New York Amsterdam News June 2, 2022 Gov's Gun Battle

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20 • June 2, 2022 - June 8, 2022



By GODDESS KYA June 2, 2022 — June 8, 2022 Rebirth of a New Nation: This cycle week is a spinoff of what occurred this last week of May. What has transpired in your life that has you now going in a different direction? What’s the conversational theme that’s being

talked about in your environment? This is a course for change, discarding things, people, and places that you’ve outgrown. It’s time to upgrade your credentials and requirements, the systems, and foundations as the world and Mother Earth’s frequency is vastly changing. Mother Earth is reintroducing her presence. Can you feel it? As Mercury is preparing for its direct motion on June 3, at 26 degrees in Taurus, and sextile Neptune, and trine in Pluto, certain topics and circumstances can reappear. Reconsideration is taking an effect based upon the experiences, actions, and evidence brought to your attention. Mercury plays mental gymnastics, double-dutch, hopscotch, or hangman for you to figure out. Once you know you’re not immune to the forces ofVinateria nature projected upon you, you become the projector. “We look inside first, decide what kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside making it the truth as we see it.” Author unknown

This weekly cycle is a second dose to maximize and utilize information in an impactful way. The end of May was a trial to preCapricorn pare you. You got the message and lessons all at once. What’s the blueprint and supporting paperwork to push the envelope a bit Dec 22 Jan 21 further? New adventures, promotions, and partnerships are on their way. This year the spiritual realm is contacting and guiding you, showering you with protection with what you need and need to know. June 6-7’s prolific alignment is in the universe.

Your vision and dreams are manifesting with a sudden revelation. Mentally, you’re sharp and your ideas and thoughts are piecing together for a final review. Stay ready and stay sharp Aquarius while being clear, concise, and straight to the point. No need Jan 22 to hold anyone up. Integrity, without manipulation goes a long Feb 19 way. June 8-9 will match your words with your actions if you want to receive the reciprocity.

Cancer June 22 July 23

 Leo July 24 Aug 23

It’s a lucrative week in your endeavors and an incentive of compensation has arrived to reward you. You got it going on this week that’s full of divine surprises, compliments of the universe showering you here and there. Be a blessing in someone’s life. June 1-2, the universe reciprocates you in some form or fashion when you assist another. Count your blessings. Your gift is a given. How you apply it to your benefit is not. That part of discovery comes from life’s experiences and what you possess from within to be a beacon of light. Every single being on Mother Earth has a role in this world. This week’s cycle has a connection with a higher purpose within your journey. June 3-5, tap within to access the keys to the knowledge you seek.

Knowledge is power when you put it to good use to fuel your mind, body, spirit, and soul like the fruits and vegetation of Finance, romance, partnerships, publishing, promoting, and the Earth. The seeds you planted are in the development stage, Virgo premiering are highlighting this cycle spreading the word about slowly bearing fruit. Record your growth and process by the Aug 24 upcoming projects. Allow your spirit to guide you where you use of a recorder, or camera, as you put your foundation toSept 23 Pisces need to be, and you’ll attract the people, deals, clients, and opgether. Prioritizing your schedule to address matters of the Feb 20 Mar 20 portunities to you. Faith is strongly required to ride this faith home, heart, and work affairs are key. June 6-7 you’re either train. As the train passes, you’ll be in a better position to catch offline, or online taking a break to regain your focus and then jumping back the blessing as it comes past. Game, recognize game. June 1-2 indicate a on the train. heartfelt message coming through. When one asks a question and you reply in a way that’s uplifting, radiant, and inspirational, reaching the hearts of At times things said or done to you do not need a rebuttal. others, who hears it? First, examine yourself, as it’s a reflection of what you put out into the universe. Don’t sound the alarm so fast. Folks Libra Take your time during this week’s cycle. Don’t allow others to who want to be in confrontation mode will either make you Sept 24 lay their agenda on you as to what you should or should not do. or break you. That all depends on the level of your vibrationOct 23 You already know based on past experiences. Spark up a converal frequency, be it at its lowest or highest point. Burn off that Aries sation with those wise elders who can give you guidance to the energy towards your projects or handle your business for the Mar 21 Apr 21 answers you seek. Re-examine the information of what’s in front purpose of a successful outcome. You’re in the limelight. June 8-9, preparaof you. You’ll soon know whether you’re holding yourself back, tion is key to your manifestation. or whether what you’re doing for others is holding you back. Do what’s in your best interest. June 3-5 may recall a scene you haven’t forgotten about and This week’s cycle may be a little rugged yet durable with the how it made you feel, or the conversations that spark something within you. right winning attitude and looking out for yourself for changes that are outstanding. The situation is what it is, and the divine Scorpio Your intuition is strong this week. Open the dialogue of comCreator takes care of the rest. Your faith is at its all-time high Oct 24 munication with your higher self and allow the spiritual guides to receive that magical outcome that’s been long delayed. Your Nov 22 to speak to you or deliver a message through you. Do not overplan is solid and sticks you to it, your energy is luminous like Taurus work, overpack, or overdue anything—simply improvise. You’re a pregnant woman’s glow. June 1-2, faith and destiny are in a Apr 22 May 21 in the spotlight this week and everywhere you go people seem to position to play the cards dealt to you this cycle. know of you. It’s a grandiose time to promote, sell, share a story, or assist someone by uplifting their spirits. June 6-7 follow your own protocol. Emotionally, practically, mentally, and spiritually, you’re in tune with the abrupt and global changes. You’re using your When your heart and mind are made up it’s time to act. discernment based upon your experiences, and the informaAllow your emotions to be the vessel of change that steers Sagitarius tion with science to back it up, exploring all details and more. you on the right path. That burning desire for things you’ve Your assets are bringing the proficiency of wisdom and knowlNov 23 Gemini Dec 21 been wanting to do now, says it’s your time to see what you’re edge to the table to be shared with your community for their May 22 made of. Put your creativity into drive and get it done. Lose own benefit and comprehension. This week, your senses are June 21 yourself creatively to create a magnificent piece of art. June impeccable with a bit of déjà vu, and your dreams are prolific. June 3-5, your 8-9 your hidden or latent talents are discovered and even you feelings are powerfully felt with the intensity of information channeling in may be shocked at the results. and through you of the forthcoming news.


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