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Qualities Of A Leader





Qualities Of A Leader

All rights reserved. No part of this book should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without the written permission from the author and publisher, with the exception of brief excepts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc. ISBN: 978-0-620-45180-2 Copyright Š 2009 Publisher: Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Mobile: +27785666535 or +27761285439 Email: pttlyda@gmail.com


Qualities Of A Leader

Presented To: President/Minister/King/Prince/Dr/Rev/ Bishop/Proff/Mr./Mrs./Miss .......................................................................................................... On the occasion of ........................................................................................................ By ........................................................................................................ Date: Affirmation .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... Author’s Autography............................................................. Dr. Elijah Miti


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader

CONTENTS Dedication




Chapter One


Definition of a Leader


Chapter Two


Value, Model and Gifts of a Leader


Chapter Three


How to Find Leaders


Chapter Four


What Do You Teach Leaders


Chapter Five


God Qualifies the Call



Qualities Of A Leader

Chapter Six


Live Your Dream


Chapter Seven




Contact Information


Books Published


About the Author



Qualities Of A Leader



dedicate this book to the almighty God the

creator of the heavens and the earth who has given the Grace of salvation, my late Father Mr Elijah Eskale Miti Senior, my mother Mrs Mary Moses Miti, my dear wife Penelope Chilandu Mulolo Miti, my two daughters Thando and Maude Miti, my brother Alick Miti and my sisters late Esther Miti Mwansa, Late Lydia Miti Khan, late Edith Miti Kanyangwa and Maria Miti Mukhala who has been an Encouragement and an inspiration in the faith. To my niece’s Sheena, Lily, Lusungu and Nephew’s Egispo Jnr, Suzyo, Osward and Chambwe. My brother in Law’s Dr. Elijah Mukhala, Mr Egispo Mwansa, Mr Isaac Kanyangwa and the entire Mulolo family.


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader



he steps of the righteous are ordered by the

Lord. It has taken me time to realise that God called me to fulfil one of the Five Fold Ministries in the body of Christ as a Teacher (1 Corinthians 12:28).In the early hours of the 19th of September 2009 the Holy Spirit revealed this in a dream and I saw myself preaching, inspiring and motivating people in a big auditorium with over 50,000 people. In the past years, I have been approached many times by men and women of God to partner and start up a Church but my heart has not been in that area even though am a qualified Pastor. God has not spoken to me to establish a church yet and there is nothing wrong with establishing churches we need as many churches as possible. What is important is hearing what God wants you to


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establish with a right motive. My passion has been helping church planting, church growth, Leadership Training and Missions. The word says in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body”. In verse 15 “If the foot should say, because am not a hand, I do not belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body” .In verse 17 “if the whole body were an eye where would the sense of hearing be?” which simply means that not everyone is supposed to be a Pastor of a church though we are in one body, but you can do other functions in the five fold ministry as the Lord wishes. Kingdom leadership is all about hearing from God and what he wants you to do in the five fold ministry. I have seen many churches today; I feel in my spirit that at the moment that is not the area God called me to do. I strongly feel that I have been called to help those already in established churches to break the barrier that is in their minds as Christians of belonging to say Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal or Watch Tower Church. My assignment is to help and teach Christians regardless of their denomination to realise that we belong to one Family and that is the Kingdom of God. Christianity isn’t about a church building, church name or doctrine; Christianity is about you


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being part of the kingdom of God as you are the church or the temple. The Great commission is not only meant for Pastors to preach the gospel, but the “Go he therefore to the uttermost parts of the earth and preach “is meant for all believers. The purpose of the great commission was to establish a kingdom from heaven here on earth in the hearts of men. The Purpose of Jesus message here on earth; he preached and taught about the Kingdom and he is the key to the door through which we have access to the privileges of the Kingdom. Jesus brought Salvation, Justification, Restoration, Purity or Righteousness so that we can be able to receive the Holy Spirit again.


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader



Leader is a professional student of the

Ministry, organisation or business. A leader is someone who builds, communicates his positive vision, motivates and inspires his or her team achieves the desired goals and objectives.


