New York Amsterdam News Issue #27 July 7-13, 2022

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20 • July 7, 2022 - July 13, 2022



By GODDESS KYA July 7, 2022 — July 13, 2022 Rebirth of a New Nation: Globally, look for changes in finance, home, the workforce, social economics, social studies, schools, and education. Investments, the stock market, promotion, and classified information flowing through the ether are in question, with abrupt changes and departures. With the uprise within the divine femininity, protection is very needed; a warrior, a soldier who’s not afraid to rise to the occasion for peace, justice, equality, and freedom. When we as a people act in unison coming from the side of truth, nothing can stop us. The divine force is upon you. A layer of protection is Vinateria around you. The USA does not play fair, only following its rules when those in control reap the benefit. You are going to learn a lesson with a number 4 energy. The birth of the USA is July 4, 1776, which in numerology equates to a number 4 energy. Besides the good, bad, and indifferent characteristics the number 4 energy carries, it only has so many moves before one catches on. It is like a Jack-in-the-box. “Leadership is not a position or a title. It is an action and example.” Unknown author

 Capricorn

Your ambition mixed with your creativity draws out your passion. Pour What’s the plan as you embark on a new journey? A renewal of it into your projects. July is an important month to complete tasks, projyour finances, resources, inheritance, or taxes, as you take a sigCancer ects, organizing, and planning so that you are prepared to take action nificant risk in life. You are changing the narrative regarding your Dec 22 June 22 next month. Radio, TV, and social media platforms are highlighted, along personal relationships with your children, family, or commitment Jan 21 July 23 with self-expression and sharing a message straight from divine source. such as marriage and one to yourself. What you invest in is sigThe spotlight is on you, Cappy, with offers, deals, and traveling on the nificant during this time, setting you in a new financial direction. table. Be mindful of business deals and new romantic relationships, because some feel Follow up on any doctor’s appointments. July 8 through July 9 with any joint venlike a soul connection. Listen to your instincts. Take the lead in your affairs as some ture, make sure the paperwork is complete as investments can bring luck and things can end as fast as they start. prosperity in the long term. The focus is on business, family, financial and prior obligations, Messages, information, conversations, and gossip are quite the and establishing a blueprint. Mentally you are sharp in business buzz. Progress is being made within your business. As for legal matters and decisions. You are in a harvest cycle where an unexmatters such as contracts and partnerships the moving is fast Aquarius pected turn of events, separations, and a rebirthing of the soul paced. Keep a record and take note of important bullet points for Leo Jan 22 July 24 mission within your D.N.A. will occur. Any scandals, underhandreview. Traveling where the beach, sand, mountain, and birds are Feb 19 Aug 23 ed, funny things can come about; also you’re improving within chipping is refreshing. July 10 through July 11, you are in alignyour character. Old and new money is in the forecast. On July 7, score a 3-pointment in a spiritual perspective entering other dimensions to er from the court while the clock is still ticking. apply information in the physical realm. A spiritual initiation can occur. Be it in your dreams or in the physical realm. Deep spiritual revelations baffle you. You’ve been warned in your dreams and through conversations. Specialize, and invest in your The director of the Goddess/God behind the scenes is making it dreams. And the passion drives you to follow up with a plan to act. happen and changing lives. It’s time to plan to head to go in a new diPisces Your emotions and intuition are on point. When something doesn’t rection. Create the formula, then apply yourself until you see results. Feb 20 Virgo Mar 20 feel right, take another route. Don’t be ashamed to call a spade a Learn from all experiences, including mistakes. The odd, unexpected Aug 24 spade or a joker a joker. July 8 through July 9, take your advice and curveball that life throws at you, is just a test of your faith and due dilSept 23 take the journey into the exciting adventure that is the unknown. Plan a trip. igence. July 12 through July 13, ignite the creativity of burning desire from inside to be released in the form of a book, service, or product. Unusual unforeseen events regarding relationships, home, family, separations, and transformation are all occurring at once. New changes are swiftly setting you in a new direction, one you Hold your composure, with the understanding that there is a plan create. You will be in a lane all your own, where you won’t have to Aries for which you do not have all the details. Your profession is exbe controlling or bossy to get the things you need. God’s messenMar 21 Apr 21 Libra panding, and rapid changes in obligation are at a culmination or ger is sending you a message. And you need to hit the ground with Sept 24 renewal. Areas of service and work are heightened as no matter a plan of action. Be original in your work, as this is just the beginOct 23 what occurs, attend to duty and responsibility. July 10 through July 11, a dening of a new phase. On July 7, pull up your bra straps and fellas, cision you need to make will be on the table or a roundtable discussion with tie your bootstraps, and gear up. everyone present. A sudden turn of events prompts instantaneous action. Take Social media and word of mouth have your name everywhere. heed of what you hear, see, sense, and feel. Brisk departures, sepPeople are tuning in for wisdom given by you. It would be a great aration, misdiagnosis, financial windfall/losses, and prior obliScorpio time to offer a course, as you are in the spotlight. Use your repugation is in the forecast. A great cycle to reorganize your home or Taurus Oct 24 tation and character to make a name for yourself. What you want relocate. Sever the ties for the better of your future. On July 8-9, Apr 22 Nov 22 May 21 is within reach through networking. Business affairs are booming. set yourself free, go in a new direction, and know that you have Make the right decisions, ones that tend to be in your best interfree will. Contracts and documents are what bond us to certain est. July 12 through July 13 set the tone and foundation as you mean business, things in life. Work around them. nothing personal. Globally, laws are being changed and implemented, and as the Continue to develop your plan to strike when the iron is hot. laws of your state are changing, you will be entering a cycle that Review all documents and details before signing any contract or causes you to want to research those new laws and take a course making any deals. Do the paperwork first. Your intuition is potent. Sagitarius regarding the law, publication, and world-traveling excursions, or Gemini When things seem off; question or cancel your subscription. Travel, become a spiritual guru. You are a scholar whose knowledge can Nov 23 May 22 Dec 21 publishing, editing, or creating a movie etc. is in your forecast. July be a help to the world. With good intentions, you can succeed. July June 21 7, listen more than you talk and do not point the finger blaming 10 through July 11, direct messages with instructions are given to others. Look at yourself first and the handling of your affairs. you as you can sense what’s forthcoming.


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