1981 and due to his father nature of work they moved to Lusaka in 1986 and he did his grade 6 and 7 at Olympia Basic school . He still remembers the Head Master at the time Mr Mwale. In 1988 the family once again moved to Chingola where he did his grade 8 and 9, then the family moved back to Lusaka in 1989 .
Father far Right: The late Mr Elijah Eskale Miti Senior MHSRIP th 8 August 1992 (Elijah Miti Jnr at age 9)
Elijah then went to Luangwa Boys Secondary School in grade 10 first term in 1990 where he met lovely people like Moses Nyama and the brother Asan founders of QFM Radio. In his second term Elijah moved to Munali High School up until he finished his secondary Education in 1992.
Elijah as most of you may know him is a man with many talents and won’t stop at anything. He was drama chairperson at a Boys High School ,and was nick named Cecelia because of the female roles he played.
This won him Best Female Male Actor at Inter- School Drama Competition 44
By Age 14 Elijah was already in Business. He loved taking pictures and sold them. He also Sold Imported Men’s Perfumes like Jazz and Mr Mann. From his tender age he is known for the love of suits .
He further did Certificate courses in Counselling, Leadership ,Mentorship ,Pastoral, Missions and a Diploma in Property Management. He answered God call and did two Theology Diplomas one from Living Faith World Outreach Bible School ( USA) and another at Christian Faith International Training Center ( CFITC) where he received ordination as a Minister of Religion.
From Humble beginnings Elijah has tried everything including once famous Eagle Bicycles.At Boarding School his 100m race was his favourite.
His work career started in 1992 when he joined African Commercial Bank in Lusaka and he studied Chartered Institute of Banker (CIB). When it was liquidated in 1996 he joined First Merchant Bank and then changed jobs to be one of the first employees of United Bank as Dealer on the local and international money markets . In 1997 he relocated to South Africa where he pursed a Degree in Financial Management at the University of South Africa (Unisa).
Some of his former School mates include the two brother who own QFM Asan and Moses Nyama. The likes of Edmund Sukutu, Laston Zimba, Remmy Kawala and many others who were at Munali Boys Secondary School. There is need for a Munali Boys Reunion. The school has produced powerful men some of which you know have been in key positions in government.
However, in 2oo1 Elijah pursued his romantic desires with his long time sweetheart Penelope Chilandu Mulolo.
Elijah and Penny during courtship in Lusaka Zambia . The following Year on 8thFebruary 2002 he managed to Sweep her off her feet. On 22nd December 2002 . Penny and Elijah were blessed with a baby Girl Thando Mariah Miti.
SME ( Small Medium Enterprises)
of Elijah Miti Consultancy
Enterprises vision is to develop finance partners in the SME ( Small Medium Enterprises). We want to address gaps in SME financing by bringing in partners to leverage private sector and other development funding. EMCE focus is on potential SMEs and youths lacking the required collateral and equity for the business loans directly and help SMEs secure funding ranging from USD1000 and USD300,000. Products and Services
We help with company registration procedures ,reservation of name with the registrar of companies, Lodge formation documents with companies and Intellectual Property Regulation office ( CIPRO),guide on opening a company bank account and then register with the Revenue authourity services. We also guide those without set up capital to get funding from financing houses after we have developed their business plans. This helps and allows entrepreneurs to access working capital , thus reducing time gap between the delivery of goods or services and recipient payments.
The Elijah Miti Mentorship Programme offers mentorship on how SMEs can get pre-Loan and post loan assistance to its clients.
For more details on Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises products and its serv ices , call us on +27 78 5666 535
New and existing Entrepreneurs are assisted by experienced mentors with advice ,counseling and development of viable business plans in order to access funding.
You can also email us on info@elijahmiti.co.za or visit our website on www.elijahmiti.co.za
We also conduct Entrepreneurship and Business Innovative Seminars and workshops for those interested in starting up a business. Business Set Up helps entrepreneurs establish new enterprises ,as well as early phase expansion.
lijah Miti Consultancy has been
involved in a number of events especially printing and providing T-Shirt for Zambian Supporters like the matches held in South Africa and Swazi Land. We support Chipolopolol through and through and have all the confidence that one day they will bring back home the Africa Cup. Many thanks to the Government and FAZ for all the support and hard work in shaping our soccer players.