Qualities Of A Leader

“Most people fail as leaders because of not mastering the Art of being trained as a leader” Elijah Miti

Characteristics of quality leaders are:


That they should be focussed. Encourage input and co-operation. Break down and complete an activity. Have a Positive attitude. Avoid compromise. Get results.

“The measure of a man is what he does with Power” Pittacus


Qualities Of A Leader

We need the Fivefold ministry in leadership to be operational in the body of Christ to see the fruits of the Kingdom. As leaders we need to be rooted just like a tree, not afraid of being shaken by the wind, flexible when changing times come and grow like a tree grows where it is planted.


Apostles Prophets Teachers Evangelists Pastors

1. APOSTLES An Apostle is a man appointed by God first of all in the Church of Jesus Christ-God appoints Apostles (Mark 3:14, I Cor 12:28) -They perform Miracles, signs and wonders (Acts 5:12) The Lord Jesus appointed his twelve apostles Simon who is called Peter, Zebedee and his brother John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and


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Matthew the tax collector, James and Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. (Matt 10:2-4).

2. PROPHETS A Prophet is a man appointed by God to be his spokesman here on earth (Deut 18:18). Prophets are the second appointed as leaders in the body of Christ who are there to edify the church about the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor 12:28).

3. TEACHER To teach means to instruct for church. When you are a Teacher you are not preaching but transferring information of the Kingdom to men and women here on earth. This is a title, Jesus used during his ministry (Matt 23:8, 10. Mark 5:35,John 13:13).

4. EVANGELIST This is the forth appointed leader in the Church of Jesus Christ. These are miracles workers; also have the gifts of healing (1Conrinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11).


Qualities Of A Leader

The purpose of Evangelists is to help and prepare God’s people for work of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

5. PASTORS The fifth leader in the five fold Ministry are Pastors (Ephesians 4:11).Pastors also help and prepare Gods people for work of Service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Any leader that has a vision and at the end of the day has no followers is merely taking a walk.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” Warren G, Bennies


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader



Leader should have certain core values,

adopt a model and have some gifts and talents in order to lead effectively be it in Ministry or Business.


Qualities Of A Leader



Pray Until Something Happens

Leaders should also be healthy and FAT



Faithful Available Teachable

One quality of a leader is being prayerful and having a daily communion with God. Before you can speak to God about the people you lead, you need to speak to God about yourself first, and then after you have spoken to God about yourself, speak to God about the people and finally speak to the people about God. The inside out approach should be number one in leadership, know the man in the mirror first. A leader with quality should also be faithful by having the faith that works through God .He should also be available for service as God is not looking for people with ability ,but he is looking for people who are available (Isaiah 1:19).


Qualities Of A Leader

Finally a quality leader should have a teachable spirit (Prov 3:5-6, Heb 12:1, Ecclesiastes 9:10-11).


Goals Reality Options Will

– – – –

What do you want? What is happening now? What could you do? What will you do?

GIFTS IN QUALITY LEADERS All leaders should yearn and pray to possess the following gifts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Wisdom Knowledge Faith Healing Prophecy Interpretation Speaking Other Tongues


Qualities Of A Leader

LEADERSHIP QUALITY RESOURCES That will enable LEADERS to achieve success: Good Health Experiences Connections Goals Enthusiasm Money Family Attitude Aptitude Prayer Fellowship Attentive Faithful Available Teachable


Qualities Of A Leader



e should know that everyone is special

and as a leader focus on others and take care of each other. You can find leaders in the following ways:

1. STEAL THEM *By offering them a higher pay


Qualities Of A Leader

Pit fall to this is that you have temporal leaders. Leaders bought once, can be bought again that is why it is better to have Permanent leaders around. You need the second option which is:




*When building leaders from the scratch give them two Tests: (a) (b)

Observation Test –ABC Practical Test


= = =

Attitude Belief Commitment

Observation Test-1


Qualities Of A Leader

What is your attitude towards? *Yourself and family? *The opportunity you have? *The people you talk to?

