24 • June 23, 2022 - June 29, 2022
By GODDESS KYA June 23, 2022 — June 29, 2022 Rebirth of a New Nation: Nothing works unless you give it the energy to work. Making the connection, be it by conversation, networking, singing, dancing, writing, coloring, exercising, or meditating, all works when
you do. Your body is the medium between the spiritual and physical realms aligning together. When one area is out of focus or function within your body, the others follow suit to rebuild or possibly destroy, depending upon the vibration or frequency you give it, and the food you’ve allowed yourself to consume. Instantaneous changes are occurring by the hour, minute, seconds, days, weeks, months, and years. This is a rebirthing of the soul to carry out a mission from your written DNA instructions. “I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty got Royalty inside my DNA, got war and peace inside my DNA, I got power, poison, pain, and joy inside my DNA, I got Vinateria hustle though, ambition, and flow inside my DNA.”––Kendrick Lamar
Another day, another assignment to complete the work. A reshuffling This week, follow up on clues, hunches, and the information that’s in the departments of love, romance, finances, careers, inheritance, being broadcast at eye level. Swift changes may be occurring within the blink of an eye. Think about investing in your dreams and gather Capricorn and hidden things come to light. The power of practice, about putCancer ting your foot down and rolling up your sleeves to complete the tasks all the resources needed to start your journey. Some form of recogDec 22 June 22 Jan 21 July 23 at hand is essential. This week may find unique and mysterious events nition, rewards, travel, publishing, or maybe signing up for a memoccurring. June 23-24, there’s no need to ask questions. You’ll receive bership is in the forecast. Avoid anyone being confrontational and the message and lesson at the same time. encourage others along the way. June 28-29, it appears new beginnings are ahead.
This week is different from the last one. Now that you see what Grand opportunities are coming your way, as well as doing you can do, it’s time to maximize your results. A curveball is coming things on a grand scale. Leo, you like to think big, go hard all your way, so be prepared to hit the ball out of the park. Any awkthe way while winning and keep a positive yet a humble attitude. Aquarius wardness that comes your way is the information you need to know Leo You’ve worked hard and diligently this month so stay on task as Jan 22 July 24 to free yourself from your old ways. It’s time to move forward, or you the pressure was applied. You manage to pass with flying colors Feb 19 Aug 23 will find yourself on the same merry-go-round due to the fact you and garner an award for staying the course. You gain more when haven’t learned your lesson. From June 25- 27 the question becomes, what are you you apply yourself and allow your creativity to guide you. Take the choosing to attract in your life? lead working as a team leader who empowers and uplifts others. On June 30 it’s all about you and seeing the God in you. You’re likely to attract exactly what you ask for by the power of your emotions this week. You’re the creator and director of your soul creatMentally, you’re a quick wit on your feet. You know how to solve ing your own lane. In this cycle, you’re in the driver’s seat and can make problems and handle stressful situations accordingly. In this cycle, Pisces anything you wish to happen become a reality in your life. You got a round table discussions, conversations, and family gatherings are Feb 20 Mar 20 Virgo chance to take the lead. You can show them rather than tell them. Be being highlighted. You’ll hear people with similar stories flowing Aug 24 impactful with your words and actions, as friends and colleagues, and in the ethers this week, and until the end of the month. Something Sept 23 assisting others in the community is in your weekly forecast. June 28-29, make deciunique is occurring within the stars and within humanity. Listen sions that are only in your best interest. more than you speak. Your questions will be answered. June 23-25 the awkwardness for you is actually a confirmation. What may seem to be a contradiction is information coming to you at a fast pace, and it’s up to you to speak your truth or relate You may be put to a test of which way to turn. Think in terms a message. Don’t second guess which only leads you too couldn’t, of the Jack-in-the-Box. Before it reaches the top and finds its way Aries wouldn’t, or shouldn’t situations. Be true to yourself at any given out, it experiences all four concerns. The same four concerns Mar 21 Apr 21 Libra moment. It’s time for a change that only you can feel, sense, or taste. that have gotten you where you need to be, yet a lesson to finalSept 24 So mentally and spiritually, get yourself ready and prepared to act. ly go your own way. What good is it when you follow someone Oct 23 Change starts within you. Once you realize it, your circumstances and environelse’s rules and wait for orders to be given to you and schedules ment need to change. June 30 is the beginning to make the kind of decisions to to follow? Follow your own rules and laws. June 25- 27, new terms better yourself. Give up your old ways, now. and conditions come with upgrades.
Your approach is everything this week, especially the way you forDramatic, drastic, and quick decisions are likely to be on the menu mulate your words. Your words can inspire, stimulate, and influence this week. It’s about an ending, and or beginning, of something new to sharpen the minds, and touch the hearts of many people who show on the horizon. You’re ready to take a leap of faith to pursue a goal or Scorpio up to listen. You have that spark within you as some may feel electrodream. Having a heart-to-heart conversation can help relieve some Apr 22 Oct 24 May 21 magnetic vibes emanating from you. A simple touch or hug can heal, tension you have from past experiences. Take time out for a full body Nov 22 soothe, relax, and comfort someone. This week your supernatural massage. Your will, passions, and beliefs are heightened. Give it your powers are shifting gears sending out signals as they reconstruct themselves into exbest shot and see what outcome you’re likely to receive. The beneistence. June 23-24, an unanticipated phenomenon may occur, it’s nothing that will fit of one-on-one talk is that you and your soul are having a conversation to make a alarm you. Be thankful for the experience. move or solve an issue at hand. During June 28-29, allow nothing to stop you.
You are built with everything you need to create your own life and Plan time for family, romance, vacation, and work, and squeeze in destiny. This month’s experiences have been your teacher, with hidden time for self-care. You have credence in your ability to perform any lessons in disguise to see how good you want it. Positive thinking attask at hand this week. You know how to make a phone call to get the Gemini tracts positive solutions and results. When the tough get going, it can job done. Adjust your speech to your environment and you speak May 22 Sagitarius get tougher before the edges smooth out to have smooth corners. The other languages if necessary. You understand what it means to be diJune 21 Nov 23 Dec 21 process shapes you to see the beauty in the art of the work you do. No verse and well seasoned within your affairs. Investing in your spirneed to complain. It doesn’t resolve anything. June 25-27, the final product is ready, itual wealth is beneficial to your body, mind, and soul. On June 30, and decisions are being made to prepare you for the next phase of the process. financial and spiritual rewards are delivered to your mailbox.