EMC also helped in advertising on behalf of ZASA for the Zambeat concert which was held in Johannesburg and Pretoria Featuring the likes of Jimmy with his latest song its Over Over, JK and Leo Muntu plus Amayenge.
Apartments To Let in Ferndale Randburg Johannesburg South Africa .
To book Visit www.elijahmiti.co.za
Books written by Elijah Miti Order Now ! www.elijahmiti.co.za 66
ev. Dr Sammy Musepa
is Married to Dorothy Mushili Musepa and they have three children. He is the founder and Pastor of a vibrant and growing local church called Christian Faith Center and is the president of the Christian Faith Ministries International. He is the principal of the Christian Faith International Training Center, a missions and Pastoral training college offering Diplomas and certificates to successful graduates. Dr Sammy Musepa oversees numerous local churches and gives spiritual fathering to a number of pastors and elders. Dr Musepa is a conference speaker, a revivalist and serves as an advisor to those planting new churches. He speaks in many conferences and seminars every year. He travels extensively both in Africa and overseas.
He is also a contributing member to the arise magazine and a founding member of the Tshwane Ministers Forum and the I am ministers fraternal. He is also the founder of the CFC feeding scheme a ministry that takes care of the needs of the street people in Pretoria. Dr musepa has been in the ministry for 23 years and has been married for 22 years. Dr Musepa was officially consecrated as a Bishop by a team of International Bishops in 2005. His ministry sees him give speeches and preaching/teachings in many bible colleges, conferences and seminars. He and his wife and children make their abode in the City of Tshwane (Pretoria) South Africa.
Under the laws of South Africa he is a marriage officer with the right to solemnize marriages nationally. He is a marriage and crises counselor. Dr Musepa is the patron of the all Africa refugee and asylum organization and a contributing member to the reconciliation board. He has authored several manuscripts and quotes. .
Nigerian born South-Africa based writer and TV producer; a one time prize winning writer with South African Writers’ Circle (SAWC) and Australia’s BLM.
frica is a continent that is full of
mysteries and I grew up in the midst of these mysteries; believing in absurdities, situations that I can’t even explain in my mere and limited thinking. At the centre of my innocence and naivety, I have heard stories of local robbers deflecting bullets and transforming themselves into he-goats to escape police raid, how an unemployed graduate losses his manhood when he was slapped by a woman at the market place, how a cow chases a religious secretary down the street to make love to her or how dubious kidnappers turn youngsters to a loaf of bread for money rituals; such stories even make newspaper headlines!
He holds B.A degree in English (University of Ibadan, Nigeria) and he has contributed and published in literary journals both within and outside Africa including the renowned University of Michigan State’s The Offbeat (USA), Bruce Cook’s-Author 2008 publication (USA) and BLM’s E-zine (Australia); Dan has a dynamic experience spanning media (M-Net’s content editor) literature, public relations, TV and arts. He is recognized and published by Strathmore’s (USA) Global directory of “Who is Who” 2009/2010 publication for his commitment to the growth art and media.
• •
Whether they are true or not, I do not know but my psyche is filled with such tales so much that it had tremendous impact upon my writings over the years. The Absurdist Tales is a collection of short stories that embodies crazy fictions that I have published in various local and international journals and electronic publications over the years. From BLM’s emagazine in Australia to Bruce Cook Authored in the United States there is no doubt that stories - such as I have written here - drew laughter, questions and most importantly socio-cultural interest and academic debate in the mind of the readers. Author Dan Akinlolu
he Absurdist Tales is a collection of short stories that highlights various but
bizarre socio-cultural themes and humorous belief system that is common in urban African communities. Major global issues such as poverty, tribal conflicts, illiteracy, child-soldiers, rural-urban migration and even world war stories are retold in local setting that endears the readers to each character and draws familiarity between them and their internal conflicts. Each plot throws a fresh but in-depth insight into a world that everyone is familiar with (though bizarre as it may be). The collection is also a body of work that has enjoyed a wide readership through various publications across the globe within the last 5 years.
orn from very underprivileged
family Mwenya Katenga Mukuka pulled through Life with the help of God to become a Broadcaster, Journalist, Motivational speaker, Environmentalist, Writer and Author. Mwenya who once walked 12 Kilometers every day to get to school has worked as News editor for Yatsani Radio, Correspondent for Vatican radio and Reporters Uncensored while managing his media consulting firm; Prominent Media Concepts.