BE POSITIVE Positive people achieve their goals and smile at people. Feed your mind with positive things. Philippians 4:8 “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report…Think on these things.” It is the desire that you grow that will make you who God wants you to be. Think and dream big for our expectation set the limits for our lives. Start expecting supernatural increase, enlarge your vision as a leader and stop focusing on your problem, but focus on God, he is bigger than your circumstance, bigger than your problem, bigger than your situation and bigger than the obstacle standing in front of you. Ask God to help you maximize your potential by confessing his word. The more opportunity and responsibility, the more God will give you supernatural power to accomplish it.


Qualities Of A Leader

Don’t let negative emotions let you forget who you are in Christ, Emotions like fear, worry, discouragement, regret have no place in your life as a leader.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2 v 9

STAY HUMBLE 1. 2. 3.

Put others first. Don’t let your ego reach your head. Respect other people.

“If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want” Zig Ziglar


Qualities Of A Leader

More quotes:

“Our attitude is the only difference between success and Failure. Our attitude at the beginning of a task will affect its outcome. Our attitude can turn problems into blessings. Our attitude is not automatically good because we are Christians”. John Maxwell Jim Dornan says in his book Strategies for Success: “Never underestimate the power of attitude: It is the advance man of our true selves. Its roots are inward but its fruits are outward. It is our best friend or our worst enemy. It is the speaker of our present. It is the prophet of our future.


Qualities Of A Leader

It is more honest and more consistent than our words. It is a thing which draws people to us or repels them. It is a librarian of our past.

“You are only an attitude away from your success� Jim Dornan Observation Test-1

B = BELIEF What is your belief in the ministry or industry you are in? Network marketing has in the past recorded annual revenue of over $100 Billion worldwide and South Africa alone at one time showed R4.13 Billion in profits. Whosoever believes in him (Jesus) shall have everlasting life that is the belief of a leader of the Kingdom of God. Observation Test-1



Qualities Of A Leader

What makes a personal commitment “personal” is the voluntary aspect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Be committed to tasks. Don’t be competitive. Be on time and don’t cancel meetings. Smile to strangers from the heart. Be committed to group efforts. Learn from your mistakes.

(B) TEST 2 PRACTICAL FOR LEADERS The second way to Test Leaders is by asking them to give a sacrifice with their own money to do a project. Then do another test by giving the new leader a book to read and discuss what is in the book or contents at the next meeting. *Potential Leaders will actually read the book *Non Leaders will give excuses *In every problem a leader will think differently than a Network Partner or an ordinary person *A Potential Leader can’t learn what he doesn’t know.


Qualities Of A Leader

We must give him the knowledge so that he can learn a new type of thinking. Many leaders fail to conquer fear to try things Again and again; At Age He failed in business. He ran for state legislation and was defeated. He had a nervous breakdown. He was defeated as House speaker. He was defeated as elector. At age He was defeated for congress He was elected in congress. He was defeated for the senate. He was elected as vice president. He was again defeated for the senate. He was elected President of USA.

22 23 27 29 31 34 37 46 47 49 51

He is the man many considered to be the greatest president of the United States of American, his name was Abraham Lincoln. As a leader it does not matter how many times you have failed in life, but how many times you have succeeded and done the best to change the course of history.


Qualities Of A Leader



n every problem a leader will think differently

than a Network Partner or an ordinary person. *A Potential Leader can’t learn what he doesn’t know. We must give him the knowledge so that he can learn new type of thinking that is positive.


Qualities Of A Leader

Everyone has problems: *Leaders became leaders, because of how they think and handle problems. *Teach leaders to focus on results not effort. *Build strong personal relationships.

DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY In the Bible we are taught not to worry, as leaders learn to depend on the higher source and don’t depend on your own understanding (Matt 6:25-32, Prov 3:5-6). Listen to what Jesus says, "Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Most of us remember the first time we heard officially on the news that our economy is in a recession. But did you know that the next morning, the birds still woke up and sang? They didn't fall off their branches in unbelief and start flying around here and there worrying, stopping their song. So what are we to do as leaders? Trust God, and just like the birds, praise Him. Keep that song of praise in your heart. When the praises go up, the blessings come down.


