9 minute read
tortured, beheaded and killed in large numbers,” said Poblete. “That’s where they have American citizens right now—locked up in a system where they’re not safe.”
Poblete mentioned the brothers being African American as a large factor in their arrest and imprisonment in Ecuador.
“They’ve been accused of a horrible crime that they did not commit, they happen to be Black and more importantly, they are American people who happen to be successful people,” said Poblete. “They went down there, succeeded and did something good. People see that and get envious and choose to take advantage of that.”
In November of last year, Ronell came down with what the prison thought was a severe stomach bug. He eventually collapsed, fainted, and was rushed to the hospital where he received a diagnosis of colon cancer. According to Poblete, Ronell’s cancer has progressed to Stage 4 and needs better treatment immediately.
“The doctors in Ecuador keep telling him ‘You need to go to America to get treatment, ’ and ironically, to their home state of Maryland to go to the cancer centers that are some of the best in the world,” said Poblete.
Robert Stephenson, the father of the brothers, said Ronell’s cancer rapidly progressed because he caught COVID and tuberculosis, causing chemotherapy treatment to be interrupted. He believes Ecuador should pay for all treatment costs.
“So far they have not stepped up to do it, so in order to save my son’s life we are doing it now,” said Stephenson.
In an attempt to reach the Hostage Affairs Office about its attention to the case, a State Department spokesperson replied via email, “We are aware that U.S. citizens Ronell and Roja Stephenson are incarcerated in Ecuador on charges of murder. We take seriously our responsibility to assist U.S. citizens abroad, and are providing all appropriate consular services.”
The spokesperson claimed the brothers have received welfare checks since their 2017 arrest and that the office follows up with the brothers’ requests from authorities in Ecuador and will monitor the case appeal and provide “all necessary consular services.”
Robert Stephenson, however, is not satisfied with this response. He claimed there was no regard to Ronell’s health when he was diagnosed with cancer in November, because the office was not even aware that he was admitted to a hospital for treatment.
“A day later I called them and they told me Ronell never went to the hospital and there is no proof he is in any hospital in the town,” said Stephenson, who mentioned that Hostage Affairs continued to make these claims for a day or two. “That’s how useful they were.”
GLA and local advocates in the U.S. have attempted to reach other government officials about the Stephenson brothers’ case. In addition to Hostage Affairs, Poblete has reached several agencies and politicians from the Ecuadorian embassy in D.C. to Maryland Senator Ben Cardin for some form of support. As of now, little has been accomplished to assist the brothers from a government standpoint.
“In these cases it’s not easy to get any government to move on something like this,” said Poblete. “The Hostage Affairs office has been cooperative but they’re not acting with the haste that we need to solve this problem.”
Poblete said the Ecuadorian ambassador, Ivonne A-Baki, has offered to assist but believes she is limited to what she can do unless the U.S. and Ecuador convene to discuss the matter.
Imam Alfred Mohammed is the councilman for the 4th ward in Linden, N.J. and a human rights advocate based in Harlem, who learned about the case from an interview he saw with the Stephenson brothers. Mohammed has called on the office of local Congressman Gregory Meeks, who according to Mohammed, has given consideration to the case. Mohammed believes it is important to bring attention because the brothers are Black Americans abroad.
“I’m very interested in the rights and responsibilities of Africans in the diaspora, and particularly Latin America where our people are treated differently,” said Mohammed. “It’s all xenophobic and about white supremacy, given with sexuality or fear of the Black male.”
The Bishop Rene Valero Senior Residence 35 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS AT 23-11 31st Road, Queens, NY, 11106 ASTORIA
Amenities: card operated laundry* , on-site senior center, on-site social services. (*additional fees apply) Transit: Trains: L, N, W Buses: Q69 No fee to apply • No broker’s fee • Smoke-free building • More information: https://housingconnect.nyc.gov
The construction of this building is being financed through the Senior Affordable Rental Apartments program (SARA) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Who Should Apply?
Individuals or households that have at least one household member who is 62 years of age or older and who meet the income and household size requirements listed below. Eligible tenants will pay 30% of their income and applicants will need to qualify for section 8. Qualified applicants will be required to meet additional selection criteria. Applicants who live in New York City receive a general preference for apartments. • A percentage of units is set aside for: o Mobility–disabled applicants (5%) o Vision/Hearing–disabled applicants (2%)
Unit Size
1 bedroom
30% of the household income
Units Available Household
Annual Household
Minimum – Maximum4
1 → 1 person $0 - $33,440
30% of the household income 4 → 1 person $0 - $33,440
2 people $0 - $38,200
30% of the household income
Units Available Household
Annual Household
Minimum – Maximum4
3 → 1 person $0 - $41,800
30% of the household income 27 → 1 person $0 - $41,800
2 people $0 - $47,750
1 Tenants responsible for electric and electric stove. 2 Household size includes everyone who will live with you, including parents and children. Subject to occupancy criteria. NYCHA will consider two person households for studio apartments upon request. 3 Household earnings includes salary, hourly wages, tips, Social Security, child support, and other income. Income guidelines subject to change. 4 Minimum income listed may not apply to applicants with Section 8 or other qualifying rental subsidies. Asset limits also apply.
How Do You Apply?
Apply online or through mail. To apply online, please go to https://housingconnect.nyc.gov To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed envelope to: POP Management-Bishop Valero Senior Residence 191 Joralemon Street 8th Floor, Brooklyn, NY, 11201. Only send one application per development. Do not submit duplicate applications. Do not apply online and also send in a paper application. Applicants who submit more than one application may be disqualified.
When is the Deadline?
Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than June 15th, 2022. Late applications will not be considered.
What Happens After You Submit an Application?
After the deadline, applications are selected for review through a lottery process. If yours is selected and you appear to qualify, you will be invited to an appointment of eligibility to continue the process of determining your eligibility. Appointments are usually scheduled from 2 to 10 months after the application deadline. You will be asked to bring documents that verify your household size, identity of members of your household, and your household income.
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ریرحت ںیم یزیرگنا " " ظفل رپ تشپ یک ےفافل ۔ںیجیھب رپURDU POP Management-Bishop Valero Senior Residence 191 Joralemon Street 8th Floor, Bro :ہفافلoklyn, NY, 11201 ۔ےہ مزلا اناج ایارک ہن عمج نئلا نآ ےس ریخات ہدایز ےس15 2022 نوج ای انوہ ہدرک کرام ٹسوپ ےیل ےک ںوتساوخرد ۔ںیرک