He is currently writing his autobiography to be published soon by his publisher Elijah Miti Consultancy Entreprises. He has written his first Book BASIC GUIDELINES TO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING which will be launched in April . In his book ,under ACKNOWLEDGMENTS he writes: ‘�This booklet has been made possible with the support from SADC Regional Environmental Education Programme (SADCREEP) and Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA). My special thanks to all that assisted me in writing this booklet, especially Shepard Urenje of SADCREEP for his valuable guidance and expertise.
I am also indebted to Victoria Msowoya (Malawian Environmental Journalist) for her editing and advice. My special tributes: Mr. Justine Mukosa, Ms. Ireen Lungu and Mrs. Chama Mwansa-Nyendwa of Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) also the late Environmental Journalist Singy Hanyona. I also give thanks to Yatsani Radio Director Father Edwin Mumba and all my workmates for the support. I also thank my parents Mr. Winstone Mukuka Katenga and Judith Kalwa Panda, my brothers and sisters for the support. Finally, colleagues in the (BAKALEMBA) you are great.�
Basic Guidelines To Environmental Reporting
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stand a chance of winning the following book
r. Isaac Malenga a Lala by tribe
was born on 25th April 1968, in Serenje District of Zambia. He started his school in 1974 at Kahema Course and moved to various parts of Zambia due to the nature of work of his father. In 1981 he did his Grade 9 secondary education in Kabwe at Mwashi Basic School. In 1985 he stopped school due to financial problems but found employment at a company called Mulungushi Textiles of Zambia as a Machine Operator. During this period he continued his education through distance education (GCE’O Level) and Bible School from one of the colleges in South Africa. In 1991 when there was a change of government he stopped work and joined the military. He was recruited in the Zambia Army but never went further so went to join the Zambia Police , but also went no further. During the period of 1985-1990 he learnt automobile mechanics in Kabwe, but never seriously to up the challenge in this field until 1991 to 2010.
He worked in various companies including the Zambia police as a volunteer. As at now he is running his own work as an automobile electrician He is a father of one beautiful daughter by the name of Faith which means God’s action. Isaac started writing at the age of 14 and the publishers who were reading his work was Kenneth Kaunda Foundation (KKF) although no book was published by then. Again due to financial constratits , he stopped to write until recently. Isaac would like to thank the Publisher Pastor Elijah Miti founder of Setorio Vision Ministries International, CEO of Elijah Miti Consultancy and business partner Mr. Nsangu Siwale from KLYN Consulting for taking up his material to publish it as a book. I’m so glad to be a member of The Elijah Miti Book Fun Club; the whole wolrd can now read my book. Also many thanks to those I have conducted a Bible Study with them and encouraged me to write the studies in form of books. Thanks also to the typist Sr. Gloria Ngosa Shezongo.
Subscribe today on www.elijahmiti.co.za
“You only live once if you live well once is enough” 79
oyi Mthembu is an independent
motivational speaker, active Candidate Member of the Professional Speakers’ Association of SA, author of inspirational books and a Publisher. In 2007, she attended a seminar by Dan Poynter, an international AuthorPublisher-Speaker from the United States of America on how to Write, Publish and Promote your book. Since then, Toyi Mthembu, author of hope and understanding; never looked back and has given so much to those who come across her the opportunity to “find themselves” and to live their lives to the fullest. She is a living example that there is so much in life that one can look forward to, and that there will be times in life when you have to smile through your own tears. The universe will get more and more from this compassionate author’s well of wisdom, whose enthusiasm and energy knows no boundaries.
Thanks giving The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want, He makes me lie down; in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.