Qualities Of A Leader

His joy is our strength through the hard times. When you spend your time worrying, you're not putting your faith out there. Worry says, "I'm not going to get a job. I'm never going to get my retirement back." Count it all joy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Even when you have had a bad day put a smile on your face. Each problem has a light at the end. Who has added a single hair by worrying? Worry affects performance. Worry affects emotions. Worry ignites stress. Worry can cause your whole body system to shut down.

Today put on the garments of praise, the garment of praise says, "Father, I thank you for the victories you've already brought me. Thank you for the favour. Thank you that you're turning my situation around."



Qualities Of A Leader

As a leader you need to be there for your team that you lead by offering support. Make every person you meet feel needed, important and appreciated: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Be reliable. Listen to people when they talk. Be on time for any assignment. Don’t cancel meetings.

The attitude you bring with you is the attitude you get from other people look for the best in people and develop a spirit of giving in the form of your time and money.


Never give up on anything. Be dedicated. Be aware of your surroundings. Be in front. Lead by example. Appreciate other people.

SERVE Successful people serve not only those whom they lead but they serve life itself.


Qualities Of A Leader

1. 2. 3. first? 4.

Serve others first before you are served. Be modest. Doesn’t worry about money build a team Support your team by sacrificing your time.

STAY AHEAD A leader should learn to be abreast with changes in the environment and market requirements. A leader should: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have a team behind him. Identify opportunities. Fill in the blanks. Watch and learn. Build and grow a team.

INTEGRITY Integrity goes hand in hand with ethics and values and has more to do with one’s character WHAT DO WE TEACH LEADERS? INTEGRITY IS DOING THINGS RIGHT EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO ONE AROUND.


Qualities Of A Leader

Integrity is consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcome. Leaders should be taught to act in accordance with positive beliefs, ethics and master: -

Support Development Honesty Expectations

PROMOTION The size of your seed determines the size of your harvest as a leader you should learn to appreciate what your team sows and the positive outcome. Promotion is about: 1. 2. 3.

Acknowledging people when they do a good job. Recognising their work. Appreciating them for their hard work.

GOAL SETTING Goal setting is one of the most important areas that a leader looks at when planning and leading a team. The team should be advised what the goals


Qualities Of A Leader

and objectives are for specific project. Goals go with the word SMART.



Specific Measure Attainable Relevant Time bound

WHAT DO WE TEACH LEADERS? Be specific when setting goals, measure performance that are attainable, make your goals relevant and set out time limits for results. Be committed to your goals and be the best you can be at all times.

BE PASSIONATE Be a light house full of passion, Light up the candle in your life with zeal and enthusiasm. Make the most in every opportunity that God gives you and learn not to embrace the obstacles but rather embrace the opportunity. In 2 Corinthians 9:6 the Bible shows us that “He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly�.


Qualities Of A Leader

When a leader is passionate about his team and work: 1. Passion is contagious 2. Passion is a great attribute to success

TEAM PLAYER A team comprises a group of people or animals linked in a common purpose.All teams are groups, but not all groups are teams.Teams are there for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and has many interdependent subtasks. As a team player: -

Know what fits in your team. Team work means having to take the blame of others Share responsibilities. Communicate. Collaborate or work together. Support your other team members.

Use the three D’s -

Direct Delegate Demonstrate


Qualities Of A Leader

An example of Team players is the life of Geese, their characteristics are: -

They share common goals. They fly in a V formation. Share information as a team. Support & inspire front liners. Stand by each other. If one is sick some team members wait for the sick to recover.


Develop people first. Respect other team players Compliment each other. Be a solid individual yourself. Use trained skill to train others.


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader



t this stage you might have questions to

say does God only call or appoint qualified people to be Leaders?

“Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we


Qualities Of A Leader

ask or think according to the power that’s works in us” Ephesians 3v20 He can raise you as a leader regardless of your background as God does not look at your size, color, gender or your qualification. When God calls you he qualifies the call, look at Moses in Exodus a man who ran away from Egypt after killing a man and he could not speak very well plus he had a very short temper. God raised him and healed him, made him into a powerful leader who led the people of Israel out of bondage. Look at present day Pastor Benny Hinn, in his book Good Morning Holy Spirit he shares how that when he was young before accepting Christ he stammered. After receiving Christ and as he started preaching God healed him, today we see a powerful man of God on television who has preached in many countries on this continent. Stop limiting what God can do, he will do more when he calls or appoints you as a leader he will give you the words to speak to the people. Go beyond the barriers of your past. You might have come from a poverty stricken area. Don’t settle for mediocrity.


Qualities Of A Leader

Don’t settle for the status quo. Don’t let your past kill your dream. Don’t let relatives or friends limit your vision.


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader



arly in the year 2009 I had a Dream to

establish a Non-Denomination Academy where people could come to get inspired, motivated, trained, mentored counselled spiritually, personally, emotionally and financially. In May 2009 I was accredited as a motivational speaker by a network marketing company and this


Qualities Of A Leader

September Adopted as a member of The Professional Speakers Association in Southern Africa (PSASA). I can only say “Oh see what the Lord has done” On 1st September 2009 my dream became a reality and Live Your Dream Academy was officially opened in Pretoria South Africa and Launched on 12th September 2009.

One morning as I was driving to work, I started asking the Lord to say “Father I have opened the Academy what next?” and the Holy Spirit answered” Elijah Pray”. I then realised that maybe I was doing things in my own strength and I needed to be in constant touch with the Father in order to know what to do next and not to worry about numbers.


Qualities Of A Leader

I then decided that every day, I would go to the Academy and just have a time of praise and worship and study the word of God.

LIVE YOUR DREAM! DREAM! One afternoon as I was in the presence of God the Holy Spirit prompted me to send a text message (sms) to a man of God I dearly love and respect who I call my Academic Spiritual Father and I asked him how I could join the Association of Pastors in Pretoria. The man of God replied and told me that in fact I had called at the right time because there was a new network for Pastors that was being formed and the first meeting was to be held the following day at 9am. The following day we attended the meeting and I thought there would be a lot of Pastors coming through, but in the end it was just the host a successful Senior Pastor with a 10,000 capacity Church and a millionaire in business, my academic Father who has opened many Churches across Africa and trained many pastors including myself a new minister in town and on the world map. As the Host chaired the meeting and poured out his heart about leadership, business and the fivefold ministry, it became so obvious to me that as a body


Qualities Of A Leader

of Christ we have neglected the fivefold ministry as we have in most cases just left everything to be done by the Pastor of a Church. The Pastor is the Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist and the Apostle in the end we abuse men of God. The only time we hear of Evangelists, Apostles or Prophets in the Church today is when we have a visiting Preacher from another town or country. Beloved this is a time to raise quality leaders in the Churches that will operate in the five fold Ministry, then and only then shall we see the seven promises of jubilee became a reality in the lives of many. It’s time to bring revival, restoration and dignity in the body of Christ. We have been sleeping for too long it’s time to arise and shine for the Kingdom of God .It’s time to bring healing, deliverance, comfort, joy, peace, love, good anointed leadership in the lives of believers and let the Holy Spirit teach us the way of the Lord. We need to allow God appoint Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers, Apostles so that we can see the seven promises come to pass in the body of Christ that is: Liberty Possessions Restoration Increase

(Leviticus 25:10) (Leviticus 25:13) (Leviticus 25:10) (Leviticus 25:12)


Qualities Of A Leader

Freedom Safety Blessings

(Leviticus 25:14) (Leviticus 25:18) (Leviticus 25:21)

My prayer for your beloved is : Ephesians 3:14-21 In times of difficulty trust in the Lord and do good. When Live Your Dream Academy was officially opened I had identified leaders whom I wanted to work with and only 75% responded but 30% became committed to the vision. One thing I learnt is that when God has given you a dream not many people will acknowledge your dream. I’m reminded of a story in the Bible when Joseph had a dream and his brothers hated him for it. Sometimes you might try to embrace your close friends to be part of your team but that is not always the wise thing to do as the result might not meet your expectations. Ladies and gentlemen when you have a dream the enemy will try to discourage you; the people you love will criticise and even want you to abort your dream. Joseph was rebuked even by his own father when he told him that he would bow before him. The story of a sower has really encouraged me; we are told that when the sower went to plant his seed some seeds fell along the way and the birds eat them.