“Some of us don’t give because we have but because we care”
He guides me in paths of righteousness, For His name’s sake Even though I walk through the valley Of the shadows of death; I will fear no evil; for you are with me Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
She has written three books : 1. Ignite Your Inner Soul 2. From A frying Pan To The Fire 3. Nectar For The Soul
You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 80
You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me; All the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord For ever. Toyi (NTZ) Mthembu When the purpose of marriage is not understood, there will never be appreciation and abuse is certain. A good marriage is a great deal of work. You cannot just pack up and leave at the first appearance of conflict. If you are planning of getting married, please do your homework and you will find that marriage can indeed be blissful. Till death do us part is indeed practical and is attainable but remember that there isn’t a perfect partner, a perfect marriage or a perfect life.
orgiveness is not something that
you do for someone but it is a gift you give to your own self. Carrying the past anger, hurt, pain, as well as other bad experiences, we create a reality that continues living and repeating itself over and over again in our lives and bringing up those old feelings all over again. It is not possible to be present and available wholeheartedly in a relationship until you heal the hurt, the pain, the resentment and all the bad experiences of the past. This applies to all kinds of relationships, being love, family, work or even the love for yourself. It does not help to dwell in the past because there is no future in the past. Make peace with your past and start from scratch if possible.
Each time I interact with her I leave having a better appreciation for life and wanting to become a better person! Toyi is a rare individual who has been faced with diversity on more than one occasion and yet has always bravely found a way to turn each life experience into a growth opportunity. Her love for life and drive to inspire and uplift others makes her the perfect author of a book entitled “NECTAR FOR THE SOUL” – the relationship you have with your own self. You are your own destiny. I am so proud of all your achievements, Toyi!
Beth-Ann Galvin Keschner Managing Director Business Communication Skills
Learn to work through the pain and to smile through your tears. Come; walk with me in making our dreams come true. You are your own destiny. If you’ve felt like you have wasted any part or parts of your life, God will gather those years and restore them to you. He will make you stronger, wiser and better than you were before. I had the good fortune of meeting Toyi Mthembu a few years back and it has been an inspiration getting to know her. 82
To Order Her books Please contact the Publisher Elijah Miti Consuntancy Enterprises; Order Now on Email: pttlyda@gmail.com
nstead of replaying your hurt, why
not focus on healing, and opening up to the goodness and the beauty of the world and all that is around you The future can bring a lot to a positive thinker. Always allow yourself to pursue the desire of your heart and free yourself from hardness, anger and resentment. It might have taken you a very long time, but do not allow yourself to be buries alive. Stand up, forward.
There is no key to happiness happiness is a freedom. You are your own destiny
By Toyi Mthembu
Subscribe today on www.elijahmiti.co.za
“You only live once if you live well once is enough” 84
nsteadYou are your own destiny
To Order Her books Please contact the Publisher Elijah Miti Consuntancy Enterprises; Order Now on Email: pttlyda@gmail.com
Are you Looking for youth training
Through distance education,Mr Shimabale was able to do his London GCE “A� Levels in 1960 while teaching in Kabwe then known as Broken Hill He was subsequently awarded a British Council Scholarship in 1961 to do a Diploma in The Teaching of English as a Second Language at Morary House College of Education in Edinburgh ,Scotland, which he successfully completed in June,1962. Mr. Shimabale holds a BA (Hons) in Ethnography and Sociology which he did at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden in 1967.
Shimabale signed up with Elijah Miti Book Fun Club in January 2010 after listening to UNZA Radio interview where the publisher announced his intentions to help Zambian Authors publish books. Mr Shimabale was Born in 1932 in Mumbwa in the Central province of Zambia. He initially trained as a Teacher at Chalimbana east of lusaka in 1956 after his Cambridge Oversea School Certificate in December ,1954 at Munali Secondary School, Lusaka.
Among the posts Mr. Shimabale held in the Civil Service before his retirement in 1994 were those of Ambassador to the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR), Permanent Secretary for Northern Province and Senior Principal Private Secretary ( Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet) at State House , Lusaka.Earlier ,Mr . Shimabale had served the tertiary sector of education in Zambia as Dean of Students ,initially, and later as Registrar of the University of Zambia from 1972 to 1976. 87
He is Married to Jean ( nee Kavu) with four grown up children ,Maimbo, Mato,Muyoba and Mope. Mr Shimabale lives on the outskirts of Lusaka in the Chiefdom of Mukamabo II, Senior Chieftainess Nkomeshya,trying to do peasant farming. His Hobbies include serious reading and listening to music and has widely travelled . He has written two powerful books with the following titles : 1. Birdland Where No Birds Sing a poetry book. 2. The Resilience Of The Political System Of The Less Complex Societies Of Zambia.
These books have been published by Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises and will be launched in Zambia soon. 88
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Real Estate
Have a business that will enjoy the tax benefits and because they produce a cash flow. Real Estate
Remember its all about cash flow and not capital gains!
This enables you to use other people’s money (good debt) to generate cash flow. Paper Assets Stocks can be good investments once you know how to use them to generate cash flow. Commodities Invest in commodities because they are a hedge against inflation.
Life is a journey that one should walk in straight and not zig zag -Your family matters most, its good to be hard working but always have time for the family. -Its not that life is to short to live ,it only that we take too long to begin. -Don't let your stressful day at work, ruin the rest of the evening with family. -I would rather have less money that not enjoying life with my family. -Train yourself and enjoy the journey.
-Your children need your smile , support -Its not the time we spend together that matters its the time we ignite as a family -Draw the line in the sand and spend time with your family. -You can make a memory at a dinner table with family , as you take a walk with your children in the park. -Stoop being workaholics and start spending time wit the Keep God first and he will take you places.
-life is a journey there will always be a balance . -Change your approach slow down and enjoy the journey. -When you fulfil one dream don’t stay in it move on to another dream. Maybe your business dream has not worked to stop along the way continue the journey. -When you have children; do you enjoy them or just rise then up without much fun. -Enjoy your children because twenty years from now you will miss those little foot steps. -Parents always try to be at your children fun and school soccer cause time never comes back. 98
It is a sad and pitiable situation to see almost all the women bleaching their skin, including some men. One wonders whether this is due to inferiority complex or a sign of beauty or worse still the loss of self value or worth, it leaves much to be desired. What really is the problem?
Skin Bleaching-
is it a sign of beauty, inferiority complex or loss of self value?
By Paxina Phiri. Healthcare Publications Ltd.
eauty is more than skin
deep. We are what we are because our creator made us so. Anything else would amount to querying his judgement. To change your skin colour is to betray your maker and your faith, for in the realms of religion there must be no room for vanity. Bleaching is most certainly not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.
There is a large segment of our population who are convinced that being lighter in complexion is to their advantage, socially, in terms of their relationships and economically, in terms of getting ahead. Some girls bleach their faces and when they are asked why, they have no answer. Some girls feel that with a lighter complexion, their prospects in life would improve and some still think that men are to blame because they want light skinned women. This is rather unacceptable of course.With my little research I have done, I have been made to understand that as soon as you start bleaching your skin and for it to work, you have to avoid the sun like a plague, but who can manage to do that? It is worth remembering that the younger the skin, the more harmful the effects of the sun and therefore starting to bleach the skin early in life is to commit to a later life of misery.
Bleaching, fundamentally of one’s skin in my own opinion is lack of self confidence and self worth. The Africans after several years of post colonialism cannot exorcise the indignation and wants to be white and even after getting independence we are more reliant on the white man than ever before. The medical consequences of bleaching are many and included increased pigmentation over the bony prominences such as the forehead, cheeks, nose, lower jaws and the sides of the neck. "Patients who use steroid based creams are likely to have side effects that leads to the increased thinning of the skin and stretch marks. This is now a common sight at funerals and not surprisingly in younger women who have not even started having children. There are certain parts of the body where bleaching is difficult, the lips, hands particularly the knuckles, feet knees ankles and elbows and these areas always reveals the secret. What erroneously started as a beautifying process predictably ended up messing the most obvious part of the body, the face. The cost of bleaching one’s skin is prohibitive
The cost of soaps, creams and time wasted, sitting and waiting for the soaps and creams to take a toll, over the many years are enormous and only to end up with years of repair work which would not and cannot reverse the damage. It is vital to remember that the effects of the sun are accumulative progressive and irreversible. I imagine what this money can be used on, like the buying of insecticides treated nets for all the children in the house to prevent them from getting malaria, providing balanced diets to prevent malnutrition and many more. I suppose that confidence teaching must start in our homes and then to schools and beyond, but what if your mother has bleached, your teacher has bleached, your queen mother has bleached, television presenters have bleached and so has your Pastor, then all around you is lack of self worth. The radiance that shines through an individual and her comportments are all attributes that attest not only to her beauty but also her confidence. Bleaching leaves body odour which is anything from stale, mousy to fishy.