Qualities Of A Leader

In the same way sometimes when you have a dream the people you think will be with you shall be like those seeds that fell along the way. You may even invite your closest friend to see what God has done in your life and they will never show up. That’s not a time to feel discouraged but it’s time to realise that when you have a dream many will not acknowledge it until there is a famine in the land and they will come like Joseph’s brothers came to bow before him and buy grain. Know that as God raises you as a leader there will be a pruning process, your life will change and so will your friends. If you want to be wise find wise people and make them your friends. If you want to be successful mingle with successful people and people that are positive. If you have friends around you who confess negatively or are super Gossipers, you are likely to be affected and infected, in no time you will be the best Gossiper ever lived. If you have friends who are robbers you won’t even realised it that you are in fact robbing a bank. Good and bad habits are contagious. A Dream is a substance of great life’s achievement.


Qualities Of A Leader

Live Your Dream Academy Pretoria South Africa.


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Qualities Of A Leader



ou affect generations to come by the

decision you make today as a leader. • • • • • • • •

See increase. See yourself pay off all your debts. See promotion. See yourself overcome obstacles. Say Yes I can change. Yes my bank account shall be loaded. Yes I am a victor. Yes to your goals.

Be guilty of happiness. Be guilty of being enthusiastic.


Qualities Of A Leader

Get up each day excited. Be expectant that it’s your day. Be grateful for what you have today. Quit thinking of what’s wrong. And start thanking God for what’s right. Whatever you do, Do it with enthusiasm. God wants to enlarge your vision. A man becomes what he thinks about. Don’t let your miracle became your monument. Don’t take for granted what God has given you. God wants you to be greater than your forefathers. It does not matter whether you are preaching for the first time. Change your thinking. RAISE YOUR LEVEL OF EXPECTANCY

“If you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the land” Isaiah 1v19


Qualities Of A Leader

CONTACT INFORMATION For more information, contact the author: Elijah Miti Email :




+27 78 131 9580



+27 86 537 3639

Live Your Dream Today! “No Matter How Far We Shall Reach”


Qualities Of A Leader



Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader

SPECIAL LIMITED TIME LAUNCH OFFER! Massive Discount on first 10,000 orders.


Qualities Of A Leader



Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader

Books Published by Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises and Launched by KLYN Consulting. LIVE YOUR DREAM BOOKS


Qualities Of A Leader

1. Qualities Of A Leader by Elijah Miti.

2. The Secret dream To Your Neighbours Success by Elijah Miti.


Qualities Of A Leader

3. You Have 24 hours Or Else by Elijah Miti.

4. Enlarge Your Vision by Elijah Miti.


Qualities Of A Leader

5.The Absurdist Tales by Dan Akinlolu.

6. Color Your Life by Isaac Malenga.


Qualities Of A Leader

7. Basic Guidelines To Environmental Reporting By Mwenya Mukuka.

8. Birdland Where No Birds Sing by S X Q Simabale.


Qualities Of A Leader

9. The Resilience Of The Political Systems Of The Less Complex Societies Of Zambia by S X Q Simabale 10. Escaping Environment From Human Habitat by Wilmot Benkele. 11. Fighting HIV/AIDS With Abstinence Armour In Poetic Pictures by Wilmot Benkele.