Is it that men would ignore everything else for a lighter individual with body odour? Why would any man want an affair with a lady with a body odour? An Anti-skin bleaching campaign must be launched i think, because the repercussions are threatening. Here are some views from some of the Lusaka residents: Miss Tandiwe Kathy Munyama said it was better to leave the skin the way it was than trying to apply bleaching creams to change it. She said the time these people want to stop bleaching their skin; it would not be the same or go back to its original state.Tandiwe also said people should appreciate the way God made them.
And Mr Kesh Chisambi the president of Zambia National Federation of the Blind said he does not favour people changing their skin. He stated that with all the new technologies people were changing one thing or the other but that it was dangerous to change one’s skin. He said so many people where going to church now and that the church does not allow people to bleach their skin because they were questioning God’s judgement. He advised the men to shun women who bleach their skin.
Another resident of Lusaka, Mr Robert Mbewe of Bauleni compound said that people who bleach have different skin colour because the cream does not make them look white or brown everywhere and they are viewed as not being normal. He said you would find that the face is brown but the hands and the legs are black. He stated that people should appreciate the way God made them because by bleaching their skin, they are telling God that he made a mistake by giving them a black skin. 101
However, my mother told me one thing that will never forget, “You can be anything that you can ever dream of, all you have to do is believe and hold on to your dream tightly.� With these words ringing in my mind every day, I made one decision to never ever let my situation hold me back from achieving my dream. I may not be an Engineer now, but I am happy as I am doing what I love to do: I am currently pursuing a bachelor of arts with education at the University of Zambia, majoring in civic education and development studies minor. I am also doing a part time job as a radio presenter and programme producer.
By Robert Ntitima Jr
ver 70% of my life I have
lived in a rural area. My father retired from formal employment when I was 6 years old and since then my family has been staying at the village. One thing about life in the village is that school is not a priority; most young people marry at very early age. Being brought up in such an environment, I was slowly giving up on my dream of ever being an engineer like my father. Frustration was building up in me.
Life has taught a lot of things that I would like to share with you. Failure and frustrations will inevitably come along our way in our journey of life. The poor and the rich both meet their own adversaries. Therefore, there must be a deliberate strategy we need to devise to respond to our times of adversity. It is not the question of if they come but when they come, how prepared are we to withstand their effects. What is critical about handling frustrations is literally based on how we respond to the problem. Here are some essential nuggets to help you be better equipped and positioned to handle your moments of adversary.
You must have in your mind right from the beginning that your aim is to turn your adversary into an advantage. Most people often make the mistake of magnifying the problem before them such that their focus is so shifted away from identifying opportunities within that situation. Focus on what you have control over and can change. A problem will often have two sides to it, that which you have control over and that which is out of your control. Most people tend to get so devastated with what is out of their control, that they end up doing nothing about what is in their control. Focus on drawing valuable lessons from the situation . The worst thing you can ever do when you go through a problem is to come out of it not having learnt anything. The greatest of men who have ever lived are those who went beyond just experiencing a problem to, finding a solution and further drawing lessons for the future.
If you are devastated by a lack of debt management, it will be so unfortunate for your children to come and experience similar problems. Don’t focus on taking a personal blame but accept responsibility There is a difference between blaming yourself and taking responsibility. When you blame yourself, you condemn yourself and fall into self pity. But taking responsibility means accepting your mistakes and finding a solution to move forward. Focus on the big picture: When you go through challenging moments in life, it is not a call for you to quit. It is an opportunity for you to learn, grow and be better placed for the future. If something is worth pursuing, then you have to pursue it obstinately. I have learnt from my experience that usually, it is more costly to quit than to move on. So dare to pursue what you really believe in. Remember that achievement is not the final mark, but the entire process to that mark is what makes you an achiever. We are all destined for greatness; never let your circumstances hold you back. From a humble village boy, I can proudly say my future is bright and I need sun glasses all the time because it’s to bright for my eyes to handle. YOU TOO CAN BE, EVEN GREATER!! 103
Now I have a big and well stocked library. I have developed some good bad manners in that I don’t sleep without reading one or two pages from a novel no matter how tired I am. Now it’s bad, since I have to study but I never forget to read something from a novel. I sleep with a novel and a school material on my side. I have grown up with this.
childhood, I have always
known that I wanted to be a writer. I remember during primary school, I would write short poems, stories and plays which we acted as a drama club. I remember writing one short play which saw us being picked to compete in some festival I can’t even remember properly. I have always been an ardent reader and as young as 8 years old, I had my own established library which my friends used to envy.
Growing up was good except I did not play most games my friends played. Growing up in the camp, I would hear my friends outside playing all sorts of games. My mother would come to my room to plead with me to go outside and play games, but most of the times, I would just tell her that I would rather be in my room reading or writing and she would get upset with me. I think she had fears that I would go mad as it was rumored that people who read too much ended up going mad. I can’t say I did not play with my friends, no, I did, only that I did not play as much as they did. Games I liked playing were those which either had me as a writer, or an actress, or both and I think sometimes my friends found me boring. 104
Sometimes, I would allow them to lead me and we would go hill climbing to collect fruits of just walk around on top of the hill. Most of my friends were far much older than me and my mother would ask me why I couldn’t play with friends my age. I also loved swimming in the stream and every time my mother found out, she would give me a good hiding and to me that meant locking myself up in the room and irritating her more with my reading and switching off from the outside world. Let me not bore you with my growing up. I told you about it so you could know though that my reading and writing comes from way back. The first serious piece of writing I did was after writing my grade seven examinations. I was so bored; I decided to write a book. It was a real life story which happened to a friend of mine in primary school. I showed it to Innocent Kalaluka and he liked it and encouraged me to have it published. I then started making appearances on his show (Smooth Talk) to ask for sponsorship and within a short period of time, it was found. But, typical of the Zambian picture, it was a long process and at the end of the day, that book never saw the light of day. To make matters worse, my manuscript was lost together with the flash disk where the soft copy was saved. I will spare you the details, just know that, up to now, I mourn the loss of my many script and I don’t know what I am going to do if I ever see my own book on the market in someone else’s name.
When I was in high school, I was trained in Basic Journalism by Youth Media at ZAMCOM. I was under their project known as Children Press Bureau (CPB). I and my friends used to write articles which would be published in the mainstream media (daily newspapers). This exposed me more to the world of writing and my passion for it grew. I also did some serious acting in high school and I befriended the people who were writing the scripts for what we were acting. This made me learn more about how to write a Soap Opera script and I stated writing my own movie scripts (I have them in my library and they will see the light of day when the time is right). In January, 2009, a friend of mine, Damazio Phiri called me to ask if I would be interested in acting in a radio soap that he was producing and I immediately liked the idea. We met and I offered to be writing the scripts. This radio soap has been running since January, 2009 and I have been writing the scripts as well as acting in it since then. This is my first real script writing and I am hoping to develop it as a career as I am enjoying what I am doing. It’s all fiction. Damazio created the characters and I have made them my babies, I help them develop by directing them on how they should grow. 105
Everything that I write in the scripts comes from my mind. I remember when my mother asked me about it and I told her, she almost freaked out. I am so sure she got her earlier fears of me going mad. She just said, “Lister, uzafunta (Lister, you will go mad).” She said it was not normal to write all those things from my mind. I told her that it was perfectly normal and that I would not go mad. She still couldn’t believe so one day as I was writing three episodes for the radio soap, I called her to sit and watch. I wrote for 2 hours nonstop and she was there watching me. I expected her to throw away her fears after watching me, but I was wrong, she told me that now she was convinced that I wasn’t normal. I love writing. It’s one of the ways I express myself. If I am feeling something and I don’t want to tell anyone about it, I put it in writing. This helps me a great deal. Am so happy the job I do requires me to read and write a lot. I intend to make it big in writing. I am going to so big everyone will know about me, everyone will respect my work, and every one will like my work. I will be big; Watch out for me.