12. From a Frying Pan To The Fire by Toyi Mthembu


Qualities Of A Leader

13. Nectar For Your Soul by Toyi Mthembu

14. Ignite Your Inner Soul by Toyi Mtembu


Qualities Of A Leader

15. Relationship You Have With You Inner Self by Toyi Mthembu

16. World Missions An African Perspective by Dr.Sammy Musepa


Qualities Of A Leader

17. EMCE Live Your Dream Magazine


Qualities Of A Leader

19. Career Guidance In Automotive By Isaac Malenga


Qualities Of A Leader

About the Author

Mobile: +27761285439 Email: pttlyda@gmail.com Web: www.elijahmiti.co.za Web: http://.elijahmiti.westarts.com Ministry Website: http://svmi.webstarts.com NGO: http://sidpa.webstarts.com

Elijah Miti was born in 1974. He began preaching after completing school in 1992 and did Banking, Financial Management, Property Management, Pastoral in Pretoria, South Africa and Theology from a USA Bible College in 2009. He holds two Doctorate Degrees, one in Theology and Another one in Finance and Business Administration. He is an Accredited Motivational Speaker, six times Network Marketing Award winner, Eagles Award Winner for Motivational Speaking and founder of Sothern Internally Displaced Persons Answer (SIDPA). He is now a fulltime Missionary Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Book Publisher and travels around the world. Preaching the Gospel and publishing books.


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader

BRIEF PROFILE OF ELIJAH MITI Elijah Miti is a founder and president of Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises (EMCE). Elijah Miti consultancy does work for both business and academic institutions and its scope extends from Africa, Europe, and Assia to North and South America. He has spoken and taught at leadership training and Book Writing programs In South Africa, Zambia and has mentees in his Mentorship program on Book Writing. Elijah Miti is an ordained Minister of Religion and currently he is full time Missionary, Author and Book publisher who has published over 230 Book for African Authors and written over 15 books. He has served as keynote speaker and done proposals at government departments, Colleges , Universities , Schools and Religious events around the world including: o Various Churches in South Africa and Zambia o The Department of High Education in South Africa Elijah Miti is also a sought after key note speaker at many International conferences around the world. Examples of African schools and colleges that he has worked with include: o Robert Hicks High School In South Africa


Qualities Of A Leader

o Munali High School In Zambia o Kabulonga Girls High in Zambia o Lusaka High School in Zambia o The Gert Sibanda College In South Africa o University Of Zambia


Qualities Of A Leader

MEDIA APPEARANCES Elijah Miti has appeared on many TV and Radio shows both internationally and regionally. Some of the show include:

June 2008, SABC Africa International News As a Singer and Song Writer. December 2009, Muvi Tv in Zambia As a Book Author. December 2009, Mobi TV as Book Publisher. December 2009,ZNBC Nyanja Program as Book Publisher. December 2009, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum Program with Donald Kawangu. December 2009, UNZA Radion as Book Author.


Qualities Of A Leader

December 2009, Yatsani Radion As Book Author with Mwenya Mukuka. December 2009, Christian Voice Radio with Lombe Machilika. June 2010 ZNBC Radio 2 Zambia Today Program with Aaron Kamanga. June 2010 , ZNBC TV Kwacha Good Morning Zambia show with Franklin. July 2010, Mobi TV as A Singer and Author. July 2010, Unza Radio Lusaka Star Program. November 2010 , NEW York – Radio as Author and Publisher. December 2010, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum Program with Donald Kawangu. January 2011, ZNBC Radio 2 Zambia Today Program with Aaron Kamanga. January 2011, ZNBC TV Kwacha Good Morning Zambia show with Franklin. January 2011, ZNBC Radio 2 Book Spectrum Program with Donald Kawangu


Email: elijah_miti@yahoo.com


Qualities Of A Leader

Notes: ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………..


Qualities Of A Leader


Qualities Of A Leader

Notes: ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………

“No Matter How Far We Shall Reach”


Qualities Of A Leader

Publisher, Editor, Book Cover Design & Layout Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Book Fun Club Email: emcemagazine@gmail.com Mobile: +27785666535 or +260976672648 www.elijahmiti.co.za www.elijahmiti.webstarts.com


Qualities Of A Leader


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