ear Elijah
All I can say is WOW!! I am sure that meeting you yesterday was God given. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and making me realize again after reading your book and chatting with you that I still have a dream. I woke up this morning humming cheerfully even my husband noticed the difference. Thank you again now I know I have a dream and that I should live this dream. Thank you for being my future mentor in Motivation and Positivity. May God bless you in abundance!! Alta le Roux
hen I was five years old, I was
defiled. It did not bother me much because I did not know what that meant. There was a man who worked as a gardener at my house, during his spare time, he sold assorted type of candy, and my older sisters frequented his little cottage behind the house. Usually they would give me some of the sweets until one day when they decided to take me to the cottage where he lived. I remember it was night time. They left me there and he abused me while they watched through the window.
When he was done, he gave them a packet full of sweets to share and my sisters took me to shower up because I was bruised and bleeding. I was threatened not to tell my parents. My father has always worked abroad and he was not always home. I endured some pain for a while; I was scared to open up for 12 years I kept it to myself. When I was in my 9th grade I began to ask questions but I couldn't get answers anywhere. It haunted me for days until one of my sisters admitted the truth. I became bitter and I decided to become an introvert. My family at that time was a broken home because most of my sisters had issues of dating the wrong men which made my mother angry. After I wrote my exams that year I felt intimidated and rejected among my peers, I wanted to become cool, so someone persuaded me to enter into a teenage relationship, I became unruly all I wanted was to fit in and to forget my problems. I decided to date this guy who just broke my heart in the end. I could not understand why I was hurting myself. After that I dated so many guys at the same time and one of them asked for sex. I couldn't give in and I explained the incident of defilement and he said he was cool with it. one day he tricked me to his house, we talked for some time then he began to kiss me, 108
I kissed him back thinking it would just end there, he began to undress me I told him to stop. I stood up and decided to leave but he became angry, he beat me up and raped me. I tried to report the matter to someone I trusted but that was four days after the incident. When we told one of the elderly people (some relative) they said that nobody would believe a case of date rape and that the police would say that it was agreed upon. I didn't know what to do, I went for counselling and I decided to start my life one a good not, a clean slate I took my Christianity seriously as well as my studies everything went well until one day on my way back from school I decided to take a shortcut and upon using that route, two guys attacked me and the other one abused me. I asked God what I did wrong to deserve such treatment, I talked to several people but they told me that my story did not sound real and that I was lying about everything. I kept hatred, bitterness, I felt filthy, dirty, I wasn't a virgin and when most people asked the virginity question it would hurt me as if it was written all over me. I almost committed suicide, I drunk a number of pills but did not die. Due to my silence my mother had problems with me, she always attacked me and it depressed me a lot. I did not need critics but people who would motivate me. every night I slept I would wake up and cry. my life changed the day I attended a sermon at church, the pastor preached on forgiveness and the effects of bitterness to a persons life. I was upset, I felt as if he knew and was simply talking about me.
but I continued going to church, as time went buy I began to read the Bible, I felt at peace when I was at church, bit by bit I began to heal. today I can talk about it freely. I decided to go for an HIV test and to my surprise I was Negative. it was just the doing of God and it made me realise that God was not done with me yet and he was just beginning to change me. right now I am a first year journalism student, I am in a stable relationship, I have someone who respects and loves me. someone who is willing to love me for I am and not for my body. only God is the true healer.
By : Unanimous
My name is Thando Mariah Miti I hope you have learned something from my daddy ,God bless!